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Chapter 633 The golden ship that crosses the world

The painting boat flew up from Chonghua Fairy City and headed towards the realm of Taixu.

On the boat, Xu Ying looked ahead, with surging feelings in his heart. He felt the respect and worship from countless Qi refiners and immortal gods. His incense aura grew stronger and stronger, and his divine power became stronger and stronger.

He suddenly jumped out of the boat and fell from the air.

Uncle Xiao was startled, and just as he was about to rescue him, Yuan Weiyang raised his hand and shook his head gently.

Xu Ying fell rapidly from the air, and suddenly the incense gas behind him turned into divine power and penetrated his whole body. He stepped hard, and the sky shook violently. He actually ran all the way, from bottom to top, and soared into the sky again.


Xu Ying ran away wildly, fighting with fists and kicks, using various martial arts skills, like a thousand-armed god and demon, fighting against the invisible enemy, killing the world upside down!

In the past few years, he has not had any magic power, or even any vitality in his body. He can only practice martial arts, trying to find a way out through martial arts, the most primitive way.

In the past few years, he has honed his martial arts to perfection. When he displayed it at this moment, it was really more brilliant than fireworks. His fists and kicks were fierce and domineering, killing through the void. The sky on the border of the fairy world was shaking violently under his fists and feet, and there was a faint blur. Traces of another world emerge.

The Other Side of Martial Arts!

Yuan Weiyang exclaimed, the other shore was looming, and the distance to Xu Ying seemed to be getting closer and closer.

The promise of countless fists, legs, and feet penetrates the void, and the physical body crosses, constantly shortening the distance to the other side of the martial arts!

Follow me! Yuan Weiyang said quickly.

Uncle Xiao quickly urged the boat and chased Xu Ying. He was surprised and confused: Is it so easy to go to the Taixu Realm?

He is an Earth Immortal, and it is extremely troublesome to go to the Taixu Realm. He needs Yuan Weiyang's powerful spiritual consciousness to locate the Taixu Realm and pull the boat in.

Without such powerful spiritual consciousness, one can only determine the direction of the other shore through the Nuozu Cave, and travel from the Nuozu Cave into the realm of Taixu.

But nowadays, not to mention those who practice Nuozu Cave Heaven, even those who practice the Cave Heaven Cultivation Technique of cutting leeks have been completely harvested by the Immortal Emperor. Nowadays, apart from the orthodox Qi refining methods, what is spread in the world is the new way.

The third way to enter the Taixu Realm is to go through Wei Xu, but Xiaobo doesn't know how to enter Wei Xu.

And Xu Ying actually relied on his martial arts skills to penetrate the void and reach the realm of Taixu!

Such martial arts talent and flawless golden body are truly terrifying!

Suddenly, the sky shook violently, and the gap between the Immortal Realm and Taixu Realm was finally penetrated by Xu Ying's punch, and a hole about a hundred feet long and wide appeared.

Xu Ying walked into the cave entrance and stepped onto the other side of martial arts.

The hole was about to close, Xiao Bo quickly urged the boat to sail into the hole before it closed.

It was their first time to come to the other side of martial arts. As soon as they set foot on it, an extremely strong masculine energy suddenly hit their faces, impacting their spirits and shaking their hearts. It seemed that there was still a powerful martial arts master here trying to figure out the new heights of martial arts. , imprinting the spirit of martial arts into the void!

Yuan Weiyang looked around curiously. The other shore of martial arts is a wonderful place outside the six other shores, and it is also an inconspicuous other shore in the realm of Taixu.

To be precise, there was no martial arts other side in the Taixu Realm. There was a strong martial arts master with great understanding and perseverance who entered the Tao through martial arts. He was able to overturn the heaven that had blocked the monks for 48,000 years with his martial arts cultivation alone. Tribulation.

This great martial arts emperor survived the calamity. During the heavenly calamity, he fought through the void and came to the realm of Taixu. He opened up half of the other shore in the void and named it the other shore of martial arts.

But also because he only practiced martial arts, he was deficient in practice, failed to understand the way of yin and yang, and failed to master the two qi of yin and yang, so he was never able to survive the catastrophe.

This man's name was Shen Luo, and he was revered as the Buyi Martial Emperor.

Xu Ying walked on the other side of the martial arts, and the surging divine power around him gradually calmed down. He had no vitality in his body, so he used his divine power to activate martial arts and penetrate the void.

Compared with vitality, divine power has many shortcomings.

Divine power is the power formed by the condensation of incense. Only gods or immortals who practice the way of gods can condense divine power. But incense becoming a god has a natural flaw, that is, the prayers of sentient beings are often numerous and complicated, with all kinds of wishes, such as those who want to marry a wife, those who want children, those who want wealth, those who want officials, and those with evil intentions. Ask for some evil wish.

However, Daozu is different.

Qi masters and immortal gods pay respect to Tao ancestors, pass down the firewood, and pass on the mantle and mantle. Qi masters offer incense to express their gratitude to Tao ancestors, and they often ask for nothing.

This kind of divine power is extremely pure.

But compared to the mana that has been tempered for thousands of times, divine power still has a lot of shortcomings. When faith is lost, divine power loses its source.

When worship turns to reviling, the divine power will also decline and the gods will die.

However, divine power also has benefits that vitality does not have. In ancient times, Taoist crying broke out, and many monks died because of it. On the contrary, many immortals who practiced Shinto survived because of the effect of divine power.

Xu Ying came to the place where Emperor Wu Shen Luo and others performed martial arts. The place was filled with a powerful innate true energy. It was extremely strong and was a powerful force born from the void. It was not appropriate to call it a fairy medicine.

It is different from the other Ten Scenes of Taixu. The Ten Scenes of Taixu are the Tao realm of Qingxuan. Master Nuo opens up a cave to connect with Taixu and refines the Tao power in the Tao realm into fairy medicine. The elixirs all come from Qingxuan's Taoist realm.

But the innate true energy on the other side of the martial arts comes from the void.

When martial arts masters open the other side, their innate true energy will become extremely strong and their strength will be superior!

But, this is also similar to Dongyuan.

Xu Ying suddenly realized that Emperor Wu's fall was only because he had been to the six other shores, so he believed that the six other shores were created by man, so he decided that he would also find a way to open up another shore to benefit those who practice martial arts.

He forcibly created a martial arts other shore in the void. But if what he saw back then was not the other side, but the promised new path cave, then he could create a martial arts cave!

Because the cave abyss of the new path and the fairy energy produced in the fairy mountain all come from the void!

The innate true energy in the other side of the sunken martial arts also comes from the void. Although there is no fairy mountain, the land under their feet is equivalent to the fairy mountain.

Martial Emperor Shen Luo's talent is outstanding, but his luck is a little worse. He is only half a step away from the Taoist ancestor. He can be regarded as the martial arts Taoist ancestor. Xu Yingxin said.

The reason why I say half step is because Emperor Wu Shen Luo has not completely opened up the other side of the martial arts. He has gathered the power of Wu Tianzun, Zhai Wuxian and others, but he has not been able to complete this opening.

Later, Xiao Tianzun received Xu Ying's repair of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, and then he entered the other side of the martial arts and successfully opened up the other side of the martial arts.

After practicing the martial arts Dongyuan, Shen Luo is no longer the Martial Emperor, but the Martial Ancestor. But Ergou should be counted as the other half of the Martial Ancestor. Xu Ying thought to himself.

Shen Luo and Xiao Tianzun can definitely go very far!

Especially Shen Luo, who created something out of nothing and opened up the other side earlier than Xu Ying opened up a new path to immortality. It's just that he took one less step and failed to create the most critical core of the new way before he was promised, so that he was promised the merits of the new way's ancestors.

Of course, if Shen Luo had been distracted by studying other paths of cultivation besides martial arts, he would not have achieved such astonishing achievements.

Xu Ying returned to the boat and said with a smile: Let's go! Go find the dragon boat!

He finally saw a glimmer of hope. The martial arts innate opened up the other side of himself and formed the martial arts cave, thereby healing his injuries and returning to his peak!

The boat is traveling in the void. The void is too big and vast. Even the ten scenes of Taixu, which are as large as one world after another, appear extremely small and insignificant here.

The speed of the boat is not slow, but in such a vast void, the speed still seems too slow.

However, fortunately, they are not the only ones in the Taixu Realm. There are also many immortals who came here from Wei Ruins to experience treasure hunting. These immortals went to the Ten Dao Scenes to refine magic weapons using the black and yellow Qi, Chaos Qi and other materials there. Some of them also chose to practice in these Dao Sceneries.

For most Sanren, this is the supreme holy land for cultivation.

Of course, Xu Yingyuan Weiyang and the others also saw many immortals controlling various magic weapons, trying to chase the giant building ship that was rampaging in the realm of Taixu.

There are many people who know the goods, and they are not the only ones. Many people realize that the building ship in the Taixu Realm is a rare treasure, and they all want to get it.

That building ship is in front of us! Xiaobo pointed forward and said excitedly.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang looked around and saw the giant ship racing wildly in the void. The immortal vehicles chasing the ship were extremely numerous and densely packed, and their speed was much faster than their boats. Xu Ying and others were driven away. Leave it far behind and walk away.

Huafang is a magic weapon refined by Xiao Bo. He is an Earth Immortal and has the highest level among the three. However, the speed of the magic weapon he refined is far slower than the others, so he can only chase after him slowly.

After chasing after each other, the building ship disappeared from their sight with many immortals.

Xiao Bo persevered and urged the boat to continue chasing after him. After more than twenty days, Yuan Weiyang suddenly said: Xiao Bo, stop chasing me!

Xiao Bo said, Girl, do you want to give up?

Yuan Weiyang came to the stern of the ship and said: The building ship has already circled the Taixu Realm and came behind us.

Xiao Bo was stunned and looked back, only to see the giant building ship rushing towards them. Behind the building ship, many immortals used their magical powers and threw chains to try to drag the building ship. However, there was no way. It can't be stopped.

But I saw this huge building boat dragging hundreds of boats or chariots of various sizes behind it, racing all the way. Countless buildings, ships, and chariots were knocked to pieces. Even if they didn't fall apart, they were still in tatters as they collided with each other.

Many immortals have already clung to the outer wall of the building ship and are climbing up with difficulty, trying to board the ship. Many immortals also fly up from their respective vehicles and fall into the building ship.

Suddenly, the sword light circulated in the building ship, and a series of bloody lights burst out above the building ship. Those immortals died unexpectedly before they could enter the building ship!

It was an extremely sharp golden sword that flowed over the building like a golden cloud.

The last time Xu Ying came here, he also planned to take possession of this ship, but he was forced back by these golden swords and had to give up this plan.

The building boat rushed towards the painting boat. At this speed, it could definitely smash them into pieces!

Weiyang, sacrifice me! Xu Ying suddenly said.

When Yuan Weiyang heard the words, he sacrificed Xu Ying without thinking. Xu Ying soared into the air and flew towards the ship. The ancient and grand building flew past him at high speed.

Many buildings have the style of the Dragon Court era, with great beauty and dragon respect. There are many dragon patterns on them!

My guess is correct, it is indeed the world-transferring golden ship built by Longting's plan to steal the sky!

Xu Ying was overjoyed and fell downwards. Suddenly countless sword lights rushed out from the ancient dragon buildings and stabbed at him!


A series of extremely dense and crisp sounds came, and Xu Ying was instantly smashed into a golden ball with a radius of nearly ten feet.

Yuan Weiyang was a little nervous: Aying, how are you?

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that the golden swords stabbing Xu Ying's body suddenly shattered, and the golden swords shattered into powder!

Uncle Xiao was startled: My uncle's body bones are so hard?

However, Xu Ying did not take all the golden swords. A golden sword was inserted into every wound on his body, a total of twenty-seven golden swords. Even if he was not inserted into a hedgehog, it still made him tremble in pain.

The flawless golden body could not be pierced by these golden swords, but there were still twenty-seven wounds on his body, which were taken advantage of by these golden swords.

But fortunately, apart from these twenty-seven golden swords, there are no other flying swords.

Yuan Weiyang and Xiao Bo hurriedly flew over. Yuan Weiyang stretched out her slender hand and pulled out one of the golden swords. The dragon scales on the surface of the golden sword trembled. In an instant, the sword light filled the sky, and it actually came towards her!

Its power is extremely powerful, and the sword light swims like a giant dragon covering the world and looking down, with a full sense of oppression!

If the power of this sword were to fall, it would probably wipe out both her and Uncle Xiao!

Yuan Weiyang was shocked. Tens of millions of years had passed since this sword fell into her control, and it could still explode with such amazing power. It was really powerful.

If it had just been made, the power of every sword here would be comparable to the Golden Immortal Treasure!

She poured her magic power into suppressing the golden sword, and immediately the terrifying sword energy disappeared.

She followed the same example and pulled out the other fairy swords one by one. Xu Ying was bleeding profusely and hurriedly mobilized her divine power to seal her wounds.

The three people fell into the boat. Yuan Weiyang looked at the majestic and spectacular buildings around him. The glory of the Dragon Court era can be seen from these buildings. Even if they were fleeing, their golden boat was still magnificent, showing the beauty of grandeur and wildness!

Such a giant ship has its own ecology, just like a small planet. Shouldn't they escape from this universe and go to the other side?

Yuan Weiyang murmured, But why are they back again? And they are trapped in the realm of Taixu?

Xu Ying endured the pain and said quickly: Weiyang, quickly refine the center of this ship!

At this moment, a strangely familiar aura came to Xu Ying's face, and he shouted hurriedly: Be careful! This ship has been to the other shore!

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of crying!

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