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Chapter 628: Hongmeng Ziqi, meritorious deeds

The ginseng fruit tree is equivalent to another existence in the supreme realm. This is the power of the ginseng fruit tree itself. This thing is the spiritual root of heaven and earth in the earthly immortal world. When it controls the heaven and earth avenues in the earthly immortal world, its power is even more magnificent and difficult to estimate!

Controlling this tree is the way to control the earthly and immortal world.

When Wuzhuang Temple appeared, the Immortal Emperor came to the ginseng fruit tree and merged with the ginseng fruit tree as the Immortal Emperor, but he did not completely refine the tree.

With his strength, he could only refine its fur, but if he wanted to continue refining it, it would exceed his strength at that time.

However, the Immortal Emperor has always been very patient. He can wait. Until now, he finally got the chance.

The magical power promised by Cuiyan is to fundamentally change the avenue of heaven and earth, which will not be tolerated by the ginseng fruit tree. All the Immortal Emperor has to do is to move Wuzhuang Temple here.

As the spiritual root of heaven and earth in the earthly immortal world, this Tao tree would mobilize the great avenues of heaven and earth to suppress Xu Ying without his urging. And he can take advantage of the gap between the ginseng fruit tree and Xu Ying to completely control the ginseng fruit tree!

But to his surprise, the ginseng fruit tree's resistance became more and more intense. He had only been able to control the ginseng fruit tree for a moment to deliver a fatal blow to Xu Ying. But now, he can only control half of the fruit tree's power.

This innate spiritual root seemed to hate him extremely, but not to the extent of hating Xu promised!

Xu Ying is a heretic, but he is the executioner who massacres the monks in the earthly immortal world. Obviously, neither of them is a good person to the ginseng fruit tree. In comparison, Xu Ying is worse.

I just harvested some crops and didn't kill them. It's not a serious crime. You are just a fruit tree and you are not the incarnation of heaven. Why are you pretending to be a saint?

The Immortal Emperor was angry and summoned his magic power to invade the ginseng fruit tree, You should surrender to me, become my weapon, and become my Tao tree! I am the master of the earthly immortal world!

His timing was extremely clever. When the ginseng fruit tree thought of resisting him, it was already halfway invaded by him. At this time, it was a bit difficult to suppress Xu Ying and resist him at the same time.

The Immortal Emperor shouted loudly, inserting his right arm into the body of the ginseng fruit tree, his own flesh and blood flying, and it was forcibly compatible with the ginseng fruit tree!

His Chaos Sea View exploded, and he also drew out the power of the Chaos Sea View in the Taixu Realm, pouring it into himself and the ginseng fruit tree, forcing half of his body to grow together with the ginseng fruit tree!

In an instant, one person and one tree combined to form a strange organism. The flesh and blood of the Immortal Emperor spread on the tree, climbing up, and seemed to control the entire ginseng fruit tree!

And the ginseng fruit tree is also trying its best to expel his flesh and blood and maintain its own purity!

At the same time, a stunning sword light from the ginseng fruit tree came in front of Xu Ying. He was not allowed to evade it at all. It slashed at him with the sword, and the power of the sword light exploded!


There was a violent shock in the Tianyuan, and a sword energy was hundreds of thousands of miles long, slashing forward along the Tianyuan, almost penetrating the entire Tianyuan!

Xu Ying was suppressed by the sword light, and Huanhua was completely suppressed. No matter the three seals of heaven or the magical power of Cuiyan, they were unable to compete with it.


The sword energy suppressed Xu Ying and struck hard at the end of the Tianyuan. The air waves set off by the sword light caused all the seawater flowing into the Tianyuan to flow back. Along with the pouring sword energy, it soared into the sky, forming an aurora on the sky. Such brilliant light.

From a distance, it looks like a sword with a length of hundreds of thousands of miles.

This scene is really spectacular and breathtaking.

It wasn't until the sword energy dissipated that people on both sides of the Tianyuan had the opportunity to look inside the Tianyuan. However, Xu Ying was blown too far away and could not see where he was.

Figures galloped along both sides of the bank, quickly arriving at the end of the abyss. Looking down, they saw only exploding blood stains, spreading outward in an explosive shape, smeared everywhere.

There are even some slender blood threads in the air, extending in all directions, as if they are still growing.

There are also many broken spiritual lights that light up this area.

Everyone was shocked.

Demon Ancestor murmured: The Wulu Golden Body can't withstand this blow. If the monkey is here...

Just as he said this, the voice of Empress Ziwei came: The Wuluo Golden Body withstood it.

The Demon Ancestor was startled and followed his gaze. Sure enough, he saw Xu Ying's human skin, which was attached to the cliff and covered with blood, flesh and broken bones. If you didn't distinguish it carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell that it was a human skin. A piece of human skin.

The Wu Leak Golden Body was indeed incredibly strong, and the sword light emitted from the ginseng fruit tree was unable to split it. However, the power of the sword was too strong, and it directly crushed Xu Ying to death!

The flesh and blood scattered everywhere were mostly ejected from the eyes, ears, mouth, nose and other acupoints.

The power of the attack that the Immortal Emperor unleashed from the ginseng fruit tree was really terrifying. Xu Ying could have fought with him just now, but now he couldn't even take a single move and was beaten to pieces!

Xu Daozu, are you ready to be robbed? An unknown voice came and asked.

Everyone's eyes fell on the wandering blood threads. Countless slender blood threads in the air were still growing, like branches, much like the branch-like texture formed by Xu Ying's transformation state.

After the terrifying blow to the ginseng fruit tree, some of the green rock avenues were still preserved, which made them stunned.

In addition to these blood threads, there is also Taiyi Cave Abyss spinning faintly.

Master Xuhuang Daodao muttered: When the master dies, Taiyi Cave Abyss will leave and disappear without a trace. At this moment Taiyi Cave Abyss is still here...

Suddenly, a Dao Scenery flew out of the Taiyi Cave Abyss, and it turned out to be the promised thirteenth Dao Scenery, Hongmeng Dao Scenery.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao raised his eyebrows and praised: Immeasurable merit.

The scenery of Hongmeng Dao was not derived from Xu Ying's understanding of Hongmeng Dao. Instead, Xu Ying established each realm of the new Dao, cut off his own cultivation and practiced it all over again. When he was overcoming the calamity, the Qi of Hongmeng came into being and turned into his first Thirteen Taoist scenes.

The Qi of Hongmeng is a reward from the heaven of the three realms for his merits.

The so-called heavenly calamity has rewards and punishments. Rewards and punishments have their own fair rules, and there is no need for the gods to deliberately operate them. People with great merit will survive tribulations with few tribulations and great rewards. People who have done many evil deeds will survive tribulations with many tribulations and will most likely fall under the tribulations.

Although Xu Ying was hated by countless people, the new Taoist ancestor was also worshiped by countless people. Although he has not yet gathered his divine power, his merits are already there.

The ginseng fruit tree is the spiritual root of the earthly immortal world. It can break through the twelve Taoist scenery. Except for the Cuiyan Daojing, which is somewhat difficult, the others are easy. But only for the Hongmeng Daojing, the sword light of the ginseng fruit tree did not touch the Daojing at all!

At this moment, Hongmeng Daojing flew out, slowly rotating, and saw the spiritual light gathering in the air, reorganizing again, first forming Xu Ying's immortal true spirit, and then forming Xu Ying's soul.

At the same time, the blood threads in the air are constantly regenerating themselves. The branch-like textures are spliced ​​and grown to form flesh, bones, and skin.

In the Taiyi Cave Abyss, the aura of Taiyi Avenue is getting stronger and stronger, gradually forming strange phenomena such as the Sea of ​​Chaos, the Unfixed River, and the Clear Sky.

The Tao power contained in this cave abyss is extremely powerful. When the Tao scene is recreated, the other twelve sceneries, including the green rock, will soon be formed again, becoming more and more real!

Xu Ying relied on a Hongmeng Taoist scene to recreate his soul and physical body, and gradually recovered.

At this moment, Wuzhuang Temple suddenly flew over, and the Immortal Emperor was perched high in Wuzhuang Temple, looking down from above. His body has grown together with the ginseng fruit tree and has become inhuman.

The ginseng fruit tree is also extremely powerful. To fight against him is to fight against yourself. The branches are flying, but there is nothing you can do.

Xu Ying, you are no longer able to compete with me!

The Immortal Emperor wanted to raise his right hand, but he saw branches of the ginseng fruit tree flying towards Xu Ying!

Xu Ying's body was mostly formed. He raised his hand to resist, but was knocked away.

Under the control of the Immortal Emperor, those branches rolled towards his Taoist scenes, but these Taoist scenes suddenly flew into the abyss of Taiyi Cave and disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying still had his left arm that had not yet recovered, and was running around to avoid the pursuing branches. However, he saw that these branches penetrated the void of heaven and earth, often appeared from incredible angles, and hit him, leaving him covered in blood!


The branches of the ginseng fruit tree wrapped around Xu Ying's ankles and dragged him back. Xu Ying turned around and held up the Shanshui Zhangtian ruler. A sword energy shot out from the ruler and cut off the branch.

With a shake of his hand, the sky was filled with landscapes, swishing downwards!

The Immortal Emperor didn't take it seriously and controlled countless branches of the ginseng fruit tree to block all the Zhangtian Ruler!

Xu Ying shouted loudly, stretched out his left arm, reached out and grabbed it, and his human skin flew up from the stone wall, inflating like another person.

Xing Dao, the owner of Niwan Palace, saw the situation and secretly said it was a pity.

He had just planned to take advantage of Xu Ying's fight with the Immortal Emperor to get further and further away, so he would take the opportunity to take away Xu Ying's human skin and get in himself. But Xu Ying suddenly got his own skin on him and didn't give him any chance.

Xu Yingyi Qi transformed the three pure beings, and the three pure spirits of heaven and earth appeared. The three great spirits worked together to move the mountains and rivers and the ruler of the sky, and the overwhelming Tao realm collided with the branches of the ginseng fruit tree!

The Sanqing Yuanshen almost burned himself, raising his cultivation level to the extreme, and rushed forward against the mountains and rivers!

However, although the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler is the supreme magic weapon, it is still inferior to the ginseng fruit tree. Immediately, Zhangtian Ruler's countless attacks were broken, and branches were rolled towards Xu Ying!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor stood under the ginseng fruit tree and looked at him coldly: Xu Ying, you are the crop I planted. A crop is a crop, and there will never be a chance of backlash!

He activated the ginseng fruit trees and gathered on the heaven and earth avenue of the immortal world. At this moment, thousands of rays of light came from the sky, making the ginseng fruit trees extremely brilliant!

call out--

Thousands of rays of light turned into another ray of sword light, slashing towards Xu Ying!

The previous knife severely injured Xu Ying. If it weren't for Hongmeng Daojing, he would have died. At that time, the Immortal Emperor was still trying his best to control the ginseng fruit tree and had no chance to harvest it.

But this time, even if he doesn't die, he can't escape the harvest!

Xu Ying shouted loudly, raised the Hongmeng Daojing, and faced the light of the falling sword!

In the astonished eyes of the Immortal Emperor, that stunning sword light unexpectedly narrowly avoided the Hongmeng Dao Jing, passed by the Dao Jing, and cut into the void behind Xu Ying!

There was only a rumble of explosions coming from the depths of the space. The explosions became farther and farther away, and the incomparable sword light finally dissipated into nothingness.

At the same time, thousands of flying branches fought off the blockade of the mountains and rivers and stabbed at Xu Ying. However, the branches of these ginseng fruit trees also stayed away from the Hongmeng Dao Scenery and did not touch the Hongmeng Dao Scenery at all!

Xu Ying used Hongmeng Daojing as a shield and supported it in front, rushing towards Wuzhuang Temple!

Beside him, the three gods of heaven and earth worked together to raise the Heavenly Ruler, and the landscape map spread across the void to block the attacks of branches flying from other places.

Xu Ying pushed Hongmeng Daojing and ran forward, rushing into Wuzhuang Temple and heading towards the ginseng fruit tree!

Swish, swish, swish!

Countless branches came towards me, but they bypassed Hongmeng Daojing and attacked Xu Ying behind the Daojing, but they were all blocked by the landscape map.

The Immortal Emperor was frightened and angry, and repeatedly controlled the ginseng fruit tree in an attempt to kill Xu Ying, but no matter what the attack, the ginseng fruit tree took the initiative to avoid Hongmeng Daojing.

That Hongmeng Dao Scenery is the result of Xu Ying's merits as the ancestor of the New Dao. With the faith of countless Qi refiners in the future, the incense condenses and he can be called the Patriarch of Ten Thousand Daos.

If the spiritual roots of heaven and earth in the earthly immortal world were to attack this Taoist scene under his control, they would be extinct from the world, and they would not be worthy of being the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

The Immortal Emperor shouted angrily, raised his left hand and struck at the rushing Xu Ying, but at this moment half of his body had been assimilated with the ginseng fruit tree, and he had to control the ginseng fruit tree at the same time. His body was inconvenient, so the power of this blow was not as powerful as before!

Xu Ying sensed his attack, and suddenly the human skin Xu Ying flew up and appeared in front of Hongmeng Daojing, blocking the attack forcefully.

This human skin that was promised to him has been transformed into an external incarnation by him. Although it is not strong enough, the power that the Immortal Emperor can use is also quite weak!

The human skin Xu Ying was hit and flew backwards, hit the Hongmeng Daojing, shriveled up, but then inflated again like it was inflated.

The Immortal Emperor repeatedly struck out, but when he saw Xu Ying leading Hongmeng Daojing to dodge up and down, left and right, those who couldn't dodge were sent to Xu Ying to resist. None of his moves landed on Xu Ying or Hongmeng Daojing.


Xu Ying landed with his feet in the Jade Capital of Wuzhuang Temple, stepped forward and rushed forward. Along the way, he ran through all the Six Immortals' Domain, Dao Domain, Dao Temple, Dao Trees and Dao Flowers in Wuzhuang Guan. , the next moment we arrived at the dojo of the ginseng fruit tree!

Under the ginseng fruit tree, the Immortal Emperor Supreme is struggling hard. He has merged with the ginseng fruit tree. At this moment, he cannot move his physical body, and it is difficult for him to exert even one-third of his cultivation strength.

Only by getting rid of the ginseng fruit tree can he regain his fighting strength!

However, Xu Ying didn't give him this chance at all. Suddenly, the Hongmeng Taoist scene dispersed and turned into a beam of Hongmeng Purple Qi flowing around him. Xu Ying rushed into the dojo and headed straight for the Supreme Immortal Emperor!

Wherever he passed, all the branches of the ginseng fruit tree retreated.

Everyone on Tianyuan looked at this scene in disbelief. Previously, the Supreme Immortal Emperor still had the pearl of wisdom in his hands, refining the ginseng fruit tree, but now his hands are tied and it is difficult to fight against Xu Ying!

Xu Ying roared loudly and took the Zhangtian ruler from the hands of Sanqing Yuanshen. A cold light suddenly appeared on the end of the ruler and stabbed at the Supreme Immortal Emperor!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor suddenly raised his head, smiled, and waved his hand vigorously. Lord Zitong Yuan couldn't help but fly out of his Supreme Cave and greeted Xu Ying's Zhangtian Ruler!

When Xu Ying saw Yuan Weiyang's face of Zi Tong Yuanjun, he was a little dazed for a moment, but he still ignored it, Zhang Tianzhi ignored everything and stabbed forward!

Woman, you can't shake my determination to kill you!

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