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Chapter 622 Professor Qingxuan

Xu Ying looked at the Demon Ancestor approaching and said with a smile, The Demon Ancestor also wants to stop me?

The Demon Ancestor shook his head and said: Xu Ying, you are the genius of the human race. Your death is a good thing for our Demon Clan. There will be one less stumbling block on the road to the revival of our Demon Clan. How could I stop you from dying? How could your Majesty invite me? To stop you.

His face straightened, and he said: Xu Ying, you have a great future. Don't confront Mingzun out of temporary loyalty. Have you ever thought about why Mingzun challenged you now? Is he really doing it for the so-called inheritance of the new way? ? Why doesn’t he choose to challenge you again in decades or hundreds of years? There is not much time left for him to defeat you. You only need to be patient and survive for ten or twenty years before you can defeat him.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I understand the intentions of Demon Ancestor. But if Ming Zun wants to force me to take action, it is very simple. With Ming Zun's order, Xian Ting rushed into Zu Ting to kill Tai Qing and destroy Yu Qing. Trampling the Jade Void, sweeping the Yin Court, killing the bandit leader Xiao Tianzun, uprooting the Fusang tree, handing over Zi Wei's corpse, plowing the ancestral palace to the ground. At that time, will I be allowed to take action?

Demon Ancestor's face changed slightly.

The Immortal Emperor indeed has many ways to force Xu Ying to take action. In addition to Xu Ying's parents, he can also level the ancestral court and kill everyone related to Xu Ying.

These methods are simple and feasible for him.

If this is the case, then why wait until one's relatives and friends suffer heavy casualties before taking action?

Demon Ancestor sighed, which was why he came here to help Xu Ying. Xu Ying is the benefactor of the ancestral court and has not harmed the ancestral court. The demon clan has benefited from him. If he does not come to help, the demon clan will be ridiculed and how can he have the face to make a comeback.

Demon Ancestor said solemnly: In this case, I will not advise Xu Daozu. However, I will also fight with you for ten moves.

Xu Ying bowed and said, Thank you very much.

Demon Ancestor smiled and said: Please!

Xu Ying urged and mobilized all the power of the Dao Scenery. The Tai Dao Scenery spread out, and the thirteen Dao Sceneries appeared. He took the lead to take action to suppress the Demon Ancestor!

The thirteen Tao scenes in his dojo made the Demon Ancestor feel as if he had arrived in the realm of Taixu in just a moment. He saw the huge black and yellow Qi as if the heaven and earth were first divided, the sea of ​​chaos covered the sky and the sun, and the clear glass sky was clear and transparent. , the indefinite river is endless...

There is also a green rock that exudes a cry and fundamentally affects the laws of heaven and earth!

These thirteen scenes and various visions are all transformed by the Great Dao!

Even a being like Demon Ancestor was suppressed to the point where his aura weakened slightly, and he couldn't help but praise: Xu Daozu is extraordinary!

Promise Ying transformed into three pure beings, and four Promise Yings appeared, killing the Demon Ancestor at the same time. Previously, he had a fight with Empress Ziwei. Empress Ziwei immediately took the advantage and suppressed his energy and blood, causing him to be unable to see and hear, thus losing the opportunity.

Empress Ziwei mainly attacked him with ten moves, and he lost the first nine moves. Only with the tenth move using the Huanhua method and Cuiyan's magical power, he managed to tie the fight.

But if it was a life and death duel, Xu Ying would actually die in the first move.

Now he absorbed the lesson and took the initiative to seize the opportunity. From the beginning, he used Yiqihua Sanqing and Cuiyan magical powers to fight against the Demon Ancestor with his strongest moves!

He wanted to prove to Demon Ancestor whether his decision was effective and whether he could deal with beings like the Immortal Emperor!

Suddenly, countless branches of the ancient fusang tree behind Demon Ancestor flew up, and the roots danced, swish, and swish, taking root in his dojo, and the roots were connected to his avenue.

Dao Weeping was immediately unable to affect the true form of Demon Ancestor.

Four Xu Ying urged Cui Yan's magical power to kill. Behind the four people, Cui Yan floated. One of the four people's cultivation is the master, and the other three are all transformed by the Qi of Taiyi. Each of them possesses the seven powers of Xu Ying's body. The strength of the left and right!

The four of them join forces and their strength increases dramatically!

Demon Ancestor stood under the tree and said with a smile: Xu Daozu, let me introduce to you the great emperors of our Demon Clan! The first one is Demon Emperor Jun!

As soon as he finished speaking, countless branches in the hibiscus tree flew and intertwined. Each branch was composed of Tao, turning into a tall three-legged golden crow with a bird's head and human body and three-legged golden wings. It fell to the ground and greeted it. A promise!

This demon emperor was the first demon emperor to rule the world after the Dragon Court was destroyed and the earthly immortal world was shattered. He formed the original Demon Clan Immortal Court and established the Daluo Jinxian system, which has been passed down to this day. Even in the New Dao era, there are many people who practice Daluo Jinxian.

His achievements were the same as Xu Ying's today, and he was the Taoist ancestor of the demon clan!

Second, Di Donghuang!

On the hibiscus tree, the branches danced and weaved into the figure of another demon emperor, falling to the ground with a thump, welcoming the second promise.

This demon emperor is the second demon emperor, also from the Golden Crow lineage. He has a majestic posture and is extremely domineering. During the period of the first Demon Emperor, various races of demons, gods, and humans stood in great chaos, but Emperor Donghuang’s combat power far surpassed that of others. With his force, he defeated all races and unified the fairy world, making the demon race truly majestic in the world!

Third place, Di Siyou!

Fourth place, Di Hong!

Fifth place, Emperor Chiyin!

Sixth place, Emperor Banquet Dragon!

The seventh one, Di Jun!

Eighth, Di Yu!

Ninth place, Di Zhong!

Tenth place, Emperor Uncle!

When the four demon emperors appeared, they had already met four Xu Ying, making his Yiqi Transformation and Three Purities useless.

When the ten demon emperors manifested, Xu Ying fell into a passive position. Every one of him transformed by Yi Qi was attacked by two demon emperors. And his body was besieged by four demon emperors and kept retreating!

Every time the demon ancestor manifests a demon emperor, he makes one move, and if there are ten demon emperors, he makes ten moves.

The voice of the Demon Ancestor came, and he said leisurely: I, the ten emperors of the Demon Clan, have great merits, but are cruel in temperament. The 6.8 million years of the Demon Clan's rule are also the 6.8 million years of resistance by all races. The Demon Emperors of all dynasties , either died under the joint siege of various tribes, or died in the strife of other giants of the demon clan. Therefore, starting from Demon Emperor Jun, the demon emperors of all generations have to mark their great roads on the fusang tree.


Xu Ying's first incarnation of the Three Purities was shattered and turned into a beam of white energy before returning to his body, but was captured by Emperor Bo and Di Zhong together.

The white qi jumped erratically, but could not escape the control of the second emperor.

Immediately, Xu Ying in green clothes was also beaten back to his original form, turned into a ball of green energy, and was captured by Emperor Chiyin and Emperor Yanlong.

Xu Ying and his last incarnation are in danger of resisting attacks from all directions!

The tenth generation of demon emperors, their great avenues turned into branches on my tree, guarding the safety of the demon court. Until Emperor Haotian, a powerful man from the human race who defied the heavens, realized the enlightenment of Taiyi, summoned Taiyi Cave Abyss from a foreign land, and cultivated it into a wonderful realm.

Xu Ying, who was dressed in yellow, was killed by Emperor Yu and Emperor Jun. He turned into a ball of yellow Qi and was captured by the two emperors.

The other four emperors were still besieging Xu Ying. The four emperors were good at fighting. Even though he had developed a flawless golden body, he still suffered setbacks one after another.

Emperor Haotian was so majestic that he defeated his uncle and came to challenge me under the fusang tree. I used the Ten Emperors to fight against him. The battle lasted for ten days and ten nights. Emperor Haotian won. He used the power of Taiyi Cave Abyss to crush the mark of the Ten Emperors. From then on After that, I knew that the power of the demon clan was over, and I had to surrender and become a vassal.

The voice of the Demon Ancestor came and said, Qingxuan, Shengzun and others led the crowd to plot against the Ancestral God. I heard about this and rescued the Ancestral God. I encountered two supreme masters, Qingxuan and Shengzun. We faced off against Emperor Haotian and fought for ten days. I just lost in the night, but in the duel with two supreme masters, only half an hour passed from the first move to when I was uprooted and beaten to death. Mingzun is a disciple of Qingxuan, and he got his magical powers from Qingxuan. It’s the supreme supernatural power.”


Xu Ying used the three seals of Earthly Immortal, Human World and Heavenly Immortal to kill three of the four demon emperors that besieged him. However, the other seven demon emperors suddenly came in and took out a palm. Xu Ying vomited blood in his mouth and flew away. Falling out of his dojo.

His dojo was immobilized by the Demon Ancestor, unable to move.

The roots of Demon Ancestor's hibiscus tree spread throughout the dojo, entangling the thirteen Taoist scenes, making it impossible for him to take back the dojo.

The demon ancestor suddenly converged his roots, released his dojo, restrained the other seven demon emperors, and still turned into branches and returned to the tree.

Xu Ying's three green, yellow, and white qi were also released. The three qi gathered together and turned into the qi of Taiyi and returned to Xu Ying's body.

Xu Daozu, you don't have the skills of Qingxuan, Shengzun, and Emperor Haotian back then, so why don't you just be patient and patient? Demon Ancestor restrained his vision and asked.

Xu Ying shook his head and said with a smile: When will you be ready? Instead of being forced to a dead end by Ming Zun, why not fight him to the death!

Demon Ancestor stepped aside and said with a smile: Since you have this intention, then I have to fulfill it. I also hope that Xu Daozu can carefully understand the subtleties of various battles and realize the decisive magical power.

Xu Ying bowed to thank him and walked past him.

Demon Emperor Jin Buyi came to Demon Ancestor and asked: Demon Ancestor, how is the situation?

Demon Ancestor shook his head and said: It is not optimistic. Xu Ying's cultivation strength is not much different from what I guessed. Mingzun encouraged him to advance his cultivation level, not by climbing up step by step, but by leaps and bounds. Climb. There are some areas that he has not mastered, especially the magical power. Ming Zun is much better than him. At present, unless Qingxuan is alive and personally teaches him his magical power, it is possible to win.

Demon Emperor Jin Buyi frowned.

Including seven years of false memories, Xu Ying has just turned thirty-six years old in this life. Twenty-one years of cultivation history, even with the foundation of the first life as support, twenty-one years of cultivation to the same level as Daluo Jinxian, is enough to be proud of.

But there is a large part of the cultivation realm, which was laid out by the Immortal Emperor and forcibly poured into Xu Ying. It improved Xu Ying's Taoism and made his understanding of each realm fall short.

A little adds up, and it will gradually turn into a fatal loophole.

Xu Ying came to Tianyuan and sat down quietly, waiting for the arrival of the Immortal Emperor.

On the surface of the sky and sea, several powerful figures chased the trash Qingxuan at extremely fast speeds. Their heads were shrouded in heavy divine light, making it difficult to see their faces.

However, after chasing for so long, not only did they not catch the good-for-nothing Qingxuan, but they also lost sight of the good-for-nothing Qingxuan, which made all three of them feel embarrassed.

He was injured by Nangong. He shouldn't be able to escape very fast! Search everywhere!

The three figures flashed and went in different directions.

At this time, the waste Qingxuan sneaked into the abyss from another direction, walking through the extremely vicious abyss as if walking on flat ground.

After a while, he came to the sea inside Tianyuan.

The Eye of the Sea is a dark cave that shatters everything. The water from the sky and the sea falls here, and the water turns into pure energy during the vibration and disappears into the Eye of the Sea.

Even the stars and constellations that fell into the sky and sea were compressed, twisted, burned, turned into pure energy and swallowed into the eye of the sea!

Whenever a star falls and burns in the eyes of the sea, it is like dark eyes lighting up bright pupils, extremely beautiful. And because the water of the sky and sea is annihilated here and swallowed by this cave, it is called the eye of the sea.

When Wan Qi looked down from the sky above Tianyuan, he saw himself. It was because there were stars that were swallowed by Haiyan at that time, causing Haiyan's eyes to open and look at Wan Qi.

Around the eye of the sea, there are extremely ancient stone piles with a square cross-section, a thousand yojanas thick and ten thousand yojanas high. They are deeply embedded in the surging earth, water, wind and fire. They are engraved with strange patterns. They are of ancient origin and their origin is unknown. .

Chains are tied to these stone piles. They are extremely thick. The chains shuttle around the sea eye, intertwining into complex patterns.


A trembling voice came from inside Haiyan, exclaiming, Master, is it really you, Master? Are you still alive? I thought you were dead! Wuwuwu——

The trash Qingxuan looked towards the eye of the sea and saw a man with an unusually tall body being tied up in chains and hanging in the eye of the sea. He had no clothes on and his skin was constantly being torn apart. He turned into raging flames and fell into the eye of the sea.

Wei Xu.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled, jumped onto a stone pile, knelt down to look at Wei Xu in Xiang Hai's eyes, and said with a smile, Good disciple, I heard that you were stuffed into a furnace and refined for hundreds of thousands of years. What's wrong with you? To end up like this again? My two apprentices are both so promising!

Wei Xu's body was constantly being torn apart and repairing itself. He endured the severe pain and said, Master, I was tricked by Taoist Master Luofu. He imitated your voice and made me mistakenly think that you were being suppressed here. I stepped forward. I checked and tried to rescue you, but he took the opportunity to use Li Daitao's method to trap you here, and he escaped.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan scratched his head and said with a smile: If your senior brother cuts off half of his brain and gives it to you, both of you will be much smarter.

He pulled the chain hard and finally rescued Wei Xu after a lot of hard work.

Wei Xu bowed his head and kowtowed a few times, then choked with sobs and said: Master, I heard that you are dead...

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled and said: I am indeed dead, this is just my distracting thoughts. Come on, I'm not good at talking about relationships. If you cry again, I will kick you out!

Wei Xu didn't dare to cry anymore, so he hurriedly got up, looked at Qingxuan's face, and couldn't help crying.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan tried to kick him, but he didn't dodge. He got kicked and grinned.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said: Your senior brother wants to do bad things and harvest the Taoist ancestors of the new way. I'm afraid that after he succeeds in harvesting, he will be devastated. I am the master, so I can't come forward. When you go out, go see the Taoist ancestors of the new way and tell you what I taught you in the past. Practice your magical powers in front of others to save your senior brother’s life.”

Wei Xu scratched his head and said, Master, why don't you pass it on to this new Taoist ancestor?

I can't!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said angrily, Qingxuan only became a supreme master after he cut me out. I don't know any of the magical powers he gained afterward. Among my two stupid apprentices, you are the most qualified. You must have learned more. So only you go.

Wei Xu was overjoyed and said with a smile, I knew I was the smartest.

It's aptitude, not intelligence. Aptitude and intelligence are two different things. Good-for-nothing Qingxuan corrected him.

Wei Xu didn't take it seriously, opened his mouth and said, Little nephew, come out.

He was a giant, and another person actually flew out of his mouth. It was Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng, carrying various external realms behind him.

Call me Patriarch, Wei Xu said.

Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng paid homage and said: Meet the Patriarch.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan was surprised, looked at Zhao Zheng, and asked doubtfully: What's going on with him?

Wei Xu said: When Master Luofu plotted against me, something happened suddenly. I had to swallow my nephew into my mouth first to prevent him from dying in the eyes of the sea. Master, who is the ancestor of the new way?

Waste Qingxuan said: Promise.

Wei Xu's eyes flashed fiercely and he said fiercely: I'll beat him to death!

————The meeting is over. I have to catch a flight home today. I will write one chapter before boarding the plane, and then I will write the second chapter after I get home in the evening. Chapter 2 will be late, please don’t rush me

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