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Chapter 630 Death of Xu Ying

Xu Ying woke up in the darkness and looked around confusedly. He saw Xu Ying standing alone in the darkness. There is no light in this world, only these promises.

Each promise was a separate entity that could be clearly seen in his eyes. In the darkness, these promises seemed extremely lonely.

He walked up to one of the promises and discovered that it was a dead promise. The dead Xu Ying stood in the darkness with his eyes wide open, motionless even if he came close.

This is Xu Ying's previous life, the son of a farmer.

He could see this dead memory of Xu Ying, first a false memory of the Xujiaping fire, and then the daily routine of facing the loess and back to the sky.

The life span of this promise is very short, only ten years.

He continued to walk forward and came to another Xu Ying. This Xu Ying was also dead. He stood there dumbfounded with his eyes wide open.

This promise was from his previous life. He was the child of a carpenter. He also had false memories of the Xujiaping Fire, and then he followed the carpenter to learn carpentry.

His life span is only ten years.

Xu Ying continued to move forward and found the previous life of his previous life. He was also a young man with a lifespan of only ten years.

He kept moving forward, finding more dead promises, not all of which lived for ten years. Some of the promises made before the rise of the Yuanshou Nuo method could only live for a few months before they were discovered. They captured this immortal immortal and used it as a medicine to make a flesh elixir.

He was steamed and eaten in cages, boiled and eaten in copper cauldrons, sliced ​​and stir-fried, and made into various delicacies.

For the Qi Refiners at that time, the Immortal Immortal was just a medicine that could lead to immortality.

Xu Ying kept moving forward, and he met the lucky Xu Ying who married Feng Xueer. Although Xu Ying lost his love, it was tragic, but compared to other Xu Ying, he was lucky. After all, they still had a happy time.

He also met Xu Ying, who was ordered by Zulong to go to sea to find the fairy mountain, and saw Xu Fu crossing the sea with him in his memory.

He found the promise that belonged to Yan Baoer again. This was the luckiest promise among all the promises. He lived for more than five thousand years and spent his life with Yan Baoer from beginning to end.

He also cultivated Jin Buyi and led a group of followers to find the lost truth of ancient times.

The cultivation of that promise stops at the ascension stage, and it is also the one with the highest level of cultivation among all the promises.

Xu Ying stayed in front of this promise for a long time and was reluctant to leave. This promise was also a dead promise, but he was the happiest. For a while, he seemed to have briefly broken free from the shackles of reincarnation and gained a lifelong relationship with Zi Tong.

Xu Ying finally left and continued searching.

These promises in the darkness are his past lives from generation to generation. In the forty-eight thousand years, there are as many as eons, because there are too many promises that died before they could live for more than ten years and were made by others. Various miraculous medicines prolong life, or die in various battles and wars.

Xu Ying searched to the end and found the first consciousness born from the true spirit.

At this time, after the memory of the first Xu Ying was sealed by the emperor, the physical body was derived from the true spirit, and the first Xu Ying's consciousness was born.

This promise also died long ago, and he only lived for ten years.

Xu Ying checked his memory and found that he had already had a reincarnation intersection with Zi Tong in this life.

The name of Zi Tong in this life is Yingxiu, and the starting point of reincarnation begins here.

Xu Ying continued to walk forward and saw his back in front of him.

He looked back, and the person in front of him also turned back, and he saw someone behind him looking back.

Xu Ying returned to the starting point, standing alone in the memory of the first Xu Ying, surrounded by darkness and tens of thousands of lonely selves.

Those are the dead selves.

He walked in another direction and met his past life again. The dead boy showed him his memory.

Xu Ying walked forward silently and continued walking, and met the previous life again.

He kept walking, passing tens of thousands of dead selves, and saw his own back in front of him.

He looked back and saw himself looking back.

All around was darkness.

He changed another direction and continued to move forward. He met his past life again, and the dead boy showed him his memory.

Xu Ying passed by the dead selves one after another and came to the place where he was reincarnated for the first time. Going forward, he saw his own back again.

He repeated this process over and over again, trying to get out of the memory of his promise in the first life. However, no matter which direction he went, he would eventually return to the starting point.

Why am I not dead yet?

He was a little frightened, looked around, and murmured, I'm just a memory of his, why am I not dead yet?


He looked up to the sky and shouted loudly, Xu Ying, don't remember your Zitong Yuanjun, kill him! Retrieve my memory! Hit Meng Shanming's vital point directly! I have his Achilles' heel in my memory!

You should kill him!

Xu Ying looked fierce, like a lion locked in a cage. He walked around uneasily and said to himself, We are only one step away from victory. Only this one step away! I have found his death. Acupoint, kill him, stab him in the back, and tear it outward with force, tearing out a shape like a crack in the Tai Cang Cave Abyss...

He stopped, his eyes like a poisonous snake, calm and terrifying.

As long as we kill Meng Shanming and the culprit at that moment, we will win!

We must be as calm as snake catchers, calmer than venomous snakes, and we will kill if we take action!

Kill Meng Shanming with one move, and no one has time to save him! Haha, no one has time to take action among the six masters and twelve masters!

He laughed proudly, his face turned sinister, and he whispered to himself, The dead Immortal Emperor is worse than a dog! To them, the dead Immortal Emperor has no value at all, it is just a corpse. As long as we kill the Immortal Emperor Mingzun as soon as possible, not only will the six twelve Miao Miao on the other side not avenge the Immortal Emperor, they will have to win over us... Xu Ying!

He shouted loudly: Did you hear that? Don't think about Zi Tong, you have to think about killing the Immortal Emperor! Kill him before you talk... I feel so hurt.

He raised his head in horror and said loudly: Xu Ying, what's going on? Why do I feel so much pain all of a sudden!

He felt the pain of his body and soul being torn apart. The severe pain penetrated deep into his bones, a hundred times more painful than cutting his own flesh with knife after knife.

Xu Ying fell down in pain and curled up like a cooked shrimp.

He was rolling around in pain.

I'm not defeated!

I can win!

He gritted his teeth, like a poisonous snake held seven inches, twisting his body and rolling on the ground.

I hurt so much. He said softly.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor fixed Xu Ying in mid-air, peeled off his realms one after another, chopped them off, looked at them for a moment, and sent them into his own realm of Xiyi.

He needs to keep these realms fresh first, and not let any truth in the realm be lost.

That is the fruit of his crops.

He needed to slowly taste the fruits.

But the most important fruit is the thirteen Taoist scenery.

The palms of the Supreme Immortal Emperor were trembling a little, and his voice was trembling with excitement. He said hoarsely: My six hundred thousand years of planting have finally succeeded. Master, I can finally equal your level back then! No, I even surpassed it. about you!

He laughed heartily, with tears of joy in his eyes: With these thirteen Taoist scenery, I can finally protect myself!

Behind him, a majestic figure stood, silently watching him dismember Xu Ying.

In the sky above Tianyuan, all kinds of wonderful treasures and supreme magic weapons are colliding. The violent Tao power is raging and impacting, and large areas of the water of the sky and sea are annihilated.

Queen Ziwei raised the glass cup, split time and space, and tried her best to kill Xu Ying, trying to rescue him before he died.

The Demon Ancestor also risked his life, sacrificed his true body, and fought against a Supreme Being.

Each of the Taoist ancestors sacrificed their magic weapons to fight against the two wonderful realm-level entities, but were suppressed by the other side.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan watched this scene from a distance and did not participate. Behind him, the tall and wild Wei Xu appeared and said in a deep voice: Master, why don't you intervene? Isn't he being kind to you by releasing you?

I've tried my best to save him, but I couldn't. The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said sadly.

Wei Xu asked in confusion: Who are you talking about?

Your senior brother Shan Ming.

The waste Qingxuan turned around and left, waved his hand and said, I am a waste, why do you have to rely on me for everything? Isn't it nice to be a waste?

He paused and disappeared, and his voice came from far away: Wei Xu, don't lose yourself like your senior brother. It will be too late to regret it in the future!

Wei Xu looked at the scene where Xu Ying was harvested, suddenly shuddered, and whispered: Master, you want to be a waste, but I can't. I have seen the look in my senior brother's eyes, it is the look of looking at prey. If he If you don’t reap the promise, then I will be the one who reaps it...

He hesitated, turned and left.

Xu Ying is a warning to me. If I want to become a Supreme, I must become a Supreme! This new path is a shortcut. I have no resources and no abyss. If I want to become a Supreme, I must take this road. There is no other way. Walk!

The battle in the sky above Tianyuan is still going on. No attack can defeat Yi Si Miao.

Where is the ancestor god?

Demon Ancestor was covered in wounds and shouted angrily, Where is the Ancestor God? Old bastard! You are not here every time I need you!

The big bell and the big dragon clanged, attacking the Si Miao's defense. His fighting style was fierce and domineering, not inferior to that of the Supreme Magic Weapon, and even forced the Supreme to deal with him personally!

Is there anyone else who can help?

An Qi offered a sacrifice to King Kong Zhuo to kill him, but he couldn't move a single bit of the Four Wonders. He couldn't help crying anxiously, Is there anyone who can help?

In the realm of Taixu, Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord, looked down at this scene, shook his head, and whispered: You can't beat him. What's more, there is no friendship between life and death. I still want to stay useful and avenge Qingxuan. !”

At Tianhai Ferry, Taoist Yuji looked at this scene from a distance and felt a little emotional in his heart, but that was all.

Perhaps that temptress from Qiongtai will appreciate such a young man.

His heart became cold, and his whole body was shrouded in darkness. He burst into tears and whispered, Sigh, it's another dead soul harvested by power.

Under the abyss.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor cut off the Dao scenery one after another. He could not suppress his excitement, especially Cuiyan. Such Dao scenery was an achievement that he could only hope to achieve in his life.

Even if he exhausts his entire life's wisdom, he can only scratch the surface.

But now, he can master this avenue!

There is also the Dao Scenery of that day, which is naturally the form of the Three Realms, superimposed on top and bottom, connected by a long river of spiritual light. This kind of Heavenly Dao Dao Scenery is more precious than the entire Heavenly Dao World. The Heavenly Dao contained in it requires a master with heinous crimes, who has to go through thousands of tempers of Zixiao Tribulation Thunder, and has to overcome tribulations and ascend many times before it can be cultivated!

However, it all belongs to him, to his Mingzun Meng Shanming!

My 600,000 years of hard cultivation have led to today. The Immortal Emperor harvested the green rocks and the realm of heaven, and murmured with excitement as he shed tears.

He has said this more than once.

His eyes fell on the last Taoist realm, Hongmeng Taojing.

Mingzun, that's enough. You can't harvest this Taoist scenery.

The Supreme Creation stopped him and said, The Hongmeng Dao Scene is the merit of the New Dao Dao Ancestor. If you can harvest it, you will be the New Dao Dao Ancestor. But you can't harvest it. The three realms of heaven and earth have been revived, and Heaven wants him to open up a new path. Only if he has meritorious deeds can he be given the Qi of Hongmeng. You can't take it away!

I can!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor still reached out to grab Hongmeng Daojing. This was the fruit of his crops. Of course he had to harvest it and couldn't let go of any fruit!

His voice was loud, and he held the Hongmeng Taoist scene, and the Taoism in his mouth was rolling: I am the Immortal Emperor, broadcasting to the world, I create a new way, establish the fourteen realms of the new way, let the world learn! I change the destiny of the world against heaven, I He is the Patriarch of the New Way!

Who will write history? Isn't it my historian?

Whatever I want this history to be like, that's what it will be like!


With thunderous sounds, he actually cut off Hongmeng Daojing and stuffed it into the back of his head!

From today on, I am the ancestor of the new way! Whoever says otherwise, behead!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor raised his arm and slashed at the halo behind Xu Ying's head.

He was so excited that this blow failed to completely cut off the Taiyi Dongyuan behind Xu Ying's head. This cave abyss is composed of two Taiyi Cave Abyss. One was summoned by Xu Ying from the other side, and the other was cultivated by Xu Ying himself. They are combined together and are extremely tight.

The Immortal Emperor raised his hand to strike again, two strikes in a row, and finally cut down the two caves and abyss.

I finally got my cave...

The Immortal Emperor was so excited that he couldn't control himself, and his soul immediately flew out to patrol the Taiyi Cave Abyss. He is like a greedy old rich man, patrolling his wealth and refusing to let go of any copper.

Suddenly, his face turned pale.

He saw an eye-catching crack in the void of Taiyi Cave Abyss.

The Taiyi Cave Abyss cracked open.

His expression suddenly changed, and his soul immediately rushed out and entered another Taiyi Cave.

Here, there is also a crack!

The Supreme Creation and others were surprised when they saw his expression, and each walked into the cave. When they saw this crack, everyone smiled knowingly.

They were originally wary of the Immortal Emperor, but now they can rest assured.

He is really a chicken thief. The Supreme Creation said with a smile.

Deep in the memory of the first Xu Ying, Xu Ying huddled up, shrouded in severe pain, shaking like chaff.

... Even if I die, no one can think about it... I'm so cold!

There was darkness all around, and more than ten thousand Xu Ying stood in the darkness, but he was left alone.

Dead? The Supreme Creation frowned.

Probably. Taoist Master Luofu was a little confused.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was immersed in great joy and did not look at Xu Ying's body.

Taoist Master Luofu glanced at the ecstatic Immortal Emperor and asked: Fill him in the sea, or bury him?

Fill in the sea, it's close, so you don't have to dig a hole.

A wonderful being raised his hand, lifted Xu Ying's body, waved his sleeves gently, and the body flew towards the eye of the sea.

In the past, people were tied up and sent to the sea eye to be tortured to death. But now Xu Ying has no breath and his body is riddled with holes. There is no need to tie him up and he is sent directly to the sea eye. That’s it.

Xu Ying's body came to the sky above Haiyan. The Miaojing took back his magic power and saw the body falling towards Haiyan.

At this time, a ray of black light came, but it was a large dog with a thin waist. It ran as fast as flying, jumped over the eye of the sea, caught Xu Ying's body, and fled out of the abyss.

Second brother, I'm here to save you! the black dog shouted.

That Miaojing frowned and patted the big black dog from a distance. As if it had been hit hard, it hit the stone wall from a distance, let out a miserable cry, and hurried away with Xu Ying on its back.

Eh? How can a dog's physical body be so strong? The wonderful being was surprised. With a shake of its body, an external avatar flew out and chased the big black dog.

This roaring sky dog ​​carried Xu Ying's body on its back and fled all the way, up to the sky and into the earth, fleeing in a hurry, and the incarnation of the wonderful realm behind him could always track him.

The big black dog fled to the earthly fairy world. Both sides chased each other. After more than ten days of escaping, the roaring dog's injury relapsed and it was difficult to hold on. He placed Xu Ying's body on the ground and lay on his chest to listen, but heard nothing. Less than.

He licked Xu Ying's forehead, which felt cold.

Second brother, you'd better be buried in peace.

The big black dog shed tears and used his magic power to push out a pit and bury Xu Ying.

Others stood up, bowed to Xu Ying, turned around and left without erecting a monument.

Promise's grave stood there alone, and there was no vegetation on the new grave, just like the graves of those lonely ghosts.

After a few months, weeds began to grow on the grave.

Two years later, there were several trees growing beside the grave, which were very strong.

In the darkness, Xu Ying felt that he was getting colder and colder, as if he would be frozen forever.

Around him, the promises gradually became blurred, as if those memories were about to disappear.

Snake catcher promises! A voice came, waking him up.

Xu Ying opened his eyes and saw another Xu Ying coming from the darkness. That Xu Ying was more mature than him, a young man, and very handsome.

Sorry, I failed.

The young man Xu Ying bowed to him to the ground and said with a sad expression, This world cannot tolerate the heroic Qing Xuan, nor can it tolerate the aboveboard Xu Ying. Such a Xu Ying and such Qing Xuan cannot survive. Only the snake catcher promises to survive.”

So, I'm here to ask you to resign.

Xu Ying got up with difficulty and looked at him as a young man.

where you go?

I'm going to find my Zitong, maybe to find the world in my dreams that needs heroes.

The young man promised to walk into the darkness, turned around and waved to him, Sorry, I failed to leave you a legacy, but instead ruined the situation you created.

His figure gradually disappeared into the darkness and disappeared.

Outside the grave, thunderstorms raged, and lightning struck one after another, splitting the trees on the barren grave.

The trees creaked, burst into flames in the thunderstorm, and fell sideways.

Suddenly, a palm pierced through the mud, its fingers spread out as if trying to grasp the sky.

The grave soil is cracked.

After a while, a muddy boy staggered out of the grave.

I'm still alive...I'm still alive-

There were wounds all over his body, he clenched his hands into fists, looked up to the sky and screamed in the thunderstorm, and thirteen realms jumped out behind him.

However, these realms have no outline of the realm. Everything has been cut off, empty and riddled with holes!

But, I have nothing, nothing left...I lost, hahahaha, I lost!

He staggered down the mountain, going crazy.

On this day, he came to a place called Shendu and passed a big willow tree. Only then did he remember that this place was once called Yuanshou World.

He sat in a daze under the willow tree, muttering: I lost, I lost everything, I have nothing...

Some officials drove him away because this was Caishikou, the place where heads were beheaded.

He walked forward silently and unknowingly arrived at Yuan Mansion and stood under the eaves outside Yuan Mansion. He looked at the courtyard and thought of many things.

Hey, I lost, I lost everything... He lowered his head, feeling sorry for himself.


The door opened.

Uncle Xiao's voice came: Miss, be careful.

When the sloppy boy heard the voice, he looked up and saw a girl with bright eyes and white teeth walking out of Yuan Mansion.

The eyes of the boy and the girl met, and time seemed to stand still.

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