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Chapter 634: Huan turns into a stranger

Upon hearing this, Yuan Weiyang grabbed Uncle Xiao without thinking, threw him out of the golden boat, and shouted: Uncle Xiao, get out first, don't let anyone in!

She followed Xu Ying to practice the Cuiyan Avenue, and it was okay to cry in front of the Dao and she could protect herself. Except for the aura of incense, Xu Ying had no cultivation and no serious problems. However, Xiaobo had cultivated to the realm of earthly immortals and couldn't resist Dao Weeping at all!

Yuan Weiyang threw him out for the sake of his safety.

As soon as Uncle Xiao flew out of the golden ship, he saw many immortals climbing onto the golden ship, jumping into the ship one by one, and loudly said: This ship is a ghost ship coming back from the other side. It contains Cry!

I'm sorry for you!

An Immortal King slapped him, knocking him over, and sneered, You are so brave, you actually want to take it all for yourself!

A precious chariot came and fell into the boat. In the precious chariot sat an Immortal Lord, who said leisurely: This ship comes from the other side, it must have brought strange treasures, and maybe it also carries the secrets of the other side. If I don’t take it, wouldn’t it be a waste of natural resources?”

Uncle Xiao stabilized his body and said loudly: Don't get on the boat, there are people on the boat crying!

Some people didn't like him and knocked him down. Uncle Xiao was beaten half to death, and he saw the golden boat flying further and further away.

There are still many immortals climbing on the ship, and some are chasing the golden ship, trying to get the treasures of the dragon clan from the ancient times.

Uncle Xiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shook his head: People die for money...

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were about to follow the cry and go away. Suddenly, screams came from the sky, and bones fell from the sky. Then the bones shattered and turned into powder.

The two people looked up and saw that there were still people getting into the golden ship. This world-transferring golden ship is a small land, with mountains, rivers and countryside, everything you need, and a layer of atmosphere.

When these immortals entered the atmosphere of the golden ship, their flesh and blood quickly melted away. Even their magic weapons and chariots decayed and withered, falling down one after another.

When Xu Ying saw this, he suddenly looked at the flying swords that had been inserted into his body. Yuan Weiyang also suddenly woke up and looked at the flying swords.

Both of them were a little surprised.

This set of golden swords is not trivial. It was definitely a rare and valuable weapon back then. The golden sword has persisted for so long without decay under the influence of Dao Weeping. It has been so powerful even after tens of millions of years. It is definitely the top grade among Longting magic weapons!

It's a pity that the power of this set of golden swords has been greatly reduced, and most of them were broken. They can only hold twenty-seven swords. Yuan Weiyang felt regretful.

If this set of golden swords were complete, they would probably be a set of Daluo Jinxian-level treasures. More importantly, there were a set of golden swords, so numerous that they were like a golden cloud!

A single golden sword is equivalent to a Daluo Golden Immortal-level magic weapon. So many golden swords may be comparable to the most beautiful treasures in the world!

It's a pity that I still can't escape the invasion of crying.

At this moment, the cry suddenly approached quickly, and a dragon that had been transformed into white bones rushed towards them, with a golden key hanging around its neck, opening its mouth wide and crying at them.

Yuan Weiyang remained motionless and opened his mouth to cry out to it.

The Bone Dragon immediately abandoned her and cried to Xu Ying, as if asking him if he was of the same kind.

Xu Ying blinked his eyes and opened his mouth: Ahhh!

He wanted to cry, but couldn't. ——He doesn’t have any magic power, so naturally he can’t use Dao Cry.

The White Bone Divine Dragon raised its sharp claws with a roar, and slammed them down!


The white bone divine dragon's sharp claws covered Xu Ying underneath, and its toe bones were broken from the middle. Xu Ying penetrated its toe bones like a nail, extremely hard.

The White Dragon Divine Dragon raised its claws and looked at the holes in its claws in confusion.

Xu Ying was surprised and said to Yuan Weiyang: This thing actually still has some sanity...

Yuan Weiyang was quite worried, but she felt relieved when she saw that he was fine.


The Bone Dragon heard the sound and slapped it again, and then there was another hole in its claws.

Xu Ying's flawless golden body could withstand a blow from the ginseng fruit tree. Apart from being beaten to death, his skin was not damaged at all. Although the White Bone Dragon is powerful, it is far inferior to the Ginseng Fruit Tree.

The White Bone Dragon heard the sound and moved, banging and shooting continuously, and soon its claws were riddled with holes.

Xu Ying raised his hand and punched out, and suddenly there was a loud thunder, and he smiled and said: You are not the Supreme, how can you hurt me?


His punch shattered the sharp claws of the white-bone dragon. The dragon rolled over and over, and was thrown far away before it stopped. The Bone Dragon got up, looked at his broken claws, and limped away in a hurry, not too slow at all.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang looked at each other. They had a clear understanding of each other and chased the bone dragon together.

They followed the white-bone dragon over the hill-like buildings. Suddenly there was an empty space in front of them. They saw only ruins and broken walls everywhere. The skeletons of the towering dragon came into view!

Most of these divine dragon bones are not in the form of dragons, but in the form of a dragon-headed Taoist, with a dragon-headed body and a body, wearing extremely gorgeous costumes!

During the Dragon Court era, they were ordered to escape by boat to the outside of the universe to find the strong men on the other side.

The various Tao realms of many dragon clan experts are intertwined and overlapping with each other, and most of them are the existences of the sixth and seventh levels of Tao realm!

Their Taoist realm has become extremely decayed in the Taoist cry. If they are not careful, they will break the Taojing. Branch-like textures have grown in many places, as if the Taojing has grown hair.

Xu Ying could no longer figure out the great path they had practiced from their Tao realm. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and the Tao realm began to pulverize, and a large piece of it was broken into pieces.

Why did they die here? Xu Ying murmured as he looked at the corpse of a dragon warrior with a dragon head and body.

The golden ship that was supposed to go to the other side, carrying the mission of continuing the race, returned to this universe without performing its mission. This is definitely a heinous crime of treason.

These powerful dragons would definitely not do this, so what prompted them to come back?

The white-bone dragon with a broken claw just now was rummaging through the bones, found a dragon claw, and installed it on his right limb.

When it found Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang, it immediately cried to Xu Ying like a demonstration.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and continued to look around.

Yuan Weiyang squatted in front of a corpse and said in surprise: These dragon warriors died while fighting the enemy.

Xu Ying came to her side and squatted down together with a solemn expression. There was a rough hole in the skull of the skeleton. The bones were cracked and the cracks were branch-like.

Looking inside the skull, more branch-like textures fill the skull!

Xu Ying stretched out his finger and gestured at the entrance of the cave. The finger that killed the dragon clan master was extremely thick. One finger pierced the head, and the green rock magical power killed the opponent!

He stood up, searched carefully, and soon saw traces of a seventh-level Taoist realm being pierced by Cuiyan's magical power, killing the strong dragons in the Taoist realm, splitting it in half from head to toe!

Yuan Weiyang was walking on the other side, and the two of them, one on the left and one on the right, slowly walked forward among the battlefield ruins, looking around and searching.

The Bone Dragon wanted to attack Xu Ying, but didn't dare. From time to time, he hid behind several skeletons and looked at him secretly, furtively.

Xu Ying saw that this man actually picked up a blade-shaped magic weapon from the battlefield. It was extremely heavy. He probably wanted to test the sword on himself.

A Ying, there is a dragon clan expert at the eighth level of Taoism here! Yuan Weiyang's voice came.

Xu Ying hurried over and saw that the strong man in the Eighth Dao Realm was still in a fighting posture, his eyes wide open with anger, and his aura was extremely strong, which made people feel uncomfortable.

His eighth-level Taoist realm is extremely profound and extraordinary. It is an eighth-level heaven composed of countless dragon patterns. The Taoism is exquisite and breathtaking!

His bones have not completely melted away, but still retains dragon scales and some flesh and blood.

But he was already dead. The fatal injury was the big hole in his chest. A big hand grabbed into his heart and pulled out his heart. At the same time, the principles of the alien avenue invaded his body and transformed his internal organs!

Xu Ying composed himself and said in a low voice: The eighth-level Dao realm is the master of Da Luo Miao Realm, or the pinnacle supreme. Such a being actually died here.

It was somewhat difficult for him to accept that the number of Daluo Wonders was extremely rare, both in the ancient times and today. The Six Twelve Wonders were already the pinnacle of the new dynasty. So far, even the Six Twelve Wonders could not be found!

But someone died silently here!

There is another eighth-level Dao realm here! Yuan Weiyang's voice came from the front.

Xu Ying walked over and saw many dragon skeletons at the seventh level of the Tao Realm, and the corners of his eyes twitched. At the seventh level of the Dao Realm, he is the Great Luo Jinxian!

The skeletons of Daluo Jinxian he saw along the way were at least thirty to fifty!

On this ship, a strong man of an era died...

His heart twitched, and he came to the second eighth-level Taoist skeleton. This skeleton was also a strong dragon man with a dragon head and body.

This man also died under the magical power of Cuiyan. His head was cut off, probably by the enemy. But this strong man was holding his own head and still fighting fiercely. He should have been fighting headlessly for a long time before he died.

Xu Ying walked out and saw the third Dao Ba strongman who died in the battle. He was almost torn into pieces using Cuiyan's magical power, and died extremely miserably.

A Ying, I can't understand the magical powers left on the green rocks on their corpses. Yuan Weiyang looked at the corpses carefully and said suddenly.

Xu Ying looked solemn: I can't understand it either.

Yuan Weiyang was surprised and looked at him. Xu Ying can be said to be the most accomplished person on the Cuiyan Avenue among all people in the world. Even he can't understand the magical power of the Cuiyan that remains on the corpse. This shows that the magical power used by those who killed these powerful dragons, Absolutely extremely high-end!

Xu Ying looked at the traces on these bones and said: The person who killed them is not from our universe. He (it) should be from the other side!

They gathered themselves together and moved forward.

Suddenly, an emerald green ship came into view.

The ship carved from green rock was many times smaller than the Dragon Clan's giant building ship, and larger than the normal building ship. The whole body is green and has a sail structure, but it has been broken.

There, the aura of the avenue was extremely strong, so strong that it made people seriously uncomfortable, and even made Xu Ying's blood almost freeze!

Xu Ying was shocked and confused. Although he had lost his cultivation level, his physical achievements were still there. The aura was so strong that he felt physically uncomfortable. This cultivation level was definitely much better than the Supreme Immortal Emperor!

Thousands of years after his death, he can still have such a powerful aura. This master is definitely not inferior to the Holy Lord during his lifetime!

Yuan Weiyang can no longer get close, this aura is too strong, beyond the limit of what she can bear. Xu Ying asked her to stay and walked forward alone to the Cuiyan Tower Boat.

He jumped onto the Cuiyan Tower Boat and finally saw the owner of that aura.

It was an existence in the eighth realm of Taoism, but it was not a dragon, but a strong human being. Fighting with him and dying together was a Huanhua giant that was not human.

The two of them died together on the ship. The Huan transformed into a giant and cut off the heart of the strong human race, and the strong human race also pierced his head.

The back of the Huanhua giant's head exploded, leaving only the bones under the skin of the head, and the rest no longer existed.

Xu Ying was shocked by what he saw. Looking up at this powerful human being, he was filled with doubts.

Why is this strong human being on the boat where Longting is escaping?

At this time, he noticed a golden book in the Tao realm of the strong human race. His heart moved slightly, so he picked it up and put it in his arms.

He investigated on the Cuiyan Tower ship and saw the body of another Huanhua giant. It should be a woman. She was dead. She should have been besieged and died by the strong dragon clan.

Xu Ying searched and found nothing else, so he jumped off the Cuiyan Tower boat and returned to Yuan Weiyang.

The two of them opened the golden book and read it carefully. They saw that the book was written with Taoist patterns from the ancient era. The Taoist patterns should have come from the Dragon Court era and were later inherited by the surviving demon and human races.

The contents of the book made the two of them surprised.

The status of the human race in the Dragon Court era was not high. Even if most of the human race immortals cultivated to a very high level, they would take care of the dragon fairy's shiny scales, brush the mane and clean the teeth for the dragon fairy. As for the demon clan, they are often the mounts of dragon immortals.

The owner of the book is a human immortal named Qin Daoquan who has made great achievements. Because of his high achievements, he was appreciated by the Dragon Emperor and made him the historian of the Dragon Court.

This time, the Dragon Clan implemented a plan to steal the sky and prepared to send a group of powerful Dragon Clan people to the outside world to find the other side and seek life. Qin Daoquan, a great master, also boarded the golden ship to cross the world as the historian and went together.

He recorded what he saw along the way. When the recovery plan is implemented in the future and the powerful dragons in the Ten Thousand Dragon Banners are awakened, these historical materials will become precious materials for future generations of dragon research.

The Sky Stealing Plan is a grand plan. There are a total of thirty golden ships that will travel to different directions in the universe. The strong men on the ships will release their magic power and consciousness to the maximum extent, activate the golden ships, and break through time and space.

There is a piece of solidified time and space at the edge of the universe, like amber gel, called the gel zone. When Qin Daoquan's golden ship passed through this gel zone, he saw three pieces of green rock coming from outside the universe. To the heavenly world, the earthly world and the human world!

They tried to stop him, but found that their magical powers were almost useless in front of Cuiyan.

Just when they were panicking, they discovered the Cuiyan Tower Ship again.

This is a sentinel ship used to monitor Cuiyan attacks.

Therefore, Bi Yanhai, the Prime Minister of the Dragon Clan who was guarding the ship, ordered that the Cuiyan Tower Ship be captured and the ship must be captured.

On the Cuiyan sentry ship, they found three aliens, a boy, a girl, and a child. The little alien was probably just a child among the aliens.

At first, these three people were very cooperative, but soon they found out the details of the golden ship that crossed the world, and a fight began!

The note ends abruptly at this point.

Xu Ying looked confused and turned the page backwards. It was blank. There were no more records behind it. It should be that Qin Daoquan personally took action, fought a bloody battle with the stranger, and finally died in the battle. He could not continue writing.

Xu Ying murmured: It's strange. There are only two corpses of strangers on the green rock. Where is the other one?

Yuan Weiyang asked: Could it be that the youngest alien is not dead?

Xu Ying said: The great ways of heaven and earth are inconsistent. Even if this little stranger can escape from the golden ship, he will not be able to survive at all. Unless...

He frowned slightly, and suddenly thought of the human world, and said: The rules of heaven and earth in the dark world have changed drastically. Only this little alien can survive there. However, a child among aliens should not be able to escape to the human world. Realm?

The human world.

The Holy Lord hid in Tibet and finally escaped the pursuit of the ancestor gods. However, when the house leaked and it rained all night, the Immortal Emperor led Zaihua, Danxuan and other old enemies into the human world to find his traces, leaving him greatly passive.

But for him, this is also a rare opportunity. He has not been under pressure for a long time, and the pressure brought by the Ancestral God this time is enough for him to go further.

As for the Immortal Emperor, Creation and others, he has not taken them seriously yet.

At this time, a voice came: Holy Lord, all Taoism and Dharma in the world come from Cuiyan. Do you agree with this?

The Holy Lord was surprised and his eyes were as sharp as a sword: Which fellow Taoist is outside?

A tall figure stepped forward, dismissing the numerous restrictions he had placed as nothing, and said: We are strangers in the Lower Land, come and pay homage to the Holy Lord!

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