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Chapter 626 The Strongest Leek Reaper

The Supreme Immortal Emperor stood where he was. The Immortal Emperor for more than half a million years had already allowed him to develop a magnanimity that would dominate the world, but this magnanimity was suppressed by Xu Ying!

The Earth Immortal Seal was overwhelming, with supreme power, and was pressed down with a crash. All the space around him was blocked, like a dead soul under the Earth Immortal World, waiting for the end of his brain to burst!

In this life, he has only been an Immortal Emperor in the Immortal Realm, not the Immortal Emperor in the Earth Immortal Realm. Facing the promised Earth Immortal Seal, he felt suppressed.

Xu Ying's first move was with all his strength!

At the same time, his human and immortal seals were also being formed, and the shadows of the human and immortal worlds appeared behind him!

These are his three seals of the way of heaven. They are the three seals that he used to realize the way of heaven and realize himself after passing through the tribulation of the three realms of heaven, earth and man!

The Immortal Emperor's white hair was flying, and the next moment his demeanor was different. The body was supreme, the soul was supreme, the vitality was supreme, the consciousness was supreme, the yin and yang were supreme, and the mind was supreme. Six levels of supreme realms were displayed in his body at the same time!

Behind him stands a ten thousand-foot-long primordial spirit, whose body is filled with spiritual light, and his physical body is also shining brightly, extremely dazzling!

He faced Xu Ying's attack, and six great scenes such as the Sea of ​​Chaos, the Black and Yellow Qi, and the Clear Sky appeared around him. The scale was extraordinary!

Qingxuan's technique, the Ten Absolute Taixu Dao Scenery, he has perfected the Six Absolutes, which are enough for him to reach the Supreme Realm, which is on par with the Daluo Wonderful Realm, or even slightly better!

However, there are still two supreme realms that are ignored by people, one is Kung Fu, and the other is magical power!

The Immortal Emperor's skills are those of Emperor Qingxuan, and his magical powers are also those of Emperor Qingxuan. These two points alone are more than promised.

Xu Ying's skills are only self-enlightenment skills, and Xu Ying's magical powers are only self-enlightenment skills.

If it were the former Taiyi Innate Skill, the Immortal Emperor would not need to duel with him at all, he would just harvest the leeks. Because the Taiyi innate skill was originally passed down to the Xu family by the Immortal Emperor.


The two people's power collided. At this moment, everyone present felt that the ground was shaking, and the water from the sky and sea that was sloping down in the abyss started to flow backwards and flew towards the sky!

The huge current is so spectacular that it lifts the sea surface on both sides and floats into the sky.

When the two forces encountered each other, a dazzling spiritual light erupted in Xu Ying's body, which was extremely dazzling. His whole body was like a person composed of immortal spiritual light, shining like an unparalleled god of war!

His Taiyi Immortal Scripture was also deduced by him to the supreme level. Although it is slightly inferior to the Shijue Taixu Dao Scenery, the advantage is that this skill is his own creation, smelting the power of the thirteen Dao Sceneries, and the power exerted is definitely not weaker than the Immortal Emperor!

His attainments in physical body and soul have reached the supreme level. In other aspects, they are much inferior, but the victory is in quantity.

The Immortal Emperor is a Six-Path Hunyuan, and he is a Thirteen-Path Hunyuan!

The moment the two people touched, the violent power continued to increase. The two Taiyi Cave Abyss behind Xu Ying suddenly erupted, providing him with unparalleled power and making his palm power increase crazily!

Especially the Cuiyan Taoist Scenery among the Thirteen Taoist Sceneries has received the spiritual power and aura of Taiyi Cave Abyss, and has become larger and more powerful. The Cuiyan Taoist Scenery even vaguely affects the outside world!

The most important thing in the Taiyi Cave Abyss is not the aura and spiritual power, but the Taiyi Dao. Xu Ying was able to unify the thirteen Dao scenes so quickly and turn them into the Taiyi Dao just because he mastered the Taiyi Cave Abyss.

In the past two years, he has meditated on the Taiyi Avenue in the Taiyi Cave Abyss, and his understanding of this avenue has become deeper and deeper.

The power of his Earth Immortal Seal skyrocketed, and was about to crush the Immortal Emperor, but the next moment the Supreme Cave Abyss appeared behind the Immortal Emperor, and then began to spin crazily. Tai Cang Dao spewed out, turning into his seventh path. force!

And the aura and spiritual power that emerged from this Tai Cang Cave Abyss also greatly improved his strength. The moment the two sides collided, the water from the sky and the sea rushed into the sky. The sea water evaporated, and turbulent clouds came in all directions. surge away, forming waves of terrible hurricanes.

Taoist Taiqing's expression changed slightly, he raised the Bagua Alchemy Furnace, hung it in the air, and fixed a certain space to weaken the hurricane a lot, so as to prevent the impact from sweeping through the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Lord Xu Huangdao threw the Hongmeng Banner into the air, and the sky and the earth suddenly became clear, and the sea water fell and no longer evaporated.

Taoist Yuxu also offered sacrifices to the fly whisk, Taoist Yuqing offered sacrifices to the Tai Chi Diagram and the Wuji Diagram, and Empress Ziwei lit up the lights to illuminate the void.

The Demon Ancestor stood there, looking like a supreme magic weapon, unmoving.

The big bell sacrificed itself and hung it in the air.

This group of strong men stopped the impact on this side, and saw that on the opposite side of the abyss, several Taoist trees suddenly illuminated the other side, dispersing the haze and stopping the space on the other side.

The Taoist trees may be simple, majestic, or have twists and turns of branches. They are all different, and they all have Taoist fruits hanging on them.

As for the Supreme One on the other side, he didn't take any action at all. He neither showed the Taoist tree nor offered the Supreme Magical Treasure. Instead, he simply stood in the mist, like an invisible wall, separating Xu Ying and the Immortal Emperor. Blocked by the impact of human magical powers.

Everyone looked at each other, shocked.

Compared to Feng Qingyun Dan across from him, this convenience of his seemed too cautious.

At this moment, a clicking sound came from inside the abyss, and the abyss was torn apart by the palms of the two men, making it wider!


The Supreme Immortal Emperor was pressed by Xu Ying's seal and retreated thousands of miles along the Tianyuan. Everywhere the two of them reached, they could see the Tianyuan rumbling and spreading apart to both sides, as if they were about to be exploded by the two of them!

And the people on both sides of the strait suddenly felt that the space was retreating, forcing themselves, the Tao tree, the Tao fruit, and all the wonderful magic weapons to retreat backwards.

The Immortal Emperor has been suppressed!

Everyone on both sides of the strait was shocked and hurriedly moved their bodies, following the movements of Xu Ying and the Immortal Emperor.

Those who stayed on both sides of the Tianyuan were often Tianjun-level masters, and some brought their families with them. They moved across each other, showing off their extraordinary abilities.

Xu Ying's second human seal has arrived in front of the Supreme Immortal Emperor. This strike is more powerful than the previous earthly immortal seal, followed closely by the third seal, the heavenly immortal seal!

Although he has never been to the Celestial Realm, the Heavenly Tribulation contains the Heavenly Way of the Celestial Realm. As the saying goes, a long-term illness can lead to a cure. He has gone through countless Heavenly Tribulations in the Three Realms, and was struck by the Purple Sky Tribulation Thunder over and over again.

His understanding of the three realms of heaven can be said to be that of no other person except the ancestral gods.

The Immortal Emperor's face remained calm, and he raised his hand to receive the blow again. However, Xu Ying's human seal seemed to be crushed by the entire human world, and the power that exploded in an instant was far greater than before!

His body was shaken violently, his aura was floating, and his six-path Hunyuan body was in danger of being beaten to pieces!

But the next moment, behind him, six ancient and incomparable caves emerged. At the other end of the caves were the six other shores in the realm of Taixu!

The six other shores are the six Taoist scenery of Emperor Qingxuan. They have been regarded as the other shore by countless Nuo masters and immortals over the past 48,000 years, and they absorb the Tao power from the six Taoist scenery, which is also the elixir.

The source of all Nuo masters and Nuo immortals is the Immortal Emperor Meng Shanming.

At that time, the Immortal Emperor taught Xu Youtai, the ancestor of the Xu family, the innate skills, and also the ancestral skills of the six other shores. Since then, the Xu family has passed them down from generation to generation, but the six secret ancestral skills have never left Kunlun. It wasn't until the Immortal Emperor ordered Tianzun to destroy Kunlun that the ancestral law was spread with the flight of Kunlun's undead people.

At this moment, the Immortal Emperor used the ancestral method, and the elixir produced by the six other shores was absorbed by him almost in a breath. All those who practiced Nuo in the world suddenly felt that the elixir from the other shore was empty and could no longer absorb any power!

However, the Immortal Emperor's power surged accordingly, and he was safe and sound under the human seal he promised, but was driven back thousands of miles.

The two figures were gliding in the abyss, while powerful beings on both sides of the river moved their bodies to follow them.

Xu Ying's third seal, the Celestial Immortal Seal, crashed down. The Celestial Immortal Seal was like a shadow from another time and space, covering it and towering over the earthly immortals and the human world. It was the highest place in the country!

At the same time, Xu Jing, who was protected by Taiqing, Yuqing and others, saw this and couldn't help but activate the Six Secrets Ancestral Method to compete with the Immortal Emperor Supreme for the power of the Six Secrets!

If he takes away one point of power, the power that the Immortal Emperor can use will be reduced by one point. If he takes away two points, the Immortal Emperor will lose two points.

Xu Jing obtained the Ginseng Dao Fruit and also had a Dao Fruit himself. At this moment, he had profound magical power and had refined the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Technique to the extreme. He could compete with the Immortal Emperor without giving up any ground.

Suddenly, the Immortal Emperor's voice came to Xu Jing's ears: Xian son-in-law, do you think there are no loopholes in the ancestral law I taught your family?

When Xu Jing heard this, his expression suddenly changed. At this moment, he felt that his magic power was flowing out of control along the six caves and in the opposite direction to the six other shores!

The six other shores were like six bottomless pits. The six Taoist powers were being extracted from his body, as if they were trying to drain him dry!

At the same time, Emperor Xiao's face changed drastically as he watched the battle beside Tianyuan. There was a buzzing sound behind him, and six caves appeared involuntarily. The scale was not smaller than Xu Jing's!

The six caves devoured his vitality, consciousness, vitality, soul power, mental power, and yin and yang energy, as if they were trying to suck him dry!

At the Tianhai Ferry, Zulong Zhao Zheng's six mechanical caves were also running in reverse, treating him as a humanoid on the other side, and began to extract his power.

Almost at the same time, in all the worlds of the Earthly Immortal Realm, the Qi Refiners who practiced both Nuo and Qi lost control of their own caves and became shackles that stole their cultivation and controlled them!

Now is the time when the Nuo method is flourishing, and Xu Ying's new way has not yet begun to spread. Many people have practiced the Nuo method in order to improve their cultivation strength and fight against the catastrophe.

What's more important is that the Xu family's ancestral techniques have also been spread. Qi practitioners who practice the ancestral techniques are much better than other Qi practitioners, so there are naturally many practitioners.

At this moment, these millions of Qi Refiners have all become the other shores controlled by the Immortal Emperor.

Not only them, but also many immortals also practiced Nuo and opened up the six caves.

At this moment, these Qi Refiners and Immortals are like strong leeks. At this moment, their bodies stand upright, looking up at the sky, six caves appear involuntarily!

Their bodies were controlled by the cave and they could not move. They could only widen their eyes with horror, and watched helplessly as their cultivation mana turned into various kinds of fairy medicine and was swallowed by the cave!

Those caves hang in the sky, connecting to the other shore, continuously drawing their cultivation to the other shore world, and then flowing from the six other shore worlds into the body of the Supreme Immortal Emperor!

This is a harvest, and today’s harvest has been calculated as early as 600,000 years ago!

A great harvest that as long as you practice Nuo, you can't escape!

The master of Niwan Palace harvested all the fishermen and leeks in the Yuanshou world, which was enough to shock the world. Tianzun mastered the way of heaven and planned to harvest the cultivation of all the immortals who had passed through the tribulation of heaven, and hit the supreme realm. He only failed because he promised to change the way of heaven. , also extremely powerful.

But compared to the harvest of the Immortal Emperor, they are all insignificant and cannot be compared to the same!

Leeks, all of us, are the leeks he planted!

Xu Jing gritted his teeth and suddenly activated the Dao Fruit. A sword light shot out, killing all the six Nuo Ancestor Dongtian behind him who were controlling him!

The six great Nuo ancestral caves were cut down, and the huge caves tilted and fell into the abyss of the sky. They were still spinning freely, as if they were trying to absorb the Tao power between heaven and earth from the air.

On the other side, Beiluo's Xiao Dijun suddenly tore into pieces and exploded, revealing a giant. He waved out his long arms and slashed backwards. He was so fierce and domineering that he even slashed down the six-large-scale cave sky. Come!

At Tianhai Ferry, Zhu Chanchan jumped up and punched out six bang bang fists. The six mechanical caves behind Zulong Zhao Zheng shattered into pieces, and various magic weapon fragments fell to the ground.

Xu Jing and the master of Niwan Palace have extremely advanced cultivation. They are already among the few strong men in the immortal world who can control the Dao Fruit to kill themselves. Zulong is also assisted by masters of weapon refining such as Zhu Chanchan, but not everyone has their strength and luck.

The heavens and the world, and even the fairy world, are already in chaos. People who have practiced Nuo can't help themselves, floating in the air, being pulled by their respective caves, like drowned fish.

This scene is weird and terrifying!

Their cultivation is still losing, and the power they have lost has far exceeded the power they gained from the six other shores!

This harvest by the Immortal Emperor is extremely perfect and impeccable!

The master of Niwan Palace regained his true form and looked at the Supreme Immortal Emperor who had made a promise in the abyss, showing admiration. He is the most successful fisherman. He knows how beautiful the Immortal Emperor's harvest is, and his heart is full of appreciation and admiration for the Immortal Emperor.


Along with the earth-shattering loud noise, the abyss of heaven split crazily on both sides, and the space pushed everyone back, along with the magic weapons and Tao trees and Tao fruits that suppressed the surrounding space, were also pushed back.

Tianjun, who had a slightly lower cultivation level, was squeezed so that his figure was swaying, like a candle in the wind.

Tianyuan was destroyed and crushed by the two magical powers. It no longer absorbed and swallowed all things, but instead spewed out. A stream of aura and spiritual power erupted from the eyes of the sea, forming bursts of neon lights in the sky. Gorgeous.

The Immortal Emperor's body was bowed under the pressure of the Immortal Seal, and his legs were trembling, but a smile appeared on his face. He slowly straightened up and said with a smile: Xian Sun, you have used up your three moves...


Xu Ying couldn't help but sacrifice the mountain and water to the sky and hit him on the forehead. Immortal Emperor's face was immediately covered with blood, and a fire of ignorant karma rose from the bottom of his heart!

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