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Chapter 632: My divine power is boundless, when will my wish be granted?

These hills are the mountains that correspond to the internal organs of the body. They are the things that the qi-refiners can see when they open the Xiyi Realm. The qi-refiners call them the Five Sacred Mountains.

All cultivation starts from the Five Mountains.

Xu Yingcai's Qi state reappeared in the mountain buds of the Five Mountains Fairy Mountain, which shows that his condition is gradually improving.

Yuan Weiyang was very excited about this. He found various fairy herbs and elixirs, boiled them into pills, and asked him to take them, hoping that the five hills would grow faster.

This is the borderland of the original Immortal Realm. After the Immortal Realm bordered the heavens and all realms, the tide of the Small Three Realms reached its extreme, and the originally barren borderland of the Immortal Realm became extremely rich.

Searching for ownerless fairy grass and elixirs, this is the perfect place to try your luck. There are many unknown cave heavens and blessed places here, which appeared after the tide of the Three Realms. Most of them were caves left by the immortals from the Demon Court era and the Dragon Court era.

However, many of the fairy mountains and rivers are closed, making it difficult to enter. But fortunately, Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang are both extremely smart people, so it is not difficult for them to break the ban. Xu Ying, in particular, is an expert in banning. So they gained a lot.

After taking so many miraculous medicines, the promised Five Sacred Mountains are still growing slowly. On the other hand, Uncle Xiao followed them and took the dregs of the medicine, and his cultivation level improved a lot, becoming an Earth Immortal. However, Xu Ying still could not fully enter the Qi harvesting stage.

With so many miraculous medicines, even a pig can become an Immortal King and Immortal Lord! Xiao Bo thought to himself.

Although Xu Ying's progress has not improved, Yuan Weiyang is still making rapid progress. She had high talent and strong understanding, so Xu Ying could not practice, so he told her everything he had gained from practicing and allowed her to comprehend.

Her cultivation is getting richer and richer. The eighth realm of the Qi Refiner, the Six Paths Realm, only requires six avenues to be cultivated, but she has understood the vitality, spiritual consciousness, vitality, soul power, yin and yang, mental power, Wuji, Ten types including Tai Chi, void, life and death.

She has practiced ten types of smaller caves and abyss, and is working hard to combine them and strive to make the caves and abyss into one.

She wanted to escape the tribulation, but Xu Ying stopped her and passed on to her the Cuiyan Avenue that she had gained from comprehending the Cuiyan. He also asked her to comprehend the Heavenly Way of the Three Realms and strive to accumulate a richer foundation.

The two of them stayed at the border, looking for elixirs and practicing at the same time.

On this day, they opened the cave of a fairy and moved in.

At night, Yuan Weiyang asked Xu Ying to soak in a wooden barrel and use the elixir collected from the Paradise of Cave to refine his body.

This girl took the trouble to help him rub his body every time, carefully kneading the shocking wounds on Xu Ying's body to let the blood flow in the wounds to prevent muscle necrosis.

Behind her, the fairy energy from the ten abyss flowed out into Xu Ying's body, trying to stimulate his physical activity.

——All the realms, caves, and Taoist scenes of Xu Ying were cut off, leaving large and small wounds on his body. There are still many terrifying supernatural powers left in these wounds.

Xu Ying himself can no longer remove these Tao injuries, and Yuan Weiyang's cultivation is still shallow, so he cannot remove them either. She could only try her best to ease Xu Ying's pain.

During these days, Yuan Weiyang took care of him like a wife and took good care of him.

Weiyang, you don't want to go through the tribulation for the time being. If you want to go through the tribulation, it's best to go through the four realms of heavenly tribulation. The best place to go through the four realms of heavenly tribulation is the human world.

Xu Ying thought for a while and said, It's a bit difficult to enter the human world. We must either ask the ancestor gods to help, or build a ferry and cross the Lingguang River to the human world.

Yuan Weiyang rubbed his back to help the medicine enter his body, while shaking his head and saying: We don't have a ferry, how can we get to the human world?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: I know there is a ferry boat somewhere. But this boat is extremely dangerous and it is not easy to get on it. Although my current strength is not as good as before, I still have the perfect golden body. .As long as you send me aboard, you should be able to collect this ship.

Okay. But I have to wait until you recover before going.

Yuan Weiyang's hand was a little heavier, and the wound was promised to shake. She quickly became more gentle, and carefully touched the edge of his wound with her fingertips, moving from top to bottom.

These wounds never healed, and the flesh and blood were turned out.

Does it still hurt? she asked.

It doesn't hurt anymore. Xu Ying smiled, very cheerful.

Tonight, I will teach you how to practice Taiyi Enlightenment. You are still lacking in Taiyi Enlightenment. If you cannot learn this method, it will be much more difficult to comprehend the Cuiyan Avenue.

Xu Ying retells the enlightenment of Taiyi exactly as it is, and starts from the beginning again, telling what he has learned and gained.

Yuan Weiyang listened quietly, only asking questions where she didn't understand or perhaps was lacking. After Xu Ying taught her a few times, she realized many things that she had never understood before.

Later, the two of them communicated with each other and each achieved enlightenment.

Suddenly, Xu Ying seemed to have thought of something, and he was in a daze. He suddenly shouted and said with joy: Weiyang, Weiyang! Get a pen and paper!

Yuan Weiyang stood up, wiped his hands, and took out a pen and paper.

Xu Ying lay beside the medicine bucket and drew the green rock carvings one stroke at a time. The Demon Ancestor once gave him a green rock carving, but the stone carving had been looted by the Immortal Emperor and others. Fortunately, Xu Ying was already familiar with the content on the stone carving.

He stared at the green rock carvings for a long time, and then murmured: It turns out that Tai Chi, Wuji, Yuxu, Tai Cang, Tai Yi, Tai Shang, etc. are all included in the green rock carvings...

Yuan Weiyang was startled when he heard the words. He came closer and looked at the branch-like textures on the stone carvings. He suddenly came to his senses and said with joy: Aying, you mean the Taoist ancestors of each great sect. The source of their skills is from the stone carvings. Come here? What are recorded on these stone carvings are the Tai Chi Dao, the Wuji Dao, and the Yuxu Dao?

Xu Ying nodded excitedly and said with a smile: With this stone carving, you can understand the method of summoning the cave abyss and comprehend more profound Taoist methods! Even if you cannot summon the Supreme Cave Abyss, you can also comprehend various avenues. Tao realm! If I practice according to this method...

The more he talked, the more excited he became, but when he said this, his face darkened.

He is already a useless person, without even a trace of vitality, so how can he practice cultivation?

However, Xu Ying got excited again and said with a smile: If Weiyang can understand the contents of these stone carvings, maybe you can summon a few supreme caves and abyss to create more Taoist scenes!

Yuan Weiyang smiled and said: The predecessors could summon them, why can't I? But it's late today, so you should go to bed early.

Xu Ying said yes and asked her to turn her back and put on her clothes.

Yuan Weiyang turned his back as he was told, and Xu Ying got up from the medicine bucket, wiped the water stains on his body, and put on his clothes. His clothes were not the same as before. The previous clothes had been broken long ago. The current ones were made by Yuan Weiyang from a tailor in Shendu.

Yuan Weiyang glanced secretly, her heart pounding wildly, and she thought: Before, I only had one...

The two of them went back to their rooms to rest. In the middle of the night, Yuan Weiyang heard a sound in the courtyard, got up and went to the window. He saw Xu Ying practicing martial arts moves over and over again under the moonlight, very seriously.

Yuan Weiyang's eyes were as gentle as moonlight.

Xu Ying practiced for a long time and broke out in sweat. He slowly walked around the courtyard to dissipate the turbulent energy and blood.

It's too slow, it's really too slow.

Although he showed no concern in front of Yuan Weiyang, in his heart he still longed to return to the past and return to his peak more than ever before.

Martial arts alone are not enough, and these elixirs are even more useless!

He clenched his fists tightly and wanted to shout loudly, but he did not dare to disturb the beauty. In the end, Xu Ying held back the anger in his chest.

In the human world, the Cuiyan Avenue destroyed the Dragon Court Era, destroyed the Heaven and Earth Avenue, and turned that place into a dark world. However, even though the heaven on earth was completely destroyed, it was still resurrected by humans, grew and expanded again!

He said silently in his heart, This is the power of mortals, the spirit of not admitting defeat. Being strong and unyielding is the greatest Taoist power! Everything depends on man, and man can conquer nature! I can definitely make a comeback!

He continued to practice martial arts silently, over and over again, which was extremely boring, but he still persisted.

Yuan Weiyang lay beside the window lattice and watched him until dawn.

The next day, the two of them raided the Demon Immortal's Cave Heaven Paradise before leaving to find other Cave Heaven Paradise. Two or three years passed unknowingly, and the small fairy mountain in Xu Yingcai's Qi realm gradually grew up, taking on the shadow of the Five Sacred Mountains. Yuan Weiyang's cultivation is getting better and better, and he is not inferior to the Immortal King and Immortal Lord.

She also refined Taoism, and she and Xu Ying studied the enlightenment of Taiyi and the green rock carvings, and refined the eight paths of vitality, spiritual consciousness, vitality, soul power, yin and yang, mind power, void, and life and death into the Great Way of Taiyi, and also cultivated Tai Chi, Wuji, There are five avenues: Tai Cang, Tai Ying, and Tai Shang, totaling six.

Of course, her practice on these six avenues is still very shallow. In addition to her own talent and understanding, the other half of her achievement was due to promises.

The two of them studied and studied together. Although Xu Ying could not practice, his vision and knowledge were still there. The two collided with each other and saw sparks of inspiration, which is why Yuan Weiyang was able to make such rapid progress.

Uncle Xiao, let's set off to the realm of Taixu! Yuan Weiyang made up his mind and told Uncle Xiao.

Uncle Xiao said yes and immediately went to prepare the boat.

Just when the painting boat was carrying them and preparing to take off, suddenly there was a killing spree in the air. All kinds of immortal weapons pierced through the air, and various magical powers flew from both sides, colliding with each other, and the power exploded, deafening!

Yuan Weiyang quickly mobilized the six cave abyss to improve their cultivation and guard Xu Ying and Xiao Bo.

The sounds of fighting on both sides suddenly started, and two groups of people were seen rushing from more than a thousand miles away from the left and right. As they ran towards here, various magic weapons and supernatural powers flew out!

Yuan Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief. Those magic weapons and magical powers were not aimed at them, but two groups of people were fighting each other. Looking at the costumes, one group is composed of people from the Immortal Court, about three to five thousand immortals, with higher cultivation levels, while the other group is composed of less than a thousand immortals with lower cultivation levels.

However, during the fight, those immortal gods with lower cultivation levels were more courageous and stronger, killing the opponent to the point where they fell on their backs and threw away their helmets and armor.

These immortals actually practice the new Tao system. They are low-level and powerful enough to sweep through!

One of the immortal gods on the opposite side saw that the soldiers could not win, so he shouted loudly, his body changed extremely like the sky and the earth, and he rushed into the battlefield withstand the attacks of many magic weapons and magical powers, and he was about to start a killing spree.

At this moment, a tall man with a purple gold crown on his head came out, with twin pupils in his eyes, twisting the world, smashing the body and soul of the immortal king into pieces, and blood rained down from the sky!

Upon seeing this, the soldiers of Xianting no longer had any intention of fighting, leaving hundreds of corpses behind and left in a hurry.

Those immortals and gods chased each other one after another and roared away. Not long after, these immortal gods were seen returning victoriously, collecting various immortal weapons and armors from the corpses, and some even subdued immortal beasts. It was very lively.

Among those immortals, someone suddenly noticed Xu Ying. They were all stunned and couldn't help but get excited. Some people hurriedly went to report to the man with double pupils.

The man with double pupils was slightly startled and immediately gave some instructions to the soldiers.

The soldier immediately flew over, bowed and said: My benefactor, Emperor Chonghua asks my benefactor to move.

Xu Ying smiled and said, You have recognized the wrong person. I am not your benefactor.

At this time, the Chongtong Emperor Yao Chonghua came up, looked him up and down, waved his hand, and asked the soldiers surrounding Xu Ying to disperse, and said in a deep voice: He is not your benefactor Xu Ying, please disperse, don't surround him. it's here.

All the soldiers were doubtful and had to disperse.

At this time, Xu Ying was no longer a boy of thirteen or fourteen, nor a young man in his twenties. His appearance gradually opened up, and he was a little different from him as a boy and as a young man.

Emperor Chongtong greeted Xu Ying and said: This brother is very much like their benefactor. Back then, they followed me and raised troops to rebel against the Immortal Court on the border of the Immortal Realm. My benefactor was the Doubu Tianzun, who led his troops to encircle and suppress the Immortal Court. , captured and suppressed me, and killed the soldiers who followed me. However, he did not actually take action. Instead, he sent them to the lower world and asked them to hide incognito and wait for my comeback. I went through a lot of hardships to find Only then did they know Xu Ying’s good intentions.”

Xu Ying knew that he was talking about things that Xu Ying had done in the first life, and said: The people who saved them don't care about these things.

Emperor Chongtong solemnly said: But for us, it is a life-saving grace. What's more, this Xu Ying is also the ancestor of the new way, creating a new way, spreading the law to the ancestral court, and bringing blessings to all generations.

Xu Ying said: This Xu Ying doesn't care about this matter.

Emperor Chongtong said: Mingzun Meng Shanming tried to steal the Taoist tradition, but justice lies in the hearts of the people. Since Xu Daozu rescued us, these soldiers have made gold bodies for Xu Daozu and offered incense. After his death, we even regarded him as the Taoist ancestor. , the Patriarch of Ten Thousand Dao, I hope he can be resurrected and come back. Brothers, please come with me, and I will take you to pay homage to this Dao Ancestor.

Yuan Weiyang looked at Xu Ying, Xu Ying hesitated and nodded lightly.

They followed Emperor Chongtong to the Chonghua Fairy City. The rebels had no fixed location and built a fairy city that they could fly to at any time to avoid falling into siege.

As expected, there is a temple in this Chonghua Fairy City, and the statue of Xu Ying is enshrined in the temple. A boy, a young man.

Xiao Bo saw this and said: In the eyes of others, young Xu Ying and young Xu Ying are the same person, there is no difference.

Xu Ying was slightly shocked when he heard this.

Suddenly, a vast amount of divine power flew out from the two statues, rushed toward Xu Ying, and wrapped around his body.

At this time, in the world, the incense gas from various Qi refiners turned into a divine power, coming quietly, making the incense gas behind Xu Ying become stronger and stronger, and his divinity gradually appeared!

The Chongtong Emperor stared at the statue and said: Back then, when I ascended from Kunlun to overcome the tribulation, Xu Jing, the patriarch of the Xu clan, had a new son and asked me to name him. I picked the thunder that I had used to overcome the tribulation, and in this child's I drew a thunder pattern between my eyebrows and gave him the word Yes. Promise, yes, if there is a promise, there will be a yes!

With this overwhelming divine power, has Xu Daozu sensed the wishes of hundreds of millions of Qi refiners?

He asked the statue, They have made their wish. When will Daozu come to fulfill their wish?

Xu Ying stood silently behind him. After a long time, he said: You have made a promise, and I will definitely accept it!

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