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Chapter 627 Unparalleled resourcefulness, defeated by fate

The fire in the Immortal Emperor's heart had just started to burn, when suddenly branch-like textures flew behind Xu Ying, and Cuiyan's magical power turned into a long knife and struck down.

He ducked sideways, and then there was another snap. Xu Ying raised another foot and hit him firmly on the forehead, still at the original spot, without any change!

The only thing that changed was that the Zhangtian Ruler hit the Immortal Emperor's blood, causing the blood to fly everywhere.

The Immortal Emperor was furious and launched a counterattack for the first time. As soon as he took action, he showed an old-school style of fighting, half immortal, half martial, fighting in close combat.

Today's battles between immortals tend to focus more on great supernatural powers and powerful magic weapons. With a few great supernatural powers, one can either kill the opponent from a distance or be beaten to death by the opponent.

But 600,000 years ago it was different.

Six hundred thousand years ago, the old way often involved immortals and gods. An immortal was also a god, with an extremely powerful body. Therefore, the half-immortal and half-martial arts fighting style was born.

This style of fighting advocates fighting in close combat and competing with fists and feet. At the same time, magical powers are also used in close combat and become a tool to assist martial arts.

This kind of magical power is famous for its short speed, fast magical power, strong explosive power, and supplemented by powerful force, it can often kill the enemy in close combat.

This is the way the Immortal Emperor fights. His fists came at extremely fast speeds. Xu Ying received his punch forcefully and was sent flying backwards. Then he saw that the five fingers of the Immortal Emperor's punch popped out one after another and had already melted. Use five different finger forces to shoot towards him!

Xu Ying's figure was erratic and he avoided the five unpredictable finger forces. He saw that the Immortal Emperor had rushed to his side and raised his hand to strike.

Xu Ying forcefully received his downward palm force. Just as he caught the palm, a ball of lightning exploded from the Immortal Emperor's palm mark, hitting his chest and knocking him away for dozens of miles.

Before he could stabilize his body, the Immortal Emperor kicked him and hit him directly in the chest. Xu Ying was about to take this attack forcefully, but he saw that the Immortal Emperor's left hand was a sword, and the sword energy was condensed!

He jumped back and saw a bright blade flying past his belly and nose!

Before Xu Ying could land, the Immortal Emperor's figure had already appeared above him, and struck him in the chest with a kick, knocking him down into the abyss.

Before Xu Ying fell into the abyss, the Immortal Emperor was already chasing after him. All kinds of magical powers burst out from his fingertips, palms, sleeves, and even fists and feet. The magical powers were long or short, large or small, and bombarded Xu Ying.

Xu Ying groaned, and then the two divine lights from the Immortal Emperor's eyes crisscrossed his neck and cut it, clicking, clicking, for more than ten times.

A bright light appeared on Xu Ying's neck, like red-hot magma, but he resisted the Immortal Emperor's gaze and was not beheaded.


His body hit an extremely thick stone pile next to Tianyuan Haiyan. Just as he was about to stand up, the divine light from the Immortal Emperor's eyes struck his chest and nailed him to the stone pile.

The Immortal Emperor descended from the sky and stepped on him!

On both sides of the Tianyuan, all the masters watching the battle poked their heads out and looked down.

Tianyuan Haiyan erupted, forcing everyone back again.

Xu Yingqiang faced the divine light in the Immortal Emperor's eyes and turned over suddenly, falling into the eye of the sea to avoid the Immortal Emperor falling from the sky.

The Immortal Emperor stepped on the air, his eyes were like lightning, intertwined with each other, and looked towards Haiyan. Suddenly, a chain flew out from Haiyan, wrapped around his legs, and dragged him down!

The chain shook loudly and was pulled straight by the terrifying power of the sea eye. The Immortal Emperor grabbed the chain with one hand and looked around, but he saw chains swinging back and forth in the pitch-black eye of the sea.

Suddenly, Xu Ying's legs were tied with a chain, and his head and feet were swinging this way. His palms flew towards him.

The Immortal Emperor had just received more than ten palms from him when he saw sword energy suddenly bursting out from Xu Ying's sleeve. His heart suddenly jumped, and he hurriedly wrapped himself in a python, entangled the chain around his body, and rolled it up to avoid Xu Ying's sword energy.

Xu Ying rolled up his body at the same time and wrapped the chain around himself. The Zhangtian Ruler slipped out of his sleeve and used the ruler as a sword. The Zhuxian Sword Qi followed the Immortal Emperor and struck directly at the Immortal Emperor's head and neck with every move!

The Immortal Emperor's sleeves flew and were pierced by sword energy.

The two of them relied on their waist strength to block the devouring force of the sea eye, rolled out the sea eye, and each landed on a stone pile. Xu Ying spun around, untied the chains on his body, and danced the chains, which swept towards the Immortal Emperor like an angry dragon.

At the same time, the Immortal Emperor broke free from the chains and kicked them away. The chains pierced him like swords!

Two chains were entangled in the air. The Immortal Emperor and Xu Ying each stabilized their bodies. They saw that the Immortal Emperor's sleeves were in tatters, but they had been stabbed to pieces by Xu Ying's series of sword energy just now.

Xu Ying held the ruler in his hand, and pointed the tip of the ruler diagonally at the eye of the sea. He saw a line of blood flowing down from the center of the Zhangtian ruler, and was sucked by the eye of the sea. Drops of blood exuding immortality fell into the eye of the sea like meteors.

The immortal power contained in this blood is so huge that a drop of blood is like a star falling into the eye of the sea, causing a ball of blazing fire to appear in the eye of the sea, just like the eyes of a beautiful woman, the light illuminates the abyss of the sky.

The blood on Zhangtian Ruler is not Xu Ying's blood, but the blood of the Immortal Emperor Supreme.

Just now, the two of them rolled and climbed upwards, but the Immortal Emperor was struck several times with swords in the face, leaving blood stains on the Zhangtian Ruler. It's just that he has cultivated the Six Paths, among which the Chaos Sea Path contains infinite vitality. Even his hands will recover quickly without leaving any wounds.

The Golden Body without Leakage, half immortal and half martial artist, you have obtained the true inheritance of the Golden Body without Leakage.

The Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed and he said, Xian Sun, it's really rare for you to have refined your flawless golden body to this extent. But it's a pity that Taoist Wukong himself failed to complete the Supreme Tao, let alone you?

He floated up, stepped on the two entangled chains, and rushed towards him quickly.

Xu Ying's eyes were fixed on him and he said leisurely: There is also a crack in Tai Cang Cave Abyss. Master Meng, is it inevitable that there will be cracks in the great path you practice?

He took a step and saw the Taiyi Golden Bridge coming into being. As soon as the two of them collided on the bridge, each of them felt awe-inspiring in their hearts.

Xu Ying noticed that the Immortal Emperor's Taoism began to attack every corner of himself, looking for flaws in his flawless golden body. The Immortal Emperor also felt that Xu Ying applied the same method to search for his own flaws!

How can he know this kind of skill? The two of them secretly thought at the same time.

Xu Ying's method was learned from Empress Ziwei when he fought with Empress Ziwei, but the Immortal Emperor Supreme relied on divine calculations and constant deductions, and the two of them reached the same destination through different paths.

They exchanged more than ten moves on the Taiyi Golden Bridge. Both of them were frightened. The Immortal Emperor stepped down with his kick and shattered the Golden Bridge. The two of them jumped into the air one after another, fighting each other and rising along the inner wall of the Tianyuan.

However, the two of them were still searching for each other's flaws, and gradually each found out the other's flaws.

Suddenly, the two of them were terrified. They tried their best to avoid the other's attack, but they still couldn't avoid it!


Xu Ying hit the opposite cliff hard, and a blood mark appeared on his chest. The blood mark was almost the same as the big crack in Taishang Cave Abyss!

At the same time, the Immortal Emperor also rolled and hit the other cliff, with blood flowing out from behind. The cracks on his body are on the back, consistent with the cracks on Tai Cang Cave Abyss!

The two found each other's flaws almost at the same time, and attacked each other at the same time, almost dying together.

The Immortal Emperor Supreme and Xu Ying each suppressed their injuries, cleared the wounds left by the other, mobilized their physical bodies, and repaired the wounds.

In the past, when they were injured, the wound would heal in the next moment, but when it comes to wounds caused by flaws, it is not so easy to heal.

As expected of the Tao seed I chose six hundred thousand years ago.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled and slowly moved away from the cliff. There were branches growing out of the wounds behind him, and the branches were crisscrossed, like withered trees.

Xu Ying calmly cleaned up his wounds, and the wounds on his chest slowly disappeared.

His eyes were still fixed on the Supreme Immortal Emperor, not daring to relax or slack off in any way.

You used Cuiyan's magical power to deal with me, leaving a wound on my fatal weakness, causing me to begin to transform.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor said leisurely, Your mind, resourcefulness, and resourcefulness have reached the highest level. In just twenty-one years of experience, you can reach this point. My forty-eight thousand years of hard work is not in vain.

Just now, both of them had found each other's flaws. The Immortal Emperor Supreme used the magical power of Qingxuan's lineage to break Xu Ying's flawless golden body, but Xu Ying used Cuiyan's magical power to break his Supreme's. Body!

Xu Ying is also from the Qingxuan lineage, and his skills are Qingxuan's. In addition, Wei Xu had come here before, fought with him, and used the magical power of the Ten Jue Taixu Dao Jing Gong, so Xu Ying could quickly remove the remaining Dao injuries from the wound.

But it is impossible for the Supreme Immortal Emperor to refine his own Tao damage in a short period of time, because this is the magical power of Cuiyan!

He knew nothing about physical structure and could only rely on powerful magic power to suppress his injuries. However, if he wanted to refine it, he would have to possess more powerful magic power to erase the truth contained in Cuiyan's magical power.

His cultivation level must reach four or five times that of Xu Ying in order to achieve this step.

But Xu Ying is already the founder of the new Tao, and his own cultivation has reached the Tao Scenery realm, which is the seventh realm of the Tao in the traditional realm, equivalent to Daluo Jinxian.

Coupled with the Thirteen Dao Scenery and the two Taiyi Cave Abyss, his cultivation level is not much worse than the Immortal Emperor Supreme.

It is almost impossible for the Supreme Immortal Emperor to erase his Dao injuries!

Meng Shanming, how long can you hold on under the magical power of Cuiyan?

Xu Ying slowly activated the Taiyi Immortal Sutra, and he slowly transformed, his body becoming taller and taller. He said lightly, I have figured out your path, now it is time to use your life to save Xu Jiaping for me. Revenge with the undead people of Kunlun!

The abyss, which was originally bursting with light, gradually became dark, and a faint cry came from the abyss. The cry was like the wail of the Tao.

The surrounding heaven and earth avenues also became unstable. Taoist Taiqing, Empress Ziwei, Demon Ancestor and others raised their heads and saw snow falling in the air.

They raised their hands and let the snowflakes fall on their palms, but the snowflakes did not melt.

That's not snow, but after the Great Way of Heaven and Earth was transformed, the basic Immortal Way was replaced by a rational structure.

The immortal way is withering and dying.

Dao weeping is crying, the lamentation of immortality.

In the air, branch-like textures as thin as light were flying, replacing the original avenue of heaven and earth, forming a dark area that continued to expand outward.

Cuiyan Avenue is really overbearing.

Empress Ziwei led Nan Ziyan back and said with a solemn expression, This kind of avenue structure, which surpasses the Immortal Dao structure, will spread like a plague and cannot be contaminated! As soon as the Cuiyan Avenue comes out, Xu Ying is sure of victory.

Cuiyan Avenue is too weird, Cuiyan's magical power is extremely domineering.

Obviously, Xu Ying replaced all his Taoist methods with rational structures, eliminated the Taoist system and rune system, and raised his combat power to a higher level!

He found out the fatal weakness of the Immortal Emperor and used his Huan state to fight against the Immortal Emperor. He was bound to kill the Immortal Emperor under his palm!

At this time, everyone suddenly noticed a strange rhythm. It was vast, vigorous, continuous, endless, and even rivaled the Cuiyan Avenue.

The timing of this fluctuation was extremely clever, just when Xu Yingshuan was transforming and improving his Cuiyan Avenue to the extreme.

Emperor Xu was the first to notice the source of this rhythm. He looked back and sighed, and was speechless for a while.

Demon Ancestor climbed up and looked into the distance, his face gradually becoming serious.

Empress Ziwei also followed this feeling and looked around. After a while, he shook his head and said, The situation is over.

On the other side of the abyss, there were also powerful figures looking in the same direction from a distance. Suddenly the voice of the Supreme Creation came: Ming Zun can stand for more than half a million years and not fall. He is indeed capable.


Another deep voice said, Who would have thought that a humble little guy back then could have such a plan. Now, he can keep pace with us.

Another old voice said: He can do it, there is a place for him.

In the direction they were looking, a Taoist temple was flying in the sky. An extremely ancient Taoist tree in the Taoist temple was lush and radiant.

The roots of the Tao tree connect to the vast land of the Earthly Immortal Realm, run through the infinite earth veins, absorb the water of the rivers, and connect the power of the Tao.

It is the spiritual root of the earthly immortal world and the treasure tree of the ancestor of the earthly immortals.

If the Earthly Immortal Realm is an immortal, then his Dao tree is this treasure tree!

Ginseng fruit tree!

The Wuzhuang Temple is flying over, and the power of the Dao in the entire earthly immortal world is gathering in the Wuzhuang Temple to fight against Huan Hua who is oppressing Xu Ying!

Originally, with the Immortal Emperor's supreme cultivation strength, it was difficult to refine the ginseng fruit tree, but now he has an opportunity to use the ginseng fruit tree to fight against Xu Ying, refine the fruit tree, and master this tree!

Not only can he control the fruit trees in one fell swoop, he can also suppress Xu Ying!

In the abyss of the sky, Xu Ying suddenly encountered great pressure. He groaned and blood bleeded from the corner of his mouth. The power of the heaven and earth spiritual roots in the earthly immortal world kept crushing him, making it difficult for him to compete with it!

His body made a rattling sound, and his body and soul gradually recovered under the pressure of the ginseng fruit tree!

Opposite him, the Supreme Immortal Emperor floated up, landed in the Wuzhuang Temple, and stepped under the ginseng fruit tree. He placed his palms on the ginseng fruit tree and looked down from a distance.

Xu Ying, you should know how lonely it is for a god to calculate all the affairs of the world and hold the pearl of wisdom at his fingertips.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor mobilized his magic power to refine the ginseng fruit tree, and said with emotion, I have been planning for 600,000 years, and I have never made a wrong step. But the world is going according to my wishes, which is not a kind of torture. Fighting with you has made me short-lived. I have experienced the joy of fighting and being injured. But that’s the end of it!”

Under his control, the ginseng fruit tree borrowed the power of the earthly immortal world and turned into a stunning sword light, slashing towards Xu Ying!

At the same time, all over the Earth Immortal World, the Qi Refiners floating in mid-air were sucked out of all their cultivation, turned into mortals and fell from the sky, and were smashed into pulp one by one.

The corners of the Immortal Emperor's eyes twitched. For some reason, the ginseng fruit tree was resisting his refining!

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