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Chapter 625 A fierce look in his eyes! (Third update!)

Oops! The Immortal Emperor's computing power is stronger than ours combined!

The Goddess failed to cut off the cause and effect between them and the Immortal Emperor, so she knew something was wrong and immediately raised another peach wood sword. However, Lan Suying, Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang no longer had any pupils in their eyes, leaving only white miserable eyes. The whites of his eyes were miserable.

Cut it off!

The goddess slashed down again, but the peach wood sword still shattered with a snap.

She raised her third mahogany sword, opened her mouth and spurted out a stream of blood on the sword, gritted her teeth and slashed it down!

In the vision of Lan Suying, Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang, the Immortal Emperor has arrived in front of them, but in the eyes of outsiders, the Immortal Emperor is still on the abyss at this moment, extremely far away from them.

This is because the consciousness of the Immortal Emperor followed the cause and effect to find them, which put the three great fortune tellers in an extremely dangerous situation.

At this time, Daojun Xuhuang, Taoist Taiqing, Taoist Yuxu and others seemed to have noticed something, their eyes were as sharp as lightning, and they all looked this way.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao had a strange look in his eyes. He raised the Hongmeng Banner and tried to lock the surrounding space!

However, even if beings like them looked around, they still found nothing strange!

Among the divine calculations, I am the only one who dares to calculate against the Supreme Being.

The Immortal Emperor's voice came clearly to the ears of Lan Suying and the others, There is no other person except me. If you dare to plot against me, I will exile you forever!

The three of them were spinning and falling towards the Immortal Emperor. Lan Suying, Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang shouted, and saw the Immortal Emperor getting bigger and bigger, and they became smaller and smaller, falling towards the Immortal Emperor's feet.

Suddenly, the sound of rushing water came, and the three of them tumbled and fell into a long river.

The long river was wide and long. The waves were rolling and the waves were blooming. Their figures passed through the waves and saw countless pictures, as if they had passed through countless historical moments in an instant.

They saw the tide of the Three Realms, the merger of the Earth and Immortal Realms, the promised destruction of the Heavenly Road, the destruction of the Kunlun Mountains, and even the Tianzun building the Heavenly World!

They were pulled by a force and fell to the river bank. In the process, they saw that time was getting older and older. They actually saw the battle to encircle Qingxuan and the battle to destroy the ancient era.

At this moment, the three people passed through the last wave and landed on the shore.

The three of them were in shock. Fairy Gushe quickly asked: Where are we? Are we dead?

Lan Suying's divine calculation is the most powerful, but at this moment she doesn't know where she is, let alone whether she is alive or dead.

At this time, a pleasant voice came to their ears: You are on the other side of time. Your true bodies are not dead, but your consciousness is trapped here. It's just that your situation is not good, and you are already a living dead at this moment.

They hurriedly followed the sound and saw a woman in white on the bank of the long river of time. She was so shadowy and graceful that even Fairy Gushe could not help but feel her heart beat faster when she saw her.

The three of them hurriedly walked towards the woman in white. Lan Suying said: What do you call this fellow Taoist? Were you also exiled here?

My name is Qiongtai.

The woman in white said, I was plotted and suppressed on the other side of the long river of time. I will never be able to go back and wake up my body.

The Goddess peach wood sword fell down, finally severing the cause and effect between the Supreme Immortal Emperor and them. Panting from exhaustion, she hurriedly came to Lan Suying and the other three. They saw that their eyes were all white without any pupils, although their breath was still there. , but the three of them couldn't wake up.

The goddess checked their souls and found that their souls were fine and not injured in any way.

She counted with her fingers and found that there was no numerology for Lan Suying and the three of them. It was as if these three people had never existed!

They are dead...

The goddess felt a chill in her heart and sat slumped on the ground. Although Lan Suying and the three of them still had energy and soul, and no fatal injuries on their bodies, the three of them were lifeless!

This can only mean that the consciousness of the three people has been erased from the timeline using strange methods!

They don't have any fatal injuries, and their physical bodies and souls are still there, which means they are still alive, but they are not living now. If they were living now, they would definitely be able to count.

The goddess walked around, thinking about it, and said to herself, Their consciousness is either hidden in the past, or sent to the future. As long as the time when the Immortal Emperor hid them is calculated, it can be calculated that they are not living in the present. , but lived many years ago, or many years later!”

When she thought of this, she immediately calculated, moving forward first, all the way to the future one hundred thousand years later, but Lan Suying and others were still not included.

Her computing power was exhausted, so she had to shrink it, and then push forward and backward, and extrapolated to the past one hundred thousand years ago. She also reached the limit of her computing power, but she still could not calculate the whereabouts of Lan Suying and others.

The goddess's heart sank. Lan Suying was in a state of neither life nor death, and her consciousness was lost. Even if she could calculate when the Immortal Emperor hid them, she didn't know how to rescue them.

At this time, only the clanging of the bells was heard, accompanied by the roar of the dragon, and there was chaos on the other side of the abyss. A big bell rushed out from the fog on the other side, with aura all over its body, and it clashed with one of the powerful beings!

The one who was chasing after the dragon bell should be a wonderful being from one of the six twelve wonders. He used almost all his cultivation strength, but he still couldn't take down the dragon bell. Instead, he was forced to retreat by the dragon bell. .

The dragon bell also contained the soul of the head of the ancient dragon, and its magical power was so powerful that it forced the master of the wonderful realm back and flew towards the goddess.

Six deities and twelve wonders, nothing more than that!

Da Zhong laughed loudly and shouted, I and Da Long worked together to defeat a wonderful being!

He did not disturb Xu Ying's practice and flew past Xu Ying. The goddess quickly waved and said: Master Zhong, Master Long, come this way.

The dragon bell flew towards this side, and the goddess hurriedly said: Master Long is proficient in the Long Tian Hun Dao magic. I wonder if it can be calculated to 600,000 years?

Dalong said: Qing Mufeng, the genius of the dragon clan, can calculate for ten million years, and then he is exhausted. My attainments in magic are not as good as his. I can only calculate for one million years.

When the goddess heard this, she was shocked. This kind of computing power is even stronger than the Immortal Emperor!

She breathed a sigh of relief and said: A million years is enough. Mingzun's computing power should not reach a million years!

She asked Dalong to calculate the fate of Lan Suying and the others. When Dalong saw Lan Suying and the others, he was shocked and quickly started calculating.

His calculations are extremely barbaric, not as delicate as those of Shenpo, Lan Suying and others. He just relies on magic power to calculate the past and future!

Although most of the ancient dragon's body was destroyed, his soul's head still contained astonishing power. In terms of pure mana, the power of his soul's head even exceeded that of most wonderful realms or supreme beings!

His divine arithmetic is not exquisite, but such powerful magic power is enough to allow him to work backwards for millions of years!

Seeing this situation, the Goddess realized: I don't need to have strong calculation power. I only need my magic power to be much stronger than the Immortal Emperor. My calculation power will be better than his!

found it!

The distant ancestor Dalong suddenly opened his eyes and said, The three of them were sent to 600,000 years ago! Wait a minute, it seems that they are not the only ones, there is another person who is also trapped 600,000 years ago, and she is a woman...

He seemed to see it with his own eyes.

Can you rescue them? the goddess asked hurriedly.

Dalong shook his head and said: To catch people across the long river of time, in my peak state, I still had this ability, but now it is difficult for me to keep my head from falling apart. To catch them, I have to go against time. Now I can’t catch them. Besides, I don’t know where they were sent 600,000 years ago. If I knew, it would be easier to handle.”

The goddess was desperate: What should I do?

Time passed by the river. Lan Suying, Fairy Gushe, Yuan Tiangang and Fairy Qiongtai were standing on the bank of the river. Suddenly, they heard the clanging of bells and the roar of dragons. Lan Suying's heart moved slightly. , said happily: It is the distant ancestor who is calculating our whereabouts! He has calculated our whereabouts!

Fairy Qiongtai said to them quietly and quietly: It is useless to calculate our whereabouts even if we don't know where we are imprisoned.

Yuan Tiangang asked: Girl, where are we being held?

My supreme magic weapon is in the mountains and rivers.

Fairy Qiongtai said, It's just locked in the mountains and rivers of 600,000 years ago.

Supreme magic weapon?

The three of them were startled and looked at each other quietly. Lan Suying asked, The ruler of mountains and rivers is your supreme magic weapon? So you are the supreme?

Fairy Qiongtai nodded slightly.

Lan Suying said to Gu She and Yuan Tiangang: Find a way to get out, and we can win over a Supreme!

The two of them were in trouble: But how can we get out?

Fairy Qiongtai said: There was once a young man who built a golden bridge in time, but his cultivation was still shallow and he could not build the golden bridge to the other side. If his cultivation had been stronger, he could have rescued us.

Lan Suying sighed and said: The person you are talking about is Xiao'er. It's just that he is in great danger now and his life may not be saved.

Fairy Qiongtai said in surprise: He is your master? I have sensed him before.

Lan Suying said happily: Miss Qiongtai, you can sense him, can you control the mountains and rivers Zhangtianzhi to send a message to him? Let him rescue you out?

Fairy Qiongtai shook her head and said: I can only feel it when the Zhangtian Ruler explodes with power.

Lan Suying's heart sank, and the Zhangtian Ruler exploded with power, which was when Xu Ying fought with others. If you distract yourself from trying to save Qiongtai at this time, you will definitely die.

Gu She asked: How did you get locked up in your own magic weapon?

Fairy Qiongtai did not hide anything, and said: I killed Emperor Qingxuan, plotted to usurp the throne, and was imprisoned here.

The three of them were stunned.

Beside Tianyuan, the Supreme Immortal Emperor's eyes fell on Xu Ying, and he saw Xu Ying slowly getting up, still slowly practicing his magical powers and harnessing the power of the thirteen scenes.

The Immortal Emperor regained his former composure and said calmly: Yuanjun, do you know why I can definitely win?

Zi Tongyuanjun said: You can't win.

The Immortal Emperor smiled slightly and said: The reason why I can win is not only because I predict that I can win, but also because I have worked hard enough for this victory. Everything between you and Xu Ying is under my control. In the calculation, it is in the palm of my hand.”

Zitong Yuanjun smiled and said: Is the Cuiyan Avenue also part of your plan? Is crossing the Four Realms Heavenly Tribulation also part of your plan?

The Immortal Emperor's face darkened. At this moment, Xu Ying activated his technique. Suddenly, thousands of rays of light rang out from all directions. There were rays of light coming from the sky and the earth!

Even from the Burial Dao Tianyuan, there are rays of light flying out.

In the place of burial, the glow of light flying out of the avenue is really weird!

That was a vision caused by Xu Ying's rotation technique!

The Immortal Emperor's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly thought of something. Xu Ying should create a new way, practice it himself, and cultivate the new way to the Tao Scenery. So, how much does the current Taiyi Immortal Sutra have to do with the original Taiyi Immortal Sutra?

How much does it have to do with Taiyi Xiantong?

The Xu Ying he was familiar with was proficient in the Taiyi Innate Skill. Even if he understood the better Taiyi Immortal Sutra, it was still based on the Innate Skill.

But now that Xu Ying has even changed his realm system, will it still be the same skill he is familiar with?

When he thought of this, he saw the black halo shaking slightly, and the extremely deep Taiyi Cave appeared behind Xu Ying's head, slowly becoming clearer.

The movement of Taiyi Cave Abyss greatly increased his cultivation strength!

As promised previously, no matter whether he fought against Empress Ziwei, fought against the Demon Ancestor, or fought against Wei Xu, he never used the Taiyi Cave Abyss!

He just relied on his own abilities to compete with these beings and learn the other's Taoist and magical powers.

But now, there is not one Taiyi Cave Abyss behind his head, but two!

The Immortal Emperor's expression changed again, and he suddenly played several times with his fingers. His first finger popped out, opening the first immortal rune seal that sealed Xu Ying's first life memory, and unlocked Xu Ying's first layer of memory seal. His second finger popped out, and the second seal was also broken.

He silently flicked his five fingers, and the five immortal runes that sealed the promise of the first life were all destroyed!

When Zitong Yuanjun saw this situation, he didn't know whether he was sad or happy.

The person she misses the most has returned, but when that person returns, it is the time of his death.

It was impossible for Xu Ying in his first life to master Xu Ying's huge magical power and realm in such a short period of time, let alone magical powers!

Xu Ying turned his head and glanced at the Supreme Immortal Emperor lightly. He walked over with a slender figure and said with a smile: Your Majesty is trying to help me unblock you? What a coincidence. I have already expected this. So you unblock the Emperor. The seal is of no use to me.

The Immortal Emperor said leisurely: Xu Ying, who said that I only helped you break the emperor's seal? I also helped you break some of your own seals.

Xu Ying's face changed slightly, and he realized that another consciousness was reviving in his body!

Suddenly, the consciousness stopped reviving itself. Xu Ying in the first life must have sensed the danger and took the initiative to interrupt the resuscitation, still letting Xu Ying take control of his body!

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, while the Immortal Emperor's expression changed slightly.

This was the fourth variable in Xu Ying that he had not expected.

In the first life, Xu Ying could obviously resurrect, seize his physical body, and turn the current Xu Ying into a part of his memory, but he didn't do that!

Since His Majesty takes action first...

Xu Ying's eyes flashed fiercely, and he suddenly raised his cultivation level to the extreme. He stood up, held up the sky with one hand, and slammed down the Earth Immortal Seal!


The sky and sea were lifted up tens of thousands of miles, and the mountains, rivers, lakes and rivers on the sea were vividly visible. With the seal of Promise, it was sealed to the Immortal Emperor!

Then don't blame me for being rude!

————Third update! To make up for yesterday’s chapter, there are still a thousand words left! ! ! Please give me a monthly ticket! !

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