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Chapter 624 Counterattack (Second update!)

At this time, Wei Xu's magical power was erupting to defeat Kunyue. The terrifying power distorted time and space, making people feel as if the Kunlun realm was coming!

In the past few years, Wei Xu's cultivation has not only returned to its peak, but he has also taken advantage of the restoration of the earthly immortal world and the emergence of various treasure places. Together with the ancestral dragon Zhao Zheng, he entered these treasure places to search for heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and his cultivation has improved a lot. .

Under his surging palm power, Xu Ying stood up quickly, raised his hand to create a burial abyss, and faced Wei Xu with the magical power of his first life.

Wei Xu laughed loudly, his hair flying wildly, and shouted: Tian Yuan? The real Tian Yuan can't trap me. It's better not to use this small magical power!

He rolled over like a mountain, with domineering and wild murderous intent. Qingxuan's magical power was originally sacred, solemn, and magnificent, but in his hands, the Kunlun realm was like a hell composed of blood and bones. The towering mountains were all filled with death. The corpses of gods are piled up in his hands!

The evil spirit of blood reflected the sky and the sea in a red color!

The number one killer in the new dynasty, he is well-deserved!

When everyone saw this scene, they felt awe-inspiring in their hearts.

The voice of Empress Ziwei sounded: Wei Xu's explosive power is so amazing, Ming Zun's explosive power is equally amazing.

As soon as this was said, everyone nodded silently.

Wei Xu and the Immortal Emperor came from the same sect, and were both disciples of Qingxuan. The Immortal Emperor's cultivation level was higher, having been immersed in the Supreme Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, and his cultivation level was far more profound than that of Wei Xu.

When his magical power explodes, its explosive power is definitely higher than that of Wei Xu!

Before the two magical powers collided, Xu Ying's burial path Tianyuan was shattered.

The Burial Dao Tianyuan was a magical power from the first life. It had been with Xu Ying for many years and helped him defeat his enemies, but it was not enough when faced with a supreme-level magical power.

As for the Bahuang Sun Refining Furnace, Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars and other magical powers, they are even more impossible to use against Wei Xu, because Wei Xu was suppressed in the Bagua Alchemy Furnace, and he has not been refined to death after refining for five to six hundred thousand years, let alone imitating the alchemy furnace. magical power?

The Chaotic Star Sea is the relic left by Wei Xu when he killed the three great sea gods. Using the chaotic star sea magical power to deal with him is even more incompetent.

Other magical powers that Xu Ying mastered, such as the magical powers in the Emperor's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique, were also not worthy of use.

Any magical power he has learned in the past is not worthy of being used except for the Zhuxian Sword Qi!

Xu Ying retreated quickly. He found that facing Wei Xu, he only had a few magical powers that he could use, including the Immortal Killing Sword Qi, the Taiyi Divine Bridge, the Three Seals of Earth Immortal, Human Immortal and Heavenly Immortal, and the Cuiyan Magical Power!

He took a step and stood on the sky. Below him was the abyss, with a long bridge spanning the abyss.

Xu Ying covered his hands as a seal, and used the Immortal Seal to greet Mount Kunyue!

The two men's magical powers exploded, and Wei Xu's wild and domineering offensive came to an abrupt end.

Wei Xu's hair was flying wildly, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the mountains and mountains collapsed in pieces.

The corners of Wei Xu's eyes moved, and he felt a little flustered: Master is right, this little bastard's abilities are indeed not what they used to be.

He had just collided with Xu Ying, and his internal organs and even the Eight Great Scenery were all injured.

And he found that the gap between himself and Xu Ying seemed a bit big. He mobilized the Eight Great Paths to move the mountains to Sheng Kunyue, and the power was so strong that even the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens, not many people could take this move, but Xu Ying was able to take it. Not only did he take it, but he also Shock him!

This level of cultivation is already above him!

I do not believe!

Wei Xu shouted violently, his power became more powerful, and he used the second move of Chaohai Cangming. As soon as this move was released, it was like a sea of ​​​​sky rising above the sea of ​​​​the sky, and it was even more powerful than the previous move!

The two sky seas, one up and one down, make it difficult to tell which is reality and which is illusion!

With this move, the power of the Eight Great Sceneries mobilized is stronger and more powerful. He must make up for the previous setbacks!

Xu Ying stood on the golden bridge, with wind and clouds rising under his feet, black and yellow chaos, and thirteen scenes appeared around him. Many Taoist powers were mixed together, and turned into a majestic Kunlun in the palm of his hand. It turned out to be the magical power Wei Xu used previously to conquer the Kunlun Mountains. , was displayed by him!

It's just that under Xu Ying's palm, the power of this blow became even more domineering. When it met Wei Xu's tide, it was like a sea-calming needle in the sea, breaking through the waves and reaching Wei Xu's middle palace!

Wei Xu groaned, the tide was changing, and it was hard for Luan to win against Kunyue. The moment the two sides' magical powers collided, the breath surged in his chest, and a mouthful of blood rushed up.

Xu Ying mobilized the power of the Thirteen Sceneries and immediately noticed that the power of the supernatural power had increased sharply. He was surprised and happy in his heart and immediately stopped his power.

When Wei Xu saw that his technique was broken, he immediately changed his moves. The third move was Zhong Hua Shen Xiu, the fourth move was Yueyang Yao Hui, the fifth move was Yao Guang Luo Huan, the sixth move was Shui Lan Yanxia, ​​the seventh move was Yunxia Hongyuan, and the fourth move was Yunxia Hongyuan. The eight moves of Falling Galaxy and the ninth move of Chaos Hongmeng are used one after another!

His moves became more and more fierce, and his attacks became more and more fierce, but Xu Ying always used Luan Sheng Kun Yue's move to deal with it. No matter how many magical powers Wei Xu changed, he could always defeat Kunyue with one move.

But as he used the same move again and again, he became more and more familiar and experienced in mobilizing and using the various Taoist powers of the Qingxuan lineage.

What he wants to learn is not Qingxuan's magical power, but how Qingxuan's lineage uses the power of Taoism. Mastering the secret of its use, even the lowest level of magical power can explode with astonishing power.

By the time Wei Xu used Chaos Hongmeng's ninth move, Xu Ying no longer used Luan Sheng Kun Yue's magical power, but instead faced it with an ordinary palm.

This palm was ordinary, but it was on par with the power of Wei Xu's magical power, the Chaos Primordial. He could absorb all the vastness of the Chaos Primordial with one palm.

The palms of the two collided slightly, and Wei Xu felt that his attack was completely withstood by a peaceful force, but he did not feel any counterattack, and he couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring in his heart.

Not only was he not injured, but the part injured by Xu Ying's magical power was healed within this palm. It was actually healed by Xu Ying.

Wei Xu stopped his hand and said in a deep voice: I am entrusted by others to be loyal to others. Since you have seen the magical power of Qingxuan lineage, I have fulfilled my responsibility. Farewell!

He roared towards the other side of the abyss, rushed into the vast mist, and shouted: Old thief Luofu, come out and fight me for 300 rounds!

In his battle with Xu Ying, he was suppressed at every turn and desperately needed an opponent to vent his anger on.

Empress Ziwei and the Demon Ancestor looked at each other, each nodded slightly, and just agreed to this ordinary palm, which showed that they had obtained the true meaning of Qingxuan's lineage inheritance.

Xu Ying is also from the Qingxuan lineage. In terms of explosive power, he is no weaker than Wei Xu and Ming Zun.

Empress Ziwei praised, This person's talent is extraordinary, and it shows through at first glance. It's no wonder that Ming Zun chose him as a leek.

Demon Ancestor said: Xu Ying was cultivated and trained by Mingzun through hard work. He wanted to harvest Xu Ying to reach the height of his master Qingxuan. Therefore, he should have trained Xu Ying according to Qingxuan's specifications. Xu Ying added If you use this aspect of Shangdaojing, the gap will not be that big.

Jin Buyi looked hopeful and asked: Demon Ancestor, does this mean that Ah Ying is sure of winning?

Demon Ancestor shook his head: Still not. Xu Ying was just sharpening his spear in battle, but Mingzun yearned for power, so he must practice day and night. I heard that for more than 500,000 years after he became the Immortal Emperor, he has been respectful to the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens, and to Luo Luo. Tian Sanmiao was even more respectful. It was not until around the time Wei Xu escaped from trouble that he suddenly showed his claws. At that time, Jiutian Nine Emperors and Luo Tian Sanmiao discovered that the Nine Emperors had joined forces and failed to compete with him, and Sanmiao fought alone. , all fell into disgrace.

His eyes fell on the Supreme Immortal Emperor who stood motionless on the abyss of the sky, and said: A person with such forbearance can endure for more than half a million years for victory. Once he takes action, he will not leave any chance to his prey.

Taiqing Taoist said: He is an outstanding person.

No, it's a hero.

The Demon Ancestor said, The owl appears in the middle of the night, standing quietly on the tree without making any sound, observing any movement in the darkness. If it doesn't move, it will gain something. It moves silently, from Flying through the air, the prey did not realize that it had been targeted until death came. Ming Zun is such an owl, with clever calculations, and it is difficult for the prey that is targeted by him to escape.

After hearing the words, everyone looked towards the Immortal Emperor, only to see the Immortal Emperor still standing there, motionless, looking at Xu Ying, really like an owl staring at his prey.

Even harvesting crops that had been cultivated for 600,000 years could not make a single ripple in his Taoist heart.

Xu Ying turned a blind eye to him and sat down silently, continuing to reflect on what he had learned from the fight with Wei Xu just now.

His heart was calm, and only the anger of revenge was burning quietly. The battle with the Immortal Emperor was inevitable, so he should face this battle of revenge and harvest with his best self.

After a long time, Xu Ying stood up, walked in vain, and tentatively used a few magical moves to adjust the power of Taoism.

He sat down again and continued to comprehend quietly.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor still did not rush him and continued to wait.

Zitong Yuanjun's eyes fell on the side of the Immortal Emperor's face and suddenly said: Are you really not worried at all?

The Immortal Emperor's breath was indifferent, with a feeling of being one with the nature of heaven and earth. He said leisurely: Why should I be anxious? This is the most beautiful food. He is working hard to move his body, let his qi and blood flow through, and let his muscles It becomes stronger, allows itself to eliminate acidity and turbidity, and tastes better. Faced with such self-disciplined delicious food, why should I be anxious?

Zi Tong Yuanjun smiled and said: You see, he is not in a hurry at all. Why is this?

The Immortal Emperor turned his head to look at her and asked with interest: Why?

Zi Tongyuanjun said: He is not in a hurry, because he is the ancestor of the new way, and his cultivation strength is improving all the time. The wider his new way spreads, the stronger his power will be. His qualifications are better than You, your understanding is better than yours, your potential is better than yours, if you are not in a hurry, he will never be in a hurry.

The Immortal Emperor smiled and said: You care about him so much, does he know?

Zitong Yuanjun felt pain in his heart and said nothing.

The Immortal Emperor leisurely said: Zi Tong, you and Xu Ying have long been insects in my net, small and weak, struggling in my net. The relationship between you was also facilitated by me, and your thoughts are all in me. It's under control. You don't have to waste your efforts. As for the outcome of this battle, I have already calculated that I will win a great victory, and you and your lover will fall into reincarnation and never be reincarnated. You should be happy that after you die, you will It will escape my control.

The corners of Zi Tong Yuanjun's mouth moved, and he suddenly said: Whether you make arrangements or not, it is inevitable that he and I will meet, get to know each other, and fall in love. Meng Shanming, haven't you noticed? In fact, you can't arrange anything.

The Immortal Emperor laughed loudly and said sarcastically: Inevitable? If I didn't have my divine calculation to arrange your meeting, how could it be inevitable?

Zitong Yuanjun pursed his red lips and said with a smile: Isn't it true? Gods are as powerful as you, and they also realize that the future cannot be changed. Otherwise, why can't you save Qingxuan?

The smile on the Immortal Emperor's face faded.

Failure to save Qingxuan was the beginning of his great change in temperament.

Zi Tong Yuanjun had a faint smile on his face and said calmly: Since the future has been decided and you can never change it, then the fate of Xu Ying and I has also been predestined. No matter whether you plan it or not, we will meet. Regardless of whether you are scheming or not, we will always know each other and fall in love. In fact, you can't do anything about the future, can you?

The Immortal Emperor snorted coldly.

Zitong Yuanjun recalled the past and fell into sweet memories, saying: At that time, Xu Jun and I were the brightest stars in the entire Immortal Court. Under the nine heavens, we were all ordinary people, such as Dongwang, Emperor, Tianzun, and Yuanjun. They are just more outstanding mortals. Only Xu Jun and I, two of the most outstanding men and women, are bound to be attracted to each other. We are talented men and women, and we do not need your arrangements, we will naturally get together. You Your arrangements and calculations are just destiny. You are just a puppet who thinks you have control over the fate of others.

The Immortal Emperor's face was gloomy and uncertain, and his heart was gradually becoming angry.

He pays attention to logic. Logically speaking, Zi Tong Yuanjun's words are correct!

Zi Tongyuanjun said: You are a divine fortune teller. You should know that you can't change anything. If the future can be changed, how can you predict it accurately? If the calculation is not accurate, how can you be a divine fortune teller? Three-year-old children are all What you know is contradictory. It’s ridiculous that you still believe in your own divine calculation and plan the future according to what you have calculated. If you are divine, you can’t change the future!

Shut up! The Immortal Emperor's white hair gradually began to float, and he shouted in a low voice.

Zitong Yuanjun smiled slightly and said: You have only been deceiving yourself and others these years. You know that everything you have done is useless. Have you really calculated the outcome of this battle?

The Immortal Emperor's white hair was flying, and his heart became increasingly unstable.

At this time, beside Lord Xuhuang Dao, Lan Suying said in surprise: There is a flaw in Mingzun's Taoist heart. It has become loose for a moment! Gushe, Goddess, come quickly!

The goddess, Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang hurriedly came to her side, and the four great gods gathered together.

Lan Suying said: Just now, the Supreme Immortal Emperor's Taoist heart fluctuated so much that I could predict his thoughts, but it passed in a blink of an eye! If his Taoist heart fluctuates again, maybe Fairy Gushe can be in his mind A grain of cause and effect is planted in Tao’s heart!”

She mobilized her past and future bodies, mustered up all her energy, and searched for flaws in the Immortal Emperor's Taoist heart.

It is extremely dangerous to use divine calculations to calculate the Supreme Being. The Supreme Being is outside cause and effect, outside time, and with perfect Taoist heart, it is impossible to be calculated.

However, if the Supreme Dao Heart fluctuates violently, then it is possible to temporarily enter the human world from outside cause and effect and time, and can be counted.

But when you count yourself to the Supreme, you will also be noticed by the Supreme.

The Supreme's counterattack must be extremely dangerous, and lives may be lost at any time!

The goddess's voice was so nervous that it became hoarse, and he said in a hoarse voice: Do you still remember? The first commandment of divine calculation is to forbid the supreme calculation! Now, we have all violated the commandment!

Her voice trembled so much that it cracked: We will die!

Even so, she still mobilized all her cultivation skills and was ready to cut off the Supreme's counterattack at any time!

Next to the Immortal Emperor, Zitong Yuanjun continued: Meng Shanming, is the future you see the real future? Or is it just an illusion caused by the future? Meng Shanming, have you ever considered that maybe fate has deceived you? And you?

found it!

Lan Suying was overjoyed and shouted, Gu She, give him a cause and effect!

Under her guidance, Fairy Gushe immediately entered the Taoist heart of the Immortal Emperor and mixed a line of cause and effect into it!

The next moment, the world in the vision of Lan Suying, Fairy Gushe, and Yuan Tiangang collapsed and shattered, leaving only the incomparably majestic figure of the Immortal Emperor, distorting time and space, shattering everything, and filling their sight!

Goddess—— the three of them shouted.

The goddess gritted her teeth, activated Long Tian's Hun Dao spell, raised a peach wood sword and struck it down, shouting: Cut it off!


The Taomu Sword broke, but the cause and effect between them and the Immortal Emperor was not broken. The figure of the Immortal Emperor filling their field of vision became more and more real, walking towards them!

——The second update is here, let’s go and write the third update!

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