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Chapter 629 I met the best you at the best time

Xu Ying's sword was decisive and domineering. The killing intent of the Zhuxian Broken Sword to destroy everything and recreate the prehistoric world was so resolute that it was bound to crush everything in front of him!

He already knows the weakness of the Supreme Immortal Emperor's Tai Cang Avenue. Now that the Immortal Emperor is trapped in the ginseng fruit tree, it is the best time for him to kill the Immortal Emperor!

The Immortal Emperor used Zitong Yuanjun to block his killing blow, but it was absolutely unstoppable!

In his heart, the woman he loved, Yuan Weiyang, was already dead the moment Zitong Yuanjun woke up.

But at the moment when Xu Ying was about to stab Zitong Yuanjun, another consciousness suddenly awakened in his heart, and a strong thought came over him.

With a slight shake of his palm, the sword energy bypassed Zitong Yuanjun without killing him.

The Zhangtian Ruler in his hand vibrated slightly, and the Zhangtian Ruler divided into two, two into four, and four into eight. In an instant, the sky was full of sword energy, rushing towards the Immortal Emperor.

Even if the Immortal Emperor uses Zitong Yuanjun to block him, he is still absolutely sure to kill the Immortal Emperor!

At this time, the Immortal Emperor is trapped in the ginseng fruit tree, which is definitely a rare opportunity!

His figure passed the girl, and at this moment, a branch of a ginseng fruit tree stabbed Zitong Yuanjun in the back with a hiss.

Without thinking, Xu Ying waved the Heavenly Ruler and cut off the branch with a hiss.

The sword light in the sky was also panicking at this moment. The Immortal Emperor controlled the ginseng fruit tree and smashed the sword energy into pieces!

Promise! Yes!

Xu Ying shouted angrily, his black hair piercing his crown, and his murderous intent, Don't stop me from winning!

One by one, branches were killing Yuanjun Zitong. Xu Ying clearly felt that he was abandoning Yuanjun Zitong and killing the Immortal Emperor not far away, but his hands were disobedient. Zhang Tianzhi kept hitting those branches, blocking them. The Immortal Emperor's offensive.

In terms of cultivation, he was definitely no match for the Immortal Emperor at this time. The Immortal Emperor had already merged with the ginseng fruit tree. Every time he took a branch, Xu Ying's arms were numb and his mouth exploded.

If you fight hard like this, you will lose even if you are not defeated!


In his Sanqing incarnation, Xu Ying in white clothes was suddenly penetrated by a branch and turned into a wisp of white energy. He was about to fly back into Xu Ying's body, but was snapped away by dozens of branches.

The other incarnations of the Three Pure Ones and the human-skinned Xu Ying rushed towards each other, intending to take over the Zhangtian Ruler and protect Lord Zitong. However, the next moment, Xu Ying in yellow and Xu Ying in green were beaten to pieces, and Huang Qi and Qing Qi were each beaten to pieces. Break up!

Human skin Xu Ying rushed over, but he was also locked by branches and couldn't move!

Xu Ying, this is my reincarnation game against you.

The voice of the Immortal Emperor came, and he said leisurely, Forty-eight thousand years ago, you were in the game. From the first reincarnation of you and her, you have been entangled with each other for eternity, forming an increasingly heavy... net.

Xu Ying suddenly reached out and grabbed Zitong Yuanjun's palm, swung her hard and threw her onto his back, shouting: Hold me tight!

He used the ruler as his sword and charged forward.

Zi Tong Yuanjun's arms were wrapped around his neck, hugging him lightly, and she lay quietly against his back, listening to his beating heart.

Xu Ying took a long breath, exploded with strength, shouted and activated the Zhuxian Sword Qi to the extreme, desperately resisting the branches rushing towards Zitong Yuanjun.

He knew that he had to carry this troublesome woman on his back and protect her safety. Only in this way, the promise of the first life would not interfere with his emotions.

Only then can he reach the side of the Immortal Emperor and kill the culprit!

How wonderful feelings are. You can't love them. It makes people crazy.

The voice of the Immortal Emperor came from the front. Half of the Immortal Emperor's body grew together with the fruit tree, and only half of his face was left. Half of it was unable to move, and the other half showed a smile, as if he was mocking Xu Ying for overestimating his abilities.

You and Zi Tong have been in love for eternity. Every time we fall in love, we lose each other. Every time we meet, we lose each other. This obsession for eternity will gradually deepen with reincarnation again and again.

He laughed and said, When you are reincarnated for hundreds of lives, this obsession will be deep enough to drag the immortals into reincarnation! When you are reincarnated for thousands of lives, even if you are the king of heaven, you will still perish. Even if you are reincarnated for thousands of lives, even if It’s Daluo Jinxian, even if he is the Supreme, his jade bones will melt and his Taoism will be lost! How wonderful-

He opened one arm and raised his head and shouted: I don't need to be proficient in the way of reincarnation, I don't need to understand the mystery of reincarnation! I only need to control your destiny to deepen this curse!

Zi Tong Yuanjun looked at Xu Ying's profile. He was fighting hard to block all the attacking branches from her. The force of the shock was gradually becoming unbearable for him.

There was blood at the corner of his mouth and beads of sweat on his face.

Zitong Yuanjun raised his hand, gently wiped his sweat, and quietly placed it on his back, saying softly: Put me down, brother Ying.

She recalled the chance encounter in the Milky Way that year, when two small boats crossed each other under the Magpie Bridge and filled the river with stars.

There is no Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

Only them.

Turning back inadvertently, the two of them saw each other's faces imprinted in their eyes.

Put me down.

She whispered, I'm ready.

...Two talented men and women met under the Magpie Bridge, competed, got to know each other, and fell in love! It's all under my control! The more talented you are, the deeper your love, the more profound your obsession will be!

The Immortal Emperor laughed loudly and controlled the ginseng fruit tree to attack Fairy Zitong crazily, Your obsession will pull each other into reincarnation forever. You will entangle me and I will entangle you. You will sink forever! You guys! It’s like two birds with the same fate, if one dies, the other will die, and if one revives, the other will also revive!”

Xu Ying gritted his teeth, and the repulsive force coming from the branches became stronger and stronger. Blood rushed to his throat and his internal organs were about to burst!

But he never let go of Zi Tong Yuanjun.

If Zi Tong is put down and Zi Tong dies, he will fall into reincarnation, but he can't hold on for long even if Zi Tong is desperately trying to protect her safety.

What's more, there is another promise living in his body, a promise that has always been sleeping, a promise that has woken up now but is still pretending to sleep.

As for himself, it was just a dream that Xu Ying had for twenty-one years while he was sleeping.

If I can't protect Zi Tong, that promise will wake up. When I wake up from the dream, I should be like the other ten thousand dreams that will be shattered and turned into a memory of the first life promise.

I don't want to die...

Xu Ying grasped the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler in his hand tightly. The skin of his arms exploded and dripped with blood. However, he still desperately guarded Zitong Yuanjun behind him and walked towards the Supreme Immortal Emperor step by step.

His footprints are full of blood!

All around, the branches of the ginseng fruit trees stabbed Zitong Yuanjun almost violently, slowing down his steps.

I don't want to die silently like Yuan Weiyang! he yelled.

Put me down, brother Ying. You won't die.

The girl behind him wiped the tears from his eyes and whispered, Do you remember? I promised you that I would leave you the best of myself. You will not fall into reincarnation.

Suddenly, Xu Ying's right arm exploded, and the Zhangtian Ruler flew out of his hand.


Behind him there was the sound of a sharp object piercing the human body.

Then another sound of chichichi came, and Xu Ying's mind suddenly went blank.

Brother Ying, I met the best you at the best time. I promised you that I would leave the best of myself to you, so I cut myself out and kept her.

The girl lay on his back and said softly to him, After I die, the Immortal Emperor cannot let you fall into reincarnation. Because she is still alive. Let me down, brother Ying. I will give you Yuan Weiyang, I gave it back to you...

The branches of the ginseng fruit tree were tied behind Xu Ying's back, and the branches and leaves were flying, with blood flowers falling down.

The voice of the girl behind him gradually became lower and less audible: There is no reincarnation, brother. If your obsession ends in my life, you will live a good life...

Xu Ying stood there blankly, his eyes wide open. Suddenly something seemed to explode in his mind, and all the memories and images from his first life came in like a tide, drowning him.

He recalled the encounter on the Milky Way and under the Magpie Bridge, the encounter again, the competition between the two most outstanding men and women, his teasing of her, and the secret love.

He thought of lying down at night with his hands behind his head and thinking about her voice.

He still remembered the temptation between the two lovers, feeling uneasy but full of joy and expectation.

From falling in love to falling in love, they became close friends and close friends.

Zi Tong, I met the best you at the best time.

Me too.

Go away, Xu Ying!

Xu Ying grabbed her head with her other hand, and tears flowed out of her eyes. She yelled in pain, Get away! I'm about to succeed! I don't want to die! Don't occupy me, don't erase me. I!

More thoughts came to his mind, and more pictures occupied his field of vision.

He saw himself holding Fairy Zitong's hand, standing on the cliff, looking at the mist-capped mountains and rivers. He told Zi Tong that he was about to betray the Immortal Court and kill himself in the lower realm.

If I go, I might die. He said to the girl.

The girl held hands with him, her palms were warm and delicate, and her eyes seemed to have a power that made him feel at ease.

Don't worry. No matter what you do, I will support you. Even if you die, no matter how many generations, I will find you and we will never be separated again!

Another picture came to him. Xu Ying, whose memory had been washed away, was regenerated and his soul was revived. For the first time, he was assigned his destiny and became a slave boy in the Yu Dynasty during the Three Emperors era.

My name is Xu Ying.

He smiled at the other slave girl with a simple smile, What's your name?

My name is Yingxiu.

The slave girl looked cheerful and bright. She looked him up and down, her eyebrows were like willow leaves and her eyes were like autumn water. This brother seems to have been seen somewhere before.

More memories came flooding back, drowning him one after another.

My name is Xiao Cui...

My name is Yan Baoer...

My name is Qiuyun...

My name is Feng Xueer...

A flood of memories flooded into the snake catcher forty-eight thousand years later. The young man was terrified and uneasy, and finally turned into a picture.

I'm Yuan Weiyang. The young master smiled at him.

I don't have many people in my family. I only have a younger sister, who is from the same compatriot as me, and looks about 70% similar to me...

I'm not usually like this, and we've only known each other for a day. But when I see you, I feel like I've known you for a long time, as if I've known you for eternity...

Xu Ying walked forward with the body on his back, and the Immortal Emperor's laughter turned into panic: Why didn't you fall into reincarnation? She is dead, so you should also be wrapped up in obsession and fall into reincarnation!

He pinched wildly with one hand to deduce the cause and effect, and shouted: You bastard! What a bastard! The mad woman cut herself out, leaving only the last memory of reincarnation! She made herself into an incarnation! What a mad woman!

He frantically mobilized the ginseng fruit tree, and thousands of branches and leaves attacked Xu Ying. However, those branches could only pass by Xu Ying and could not hurt Xu Ying at all!

The Immortal Emperor shouted angrily and struggled to separate from the ginseng fruit tree.

Xu Ying was hit hard at this time and was in an extremely bad state. As long as he could be separated from the ginseng fruit tree, he would still win.

Just as he was trying to tear it apart, Xu Ying had already come to his side.

Xu Ying, I recognize your new righteousness.

The Immortal Emperor suddenly said seriously, I will reconcile with you and help you promote the new way...


Xu Ying's fist pressed half of his face and was pressed against the ginseng fruit tree. The corners of the Immortal Emperor's eyes cracked and broken teeth flew out. He shouted: Xu Ying, don't do this! We are all adults...


Xu Ying punched him again, harder than the first punch, almost smashing half of the Immortal Emperor's head into the tree.

There is no hatred between adults, Xu Ying! I am the Immortal Emperor. As long as I help you promote the new way, you will be the Taoist ancestor! The Taoist ancestor...


Xu Ying looked numb as he punched one after another, smashing the Immortal Emperor's head and body bit by bit into the ginseng fruit tree, causing blood and flesh to fly and bones to break.

The Immortal Emperor could still speak before, but later, he gradually became unable to speak.

He grabbed the Immortal Emperor Supreme's hair, pulled the man out of the tree, grabbed his head, and tore it out. The Immortal Emperor's body is integrated with the ginseng fruit tree. Tearing the Immortal Emperor's body will not tear the other half out, it can only tear it in half from the middle!

But the Immortal Emperor's supreme body is too tough. Even with Xu Ying's great strength, he cannot tear it apart in one breath, and can only tear it apart slowly.

Half of the Immortal Emperor's head had been torn open, and he half-opened his mouth in pain and let out a shrill scream.

Xu used force to tear down and tear his upper body from the tree. The Immortal Emperor's screams were unbearable to hear.

He tore off half of the Immortal Emperor. The Immortal Emperor could no longer make a sound and was still pinned to the ground by Xu Ying, punching him downwards one after another.

Blood flowed all over the floor.

At this time, the light of the Guidao Jade Plate shone down from the sky, shining on Xu Ying with a buzzing sound, and blasted him away.

it is ready.

On the other side of the abyss, extremely powerful beings stood up one after another and descended from the sky with great majesty. There were even more powerful beings from the Miao Realm who took action one after another to confront the Void Emperor, Demon Ancestor, Empress Ziwei and others!

What we need is a powerful Supreme, a Supreme that can be controlled and has the same philosophy as us, a powerful existence that can fight against the Holy Supreme with us.

Figures descended from the sky one after another, and divine light shrouded the backs of their heads. The light was dazzling, making them invisible.

Rather than an uncontrollable new Taoist ancestor.

A powerful being smiled and slowly extended the palm of friendship to the half-immortal emperor who fell on the ground.

Another powerful being spread his fingers and struck out with one hand, knocking the rushing Xu Ying away and hanging on the stone wall.

Another person supported the Immortal Emperor and placed him next to the ginseng fruit tree, so that his flesh and blood were connected to the fruit tree.

We, the six twelve masters, need allies like Ming Zun. Today we officially absorb fellow Taoist Ming Zun and become the ruler of the three realms!

Pieces of supreme magic weapons and wonderful realm treasures flew out, suppressing Xu Yan who was still struggling.

Fellow Taoist Mingzun, please harvest.

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