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Chapter 631 Martial arts can lead to the gods

The Supreme Immortal Emperor calculated it again. The hexagrams were still consistent with all the hexagrams he had calculated before. Xu Ying was already dead.

It's good to die, it's good to die. However, Uncle Danxuan sent an avatar to track down the roaring dog, but why was it never found? Not seeing his body makes me feel a little uneasy.

The Immortal Emperor hesitated for a moment and then calculated it again. The hexagram still showed that Xu Ying was dead and there was no change.

Probably, Xu Ying is really dead. He thought to himself.

After he harvested Xu Ying, he was immersed in the realm and Taoist scenery of refining Xu Ying, and did not notice Xu Ying's body. When he found out that Xu Ying's body had been snatched away by the roaring dog, he felt a little uneasy, always thinking that Xu Ying would come back to life.

However, in the two and a half years since Xu Ying was harvested, he would count it several times every day. Every time he counted, Xu Ying was dead.

Based on his calculations, there should be no mistakes.

In the past two years, he still shudders every time he recalls that harvest. Even though he was so well prepared, he almost failed in harvesting. Fortunately, he went around looking for fellow Taoists beforehand and rescued some strong men from the Six Deities and Twelve Wonders as his backing.

Without this back-up, I'm afraid he would be the one who died.

Only by strategizing can we win a thousand miles away. It's a pity that we are missing an outstanding opponent.

The Immortal Emperor tried to stimulate Xu Ying's realm. Over the past two years, he had transplanted Xu Ying's realm into his own body. These realms were somewhat repulsive before, but as he warmed up for a long time, they gradually became like his realm.

He also tried to refine Xu Ying's Thirteen Dao Scenes, of which the first six Dao Scenes were soon compatible with his original Six Dao Scenes. But refining the remaining seven avenues is very difficult.

He can easily use his magic power to bring up the four realms of Divine Bridge, Indefinite River, Flame of the Void, and Hunyuan Taiyi, but it is difficult for him to exert his power on the three realms of Cuiyan, Three Realms, and Hongmeng.

His purpose in harvesting the promises was not to activate the seven great scenes, but to master the seven great realms after obtaining them.

What he wants to do is to let these seven great scenes continue to grow under his own care and raise them to the supreme level.

However, more than two years later, he still gained little.

The one who is near the water and the tower first gets the moon. He has already obtained the seven avenues of scenery, but it is still difficult to understand the truth contained in the seven avenues of scenery. Especially Hongmeng Daojing was completely motionless.

For more than two years, I have made people spread the news that I am the founder of the new way. Everyone in the entire earthly immortal world knows it. I will become the ancestor of countless Qi practitioners, and my merits will surely become greater and greater. You can definitely control Hongmeng Daojing!”

The Immortal Emperor took a long breath and looked at the Three Realms Golden Ship at the ferry.

The first batch of three-realm gold ships have been refined under the command of Taoist Yuji. This kind of three-realm gold ships are different from the three-realm gold ships of the Dragon Clan. The Dao patterns on the Dragon Clan's gold ships are dragon patterns, and dragon patterns are inherently powerful. But the dragon pattern is really difficult to understand, and even harder to activate.

Therefore, the textures on the newly refined Three Realms Gold Ship are all today's runes.

On the dock, some immortals were packing up their gear, preparing various magic weapons, and boarded one of the Three Realms Gold Ships one after another.

This is an exciting moment, they are about to try out this new golden ship and go to the heavenly world!

After a while, the magnificent golden ship was lifted up under the power of the gods and gods, and gradually sailed out of the dock and flew towards the sky.

And outside the sky of the Earthly Immortal Realm, a huge shadow can be seen with the naked eye. The skeleton of a giant dragon comes from nowhere and hangs in the void, solidifying there, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

The giant dragon skeleton is so big that it seems as if a claw has reached the edge of the Earthly Immortal Realm, but in fact it is still very far away from the Earthly Immortal Realm, separated by endless solidified time and space.

The dragon skeleton was still moving two years ago, but recently it seems to have been blocked for some unknown reason, fixed in the solidified time and space, unable to move.

This golden ship set sail under the expectant gaze of the Immortal Emperor. At the same time, another golden ship sailed into the aura river and headed towards the human world.

This time, it is also a trial voyage, the purpose is to verify whether the new gold ship can reach the human world safely.

Of the two golden ships, one disappeared into the depths of the sparkling sky and sea, while the other rose higher and higher, faster and faster, rushing out of the immortal world and getting closer and closer to the dragon's skeleton.

Tens of days later, the golden ship that suddenly took off exploded and turned into a ball of fire in front of the dragon's head.

As for the immortals on the ship, judging from the situation, it was clear that none of them would survive.

Continue to build a stronger Three Realm Golden Ship! Taoist Yuji ordered at the ferry.

Tens of days later, another golden ship headed to the human world returned. The ship was full of soldiers, most of whom were killed or injured, and less than 10% returned.

They brought back a unique creature from the human world, the Bone Skull. Just to capture this white skeleton, most of them were killed or injured.

Finally, it's time to set sail.

The Supreme Creation and other majestic beings came behind the Immortal Emperor. Together with the Immortal Emperor, there were nine people in total, including three Supremes and six Great Luo Wonderful Realms!

The battle between the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God was earth-shattering, but there is still no news! These two peerless beings must both lose! Conquer the human world, level the Holy Lord, and eradicate the Ancestral God!

There are still three Taoist friends Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren in the human world. If they insist on going their own way and protecting the Holy Lord, we have to send them on their way!

A three-realm gold ship, carrying the Immortal Emperor Supreme and other nine masters, sailed across the ocean.

On the boat, the Immortal Emperor made a calculation with his fingers, smiled at the Creation Supreme, Luofu Taoist Master and others: The hexagram says that this trip will be auspicious, and we can safely board the human world.

He made a habitual divination to calculate Xu Ying's life and death, and was quite pleased: Xu Ying is really dead, I can rest easy.

In the dock, Taoist Yuji dived into the sea to salvage the sunken ship. When he returned to the shore, he saw that there was a gold boat missing from the dock. He quickly grabbed someone and asked, Where did that gold boat go?

Back to the Chief Engineer, Your Majesty and several Daluotian beings boarded the ship and sailed into the sea, heading to the human world.

Hearing this, Taoist Yuji stamped his feet and said, That's the boat of my good disciple Chan Chan Lian! How could they be so bold that they even dare to sit on Chan Chan's boat! I don't even dare!

The thirtieth day.

When the human world was in sight, the boat leaked.

Before the golden boat sank completely, the golden boat slid to the shore of the human world.

The Immortal Emperor Supreme and others' faces were ashen as they landed on the land of the human world. Behind them, the Three Realms Golden Ship slowly sank to the bottom of the water and was engulfed by the waves.

The boat built by Zhuchanchan is so magical.

It's okay. We'll have a good trip! the Immortal Emperor said.

However, the Supreme Creation looked worried and said to the others: Did Mingzun get backlashed by Hongmeng because of the harvest promise? Is it not accurate?

Taoist Danxuan smiled and said: He got this opportunity and his cultivation strength has greatly increased. His calculations will only become more and more accurate. How can he be inaccurate?

Which of you has found the Ruler of Mountains, Waters, and Heaven? Supreme Creation suddenly asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

The Supreme Creation chuckled and said: The Ruler of Mountains, Waters and Heaven is the supreme magic weapon of Fairy Qiongtai. Which brother can find it? To be honest, who can still snatch it from you?

Taoist Master Luofu said: That's right. Now that we are all on the same boat, what else can we hide? If you have this treasure, take it out as soon as possible.

The Supreme Creation looked around and suddenly smiled: It seems that the ruler of mountains and rivers and the ruler of heaven are indeed not among us.

The nine people laughed one after another and said: The scene was so chaotic at that time, most of the rulers were lost or flew away.

By the way, Dan Xuan, have you chased that dog? Supreme Creation asked.

Dan Xuan shook his head: That dog is too fast and very sneaky. Every time my incarnation finds him, he will use various methods to escape.

You didn't find Xu Ying?

Danxuan shook his head.

Everyone laughed and said, Xu Daozu is probably dead.

A guest came to the Yuan Mansion. He was originally a slovenly beggar. After entering the house to clean himself, he turned out to be a handsome and extraordinary young man of sixteen or seventeen years old.

When Guo Xiaodie saw this young man, she thought he looked familiar.

When she went to Yuan Mansion to look for this person again, the young man and Yuan Weiyang had already left.

Guo Xiaodie has been melancholy about this for a long time. The girl back then is now a married woman, but there were two boys she loved the most. It's a pity that one of the two boys is a girl and the other is an immortal.

Isn't that guy who promised to be thirteen or fourteen years old?

She was a little confused, How come you have grown up? Are the grown-up immortals still immortals?

Xu Ying was sitting on the bow of the boat, and he and Yuan Weiyang were swimming on the Luo River together. The so-called Yiren were at the bow of the boat, no more than two feet apart.

Xu Ying completely relaxed and lay back on the deck of the boat, looking up at the white clouds in the sky.

Yuan Weiyang lowered his head and read an ancient book. His clear voice echoed on the river: Yin and Yang are the way of heaven and earth, the order of all things, the parents of change, the origin of life and death, and the home of gods. Those who are good at communicating with Yin and Yang. , then you can understand the principles of changes in the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, master life and death, and understand the gods. Ah Ying, maybe you should start by regulating Yin and Yang and Qi.

Xu Ying sat up and activated the Taiyi Immortal Sutra, but the thirteen realms were empty, not to mention the yin and yang, even the qi of the five internal organs could not be sensed.

Yuan Weiyang put down the ancient book and comforted him: It's okay. Let's think of other ways. If this is the case, if I cut off those realms of yours, can you still reappear those realms?

Xu Ying smiled and said: It was possible in the past. Because my immortal spirit was strong enough, but this time it was harvested, and I only have a little immortal spirit left.

Yuan Weiyang carefully examined his soul, which was extremely weak, and his immortal aura was just like that of a mortal. Obviously, this immortal true spirit is not enough to restore the damaged body.

She concealed her worries and said, I will look through other ancient books and I can always find a way to treat you.

She thought for a while, and there should be no such serious injuries in the ancient books collected by the Yuan family, because with such serious injuries, he should have died long ago.

Perhaps we should go find some fairy grass and elixir, maybe it can heal your injuries.

Yuan Weiyang's eyes lit up and he said with a smile, We should go to Kunlun. There are many immortal mushrooms there. I remember that the last time we made a pilgrimage to Kunlun!

When she said this, she suddenly stopped and frowned slightly.

Xu Ying looked at the girl next to him. This girl's memory only came to Kunlun as a pilgrimage and ended abruptly when she met the Queen Mother of the West. I can’t remember anything after that.

She didn't know that Queen Mother Xi had awakened Zi Tong and turned her into a memory.

Since then, Xu Ying has been afraid of himself in his first life.

It was also from that time that Xu Ying knew that when he woke up in his first life, he would die like Yuan Weiyang.

Yuan Weiyang was lucky. He didn't know that he had a previous life, that he had been in love with Xu Ying for generations, and that he didn't know that there was Zitong Yuanjun.

She is now happy to be reunited with her sweetheart, but also worried about her sweetheart being hurt.

She is happy and does not know these past events.

Xu Ying figured out one thing. In order to save the person he loved from the curse of reincarnation, Zitong Yuanjun killed himself as a demon and left his body to Yuan Weiyang.

This is the reason why the Immortal Emperor Supreme did not count Yuan Weiyang, because he was counting Yuanjun Zitong from beginning to end.

He never thought about trying to calculate Yuan Weiyang.

Zi Tong left Yuan Weiyang with him and died on his own.

Xu Ying could not kill the first Xu Ying like Zi Tong killed himself, because the first Xu Ying never died, he was just sleeping in the emperor's seal. All the promises in the eternity are just dreams in his deep sleep.

The promise made in the dream cannot kill the master.

Only the master can kill himself.

The first generation Xu Ying made almost the same choice as Zi Tong, leaving Xu Ying to stay and die himself, in order to end the Immortal Emperor's divine calculation.

Zitong Yuanjun, and the first generation Xu promised, they should have gone far away and disappeared in the world.

All that is left now are two mutilated people, one named Yuan Weiyang and the other named Xu Ying.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said: You don't have to worry about me. Didn't I have nothing before? Although I don't have everything now, I have my true self. Moreover, Mingzun can take away all my cultivation, all my realms, all my Dao Jing, but he can’t take away the things in my head.”

He stood up and practiced martial arts with punches and kicks on the boat, concentrating on honing his martial arts.

There were ripples on the calm river.

Martial arts can communicate with the gods and is the origin of all magical methods.

He has nothing left, but his martial arts is still there and has not been cut off!

Yuan Weiyang saw that he became cheerful and smiled. When he was free, he asked him about the various realms of the new way. He smiled and said: After I returned to Yuanzai, I heard that you were preaching in Yuanzai, so I hurried over to kill you. Then he left. I will help you find those immortal grasses and elixirs, and you teach me how to practice the new way.

Xu Ying readily agreed.

The two of them were practicing martial arts on the boat, and the other was practicing a new way. Only Xiaobo in Qingyi was silently at the stern of the boat, drumming up his magic power to urge the boat to move forward.

The old man was silent, looking at the young couple and smiling from time to time.

He activated his magic power, and the boat took off into the sky, sailing towards the vast sky, looking for the fairy mountain and blessed land, and searching for the fairy roots of fairy mushrooms.

I've achieved Hidden Scenery! Yuan Weiyang's surprised voice came.

I have cultivated the cave!

I have reached the ninth realm!

I have cultivated the Six Paths!

Yuan Weiyang's cultivation speed was so fast that Xu Ying had to repeatedly ask to check her cultivation level to prevent her from leaving any shortcomings.

But to his surprise, Yuan Weiyang was more solid than him in the path of cultivation, and he was one of the few people whose qualifications and understanding were not inferior to his. These realms have been refined to perfection.

Not only that, Xu Ying only roughly opened up various realms, and many things he had never thought of were also thought up and perfected by Yuan Weiyang.

By the time the boat arrived at the border of the fairy world, Yuan Weiyang was already preparing to survive the catastrophe.

Weiyang! In my first realm, it seems like several hills of buds have grown! Xu Ying suddenly said with surprise and joy.

Yuan Weiyang hurriedly came forward and saw that in Xu Ying's empty Qi collection realm, there were indeed several hills sprouting, growing into finger-sized hills!

Tiny! she said excitedly.

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