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Chapter 617 Theory Theory! (Ask for monthly ticket)

The heaven and earth souls of Taiqing, Yuxu, Yuqing and other Taoist ancestors indeed looked bad.

The new Tao that Xu Ying preached was wrong from the foundation of Taoism. Although the beginning of the new way is also about gathering qi and refining qi, the second realm is skewed. As Xu Ying gradually goes on and on, it becomes more and more skewed!

This new way actually separates the traditional nine realms of qi refining and uses traditional qi refining as an auxiliary tool for the new way, specifically used to cultivate the new way!

What a shame!

While Xu Ying was preaching, many wonderful treasures such as the Bagua Alchemy Furnace, the Jade Fly Whisk, the Tai Chi Diagram, and the Wuji Diagram quietly emerged.

This is not children's play, but a battle between orthodoxies. The result of the dispute between orthodoxies is that the loser will destroy the orthodoxies!

Wait a minute.

Taiqing Taoist hesitated for a moment and then said to the Taoists, What he just said was interesting. The internal refining of the cave is indeed quite clever. Let's see what he says next. If it makes some sense, let's talk to him again. It’s not too late to use theory. If it doesn’t make sense, it’s not too late to use violence.”

Yuxu, Yuqing and others already admired Xu Ying. They all nodded after hearing this and said, Listen again and take a look at his ivory.

Promise Ying used the Five Sacred Mountains as the foundation to refine the cave and abyss within, which indeed made them unique.

The Five Mountains Fairy Mountain was originally the source of Qi collection and refining. The Qi Refiner had to collect the Qi from the Five Mountains Fairy Mountain from the beginning, and the five Qi went towards the Yuan and refined into Yuan Qi.

Xu Ying used this point to create a cave abyss based on the Five Sacred Mountains. The five mountains became the celestial mountains within the cave abyss, thus making it possible to internally refine the cave abyss.

The subsequent opening of the Nine Realms of the Cave Abyss and the Six Paths of Ascension also gave them a new perspective.

When Xu Ying talked about the Six Realms of the Immortal, everyone's expressions became a little uneasy. Taoist Taoist Taiqing's beard trembled slightly, and after shaking for a moment, he snorted angrily: Treason!

Other Taoist ancestors also felt the same way.

Previously, Xu Ying only borrowed the Nine Qi Refining Realms of the Old Dao to cultivate the new Tao, but when he reached the Immortal Six Realm Realm, he showed his fox's tail. The Six Realm Realms needed Dao Refining Symbols as the principles of the Tao. The so-called Taoism, the new Taoism is the runes of the Immortal Tao, and the old Taoism is the Taoist patterns of the Immortal Tao.

Xu Ying actually used both the immortal runes and the immortal patterns!

Not only are the two indistinguishable from each other, he even used the weird texture of Tao Weeping!

Previously, Promise was just using the old ways, but now it is indistinguishable between good and evil, and the sin is extremely evil!

Fellow Taoist Taiqing, should you argue with him or use violence? Taoist Yuqing asked.

Taiqing Taoist hesitated for a moment. After all, Xu Ying was a great master cultivated by their ancestral family. If he used violence rashly, the friendship that had existed for many years would be ruined.

Taiqing Taoist said: Wait until he finishes speaking, then reason with him first. If the theory doesn't make sense, then use force.

Xu Ying finished talking about the Taoist temple and then talked about the Taoist scenery. After talking about the Tao Scenery, he said: After the Tao Scenery is the Supreme Realm. I have not yet set foot in this realm, so I can't start talking about it.

When he talked about the fourteen realms of the new way, everyone was mesmerized. Although there was still hesitation before, as he progressed from the shallower to the deeper, they gradually lost their doubts.

At this time, a voice sounded: The realm of your new path is wrong! Counting the supreme realm, you only have fourteen realms, while the orthodox realm of the ancestral court has a total of seventeen realms! Even the new realm of the Immortal Court has ten Six realms! Is there any reason why there are fewer and fewer?

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the speaker was the Black Killer Emperor among the Four Saints of the North Pole. He is the top being in the old way and the top figure among the heavenly kings. As soon as he opens his mouth, he points directly at the flaws of Xu Ying's new way.

Everyone nodded. They had listened intently before and did not think deeply. Now they think that Xu Ying's realm is indeed three less than the normal realm.

Xu Ying said with a smile: Although my new way only has fourteen realms, there are four realms hidden in it: the three knocking gate stages and the Shenqiao stage. If these four realms are added, the new way has a total of eighteen realms. , one more realm than the old way, and two more realms than the new way of Immortal Court.

Pingnan Tianjun said: Xu Tianzun, no matter how many small realms you create, it's useless. You can reach the supreme realm in fourteen new realms. This supreme realm is too cheap and too simple!

Xu Ying said sternly: The Six Realms of the New Dao correspond to the Immortal Lord of the Old Dao, the Taoist Realm corresponds to the Heavenly Lord, and the Dao Scenery corresponds to the Great Luo Jinxian. As for the Supreme Realm, it corresponds to the Great Luo Wonderful Realm and the Immortal Realm. If you can achieve the supreme Dharma, why should you care about simplicity or cheapness?

Pingnan Tianjun said: There is no basis for what you say!

Xu Ying turned his head and glanced sideways. Lou Mingyu understood and said, Brother Dao, let me demonstrate it for him!

Xu Ying nodded lightly: Thank you, fellow Taoist.

Lou Mingyu flew up and said loudly: I cut myself off and cultivated a new path. Now I have reached the Ascension Realm, which corresponds to the Celestial Realm of the old path. Which Celestial Immortal will challenge me?

The Ascension Realm versus the Heavenly Immortal Realm, there is a difference of three realms.

Suddenly Wuliu Taoist stood up and said in a deep voice: I'm coming!

Although he is in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he once stepped half-foot into Jade Capital and practiced hard for more than 40,000 years, and his cultivation strength has already surpassed that of ordinary Heavenly Immortals.

He is now strong enough to defeat many Immortal Kings.

The two of them suddenly stood up and exchanged palms from afar. Taoist Wu Liu shook his body slightly and said, I'll teach you. After that, he returned to his original position and sat down.

Lou Mingyu smiled and said: Cheng Rang.

In the palm fight between him and Taoist Wuliu, neither of them used their magical powers, they just relied on their magic power to compete. This time, Lou Mingyu was better.

Lou Mingyu was proficient in too many avenues. He worked hard in the six realms. He promised that he could only cultivate twelve avenues in the six realms, but he actually cultivated one hundred and eight avenues and one hundred and eight caves in one go!

If he hadn't worried that he would bite off more than he could chew and would not be able to unify the six realms in the six realms after becoming an immortal, he would definitely be able to create thousands of avenues and thousands of caves!

The One Hundred and Eight Great Dao Cave Abyss makes his magic power far deeper and more powerful than normal practice, so he can suppress the magic power of Taoist Wuliu.

Xu Yingdao: Do you have any doubts about the new way?

Everyone saw how powerful Xindao was during his ascension period and were sincerely convinced.

At this time, Taiqing Taoist came up with the Eight Diagrams Alchemy Furnace in his hand, and laughed and said: Fellow Taoist, wait a minute, the old Taoist also wants to argue with you!

Xu Ying looked solemn and stood up quickly: I don't dare. Brother Dao is half my teacher...

Lou Mingyu coughed quickly, fearing that he would be demoted.

Xu Yingdao: ...How dare I argue with Brother Tao?

Taiqing Taoist smiled and said: Let's have a discussion. If you win, you will be the ancestor of the new way. If you lose, put away your new way and practice orthodoxy obediently!

Xu Ying laughed and said, How to reason?

The Bagua alchemy furnace in Taoist Taoist Taiqing's hand flew up with a whirring sound and fell down towards him. The Bagua opened and the fire shone in the world, unparalleled!

Taiqing Taoist stepped forward and shouted: You are new and old, and you are still crying. What kind of Tao are you cultivating? I think you are an evil heretic!

A ray of Qingqi flew out from his head, and three Taiqing Taoists joined forces to kill him, and their power increased dramatically!

Everyone was dumbfounded and said in shock: Is this a theory?

Little Tianzun said: The traditional theory is like this. It is easy to talk but the real words can be seen in the hands. Of course, the theory must be practiced!

Chu Tiandu asked: Teacher, we have done a theory, but what about using force?

Little Tianzun said: The violence is a group fight.

Chu Tian was startled. He looked at Yu Qing, Yu Xu, Xuhuang Daojun and others, and thought to himself: Fortunately, it's just a theory, otherwise if we use violence, my master will be in trouble.

Xu Ying paused, and the Taiyi Cave Abyss he had cultivated opened with a buzzing sound. The dojo and the cave abyss became one, and the sea of ​​chaos blocked Taoist Taiqing's path.

Taiqing Taoist people crossed the sea of ​​chaos and met the Xuanhuang Erqi again. After suppressing the surging Erqi, they crossed the Xuanhuang Erqi and saw the indefinite long river again.

At this time, Xu Ying had already repelled the Bagua Alchemy Furnace.

Taoist Taoist Taiqing felt awe-inspiring as he heard Xu Ying's voice coming from the upper reaches of the Wuding River, saying: The new way is my way, the old way is my way, and the outsiders are also my way.

Taoist Taiqing and the Sanqing transformed by Yiqi fought forward together. After fighting for several rounds, they heard a voice of promise: What you call the old way is nothing more than based on the demon clan's skills. Hao The Emperor of Heaven also learned the heretic way from Cuiyan, and this was the so-called old way.

Taoist Taoist Taiqing and Sanqing looked around and saw Xu Ying coming towards them in Yujing Immortal City.

At this time, a Xu Ying came out from another Daojing Taiji Immortal Realm and said with a smile: Your origins are not righteous, so how can you be righteous and evil?

The Taiqing Taoist's anger was tense. Suddenly, on the Divine Bridge, in the immortal light, in the flame of the void, in the Taiyi Cave Abyss, on the green rock, in the Heavenly Dao, and in the Hongmeng, there was a promise to kill. out.

Thirteen Xu Ying surrounded the four Taiqing Taoists and fought in a group. Taiqing Taoist received countless heavy blows, and was beaten until the three clear bodies turned into blue, yellow and white, returning to the body and rushing outward.

A group of Xu Ying chased after him, and suddenly the Tai Chi Diagram came towards them. Taoist Yuqing held up the Tai Chi Diagram, fixed the thirteen Taoist scenes of Xu Ying, and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist Xu, wait a minute. Although your new Tao is good, it's not good enough. It’s just that the mirror is in vain!”

He offered sacrifices not only to the Tai Chi Diagram, but also to the Wuji Diagram hidden in the sky.

Taoist Yuqing paused and saw a golden bridge emerging between the two great treasures of Tai Chi and Wuji. Taoist Yuqing stood on the bridge and faced off against the thirteen promises that came to him. In an instant, the thirteen promises were killed. After killing, the bodies fell under the bridge.

At this time, Xu Ying's true body appeared, climbed onto the Golden Bridge, and said with a smile: Brother Taoist, you are also half my teacher, why are you so stubborn? I taught you the Golden Bridge. If you use it in front of me, aren't you afraid of these two great treasures? None of it is yours?

Taoist Yuqing urged the Wuji Tu and Tai Chi Tu to suppress him, but he saw Xu Ying's feet stopped. The Taiyi Cave Abyss suddenly unified the thirteen scenes and turned into a golden bridge, crossing the two wonderful realms of treasures, suppressing Taoist Yuqing's golden bridge. live.

Taoist Yuqing secretly thought that something was wrong, but he saw a wave of energy flying out of Xu Ying's head, transforming into three Xu Ying, and knocking him off the bridge after a few ups and downs.

Taoist Yuqing fell into the Tai Chi diagram, and knowing his defeat, he jumped out of the diagram.

I saw that Xu Ying had put away the Wuji Diagram, held it in both hands, and presented it respectfully.

Taoist Yuqing reached out and grabbed the Wuji Tu, sighed, turned and left.

Xu Ying turned around and saw Taoist Yuxu's fly whisk turning into thousands of red dust threads, stabbing towards him like thin swords that had been tempered over time!

Xu Ying activated his leak-free golden body, and thousands of dust threads were piercing his body. No flaw could be found. Suddenly, countless dust threads were twisted into one, and Taoist Yuxu grabbed it in his hand.

The Taoist held the sky with one hand and shouted loudly. The Kunlun Realm Dojo actually fell down and collided with Xu Ying's Taiyi Dongyuan Dojo, wrestling with each other.

Taoist Yuxu came to fight with a whisk, but he couldn't fight for more than a few rounds. The Kunlun realm dojo could not suppress Xu Ying's dojo. Taoist Yuxu took the whisk away and said with a smile: Xu Dao Zuguo is somewhat capable.

Xu Ying hesitated and bowed.

Taoist Yuxu was his ancestor's mentor, and Taoist Yuxu had no objection to his ancestor's taking refuge in Qingxuan, so he just let it be. Now that Xu Ying has frustrated Taoist Yuxu, he always feels a little sorry.

Taoist Yuxu left.

At this time, Xuhuang Daojun came over, and Xu Ying felt awe-struck. Among the heaven and earth souls of the Taoist ancestors, Xu Huang is the most powerful. He is the only one who needs the emperor to suppress him with the Purple Netherworld Sword to avoid resurrection.

Emperor Xu held the Hongmeng Banner in his hand and praised: Xu Daozu's magical power is unparalleled. I will give it a try.

Xu Ying quietly took out the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler and said solemnly: Brother Taoist, why do you need to use the wonderful treasure? Put the treasure down, don't hurt your harmony.

Emperor Xu didn't say a word, he raised the Hongmeng Banner and committed suicide. Xu Ying couldn't help but sacrifice the landscape and the ruler of the sky. In an instant, the dojo was filled with landscape paintings!


The two sides collided, and Xu Ying's eyes flashed with purple light, his breath trembled, his footing became unstable, and he stepped back.

When his vision returned to normal, he saw Emperor Xu leaving his Taiyi Dongyuan Dojo at some point. The Dao Lord's spirit of heaven and earth was still powerful, and he almost couldn't resist it.

Xu Ying looked around and saw Dao Lord Xuhuang, Taoist Taiqing, Taoist Yuqing and Taoist Yuxu surrounding his Taidao field. A Hongmeng banner stood behind him, an alchemy furnace floated behind him, and Taoist Yuqing's robes There is a picture of Wuji printed on it, a Tai Chi picture is held in the palm, Taoist Yuxu's fly whisk is placed in the crook of his elbow.

Xiao Xixian felt awe-inspiring and hurriedly said to Xiao Tianzun: We just argued, are you going to use force?

Little Tianzun was also extremely nervous.

Xu Ying was not afraid of the four Taoists in one-on-one combat, but if the four Taoists came together, they would be able to kill Xu Ying in just a few moves.

Behind Xuhuang Daojun, thousands of purple auras lingered in the sky, praising: Praise to Xu Daozu, Xu Yingda Tianzun!

Taoist Taoist Taiqing was blazing with fire behind him, and he praised: The holy road has been restored, and the road is prosperous and prosperous!

Taoist Yuqing raised the Wuji Diagram to form a circular halo, boundless, and praised: The new way is born, endlessly!

Taoist Yuxu had an ethereal air of immortality and praised: Respect the new Taoist master, his Taoist heart is small, his radiance is pure and holy! The Taoist fire will be passed down forever!

Xu Ying looked at them, feeling inexplicably moved.

His new way is to be built on the corpse of the old way, and the old way will wither and gradually die. The four Taoists were able to put aside their prejudices and let him continue on the old path through the inheritance of Tao fire.

He has never seen this kind of heart, nor has he ever had it before.

He opened his mouth, and there was a surge of hot blood in his chest: I...

At this time, the voice of the Immortal Emperor Supreme came: Xu Ying is the Taoist of the New Way. Have you asked the Immortal Emperor of the New Way?

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