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Chapter 619 Qingxuan’s death

The Immortal Emperor had already received news that a man similar to Qingxuan appeared and sold human blood buns at the place where Xu Ying had a decisive battle with the Changsheng Emperor.

Later, this man disappeared and stole the mounts of many immortal masters. He also kidnapped ten cooks in the imperial palace and asked the ten cooks to cook different dishes for him, causing a lot of trouble.

He also likes to join in the fun and get into wherever the excitement is, but fortunately he doesn't cause any serious trouble.

The Immortal Emperor was still hesitant at first whether to come to see this person who looked like Qingxuan. He was not sure whether this person who looked like Qingxuan was Qingxuan, and he didn't really want to retrieve some past events.

It was not until today that he and Xu Ying set a date for the decisive battle to find this person.

Seeing the useless Qingxuan lying on the recliner, the Immortal Emperor moved his mouth. This Qingxuan was very different from the master in his memory.

The Qingxuan in his memory was high-spirited, eloquent, far-sighted, and superior in both wisdom and understanding.

Qingxuan treats his disciples very seriously, and he treats himself even more harshly.

Under his instruction, the Immortal Emperor was also serious and solemn.

But the person in front of me who looked like Qingxuan was extremely lazy, gluttonous, noisy, and aimless. It was also rumored that this person went to Yuehua Pond to watch the fairies bathing. He was discovered by the fairies of Yuehua Palace and hunted down hundreds of them. Thousands of miles.

The immortals in the Immortal Court couldn't stand it, scolded him a few times, and were blocked and beaten by him.

To the Immortal Emperor, this was just a person who looked like Qingxuan. Apart from the same appearance, there was nothing else the same as Qingxuan.

But when he saw this Qingxuan with his own eyes, who was full of bad habits, he was suddenly sure that this slovenly man was Qingxuan.

A Qingxuan hidden under a bright, majestic and wise appearance.

The distracting thoughts that were cut out by Qingxuan.

Master, this disciple is here to see you. The Immortal Emperor said.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan yawned, woke up, glanced at him, Gulu sat up, and said with a smile: It's Meng Shanming, when did you come? Is this girl your daughter?

Zi Tong Yuanjun shook his head and said, I am his hostage.

It's time to make a comeback Shan Ming.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan glanced at the Immortal Emperor in surprise and praised, I know that kidnapping hostages threatens the opponent.

He reached out to lift the lid of the pot. What was stewed inside must be some kind of fairy beast. There was a crystal clear glue between the skin and the meat. The water was bubbling next to it, and the bubbles exploded one by one, letting the skin, flesh and glue The material is constantly shaking, and the fragrance is overflowing.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan pinched a piece with his hand and threw it into his mouth. He praised the fragrance and said, You used to have more eyes than others, and a lot more. I told you that it is difficult for you to become a great person if you are distracted by seeking Tao. But now It seems that having a big heart is not always a bad thing. You are now sitting on the throne of God, so you have achieved extraordinary things.

The Immortal Emperor was slightly startled and said: Master, do you think you are wrong?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled and said: Of course I'm not wrong. It's true that you're distracted by seeking enlightenment, and it's hard to achieve great things. You just used other means to ascend to the throne of God and get things that don't belong to you. But yours The achievements are still unsatisfactory.”

The Immortal Emperor was angry and waved his sleeves and said: I am now the Immortal Emperor, in charge of the life and death of countless people in the earthly immortal world. I give an order, and tens of millions of immortals are mobilized by me. I point my flag and they go through fire and water! I say a word I can determine the rise and fall of the world, I can determine the death of countless people! My achievements are not high enough?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan filled a bowl of meat and stuffed it into his hand: Don't just say, eat vegetables.

The Immortal Emperor held the bowl and looked at him stubbornly.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan filled another bowl and handed it to Zi Tong Yuanjun. Then he stood up and kicked off his shoes to find three pairs of chopsticks. He rinsed the food in a water vat and threw the water away to the Immortal Emperor and Zi Tong Yuanjun.

Zi Tong Yuanjun took the chopsticks and bowl and looked around. There were no tables or chairs.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan squatted in the corner, eating meat and said: I'm not talking about your status. Is status considered achievement? Status is based on achievement. You were distracted from your original practice and were praised as a god. position, I am even more distracted, always worrying that this one is plotting against you, that one is plotting against you, it would be strange if you could cultivate the Tao well.

The Immortal Emperor also squatted down in the corner and took a bite of the food with chopsticks. Hearing this, he said angrily: If I didn't have a few more thoughts, I would have been killed like you! It's because of all the hard work I've put in these years that I can survive. Until now. You originally said that my achievements were not high, but haven’t I achieved the Supreme Realm yet?”

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan glanced at him: What is the Supreme Realm? The Supreme Realm is just the starting point, and the subsequent realms are exciting. You have just started, but the road ahead is already cut off for you, and you will not be able to reach the next realm.

The Immortal Emperor was still quite dissatisfied.

Waste Qingxuan said: You can only comprehend six of my great ways, but the six great ways are not your limit. If you comprehend it wholeheartedly, you can also comprehend the seventh and eighth ways, and your achievements will be no better than those of your junior brother. Bad. But you chose to do divine calculations and wasted yourself.

Seeing the two of them squatting down, Zitong Yuanjun also carefully packed up his skirt, squatted in the corner, picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks, put it to his mouth, took a bite, and suddenly felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction. , soft and elastic teeth, leaving a fragrant mouth.

Over the years, she has been abstinent and has not cared about her food and drink desires, but this time she tasted it and suddenly she felt like she was back in the world again.

The Immortal Emperor proudly said: You are wrong, Master! After I harvest the promise, I can cultivate to the next level! Six hundred thousand years ago, when you were still alive, I calculated that if I wanted to cultivate to the Supreme, There's only one way, and that's after you die.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan raised his eyebrows.

I had already calculated this outcome before you and the Holy One reached the Supreme Realm.

The Immortal Emperor said, I once wanted to change your fate against the will of heaven and change your fate of death. I looked for various ways to change your fate, praying with seven stars, supporting and restraining you to change your fate. I even found demonic methods and used blood sacrifices. I killed thousands of monks to change your destiny. But no matter what method I tried, I failed.

Waste Qingxuan said: I don't know about this.

The Immortal Emperor sneered: Of course you don't know. If you knew, you would definitely not let me kill so many people to save your life. You would definitely tell me that man can defeat God, and don't believe in fate. However, you still died due to disaster, The moment I knew you were going to die, I finally became disheartened. I will not save you, I will live for myself.

He moved his feet, took a sip of the soup from the bowl, and said with a solemn expression: I want to make plans for my future. You have bad luck, but I have the emperor's destiny. My emperor's destiny will not appear until you die. Only then can I hope to become the Supreme. Not only do I want to become the Supreme, I also want to become a unique Supreme, a perfect Supreme like you, or even surpass you!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan spat out a piece of bone and said, Don't just drink soup, eat some meat.

The Immortal Emperor squatted in the corner, holding a piece of meat between his arms, and sneered: While I am changing your fate against the will of heaven, I am also counting my own life. My life is the life of the Nine-Five Supreme Being, and it is the life of a meteoric rise, but it is also Even if my life is covered by dark clouds, there will always be a few people who can climb over my head and make me unhappy! But it is much easier to change my life than to change yours. So I made a plan before you died. Then, I will A seed was planted for my future! The seed was planted in Kunlun. After you died, the seed began to sprout. It was not until 48,000 years ago that he was finally born.

Zitong Yuanjun listened with rapt attention. There was a piece of meat in her mouth, which she chewed quietly without daring to make a sound.

The Immortal Emperor said: The day has finally come for me to break the situation, so I ordered Tianzun Yuan Daohai to attack Kunlun on the grounds that the original gods were difficult to discipline. Master, do you still remember the first time you went to Kunlun to visit Yuxu Taoist, is that senior brother Xu who received you?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan's memory is not complete, but he only vaguely remembers such a person.

His name is Xu You, he is the ancestor of the Xu family, and he admires you very much. He once wanted to follow the rebels, but you asked him to guard Kunlun, saying that Kunlun is a passage to all realms and has a great responsibility. So he has stayed in Kunlun.

The Immortal Emperor said, After you passed away, I went to see him and passed on the Six Secrets to him in your name, saying that it was passed down by the teacher before his death. He burst into tears with gratitude, but in fact the Six Secrets were changed from your Six Great Scenes. Six The secret became the ancestral tradition of the Xu family and was finally passed down to Xu Jing’s generation. Xu Jing had a son named Xu Ying.”

Everything finally entered the future he deduced.

As the Xujiaping tragedy occurred, Xu Jing and his wife protected Xu Ying and escaped from Kunlun. Later, the Immortal Emperor adopted Xu Ying's mother Lan Suying as his adopted daughter, forced Xu Ying to ascend with a hairpin, and supported Xu Ying's rise to prominence.

At that time, Xu Ying had his support and his cultivation had improved rapidly, but he was unable to comprehend the ten great realms and was far from the Xu Ying he expected.

So he asked the emperor to reveal Xu Ying's identity as a rebel. The emperor surrounded Xu Ying and finally killed him on the road to heaven.

After 48,000 years of reincarnation, he finally grew up as I wished in this life, with the goal of defeating the emperor, and pursued tirelessly. Following the trajectory I expected, he went to the ancestral court, discovered the ancestral method, and revived the Taipei. Taoist Qing, Taoist Yuxu and other heaven and earth spirits received from the Demon Ancestor the Ten Caves of Heavenly Enlightenment that I left for him.

The Immortal Emperor leisurely said, He finally lived up to his expectations and opened up the ten great caves. He finally entered the Ziwei Ancestral Court, and Ziwei Empress did not surprise me, teaching him Taiyi enlightenment and summoning Taiyi Cave Abyss. So far. , then I can borrow his hand to cultivate the teacher's ten great realms and obtain the Taiyi Cave Abyss.

Zi Tong listened with rapt attention and suddenly said: What about me? Where am I in your plan?

The Immortal Emperor smiled and said: This is the most ingenious part. You are his partner in this plan. There is nothing more beautiful and sad than being entangled for eternity. It is difficult for you to escape from this reincarnation.

He said leisurely: Xu Ying thought I would use his parents to deal with him, but he didn't expect that I would use you to deal with him. You are in the reincarnation, accompanying his reincarnation from life to life, forming a reincarnation curse. The entanglement is getting tighter and tighter. When this power of reincarnation is aroused, even strong men like him who have opened up new paths will be unable to stabilize their bodies and have to fall into reincarnation.

Zi Tongyuanjun said: I will become your weapon against him.

The Immortal Emperor nodded lightly and said: You don't have to be sad. As early as 48,000 years ago, the moment I let you, a talented man and a beautiful woman, meet, your ending today was already destined.

Her encounter with Xu Ying was all planned by the Immortal Emperor.

At that time, two of the most outstanding men and women in the fairy world met. On the Milky Way, two small boats passing by with umbrellas in hand were all the result of arrangements and calculations.

The two young men and women are extremely talented, and neither can overpower the other. In the end, they cherish each other and fall in love.

Even a wise man will fall into this river and become a part of reincarnation.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan sighed: If you put your energy into practice...

The Immortal Emperor sneered: In terms of cultivation, I am not even the Supreme! Master, after you pass away, where can I find a place in the immortal world? All the caves and abyss are owned by their owners, so where can I find my wealth? I I must make a calculation and become an Immortal Emperor. Only in this way will I survive!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan was silent for a moment and said: You calculate the future and think that the future will never change, right? Maybe the future can be changed.

Unchangeable. The future is already determined.

The Immortal Emperor's expression became extremely cold, and he said, Master, I have verified this with you. I failed to save you.

He stood up and moved to leave.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan raised his head and said, Don't you want to eat another bowl?


The Supreme Immortal Emperor showed a smile and said, You are not the real Qingxuan, you are just a distracting thought that my master cut out. But I am still very happy to see you. Master, I am going to harvest the promise. After the success, I I am the perfect Qingxuan, with the complete Taiyi Cave Abyss, and I will even surpass you back then.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan stood up, stretched lazily, and said: Don't avenge me, you will die. You are not strong enough to fight them. Even I will die...


The Immortal Emperor smiled and said, I want to surpass you, I want to complete the feat that you have not accomplished, and I will kill your enemies one by one so that your name will no longer be a taboo! This world is unreasonable, I will change it , Xu Ying is the sacrifice on my altar!

Just as he was about to leave, Zitong Yuanjun said quickly: Wait a minute!

The Immortal Emperor turned back with a questioning expression.

Zi Tongyuanjun said: I'll have another bowl.

The Immortal Emperor hesitated, nodded silently, and said: Eat, it's your last meal, I'm sorry for you.

Zitong Yuanjun filled another bowl of meat and ate it silently. As she ate, her tears fell into the bowl. With her tears, she ate the bowl of food.

The Immortal Emperor was hard-hearted and unmoved. After she finished eating, the two left one after the other.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan watched them go away without stopping them.

At the same time, Xu Ying came to Yuxu Peak in Kunlun Mountain, the former site of Xujiaping.

He sat here without saying a word, practicing silently, with the Taiyi Cave Abyss shining behind him.

At night, Kunlun's innocent soul seemed to be crying quietly.

On the early morning of the third day, Xu Ying stood up, and the two Taiyi Cave Abyss overlapped behind him.

He moved and flew away through the air.

This day is the day of his decisive battle with the Immortal Emperor Supreme.

Countless people are rushing to the abyss on the sky sea, the Tianyuan. The magical power of Burial Daoyuan promised in the first life came from this.

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