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Chapter 623 The Qingxuan lineage has the strongest combat power (first update)

Wei Xu had long wanted to beat Xu Ying to death.

He escaped from the immeasurable sea of ​​fire, and his cultivation strength was extremely poor. He was repeatedly provoked by Xu Ying, who used him as a tool to cultivate a flawless golden body, and beat him to a bloody and miserable state.

If Mingzun hadn't rescued him, he would have fallen into Xu Ying's hands.

This was a great shame and humiliation, so when Qingxuan mentioned Xu Ying, Wei Xu wanted to beat him to death.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled and said: As long as you have the ability to kill him, just do it. But you have to be careful, his current cultivation strength is not trivial.

This is what you said!

Wei Xu was inexplicably excited, rubbed his hands, and said viciously, I'm going to break his neck and squeeze out the juice!

He was about to rush out and kill Xu Ying, but he thought of Zulong Zhao Zheng and hesitated. He is a great evil man, cruel by nature, but he treats his nephew really well.

He is even more like Zulong's teacher than the Immortal Emperor, teaching by words and deeds, and passing on what he has learned to Zulong.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan looked at Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng, and was also very interested in the realms hanging behind him, and said: Since you are my disciple, stay with me first and I will teach you for a few days.

Wei Xu was overjoyed: If that's the case, then he will ask the master. After saying that, he rose into the air and rushed out of the abyss.

Waste Qingxuan looked at Zulong Zhao Zheng up and down, and then came behind him to observe the realms he created with magic weapons. He suddenly said: Your cultivation path is very interesting. On the road of cultivation, magic weapons come first, and magic weapons always come first. One or two realms higher than yourself. The magic weapon is your own guide, helping you break through one realm after another. This path should be called the magic weapon to achieve enlightenment.

The realm behind Zulong is made up of magic weapons with various mechanical structures, forming a total of fifteen realms from Qi collection to ascension, from human immortal to heavenly king.

Not only that, he also has six caves, which are also composed of magic weapons. The structure is extremely clever.

The other end of his six caves is connected to the other side of Taixu. When the caves are rotating and the elixirs are continuously fished from the other shore, they will be refined in these six mechanical caves and turned into pure vitality. , spiritual consciousness, activity, soul power and other six powers!

Even the good-for-nothing Qingxuan found this weird way of practice unique and extremely interesting.

And Zulong's cultivation has also reached the realm of the Immortal King. He has built a Taoist temple, practiced Tao seeds, and is about to plant a Tao tree.

In fact, he is the first person to ascend in the past 48,000 years. He is the only person who has faced the catastrophe head-on, without taking the back door, and has ascended to heaven in a serious way.

It has only been more than ten years since he ascended, but he has found a way to achieve enlightenment with magic weapons.

It took more than ten years to become an Immortal King, which was even more than promised back then. This talent made the useless Qingxuan unable to help but feel moved.

If it were the end of the ancient era, you could still become famous and achieve a very high level with this skill. You would even have a place among the supreme ones! But now that the new way has been spread, everything will be overturned. It's a pity for you Today’s state.”

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan was filled with emotion and asked, Do you want to switch to a new path?

He was also very interested in the new way. After the Immortal Emperor came to look for him, he ran to the ancestral court to learn about the new way. He was amazed and knew that it would be a matter of time before the new way came out and would replace the original immortal way.

If all the current Supreme Beings and Great Luo Jinxian cannot change accordingly, sooner or later they will be overthrown by those who come after them.

Zulong asked: Master, how is the new way better than the original immortal way? If it is much better, then I will abandon this practice and practice it from scratch. If it is not better than the original immortal way, then I will continue to walk on my path. You can also cultivate to the highest level along the way.

Waste Qingxuan said: The New Immortal Way was created by Taoist Xu Yingxue. The original Immortal Way can only be cultivated to the Supreme Realm, which is the same as the Great Luo Wonderful Realm. But the Supreme Realm of the New Immortal Way surpasses the Great Luo Wonderful Realm and can be cultivated to the Great Perfection. The realm is comparable to the ninth realm beyond the wonderful realm! Once this new path is revealed, the future is boundless. If one can conquer the realm above the Supreme and achieve immortality, he can be called the first person in history.

Zulong said resolutely: Disciple is willing to abolish his previous cultivation and practice from scratch. In the past, those predecessors and sages were born hundreds of thousands of years before me. Their cultivation far surpassed mine. They became successful and famous, and people looked up to them. Later generations would have no chance to compete with me. They are shoulder to shoulder. But if everyone returns to the starting point and starts at the same time, I can tie with them, or even surpass them!

He recalled that among the people he met, there was no one else except Promise.

As for the master of Niwan Palace, the fool Ah Fu, and Emperor Zhou, they were at most on par with him, or even slightly inferior to him.

Even if he is the Immortal Emperor Mingzun, even if he is the Changsheng Emperor, or Tianzun, if he competes on the same stage, he will definitely not be weaker than them, or even stronger!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan admired him more and more, and praised him: With this spirit, you can make rapid progress! Come with me, I will take you to meet someone, so that your magic weapon can be realized further!

Grandmaster, who are we going to see?

A person who is particularly good at refining magic weapons.

Zulong Zhao Zheng followed the waste Qingxuan to quietly leave Tianyuan and came to the Tianhai Ferry. He saw the Three Realms ferries being pulled onto the dock one after another in the ferry. The heavenly workers were working hard to repair the Three Realms ferries.

Xu Ying ascended for the second time, and the Immortal Emperor and others discovered that a dragon skeleton was seen at the entrance to the Immortal Realm. Repairing the Three Realm Ferry became the top priority of the Immortal Palace.

This ship can travel through frozen time and space, and is the most important tool for traveling to the immortal world.

Zulong Zhao Zheng noticed that there were several brand-new ferries on the ferry. They were obviously not salvaged from the sea, but newly built ferries!

Bang, bang!

A short crisp sound came, and the two of them followed the sound, and saw a woman with a girlish face flying up, with a graceful and graceful figure, holding a large ship in the air, and using her fist as a hammer, she smashed the surface of the ship.

Every punch she landed contained immense magic power. When it landed on the surface of the ship, a brilliant light burst out, flipping the ship over.

In just a few moments, the girl put various brands into the hull of the ship, and her moves were extremely powerful!

She is the rumored Ancestor Chanchan, the ruthless person who almost buried Emperor Zhou in Haojing!

Zulong Zhao Zheng had also heard of Zhu Chanchan's reputation and knew about the Battle of Haojing. This woman suddenly took action when Emperor Zhou was ascending through the tribulation and almost killed Emperor Zhou Ji Man. Ji Man, the emperor of Zhou Dynasty, was crippled by her and was unable to sit in a wheelchair for many years.

Zhu Chanchan was originally good at controlling magic weapons, but without the magic weapons, her combat power was greatly reduced. But now this woman has turned her weapon-refining skills into magical powers. Each move is astonishingly powerful. She can both refine treasures and kill!

At this time, Zhu Chanchan seemed to be completely reborn, and her cultivation strength had been greatly improved!

Could it be that she is the person the teacher wants me to see? Zu Long thought to himself.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled at Zhuchanchan and said, Ancestor Bangbang, we are here to find your teacher, Taoist Yuji.

Zhuchanchan glared at him fiercely, raised her fist and waved it twice in a demonstration, and said angrily: It's not Patriarch Bangbang, it's Patriarch Chanchan! Teacher, that self-proclaimed waste is here to find you again! You guys follow I'll come, Teacher Yu is probably going to the sea to salvage old things.

She led the two of them forward, and Tiangong kept bowing to greet her: Hello, Senior Sister! Hello, Senior Sister!

She has not been a disciple of Taoist Yuji for a long time, less than a year has passed, but she has made rapid progress, far surpassing all the Tiangong in the Tiangong Department of Xianting, so she is respected as the senior sister.

When the good-for-nothing Qingxuan saw this, he smiled and said: Bangbang, we don't want your master. Your master refining treasures has too many consumables. I think you can do it.

Zhu Chanchan's eyes lit up and she said coyly: My consumables are also very powerful...

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan looked at Zulong Zhao Zheng. Zulong held his head high and said calmly: Back to the ancestor, this disciple has been traveling around with Uncle Wei Xu these years, and he is quite rich.

Zhu Chanchan was so excited that she punched him in the chest and said with a smile, Fellow, are you really or not?


With her punch, Zulong Zhao Zheng felt all kinds of magic weapons in the Xiyi Domain vibrate. The next moment, countless magic weapons flew out from behind. Pavilions, bells, tripods, towers, swords, guns, axes, chess, calligraphy and paintings filled the sky. All!

Among them, there are even twelve golden figures based on Xu Ying, which are taller and more powerful than the twelve golden figures cast in the Yuanshou world back then!

Zhu Chanchan also looked straight and murmured: So what you said is true...fellow, you have become rich! No, I have become rich!

Zulong was also startled by her and quickly put away these treasures.

In these years, all the heavens and the world have merged into the earthly immortal world, and various treasure lands have appeared in the world. Although it is not as amazing as the appearance of Wuzhuang Temple, it is not trivial.

Zulong followed Wei Xu to these treasure lands for exploration and experience. This uncle took good care of him, and most of the treasures in the treasure lands were obtained by Zulong. ——It’s just that this time I went to Tianyuan to experience the adventure, but I stumbled and was filled with sea eyes.

Near Tianyuan, people are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Immortal Emperor Mingzun.

However, the Immortal Emperor has not yet arrived.

Suddenly, there were violent fluctuations in the Tianyuan, as if there was some huge thing making waves inside, which was so breathtaking that even Tianyuan could not suppress it!

On both sides of the Tianyuan, everyone was shocked and confused. They rose into the air and looked into the Tianyuan. They saw the rolling water of the Tianhai Sea falling into the Tianyuan from both sides with an astonishing momentum.

Someone was spinning, falling from the sky above the abyss, and fell into the abyss, with no way to save his life.

Those with low cultivation levels should not fly over Tianyuan! said an old voice.

Everyone looked at Tianyuan and felt dizzy. They saw that there was seawater falling towards them from the other end of Tianyuan, and in the air at the other end, there was a person who looked like themselves.

What everyone sees in the abyss is another version of themselves, which is amazing.

It was the eyes of the sea opening its eyes, just like the eyes of the sky and the sea, extremely charming.

At this moment, the terrifying aura inside Tianyuan stirred up, shattering everything, forming a huge whirlpool, spitting out sea water!

And there was darkness in the center of the whirlpool, and suddenly there was thunder and lightning, and a majestic figure rose into the sky from the whirlpool, holding a person in his hand. It was the immortal who just lost his footing and fell into the abyss.

The immortal had just recovered from his shock and quickly thanked the giant: Thank you, Brother Tao, for saving me... You, you are Wei Xu!

The immortal was so frightened that he lost his mind and said to himself that my life is at risk. He had long heard that Wei Xu was cruel and liked to practice cannibalism, but he never expected that it would be him who saved his life.

His purpose in saving me must be to get something delicious...

Wei Xu flew to the shore of Tianyuan, put the immortal down, and said pleasantly: I am in a good mood today. I do one good deed every day. Can I eat people...

The immortal looked ashen, jumped into the abyss, and shouted sternly: I would rather die than be eaten by you!

...I won't eat anymore... Wei Xu was stunned, watching him jump down, and wondered, Is he a person seeking death? I thought he lost his footing and fell into the abyss, but it turned out that he jumped down by himself.

He did not take action to rescue this person and allowed the immortal to fall.

Wei Xu glanced around and landed on the experts from all walks of life in the ancestral court. He couldn't help but reveal a fierce look in his eyes and sneered: All the ghosts and snake gods in the ancestral court are here. Hehe, after the master died, these ghosts and snake gods came out again, dreaming of restoration. ! Fight your promise first, then fight these old guys!

Both Empress Ziwei, Taiqing, Yuqing and others were aware of his ferocious aura and felt slightly uncomfortable. Everyone stood up one after another and followed Wei Xu's figure closely.

This fierce god is the number one person under the Immortal Court Supreme. He has extremely strong fighting power. During this period, the sense of oppression he brings to people is even stronger. If you give him a supreme cave, I'm afraid he can prove the supreme!

Wei Xu ignored the attention of everyone and walked towards Xu Ying, saying in a deep voice: Xu Ying, how is your practice of the leak-free golden body? Someone asked me to come and practice a few moves with you so that you can get familiar with it. My senior brother’s magical power!”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was surprised and talked about it for a while.

Xu Ying stood up and asked in shock: Which fellow Taoist or senior asked you to help me?

Wei Xu laughed and said, Help you? I'm here to beat you to death! It's better for you to die in my hands than to die in the hands of my senior brother!

As soon as he disagreed, he took action. He heard a loud roar, like the earth was opening up, and a void was torn out near the abyss, revealing eight kinds of phenomena, including the sea of ​​chaos, the black and yellow two qi, and the clear sky of glazed glass. !

The coverage of these eight Taoist landscapes is extremely wide. Each Taoist landscape is like a world of heavens. The eight Taoist landscapes of Wei Xu are as vast as eight worlds, pushing away other people near Tianyuan!

At this time, everyone's cultivation strength was revealed. They were as strong as Empress Ziwei, Demon Ancestor and others. As soon as their respective Dharma appeared, they still seemed to be sitting next to Wei Xu, seeing the billions of miles of space as close as a stone's throw away. Every move made by Xu Ying and others was clear and clear.

The weaker ones, such as Taiqing, Yuqing, Yuxu and other heaven and earth souls, sit there with their huge bodies, like gods high up on the sky, and can see everything clearly.

Other powerful people, such as Xu Jing, Ning Zhong and other beings in the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, were able to see the two of them as they each offered sacrifices to their souls.

But if the cultivation level is lower, Xu Ying and Wei Xu will not be able to see clearly. They can only see the huge Taoist scenery, as if the huge worlds are passing by in front of their eyes.

The surprised voice of Taoist Master Luofu came from the other side of the abyss: This bastard has been trapped in the sea for more than half a year, but his cultivation has not been damaged much.

Wei Xu also heard the voice of Taoist Master Luofu. His eyes were like copper bells. He glanced towards the other side and sneered: Kill Xu Ying, and then I'll kill you! Xu Ying, all the magical powers of my Qingxuan lineage are gathered from all the Dao Jings. It is evolved from Tao power! Tao scenery is not a decoration! This move is called Luan Sheng Kun Yue!

In the various Dao scenes behind him, Dao power exploded, and they merged instantly, turning into a pure power of Dao, attacking Xu Ying!

He has a total of eight Tao scenery, and the eight Tao powers are condensed and combined to form the Kunlun scenic spot. It is like recreating the Kunlun realm, crushing it with the power of his palm, it is awe-inspiring!

Wei Xu is not a Supreme, but the combat power that broke out at this moment actually reaches the Supreme's combat power!

The explosive power of the Qingxuan lineage is really amazing!

Opposite the Tianyuan, figures emerged one after another, hazy, looming, and I couldn't help but marvel.

Taiqing, Yuxu and others couldn't help but think of the situation when Qingxuan, Shengzun and other rebels invaded the major ancestral courts, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Empress Ziwei and Demon Ancestor recalled the fight back then and each snorted coldly. At this time, they felt something in their hearts and turned their heads to look in the same direction.

There, a tall old man appeared beside Tianyuan at some unknown time. He raised his eyes and his eyes fell on Wei Xu.

Behind him, followed a delicate girl, none other than Zi Tong Yuanjun.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor has finally arrived!

————First update! There are three updates today! Home pig, go and work on coding!

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