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Chapter 635 Huan Hua Invincible

The Holy Lord stood up slowly, his eyes fell on the tall figure, and said solemnly: The Taoism in the world all comes from the green rock. This is a big mistake. The Taoism in the world all originates from nature. Just visualize the nature of the heaven and the earth. Obtain supernatural powers. For example, in the Dragon Court era and the Demon Court era, there were no Cuiyan Taoisms, but there were still people with great supernatural powers.

He looked at Lu Yiren. This giant was wearing human clothes, but they were extremely ancient and not the way people dress today.

Lu Yiren is about the height of three or five people, with a strong body, but a gentle manner. His appearance is no different from ordinary people, but it just gives people an inhuman feeling.

Is there such a master in the human world?

The Holy Lord was awestruck. He couldn't see the strength of this Lu Yiren's cultivation!

You know, being in the Supreme Realm, he can see through the strengths and weaknesses of other Supreme Beings, and even find out the other person's path to practice without even taking action.

But when he looked at Lu Yiren, it was as if he could not see clearly through a veil.

Lu Yiren said with a smile: The Dragon Court era seemed extremely powerful, but when it encountered the green rock, it was wiped out. The Demon Court era inherited the afterglow of the Dragon Court, but it was just a flash in the pan. When Emperor Haotian learned the fur on the green rock, the Demon Court era will be overthrown.”

He smiled slightly and said: As for what you call the ancient era, it was based on Emperor Haotian's understanding of Cuiyan and gradually developed and expanded. But it is a pity that in this era, even Dao Weeping cannot resist it. In Dao Weeping, His vitality is severely damaged. As a being who can keep pace with the ancestors, does the Holy Lord not realize that the magical powers recorded on the green rock are more advanced?

The Holy Lord looked solemn and said: The Cuiyan Avenue is indeed higher, so I took the initiative to leave the immortal world and came here to search for the Cuiyan Avenue.

Lu Yiren said with a smile: I thought that the Holy Lord, as the actual ruler of the Earthly Immortal Realm, would stand still and shout and kill on the Cuiyan Avenue. I didn't expect the Holy Lord to be so enlightened. The Holy Lord is a big shot, why should he live in this barren mountain? It’s better to go to a humble house and take a rest for a few days.”

The Holy Lord wanted to see where he was coming. He was not afraid at all and said with a smile: Please!

Lu Yiren led him towards the depths of the human world. The two of them had great supernatural powers. It seemed they were not fast, but in fact they were amazingly fast. They quickly crossed half of the human world.

Seeing that his leg strength was not inferior to his own, the Holy Lord thought to himself: Even if I recover from my injuries, I will only be slightly better than him.

There is actually a paradise in this dark world, with beautiful mountains and clear waters. It is not vast, only three thousand miles in radius, and there are some human races and monster races living there.

Lu Yiren led the Holy Lord into a country where monsters and monsters lived together. He was familiar with the road and took the Holy Lord back to an ancient fairy temple.

This Immortal Palace is taller and more majestic than the normal Immortal Palace, and is full of branch-like textures, which is extremely weird.

The Holy Lord was shocked and doubtful. After he came to the human world, he took Xu Ying's letter to Shiquan Dao Sect and met Xu Ying's two disciples, Jing Ming Laojun and Ming Wangsun.

When the two saw Xu Ying's letter, they knew that the Holy Lord was not easy to offend, so they were polite to him and allowed the Holy Lord to understand Cuiyan. Although the Holy Lord didn't realize it for a long time, he was discovered by the Ancestral God, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides. However, the Holy Lord was incredibly talented after all, and he still understood many truths from the texture on the green rock.

But the principles on Cuiyan are everywhere here!

Who is this Lu Yiren?

He thought to himself, His accomplishments on Cuiyan Avenue are probably far beyond what he promised!

Lu Yiren walked in front, as if he knew that he was secretly guessing about his origin, and said with a smile: I grew up in the human world, studied the Cuiyan, and learned the Cuiyan Avenue without a teacher, so I continued to practice, and in this area The world has finally achieved something. Under my protection, the people here have been able to survive and thrive. Six million years ago, I had already cultivated to the eighth realm. Although I sensed that there was still a road ahead, it was still difficult. One step forward.”

The Holy Lord's heart skipped a beat. He had already reached the level of the Great Luo Wonderland six million years ago. How could this person, who had cultivated the Cuiyan Avenue, be able to reach this level?

However, this person sensed that there was still a ninth realm, and his talent was amazing. Because the Holy Lord also sensed the ninth realm, but could not break through.

I knew in my heart that the things recorded on this piece of green rock were limited, so I was very quiet and thought about it, and left the human world.

Lu Yiren came to a mural and admired it quietly. Several monsters were carefully wiping the mural and cleaning up the dust.

I crossed the long river of immortal spiritual light, crossed the sky and the sea, and came to the Fairy Garden of the Demon Clan at that time. The Cuiyan of the Earthly Immortal Realm was in the Fairy Clan of the Demon Clan. This stone contained the secret of deciphering the Cuiyan of the human world, and also There are various mysteries of the avenue.”

Lu Yiren said, At that time, there was a young man from the human race who meditated on Cuiyan with me, named Hao Yi. He observed how I practiced, and he actually learned it without a teacher, and he also understood something from Cuiyan. When I came back again By the time he arrived in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he had already transformed from Hao Yi to Emperor Haotian.

The Holy Lord was shocked. Emperor Haotian's enlightenment was actually related to this person?

He looked at the mural. What was depicted in the mural was Lu Yiren's insight into the green rocks of the immortal world. Next to Lu Yiren was a human boy, who should be Emperor Haotian!

Lu Yiren said: I am not showing off my antiquity to you, but I want to tell you that the Dongyuan Dharma you practice now and the Dongyuan Dao you master all came from Cuiyan. The Tao you originally practiced Dharma, in front of the Cuiyan Avenue, there is no stopping power.

The Holy Lord nodded and said: Brother Taoist is right. Cuiyan Avenue is indeed more subtle. I am also aware of this, so I came to the human world to study.

Lu Yiren said in surprise: Is the Holy Lord so selfish? You study Cuiyan Dao by yourself, don't you want to spread it to the world, so that everyone in the world can understand Cuiyan Dao? Could it be that you are the same as Emperor Haotian? Single husband?

The Holy Lord shook his head and said: Let everyone in the world learn Cuiyan Avenue? Cuiyan Avenue is extremely dangerous and will destroy the Heaven and Earth Avenue. Therefore, Cuiyan can only be in the hands of a few people and cannot be spread to outsiders!

Lu Yiren showed a look of disappointment and said: It turns out that you are also a single man, and your high-sounding words are just for your own dominance. Holy Lord, your true ambition is to let the monks in the world abandon the Taoist runes, turn to Taoism, and study Wu Cuiyan Avenue! The only way to achieve complete transformation of the Three Realms!

Complete transformation? The Holy Lord's face darkened.

Yes, completely transformed!

Lu Yiren's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said, Only through complete transformation can the Cuiyan Avenue be carried forward! This Cuiyan comes from the other side, not to destroy all living beings, but to save all living beings. Only with complete transformation can the Three Realms be able to escape. Be ignorant and become richer!”

The Holy Lord snorted and said calmly: What kind of lofty remarks did Mr. Dao have? It turned out to be just such vulgar words. Our immortal world has its own inheritance. The immortal runes of the new dynasty are inherited from the Tao patterns of the ancient era. The Tao patterns The dragon pattern inherited from the Dragon Court. Since the Dragon Court, it has been passed down from generation to generation, and the civilization has never been extinguished. If it is completely transformed, the civilization will be cut off! From then on, who will still recognize the ancestors?

Lu Yiren laughed and said: The Dragon Court you admire has been reduced to ashes under the Cuiyan Avenue. What's the point of this kind of civilization? Don't be stubborn, Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord's eyes were cold and he said: We are weak, so let's learn the Cuiyan Dao. If we learn it, we will be stronger. Comprehensive humanization has changed all species, and the inheritance of our ancestors has been lost. So what will happen to the people who live in the Three Realms? Is it us, or is it someone else wearing our skin? I don’t think that’s a good thing.”

He was staring at the second mural. The content on this mural made his heart tremble, and his eyes became colder and colder.

Lu Yiren sighed: I didn't expect the Holy Lord to be so stubborn. You were seriously injured at the hands of the Ancestral God. If you are so stubborn, I'm afraid you will be in danger.

The Holy Lord laughed heartily and said with a serious look on his face: Even the Ancestral God can't do anything to me. What danger will I face?

Lu Yiren smiled slightly and said: Holy Lord, don't you want to know what the real Cuiyan Avenue looks like?

The Holy Lord looked behind him, his face suddenly changed, and he saw six caves emerging behind Lu Yiren. Each cave contained different avenues, and they were extremely thick!

The avenues recorded on the green rock carvings, such as Taiyi, Taishang, Taicang, Shangqing, Taixu, etc., have all been summoned to the corresponding cave abyss, but there are still many avenues that no one has cultivated to high depths.

But now the Holy Lord knows that even if someone cultivates those avenues to great depths, they will not be able to summon the corresponding caves and abyss, because those caves and abyss have already been summoned by this Lu Yiren!

Does the Holy Lord want to know the gap between himself and the real Cuiyan Avenue? Lu Yiren asked with a smile.

Suddenly, an extremely dull and loud noise came from the Immortal Palace, shaking the Immortal Palace.

One sound, two sounds!

In the Immortal Palace, the Holy Lord connected Lu Yiren's two palms, and three supreme abyss appeared behind him. Blood bleeded from the corners of his mouth. Seeing Lu Yiren's third palm slap, he could no longer take it. Suddenly, the sky outside became bright, and vast divine power poured down!

I saw a young ancestral god ducking in from outside the Immortal Palace. Filling the Immortal Palace with powerful divine power, he met Lu Yiren's third palm, pulled the Holy Lord and turned around to leave!

Lu Yiren chased out of the Immortal Palace and fought three times with the Ancestral God in the air. He was shocked and fell to the ground. He couldn't help but groaned, his face suddenly changed, and he did not continue to pursue.

The Ancestral God took the Holy Lord and transformed into a white rainbow, piercing the sky and leaving. He flew for a long time, and suddenly the white rainbow shook, and the two men staggered and fell from the sky.

This place is extremely far away from Lu Yiren, and Lu Yiren cannot get here for a while.

The Holy Lord groaned and coughed up blood. There were branch-like textures flying everywhere in the blood. His face was pale and he said, Thank you, Brother Tao, for your help.

The young ancestor said: I didn't go to save you, but I sensed your aura and went to kill you.

The Holy Lord sat cross-legged, activated the three caves and abyss to heal his own injuries, and said: I know, I deliberately emitted my aura to lure you here. If you notice my aura, you will definitely arrive and save my life.

The young ancestor god glanced at him, became angry and wanted to kill him, but that Lu Yiren was really strong and difficult to deal with without joining hands with the Holy Lord.

The young ancestor god couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood.

He fought with Lu Yiren for four times and was seriously injured!

Who is that Lu Yiren? He asked in shock.

I suspect that he is a visitor from the other side.

The Holy Lord took a breath and said in a deep voice, Except for Xu Ying, I have never seen anyone who can practice Cuiyan Avenue to this extent! Even Xu Ying's attainments on Cuiyan Avenue are far inferior to him. There is another This person inspired Emperor Haotian, and because of his guidance, Emperor Haotian realized the enlightenment of Taiyi from the green rock, and that was how the human race’s Immortal Court came to be.”

The Ancestral God looked solemn. He was the Ancestral God and knew almost everything, but he knew nothing about this matter.

The Holy Lord hesitated for a moment and continued: I also saw another mural in his immortal palace. Brother Taoist, did you discover anything on the day when the green rock in the earthly immortal world flew away?

The Ancestral God shook his head and said: I don't know anything about the green rock flying away. I don't know when this green rock flew away.

The Holy Lord said: On the mural of Lu Yiren's Immortal Palace, it is painted that he sacrificed Cuiyan and let Cuiyan fly away from the immortal world! This piece of Cuiyan took away Dao Lord Xuhuang and Daojun Yuxu. , Yuqing Daozu, Taiqing Daozu and other great masters in the Wonderful Realm! Even the entire Buddhist sect’s relocation to the other side may have something to do with him!”

The Buddha migrated to the top of Mount Sumeru and headed for the other shore. This happened before Cuiyan flew away.

How did Buddha know the way to the other side?

Someone must have told me!

The Holy Lord's eyes were cold and he said: I suspect that there must be many secrets that we don't know about Cuiyan flying away. Also, not long after Cuiyan flew away, the major caves burst into tears. This matter Is it related to Lu Yiren? It’s also very doubtful!”

The Ancestral God looked solemn and murmured: In other words, this person manipulated the great accident 600,000 years ago, which led to the destruction of all living beings and the destruction of the ancient era. But, what is his plan?

He was puzzled.

The Holy Lord also couldn’t quite understand.

At this moment, the Ancestral God suddenly said: Ming Zun, Zai Hao, Luofu Dao Master and others are coming here. Holy Lord, they should be looking for you.

The Holy Lord's face changed slightly and he said: If they see that Brother Dao is also seriously injured, they will definitely be willing to help us and send us back to the west to avoid further pain.

The young Ancestor God's eyes flashed, he stretched out his hand, and said in a deep voice: Help me go!

The two most powerful beings supported each other, walked forward, and disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Not long after, the Immortal Emperor, Creation and others descended from the sky and landed at the place where the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord stayed. Taoist Master Luofu took a closer look and said with a surprised look on his face: One of these two pools of blood belongs to the Holy Lord. One belongs to the Ancestral God! Both old guys are seriously injured!

As soon as he said this, even the three supreme and six wonderful realms couldn't help but get excited.

Dan Xuanzi couldn't help but shake his body, and a body of incarnations walked out of the shadows behind him, each rising into the sky and flying away in all directions!

In the realm of Taixu, while Xu Ying was fascinated by reading, the White Bone Divine Dragon roared, swung an outrageously large sword, and struck Xu Ying on the head with a loud clang!

The broadsword was an ancient immortal weapon, forged by a being at the eighth level of the Tao Realm. When it hit Xu Ying's head, the broadsword immediately tore into pieces. This sword has been invaded by Daowei for too long, and its power is no longer as powerful as before.

Xu Ying flew into a rage and punched the dragon so hard that its head separated from its neck and flew high into the air.

The Bone Dragon had no head, and it looked like it was drunk, swaying and stumbling to find its own head.

The golden key hanging around its neck also fell down.

Yuan Weiyang picked up the key and saw that the golden key was as tall as half a person. It was shining with golden light. After so long, it was still as shiny as new. She wondered: What is this golden key used for?

At this moment, the golden ship of crossing the world rotated with the rotation of the golden key, drifting millions of miles in the realm of Taixu!

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