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Chapter 621 The Queen’s Thoughts

Under the ancient fusang tree was the Demon Ancestor. Demon Emperor Jin Buyi led his group to walk under the tree. Following him was his most valued doctor, Gong Qi.

Demon Emperor Jin Buli felt a little uneasy. He looked around, but Xu Ying was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, the fat and white young man next to him suddenly appeared in his true form, turned into a giant snake, and shouted at the top of his lungs: A Ying——

There was also a voice in the abyss that day, shouting: Ah Ying - like a yes-man.

An Qi looked down at the abyss and saw a big snake in the abyss, looking at him.

He was startled and quickly transformed into a human body and floated down.

The doctor ordered me to be careful not to look at Tianyuan.

The old demon ancestor was there and said, You are looking at Tianyuan, and Tianyuan is also looking at you. Be careful if you look at it again, you will fall in. In the era of Demon Court, countless great demons were executed here, even Daluo Jinxian I don’t know how many people died in it.”

An Qi was startled and hurriedly squeezed towards Demon Ancestor. Demon Ancestor felt a little disgusted and took a step to the side.

Demon Emperor Jin Buyi asked: Demon Ancestor, what do you think the chances of winning are in a battle between Ah Ying and Ming Zun?

Demon Ancestor said: Xu Ying is the founder of the New Dao. He has created the fourteenth realm of the New Dao. His merits are immeasurable, his divine power reaches the sky, and he has unparalleled achievements. But facing Mingzun, there is no chance of winning.

He praised him too harshly in the first place, and then he said a but in the end, which made Jin Buyi's heart sink.

Demon Ancestor continued: Your Majesty should look for a beautiful demon girl and send it to Xu Daozu, so as to save the seeds. When Xu Daozu dies, the demon girl he leaves behind will be the son of Dao Ancestor, who will be responsible for revenge and inheriting Dao Ancestor's legacy. An important task. When he grows up, gets rid of Ming Zun, and ascends to the throne of the human race, the world will return to the hands of our demon race! The great cause of restoration is just around the corner!

Demon Emperor Jin Buyi smiled and said: Demon Ancestor, please don't joke.

Demon Ancestor shook his head and said, I'm not joking.

He paused and said: There is no problem with Xu Ying's cultivation realm. I have also deduced the major realms of his new Tao. The fourth realm of the Immortal Realm, the Dao Scenery Realm, corresponds to the Great Luo Jinxian. It is absolutely There is no problem. The problem is that Ming Zun is not a Daluo Jinxian. Ming Zun is in the Supreme Realm.

The Supreme Realm corresponds to two realms, the seventh and eighth realms of Tao, which correspond to the Daluo Golden Immortal and Daluo Wonderful Realms.

The gap between the seventh realm and the eighth realm is huge, just like the gap between Tianjun and Da Luo Jinxian.

Demon Ancestor said, Xu Ying is playing Da Luo Jinxian against Da Luo Wonderful Realm. Even if his Dao Ancestor and even if his Dao Jing practice reaches thirteen, there is still a big gap. In the Supreme Realm, Yuanshen Supreme, Xu Ying Now, the body is supreme, so it should be, but what about magic power? Where is spiritual consciousness? There are also yin and yang, mind power, which one has reached the supreme level?

Jin Buyi was so flustered by what he said that he quickly said: Ah Ying has unique attainments in life and death, Tao power, void, Hunyuan, Cuiyan, Heavenly Dao and Hongmeng...

Demon Ancestor shook his head and said: We have never cultivated to the supreme level, and there is always a qualitative gap. Even if Ming Zun is only better than him in six things, and he is better than Ming Zun in seven things, he will still be defeated. What's more...

He paused and said: Ming Zun has been planning for him for 600,000 years. Six hundred thousand years ago, Xu Ying was already in Ming Zun's palm. In 600,000 years, even in his first life, It's a grasshopper in Mingzun's hands. I don't believe that he can turn over now.

He stopped and looked at the other end of the abyss warily.

The other end of the abyss is difficult to see with the naked eye, and can only be seen as a blur of fog, with no human beings in sight. But the Demon Ancestor clearly felt that there was an extremely powerful being standing on the other side, ready to cross the abyss and strike at any time!

Supreme Creation!

Demon Ancestor's heart beat violently, and he said silently, Besides, this battle is not just between the two of them, it is also a contest between the forces of both sides. And in this aspect, we are at a disadvantage.

With his strength, he can be slightly better in a duel with the Supreme Creation, but that is when the Supreme Creation does not have a cave.

If the Supreme Creation uses the Supreme Cave Abyss, then he will be inferior!

Without the Ancestral God coming back to take charge, we will always be much inferior. He said silently in his heart.

At this time, Senior Brother Tian appeared with the Dragon Bell in his hands. The Dragon Bell flew up, filled with immortal spiritual light, and emitted monstrous fluctuations.

On the other side, another powerful aura emerged, and a figure stood vaguely, which shocked Senior Brother Tian: One of the Six Twelve Wonders! The Supreme Immortal Emperor has found another master of the Twelve Wonders!

There were many masters who besieged the Ancestral God back then. The Heavenly Protector of the Ancestral God met these masters and noticed that the aura of the other master was very familiar, but there was no aura of supremeness. This was obviously one of the twelve wonders!

The Holy Lord is not in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Mingzun wants to play a big game. He took the opportunity to release the Supreme and Wonderful Realm who were suppressed by the Supreme!

A voice came, happily saying: This is a good place to sell steamed buns!

Everyone followed the sound and saw the good-for-nothing Qingxuan Shiran walking towards him, planning to set up a stall next to Tianyuan. The corners of Empress Ziwei's eyes twitched violently, and she stood up suddenly, with murderous intent, and her eyes were as sharp as the light from the true glass lamp of Taicang Cave!

Demon Ancestor was also furious with suicide. The hibiscus tree behind him suddenly reached the height of the sky, staring at Qingxuan fiercely.

Xuhuang, Taiqing, Yuxu and others also sacrificed the treasures of their respective wonderful realms as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Only Taoist Yuqing sighed and frowned slightly.

Qingxuan was originally his disciple and the gravedigger of various sects, which made it difficult for him to face Qingxuan.

At the same time, there were many figures on the opposite side, and another tall figure appeared on the other side of the abyss, which could not be seen clearly.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan stopped what he was doing, raised his eyebrows, and looked to the other side.

Three more figures appeared on the other side, facing him from a distance.

The expressions of Demon Ancestor, Empress Ziwei, Emperor Xu and others suddenly changed. In these three days, the Supreme Immortal Emperor actually found so many masters of the six masters and twelve masters to take charge of him!

If the trash Qingxuan hadn't appeared, they wouldn't have known that the Immortal Emperor had already made such a foolproof plan!

Demon Ancestor whispered: Mingzun is really bold. Releasing these old monsters is a complete break with the Holy Lord! But what is the position of Qingxuan?

He was confused.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan was extremely annoyed and said angrily to the murderous people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait: You are not even allowed to sell steamed buns. You are so lenient! If you don't sell them, you won't sell them. Let's go!

He put away the stall, turned around and left.

Suddenly a figure flashed on the other side, turned into a ray of green light and went straight towards the waste Qingxuan. A voice came, saying coldly: Qingxuan, it will be good for everyone if you die in an honest manner! Why do you have to crawl out? Confusing people’s hearts?”

That aura was extremely powerful and fast, and it intercepted Qingxuan in the sky above Tianyuan in an instant.

The man who attacked Qingxuan had cruel and deadly moves. Although the trash Qingxuan was known as a trash, his moves were extremely wild and overbearing. At the same time, his overbearing moves suddenly changed and turned into a vicious and vicious move. Supernatural power!

The two of them exchanged more than ten moves in the sky above Tianyuan in a short period of time, when suddenly a loud noise came.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan staggered, obviously injured, turned around and flew away.

The man who was chasing Qing Xuan did not continue the pursuit. He turned around and walked towards the other side. He was walking in the air. Wherever his footsteps passed, a series of blood stains appeared and sprinkled into the sky.

He is not Qingxuan, he is just the inner demon that Qingxuan killed.

The man's voice came from the other side, If it's Qingxuan, I'm already dead.

Is it just inner demons?

Other voices came from the other side, Can the inner demon hurt you? It's impossible! I'll try!

Several more figures flew into the air and rushed towards the direction Qing Xuan left.

Demon Ancestor, Empress Ziwei and others all breathed a sigh of relief. Those masters were obviously among the six twelve masters. In their hearts, tracing whether Qingxuan is alive or dead is far more important than Xu Ying.

Is this Qingxuan here to help us?

The Yao clan, Empress Ziwei and others were surprised. Back then, Qingxuan eradicated the older generation like them, and he was ruthless and committed all kinds of evil, but this Qingxuan seemed to have a little bit of humanity.

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly: Emperor Xu Ying is here!

People were shouting and looking towards the sea. They saw a young man walking on the sea with his back to the scorching sun. It was Xu Ying, the new emperor of the Immortal Court.

The previous emperor was Xu Ying's biggest enemy, and it must be said that it was ironic that the Immortal Emperor appointed Xu Ying as his successor.

Everyone was excited, Xu Ying finally arrived!

Empress Ziwei signaled Nan Ziyan to turn the chariot and meet Xu Ying. The treasure chariot sailed out from the huge abyss of the sky, as small as a mote of dust, and met Xu Ying on the sea.

Empress Ziwei stood up and said politely: Xu Daozu, you are polite.

Xu Ying returns the favor.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: A gentleman's revenge is never too late in ten years. Xu Daozu, I am not here today to watch the battle, nor to help you, but to make you endure ten years before seeking revenge.

Xu Ying looked at Empress Ziwei and felt slightly moved in her heart. Although Empress Ziwei always talked about killing him, she was still worried about his safety.

Don't think I'm worried about your safety.

Empress Ziwei saw through his thoughts and said, I don't care about you at all. I just think that it would be a pity for a person with a great future like you to die here in vain because of a moment of loyalty.

Xu Ying bowed and thanked you sincerely, saying: Thank you very much, Brother Dao. It's just that I have made up my mind.

Empress Ziwei's eyes flickered and she looked him up and down. After a moment, he said: Since you have made up your mind, I can't say anything. I will fight you in ten moves. If you can defeat me within ten moves, I will I won't stop you. If you are defeated by me within ten moves, go back and endure for ten years.

Xu Ying looked solemn and said, Thank you, Brother Dao, for your advice.

Empress Ziwei secretly praised her, knowing that he had seen through her thoughts.

The so-called ten moves were just moves that Empress Ziwei wanted to give Xu Ying. The opponents Xu Ying had encountered before were not Supreme-level figures, and he had not seen the terror of the Supreme at all.

Empress Ziwei is the top being in the old era. It takes the six masters and twelve masters to join forces to force him to abdicate. His ten moves can definitely improve Xu Ying's vision!

First move!

The aura of Empress Ziwei suddenly filled the world. The first Immortal Emperor of the Six Dynasties showed his wild and domineering appearance. The aura crushed him. Xu Ying's eyes were bloodshot, his pupils shrunk to the extreme, and he could not see. His ears were also filled with various noises. It fills up, the ears cannot hear, the five senses disappear, and they fall into darkness!

He hurriedly pumped up his energy and blood, stimulated his eyes and ears, and restored his five senses, but Empress Ziwei's finger force had already reached the center of his eyebrows.


Empress Ziwei focused her finger on Xu Ying's eyebrows, sending him flying tens of thousands of miles away.

Xu Ying's forehead was burning and hurting, but his golden body was not broken. However, when he looked up, he saw the awe-inspiring magic power of Empress Ziwei coming down, like a blue sky cloud, holding him down.

Xu Ying paused and was about to activate Taiyi Golden Bridge to fight against his magical power, when the voice of Empress Ziwei came to his ears: Second move!

All kinds of magnificent Dao patterns appeared on the walls of the blue sky and cloud cover in all directions. In an instant, thousands of magical powers formed a surrounding network, changing from large to small. When it shrank to the extreme, it had already come around Xu Ying, encompassing him. Among thousands of supernatural powers!


This wave of magical impact interrupted Xu Ying's magical power, and the golden bridge was shattered before it was formed. Then the second wave of supernatural powers came, and then the third, fourth, and fifth waves!

These magical powers are not very subtle ones, but when combined together, a series of attacks make it impossible to dodge or block!

Xu Ying groaned, withstood five attacks in a row, pulled out Zhangtian Ruler, split the blue sky cloud cover, and escaped.

He looked from a distance and saw that Empress Ziwei was still sitting in the imperial chariot, never moving.

Empress Ziwei was smiling as she watched Xu Ying take the initiative and charge towards him. He smiled slightly and said, Xu Daozu, in terms of magical power, you have not yet reached the supreme level!

He looked at Xu Ying as he offered up the Zhangtian Ruler and swung out a landscape painting all over the sky. Suddenly, he was swaying with his hands, pointing or pointing. Each blow clearly landed on the trajectory of the Zhangtian Ruler, blocking the path forward of the Zhangtian Ruler. Break it, preventing this treasure from exerting its power.

The third move. Empress Ziwei smiled.

His third move was not to deal with Xu Ying, but to break the Zhangtian Ruler, making it useless.

Empress Ziwei's fourth move followed closely, breaking through Xu Ying's magical power. His palm force was printed on Xu Ying's chest, and then palm prints spread all over the sky, attacking Xu Ying's flawless golden body from all directions!

Xu Ying was shocked: He is looking for a loophole to prevent leakage of the golden body!

There are indeed loopholes in the flawless golden body. After all, Xu Ying has never completed the Supreme Way. Only by complementing Taishangdao can there be no loopholes!

In just a short moment, there were countless palm powers in Xu Ying's body, and his flawless golden body blocked these palm powers. However, Xu Ying noticed that the palm powers of Empress Ziwei followed a strange path and secretly invaded his body. !

There is a flaw in the Taishang Dao, and the leak-free golden body built on the basis of the Taishang Dao also has a crack.

This crack was found by Empress Ziwei's fifth move.

Empress Ziwei did not continue to attack based on the loopholes in his flawless golden body. Instead, he changed his tactics and targeted his thirteen scenes to break his thirteen avenues!

In just a short moment, the two of them fought and reached the tenth move. Xu Ying lost nine moves in a row. He suddenly activated the Cuiyan Avenue, his body transformed, and countless branch-like textures flew, slashing at the Empress Ziwei on the imperial chariot!

Empress Ziwei raised his hand, and the Tai Cang Cave True Glaze Cup flew up. A ray of light shot up into the sky, suddenly folded, and faced Huan Hua's wings!

There was a lot of crying on the sea.

When everything calmed down, Empress Ziwei watched the chop fall down and transform into wings. The wings came to the top of his head, only an inch away from his forehead.

His eyes fell on Xu Ying again. Xu Ying was cut into his shoulder by the glaze of the glass lamp. But at the last moment, Xu Ying held back the chopped off wings, and Empress Ziwei did not continue to urge the glass lamp to kill him. Behead.

Both sides stopped.

Empress Ziwei put away the Tai Cang Cave True Glaze Cup and said, Practice with me for ten years, and I will refine your magical powers to the supreme level.

Xu Ying shook his head and walked past him towards Tianyuan.

Xu Ying, you lost! Nan Ziyan said loudly.

Empress Ziwei stopped him and said: He has made up his mind, there is no need to say anything more. The rest of the matter will be left to the Demon Ancestor.

Ahead, Demon Emperor Jin Buyi bowed and said: Demon Ancestor, please!

Demon Ancestor said in a deep voice: Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely make him change his mind!

He took steps and walked towards Xu Ying.

————Sorry for the late update. Zhaizhu is holding a meeting in Changsha these days. In the online literary selection organized by the Chinese Writers Association, Linyuanxing won the 2021 Internet Literature Influence List sponsored by the Chinese Writers Association. If you feel that eight thousand new pigs are not satisfied, this book must be added to the list. Your book list!

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