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Chapter 620 Created a big rebellion

Tianyuan has a long history and cannot be verified. This abyss is like a wound in the earthly immortal world. The water of the Tianhe River merges into the Heavenly Sea, and the water of the Heavenly Sea falls into the Heavenly Abyss.

This thing is huge and unparalleled. Standing at a section of the abyss and looking forward, it is vast and vast, and the other side cannot be seen.

Flying to the abyss of the sky, looking down, it is dark and dim, and nowhere to be found.

There are rumors that the Tian Abyss is the place where the Tao is buried, the avenue of heaven and earth is buried. There are also rumors that the deepest part of the Tian Abyss is Gui Xu. When the universe comes to an end, it will be swallowed up by Gui Xu.

When Guixu engulfs the last ray of light in the universe, Guixu will turn into the place of origin and open up the universe again.

There are also legends that the Tianyuan is a wound in the universe, and this universe is a huge hole. Because of the existence of this wound, the avenue of heaven and earth in this universe is incomplete.

Since ancient times, Tianyuan has been regarded as a sacred place. However, during the 600,000 years since the establishment of the New Immortal Court, Tianyuan rarely showed traces and seemed to be deliberately hidden. Only more than 40,000 years ago, Xu Ying, who was still Doubu Tianzun at that time, saw this place during his travels.

Xu Ying realized the magical power of Zang Daoyuan there, and his skills shocked the government and the public.

But Burial Dao Tianyuan disappeared again after that.

This celestial abyss was not revealed again until the Earth Immortal Realm merged. At this time, people knew that Luofu Taoist Master Gu Bu Nian, the six statues of the Twelve Mysteries, was suppressed there to fill the sea.

Taoist master Luofu didn't know what tricks he used to escape from there, and then he launched a surprise attack on the Daming Palace of the Holy Lord.

There are sporadic immortals and gods near the Tianyuan, sitting in the place shrouded in clouds and mist, comprehending this great abyss and comprehending the Tao realm that is swallowed up by ten thousand ways.

It's just that this abyss is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed up by the abyss and die without a burial place. Therefore, even the gods must be careful.

Although Tianyuan has the most magnificent Taoist phenomena in the world, the main reason why it is not so lively is because it is too difficult to understand its mysteries. What's more, even immortals and gods cannot understand the truth of the destiny of all the ways in the abyss, and it is difficult to comprehend the exquisite magical powers.

On this day, Tianyuan suddenly became lively, and many immortals and gods in strange clothes came from all over the place. Some were Tianzun, Emperor, and Yuanjun from the Immortal Court, some were famous figures in the Immortal World, and some were powerful men from the Ancestral Court.

People who have experienced Tianyuan here are astonished that so many people have come to this quiet place at once!

An immortal practicing here saw several new immortals flying close to Tianyuan, and quickly raised his hand and said: Hey, don't get too close to Tianyuan, you will be sucked in...

Before he finished speaking, those people disappeared without a trace and were suddenly sucked into the abyss.

The immortal retracted his palm helplessly.

Hateful thief!

Several Immortals came towards me fiercely and shouted, You were the one who pushed my senior brothers down into the abyss? You have offended our Nine Saints of Xiangshan. Damn it, I want you to pay with your blood today!

Seeing this, the immortal said quickly: Don't get too close to Tianyuan... just pretend I didn't say that.

The few remaining immortals among the Nine Saints of Xiangshan, because they were too close to Tianyuan, made the same mistakes as the other Saints. They were pulled into the abyss by the suction of Tianyuan. After a long time, the screams were heard.

On this day, the entire army of the Nine Saints of Xiangshan was wiped out.

However, the people who came here also knew the dangers of Tianyuan and did not dare to get too close.

At this time, a voice said loudly: Tianyuan is a natural prison. There are three major prisons in the world today. One is the Five Prisons of the Immortal Courtyard. The people imprisoned in it are all extremely vicious people. They cannot be killed on the Immortal Platform. He is a villain, so he must be imprisoned in the Five Heavenly Prisons.

Everyone looked around and saw that the person speaking was none other than the Emperor of the Five Prisons.

The Emperor of the Five Prisons is in charge of the Five Prisons and Heavenly Prisons in the Immortal Courtyard. He has a deep understanding of the prisons. He talks about the three major cages like a treasure.

Those who spoke to him were several other emperors of the Immortal Court, all of whom were masters of the Immortal Court under Emperor Xu Ying.

The Emperor of the Five Prisons said: The second one is the cesspool of the universe. The Five Prisons imprison those who have committed crimes, but those who are not convenient for being executed openly and justly need to be dealt with quietly to preserve their reputation. To deal with such people, it is necessary to The cesspool of the universe. It is the most powerful thing to tie people up and throw them into the cesspit, so that the cesspit of the universe can eliminate their behavior and damage their avenues! And the third cage is this Tianyuan.

Emperor Wenchang asked: What does Tianyuan say?

The Emperor of the Five Prisons smiled and said: Tianyuan, what is imprisoned is a person who has committed the most evil crimes and hates people to the bone. I don't want to kill him directly, but also torture him to vent his anger, so I want to throw him into the Tianyuan. Throw him into the Tianyuan and stuff him in the Tianyuan. In the sea eye at the bottom, the water of the sky and sea washed away, tearing off his skin in pieces, peeling off his flesh and blood, and his soul was washed away with holes, and he was tortured by his soul all the time. It would be fine if he died, but The eye of the sea happens to be a place full of life, but it cannot die, so it suffers endless torture.

At this time, Beiluo Master Xiao Dijun came over and said, Have you heard the reason for the dispute between the emperor and the Immortal Emperor?

Several emperors looked at each other sternly, not daring to answer this question.

Emperor Xiao said: I personally went to the ancestral court and Yuanshou, and found out the new immortal way taught by the emperor from some old friends. As soon as this new immortal way came out, it laid the foundation of the new way. What we have learned before is all To be disrupted, you may need to start all over again.”

Emperor Wuqu couldn't help but said: I also took the opportunity to see the emperor's new immortal way. It is more than subversion? Even our fairy court will be subverted! The new immortal way is extremely complete and more powerful. It points directly to the supreme realm. There is no redundancy. Places such as Tao seeds, Tao trees, Tao flowers, and Tao fruits, all of which have nothing to do with the new Tao, have been cut down! By practicing in this way, the cultivation speed will be faster and the cultivation strength will be stronger! If this new Tao is promoted , our Immortal Court was the first to be overthrown, and even the Immortal Emperor's position was about to be overthrown...

Be careful what you say, be careful what you say. Emperor Wenchang said quickly.

Emperor Xiao said: But it's a good thing.

It's a good thing.

All the emperors said one after another, But it may not be a good thing for us immortal officials in the Immortal Court. If this new way is promoted, our wealth and status will not be guaranteed!

The new emperor Zhong Yi said: Yes, once the new immortal way is promoted, the cave abyss we control will no longer be a resource that everyone can hope for. Without resources, who will recognize you as an immortal official? Who will recognize you as an immortal official? Immortal Emperor?

As soon as he said this, everyone was silent.

The reason why Immortal Court can still rule the world is because the resources are fixed. There are so many caves and abyss in the hands of Immortal Court.

No matter how talented and understanding a new immortal is, if he has no resources, he is just a small immortal who can be easily crushed to death.

As long as you master Dongyuan, Dongyuan can be passed on to your sons and grandchildren. There is no end to your descendants. There is no need to worry about the success of Mudlegs' rebellion.

But Shinsendo is different.

The New Immortal Way actually requires the inner abyss to be cultivated in the body during the Qi Refiner period, suddenly making the abyss controlled by the Immortal Court less rare, making it possible for everyone to rebel!

The host of the ceremony, the Emperor, said: Moreover, if you don't follow others' cultivation of new ways, their cultivation will soon surpass yours! You are still an emperor? You don't even have the strength to hit people. Who will recognize you?


The Emperor of the Five Prisons said, Our emperor is from a rebel background. I originally thought that his father and son would be the most loyal ministers of the dynasty after they put down the Tianzun Rebellion and the Changsheng Emperor Rebellion. I didn't expect that he would make a big rebellion! His His rebellion has been slapped in Immortal Emperor’s face! Not only does he want to rebel against Immortal Emperor, he also wants to rebel against us, leaving us with no food to eat!”

Beiluo Master Xiao Dijun couldn't help but said: Brothers, the spread of new Taoism is always a good thing.

All the emperors looked at them coldly, and Emperor Wenchang sneered: Emperor Xiao, what do you mean by this? Which side are you on? Don't forget that you are also an emperor, your butt is crooked!

The other emperors also sneered: You don't even know your butt is crooked! Be careful when you walk and your feet are sprained!

Xiao Dijun looked back at his butt and thought to himself: My butt is really crooked? This skin has been worn for a long time and it doesn't fit well.

He glanced at Wu Yu, Wenchang, Zhong Yi, Leli and other emperors, and thought to himself: These stinkers are pretty good. In this battle between Xu Ying and Ming Zun, maybe I can take the opportunity to harvest these people.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly filled the sky, illuminating the sea surface in brilliant purples and reds, and the sound of Taoism lingered in the air, making it sound all of a sudden.

Just as he was listening, someone yelled, and his body exploded. In his body, red, green, and purple flowers, and flesh and blood intestines grew randomly like tentacles. The flowers were clustered in clusters, which was really enchanting.

The profound immortality, don't listen to it, don't watch it!

Someone shouted, If you hear what you see and don't understand the mystery, you will be polluted!

As soon as these words came out, everyone blocked their ears and withdrew their eyes, not daring to look.

When the rays of light came to Tianyuan, it gradually became less arrogant and the sound of the Tao gradually became inaudible.

Everyone looked and saw that it was the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens who were coming, each with a solemn appearance, sitting cross-legged, with thousands of Taoist phenomena behind them, and the rays of light were like the fire of a shrine, which was extremely mysterious.

The emperors, Yuanjun and Tianzun of the Immortal Court came forward to pay homage one after another, and other immortal officials also came to pay homage to the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens.

Emperor Jiuyou said: Xu Ying spreads evil heretics, claims to be the ancestor of the new way, and confuses the public with his evil words. He is not allowed by law and heaven, and I, the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens, cannot tolerate him.

When everyone heard this, their hearts were awe-inspiring, knowing that this was the final verdict of the Nine Emperors on Xu Ying.

After all, the new Immortal Way was too harmful, shaking the foundation of Immortal Court's rule. From everyone competing for a little cave, it evolved into a practice where you have your own cave.

Immortal Court seems less important.

Immortal Court is not important, and the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors are naturally not important either.

Emperor Yang Long said: Xu Ying is treacherous. On the surface, he is a great hero, but he has made a big rebellion. His Majesty, the Immortal Emperor, turned the tide and saw through the dog thief's plot. He will bury the dog thief here in Tianyuan today!

Emperor Que Lin was filled with murderous intent and shouted: Take him to fill the eyes of the sea!

Emperor Qinghua said: If Mingzun fails, we, the Nine Emperors, will never let him succeed!

Emperor Taixiao turned to Emperor Yanglong and said, This new way has spread in the ancestral court and is extremely harmful.

Emperor Yang Long understood and said: Now that something has happened, I will wash the ancestral court again. All the eggs in the bird's nest will be shaken and turned yellow, and all the earthworms in the mud will be split in half. No one can be spared!

The emperors all agreed and praised: We can't let the evil talk harm the people.

Upon hearing this, all the immortal officials heaved a long sigh of relief and bowed down one after another, praising: Nine Emperors and Saints.

At this time, another ray of light came from the distance, which was also a general pollution. Wherever it passed, it left a colorful sky with colorful flowers.

The Nine Emperors thought it was Taiqing, Yuqing, Yuxu, Xuhuang and other heaven and earth spirits who were confronting him and others, but when they came closer to look, they saw the emperor's chariot with a canopy and a huge momentum, but the emperor's chariot was pulled by A coffin.

It turns out to be a zombie from the previous dynasty, the empress Ziwei! He is defeated!

The Nine Emperors all sneered. Empress Ziwei was defeated and gave up the throne to Qingxuan. Later, he was killed by Taoist Master Luofu and others while he was at home. Qingxuan mourned him and gave him a generous burial.

The chariot of Empress Ziwei also drove to the sky above Tianyuan, without fear of the suction force of Tianyuan.

Nan Ziyan held the lamp, and Empress Ziwei slowly sat up from the coffin, glanced at the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens, and did not take it seriously.

He looked down at the Tianyuan of the Burial Road and felt that the Avenue of Heaven and Earth stopped abruptly when it came here. It was suddenly cut off, as if it was swallowed up by the Tianyuan. He couldn't help but praise: What a dangerous place!

Nanzi said: Master, I'm afraid there will be many dangers during this patrol.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: I am already dead, so why should I be afraid of risks? It doesn't matter if I die again.

Suddenly, his eyes were like lightning, he glanced towards the clouds, and sneered: Bring the tripod legs!

Nan Ziyan quickly took out the legs of the Ziweidang Demon Cauldron. The essence of this wonderful treasure had been absorbed by the Empress Ziwei, leaving only the legs. The material used was not bad.

Empress Ziwei stared at the cloud, gently tossed the tripod's legs, and threw it into the abyss of the sky.

The cloud shook violently, as if angry.

Nan Ziyan thought to himself: Luofu Taoist master Gu Bu Nian must be hiding in that cloud, and the master deliberately used the tripod legs to annoy him. But with the master's current strength, I'm afraid he is far from his opponent.

He was secretly worried and feared that Empress Ziwei would continue to irritate Taoist Master Luofu, so he quickly said: Master, Xu Daozu's new Taoist disciples compiled a copy, have you read it?

Xu Ying was preaching at the shandao platform that day, and Nan Ziyan was also present to listen to the lecture. He had a deep understanding and compiled a copy for Empress Ziwei's reference.

Empress Ziwei looked away and said angrily: Does Xu Ying, the general of Faqiu and the tomb robber, deserve to be called the Taoist ancestor?

He paused, his anger gone, and said: But judging from the new way, he is indeed qualified to be called the Taoist. This new way is extraordinary. If it spreads, it will definitely replace the old way, and even overthrow the immortal way in the Immortal Court. . Ziyan, I am not successful. After you learn my skills and magical powers, you should combine them with the new way to realize yourself.

He looked far away and said: Except for Xu Daozu, the rest of Xindao is still blank. As long as you combine it well, you can occupy a world in this field and make great achievements.

Nanzi said yes.

There was another ray of light coming from a distance, but Emperor Xu, Yuxu, Taiqing and others came with Xu Jing, Lan Suying and his wife, each offering sacrifices to the treasures of Wonderland to avoid being attacked by others, with great momentum.

Another demon came from afar. The ancient hibiscus tree stood upright, and thousands of firelights danced around the tree.

When Nan Ziyan saw them, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself: Now, Master will not be beaten to death.————The monthly vote actually reached fourth place. Thank you fellow Taoists for your support! Fellow Taoists, are there any more?

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