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Chapter 618 The Eve of the Decisive Battle

At the time of celebration, the Immortal Emperor suddenly appeared, and it was a bit unpleasant to say such words.

Everyone looked up and saw that the Immortal Emperor had arrived near the shrine platform at some unknown time. He was looking down from a high position with a somewhat indifferent expression on his face.

Most of the time has passed since the last time Xu Ying transcended the tribulation and ascended. The Immortal Emperor Supreme has been searching for Xu Ying's whereabouts and waiting to be harvested. Therefore, he cannot let Xu Ying succeed in preaching under any circumstances.

Six hundred thousand years of planning cannot be wasted.

Xu Ying raised his head and met the Immortal Emperor's eyes, with murderous intent in their eyes.

Xiao Xixian took a step forward and shouted: My master represents the new way, establishes a new realm, benefits the people, and is the ancestor of the new way. My master has not yet established an immortal emperor for the new way, who do you think you are? Meng, you The corpse is a vegetarian, a zombie, an old corpse, stealing the throne...

Xu Ying raised his hand to stop her and said with a smile: Girl, stop scolding, she seems to be more educated than me. Your Majesty, are you here to learn Taoism or to discuss Taoism?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor didn't pay attention to Xiao Xixian's scolding, and said leisurely: How do you teach about learning the Tao, and how do you talk about discussing the Tao?

Xu Yingdao: Learning the Tao means you listen to what I say, and discussing the Tao means seeing the true chapter in your hands.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled and said: Everything in the world is not the king's land, and the shore of the land is not the king's ministers. Xu Ying, your mother is my adopted daughter, your father is the deity in my court, and your lover is also the emperor under my command. You are My subject, how dare you argue with me?

Xu Ying's face darkened.

The Immortal Emperor used three important figures to manipulate him in one sentence. They came here not to learn Taoism or discuss Taoism, but to harvest.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled and said: Promise, I will give you a chance to discuss Tao, and you will have a chance to discuss Tao. If I don't give it, you won't have this opportunity. As for the new Tao you are talking about, it is nothing more than a mirror, a flower in the water, a moon in the water, and there is still a world in this world. Judging one’s cultivation strength is not based on words. Just one mouth can’t break the Ziwei Ancestral Court, destroy all the great sects, and overthrow the old era!”

He smiled proudly: The so-called new way, the so-called new dynasty, is a road paved with the bones of countless monks. Countless swords were used to fight and kill the old people, and then a new dynasty was established in the sea of ​​blood. Who is the leader of the new dynasty? Not a strong man who crawled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood? Use your mouth to establish a new way and overthrow the old way? Why should we fight 600,000 years ago?

Taoist Taoist Taiqing and Taoist Yuqing looked at Mr. Xuhuang Daojun with questioning expressions: Are you using violence?

Lord Xuhuang Daodao shook his head quietly, raised his hand and pointed Xuxu.

The two Taoists looked over and saw the Supreme Creation and Taoist Master Luofu standing not far away. These two people were the pillars of the establishment of the new Immortal Court and one of the six twelve gods.

Appearing now, it is obvious that he is here to defend the Immortal Emperor.

The Supreme Creation is a disciple of Xuhuang Daojun. He has always had great ambitions. When he saw that the people were in dire straits, he hated Xuandu Yujingshan for not doing anything. Those in power only guarded their own wealth and could not see the future, so they rebelled against Xuandu and started an uprising. .

Luofu Taoist Master was already a Daluo Jinxian at that time and had long-standing reputation. Because when he saw all living beings struggling and dying in suffering, his Taoist heart was touched, he burst into tears, and he was circumcised and rebelled.

These two people stepped on countless corpses to achieve their current achievements and status, and they were not in vain.

If they use violence, these two people are enough to suppress all the major ancestral courts!

Today's ancestral court is no better than it was back then. To deal with Gu BuNian, the Luofu Taoist master who had been severely injured twice, they all needed to be dispatched. Now Taoist Master Luofu is only afraid of recovering from his injuries. If Yin Yuan, the Supreme Creation, is added to the attack, the entire ancestral court may be destroyed.

With the addition of the distant ancestor dragon and the big bell, we might be able to draw a tie.

If you want to use violence, the only way is for the ancestor god to return.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on the Supreme Creation. The Supreme Creation leaned far away and laughed loudly: Xu Daozu's sermon was very powerful and extraordinary. I felt sad after hearing it. I wished I could kill myself and rebuild my realm immediately.

Xu Ying bowed and said, Brother Taoist, you are so complimentary.

He glanced at Taoist Master Luofu again.

Luofu Taoist Master praised: Xu Daozu's new Tao is unique, especially the Supreme Realm as the fifth realm of the Immortal Tao, which greatly inspired me.

He also came here to listen to lectures for a period of time. He was amazed when he heard that Xu Ying had mastered the two realms of Taoism and Taoism, and saw Xu Ying duel with various Taoist ancestors. He admired Xu Ying very much.

Brother Taoist, that's ridiculous. Xu Ying leaned forward and said.

Don't dare.

Luofu Taoist Master Gu Bu Nian returned the gift, his eyes fell on Lou Mingyu who was behind Xu Ying, and he cast a hateful look.

He was injured by Lou Mingyu's control of the Daming Palace, and then he seemed to have bad luck. First he was sneak attacked by the Immortal Emperor, and then he was surrounded by the treasures of the major ancestral courts.

Empress Ziwei also took the opportunity to cut off one of the legs of his Ziweidang Demon Cauldron, causing the power of his treasure to be greatly reduced and no longer what it was before. Therefore, he was quite resentful towards Lou Mingyu.

Lou Mingyu noticed his gaze and thought to himself: This is the duty of the new Taoist protector.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor said: Xu Ying, your mother is my righteous daughter, and your father is my virtuous son-in-law. I don't use your parents to threaten you. I only want to discuss the truth and seek justice for this world!

His voice was impassioned, sonorous and powerful: If you win, I will regard you as the Taoist ancestor, and your Taoism will be extended to others. If you lose, your body will die and your Taoism will disappear. The so-called new Taoism will not be mentioned again! Three From now on, Tianyuan will be waiting for you!

After that, he turned and left.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, feeling quite worried inside.

The Immortal Emperor repeatedly mentioned his parents, which made him worried.

Xu Daozu, I'm here to share your worries.

Taoist Yuxu stepped forward and said, I will set off now and go to the Immortal Courtyard to see your daughter-in-law and protect her safety.

Taoist Taoist Master Taiqing heard this and said, Taoist brother alone is not enough to scare Mingzun. I will go with you.

Taoist Yuqing smiled and said: You two are rebels against Xianting. When you go to Xianting, isn't Xianting facing a formidable enemy? I'm afraid that the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors of Xianting will be dispatched. Two fellow Taoists Those who can’t bear it need to add me.”

Lord Xuhuang Daodao said: There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Immortal Court. Don't underestimate it. I will also go and take charge.

At this time, Zi Qi came from the east, and a small boat arrived here carrying the body of Ziwei's empress. The body sat up from the boat and said: My Taoist friend is kind to Ziwei, so I will go to help.

The Yamas of the Ten Palaces also came over one after another, and King Qin Guang said: I regret that I cannot repay the kindness of my resurrection. I am willing to do my best.

Xu Ying was moved and bowed to the ground, saying, Thank you all Taoist brothers.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao said: If you are not completely sure, fellow Taoist Xu, you can go to the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court.

Everyone's hearts moved slightly, and they all said: We should go to the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao.

They each gave Xu Ying some instructions, then got up and headed to the Fairy Court in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Since the Qingxuan uprising in 600,000 years, which destroyed all the Dao gates and overthrew the Ziwei Immortal Court, this is the first time that the New Immortal Court has been attacked by so many Taoist ancestors, and it can't help but feel like it is facing a formidable enemy!

When Lord Xuhuang Daojun, Empress Ziwei and others had just entered the Immortal Courtyard, the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens had already received the news. When the newly appointed Emperor Yantian heard the news, he almost abandoned the Imperial Seal and Emperor Bell and fled.

Are the old guys going to be restored? he couldn't help shouting.

The newcomer, Ren Yantian, had a surname of Zhao and a name of Dezhu. Because the Changsheng Emperor was a rebel, he did not want to inherit the title of Changsheng Emperor. However, the predecessor of the Changsheng Emperor, Yantian Emperor, was also a rebel and rebellious, so he could not inherit the name of Yantian Emperor.

In the end, he could only take the title of Emperor Dezhu. He had a lot of help, but he was also elegant.

Before Emperor Dezhu could take care of things, the other Eight Emperors came to Yantian from Jiutian in a furious manner. He had no choice but to follow them to the Immortal Courtyard, feeling deeply unhappy.

I have only sat on the throne of Emperor Yantian not long ago. Do I have to be heroic before I can enjoy it? But it's okay. The first two were rebels, but I am heroic...

When the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens came to the imperial palace, they saw Taiqing, Yuqing, Yuxu, Shidian Yanluo, Ziwei Houzhu and other old Taoist emperors and Taoist ancestors sitting in the sky above the Weiyang Palace. Among them, Xuhuang Daojun was the most respected.

There are some people in the Immortal Court who can be called Dao Lord, such as Jiugong Dao Lord, but there are no people who can be called big.

Especially in the ancient times, people valued dignity and inferiority very much, and they were very particular about titles. Anyone who is called a great person usually has something special about them.

However, this is the Immortal Court of the New Dao. These ancient gods of heaven and earth and the remains of the great emperors came to the Immortal Court and caused great pollution to the Immortal Court. Around Weiyang Palace, there is no immortal way, and time and space are full of colors, patches and patches of various colors.

There is also the peace between the old immortal way and the new immortal way, which gives rise to unknown creatures. They crawl all over the void and grow in all directions. They are fleshy and slimy, and look like plants, animals, and creatures crawling out of the abyss of the deep sea. Weird creatures.

These old guys are so aggressive!

The Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors were awe-inspiring in their hearts. They sat across from Xuhuang Daojun and others. They did not start a fight or quarrel with each other. They all urged their own Dao to fight against the other party's pollution.

Taiqing Taoist saw this and smiled at Yuqing: Brother, look at them, they are indeed evil heretics. What kind of immortal way will only pollute the sky.

Xu Jing and Lan Suying were living in Weiyang Palace at this time. Lan Suying asked, Has Mr. Zitong Yuan gone to pick him up?

Xu Jing shook his head and said, I haven't gone yet.

Lan Suying's face changed slightly and she said hurriedly: Oops! Go pick it up quickly!

Xu Jing said: I think Ying'er has always been aloof from Zitong Yuanjun. He doesn't like her very much, but he is very fond of a woman named Qingqiu in the ancestral court in the lower world.

no the same!

Lan Suying said quickly, Zitong Yuanjun and Ah Ying died at the same time 48,000 years ago. The two have been entangled in love for eternity, forming a web of reincarnation that entangles each other. Both of them are caught in the net, They influence each other! If something happens to one party, the other party will also be involved in the power of reincarnation and cannot escape!

It was inconvenient for the two of them to leave Weiyang Palace, so they immediately asked Shenpo and others to go find Yuanjun Zitong. However, when Shenpo and others arrived at Yuanjun Zitong's house, the Yuanjun was no longer at home and he did not know where he was.

The goddess's heart sank, and she tried to calculate the whereabouts of Yuanjun Zitong, but she couldn't calculate it accurately.

She hurried back and told Lan Suying about this. Cold sweat broke out on Lan Suying's forehead. This plan for today's promise had been laid out by the Supreme Immortal Emperor 48,000 years ago.

During the critical period of Xu Ying's battle with him, if Zi Tong is killed, reincarnation will start, and Xu Ying will be dragged into it by the power of reincarnation!

Does Ying'er know about this? Xu Jing asked.

I know, but it's useless to know.

Lan Suying said, He has been entangled with that girl for eternity, and they can't stop cutting each other.

At this time, Xu Ying handed over the task of spreading the new way to Lou Mingyu, and told him to practice while promoting the new way, saying: If I die in battle, my fellow Taoist can be the ancestor of the new way.

Lou Mingyu was shocked: How dare I do it?

There is no need to turn down the firepower.

Xu Ying bid farewell to them and came to the Ancestral Court of Heaven. Senior Brother Tian fell from the sky and said to Xu Ying, Xu Daozu, come with me.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Senior Brother Tian just calls me Junior Brother.

Senior Brother Tian shook his head and said: You must not mess up the seniority. Xu Daozu is the ancestor of the new way. If I call you junior brother, the future great achievers of the new way will scold you for lowering your seniority.

Xu Ying had no choice but to give up.

Senior Brother Tian led him to the green rock. Da Zhong and Da Long were still studying the secrets of the green rock. When Xu Ying saw the green rock, he couldn't help but be moved. He quickly stepped forward and inspected it for a moment. Surprised: The ninth realm of Tao, the immortal realm technique?

Senior Brother Tian nodded and said, Master Zhong said the same thing.

When Da Zhong saw his arrival, he was extremely happy: Ah Ying, what is recorded on this green rock is the ninth realm of Tao. I have been studying it for more than half a year! Now your Tao practice may not be above mine!

Senior Brother Tian whispered about Xu Ying's creation of a new way. Da Zhong was horrified. Senior Brother Tian also told it about Xu Ying's upcoming duel with Ming Zun. Da Zhong was panicked and said quickly: A Ying, I have learned what I have learned. I’ll pass this thing on to you! The skill on this green rock is at the ninth level, and it will definitely beat that old boy!”

Xu Ying smiled and said, Don't worry, Mr. Zhong, I'm not afraid of that old boy!

He observed for a while, trying to figure out the meaning of the Immortal Dao pattern and the other side, comparing them two by two, pondering for a moment, and said: Although the skills recorded on the green rock are magical and extraordinary, and can reach the immortal realm, they are of no use to me in the decisive battle three days later. . Rather than spending time on deciphering, it is better to take advantage of these three days to stabilize your cultivation. I will go out for a walk.

Dazhong said quickly: I'll go with you!

Xu Ying shook his head and walked out, his posture floating: Master Zhong, you guys will wait for me in Tianyuan in three days!

Dazhong hurriedly chased after him and saw that Xu Ying had walked out of the Tiandao Ancestral Court and disappeared as he spoke.

At this time, the Supreme Immortal Emperor was not in the Immortal Court either.

He was strolling leisurely in the world of Yingquan, seemingly leisurely. He was followed by a pretty and charming woman, who was Zitong Yuanjun of the Immortal Courtyard.

The appearance of Zitong Yuanjun in this life is different from that in the first life. In this life, Yuan Weiyang and Yuan Ru look like this.

My master Qingxuan often tells me that after I achieve success in the future, I will retire to the Yanxia Mountain in Yingquan World. This place is not a fairyland, but it is better than a fairyland.

The Immortal Emperor said leisurely, The old man likes this place. He once said that he was originally a seeker of Taoism, and he had no choice but to embark on the path of rebellion. In the future, he must not forget his original intention. After fighting for the people's lives, he must find his original intention here. Retreat to the Tao in seclusion and seek to prove the supreme truth.

While they were talking, the two of them had arrived at Yanxia Mountain. Smoke was curling up from the mountains. In the yard of a family, unknown meat was being stewed in a big pot. It was very fragrant.

On the couch beside him, the good-for-nothing Qingxuan was lying on his back, sleeping soundly, with his limbs spread out on the ground.

The Immortal Emperor frowned slightly, this did not look like he was seeking enlightenment.

————On March 1st, brothers, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket to get on the list~~~

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