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Chapter 616 Rebellion in person (please vote for me at the end of the month)

The ninth realm of Tao?

Everyone present was shocked and looked at the green rock. What Lord Xuhuang Daodao sent from the other side turned out to be the key to recording the ninth realm!

At present, both the old way and the new way only push it to the eighth level of the way. The eighth level of the new way is still incomplete because of the imperfections in the previous seven levels.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao sent this piece of green rock from the other side, the purpose is probably to allow the local people to use it to break through and reach the ninth realm.

Fellow Daoist Zhong, is the content above a ninth-level exercise? Taoist Yuxu asked.

Da Zhong said: It should be, but I can't quite understand it.

It has been hailed as a great master by Emperor Xu, but to be honest, its Taoist practices were forcibly improved by Xu Ying and Dalong. Most of the Taoist ways it comprehended were those of Xu Ying's practice. It just followed Xu Ying in Da Luo Tian. Just understand it together.

The dragon pattern on its body was also imprinted on it by Da Long, the distant ancestor of the Dragon Clan. He just stamped it without asking for a deeper explanation.

But in my opinion, this nine-level technique was not created by Lord Xuhuang Daojun, but a foreign technique copied by him. Dazhong said cautiously.

Everyone looked at the content on the Cuiyan carvings with complicated emotions. Xu Huang and others followed Cuiyan across the other shore, looking for the ninth realm of Tao on the other side, deciphering it and sending it to the Earthly Immortal Realm. Its purpose must be to spread this more advanced technique.

But, why can’t Master Xuhuang Daojun and the others come back?

How are they doing on the other side?

Taoist Yuqing smiled and said: The other shore is a place that countless people dream of. They must live an extremely comfortable life there, living with the Tao, traveling with the Tao, and envying many people. Therefore, they are so happy that they do not want to return.

All the gods of heaven and earth laughed one after another and said: That's right. They don't even have time to correspond with us. They can only take advantage of Xu Daoyou's ascension to compile a letter for Xu Daoyou to bring back.

Their purpose is for us to spread the word about the ninth realm of Tao. In this case, we must live up to their trust.

As the souls of heaven and earth, they are formed by the great avenues of heaven and earth in the dojo, and they do not have much selfishness. What he was thinking about was how to fulfill the entrustment of Xuhuang Daojun and others and spread the skills on the green rock.

The Ninth Level Cultivation Technique on Green Rock still needs people with extraordinary talents to decipher it. We alone can't do it.

Xuhuang said, The most suitable person to take over this job is undoubtedly the person who has studied the Dao patterns the most. The Supreme Creation, the Immortal Emperor, the Holy Lord and others are undoubtedly the people who have studied the most deeply, but they are also the most selfish. They get Cui Yan, will definitely be able to decipher the content recorded in the Dao pattern, but it will never be passed on to others. Therefore, we need to find someone who is not so selfish and who is proficient in the Dao pattern system.

Taiqing Taoist smiled and said: This person is Taoist friend Xu promised. He is extremely knowledgeable and has restored the great ways of heaven and earth in the dojos of our major ancestral courts. His Taoist practices are extremely high. His attainments in Taoist patterns are comparable to those of the Supreme Masters. , Wonderful Realm.”

Everyone left Cuiyan in the Tiandao Ancestral Court and walked out, saying: He just transcended the tribulation and ascended, and was sent back by Lord Dao. Without further delay, we will find him as soon as possible!

They came to the foot of the fusang tree, but there was no sign of Xu Ying.

Master Dao will follow the trajectory of his ascension and send him back along the same path. He should return to the exact place where he ascended.

Emperor Xu speculated, It must be that after he ascended back, the disciples of the Holy Lord were worried about his safety and moved him.

Everyone nodded slightly, and Taoist Yuxu said: But where will the holy disciple transfer him?

Lou Mingyu left quickly with Xu Ying, flying under the stars and chasing the moon, speeding like lightning, thinking: No one can stop me from becoming the protector of the new Taoist ancestors!

Because of his low cultivation level, he was unable to catch up with Xu Ying who ascended, so Xu Ying returned after ascending, but he was the first to come to Xu Ying's side.

At that time, Lord Xuhuang Daodao went to contact the gods of heaven and earth. The Supreme Creation, the Immortal Emperor, the Demon Ancestor and others were all on their way, so he took the opportunity to transfer Xu Ying to avoid being captured by the Immortal Emperor.

He had full confidence that he could take Xu Ying to avoid the tracking of the Immortal Emperor and others.

Lou Mingyu left the ancestral court, first sneaked into the underworld, galloped through the underworld, and then jumped into the upper world. He changed his location dozens of times, and finally came to hide in a mountain village in an unknown small world.

He determined the cause and effect, deployed thousands of confusing formations, and blocked the divine calculations. He thought to himself: The Supreme Immortal Emperor wants to calculate my whereabouts, but it will definitely not be accurate!

The Holy Lord is proficient in too many avenues and has also dabbled in the path of cause and effect. Lou Mingyu is also proficient in divine arithmetic. Although he is not as good as Goddess and others, his arithmetic power is not weak.

Xu Ying was still practicing, and the Taiyi Cave Abyss behind him was spinning slowly and slowly, gradually reaching the second realm of the Immortal Realm of the New Way, the Six Realms Realm.

This realm corresponds to the Earthly Immortal Realm, which requires the six realms to be integrated, but the new realm is three realms less than the original realm. The cultivation strength of the Six Realm Realm basically corresponds to that of the Immortal Lord.

However, what Xu Ying practiced was not the six realms, but the thirteenth realm.

Each level of the Dao Realm is a level of cave abyss, with fairy mountains and blessed lands inside, producing its own spiritual energy and spiritual power, which is extremely sacred.

In this realm, it is not easy to combine the thirteen realms into one big cave.

Lou Mingyu observed Xu Ying's progress and saw that Xu Ying's Tao realms were divided into activity, spiritual consciousness, vitality, soul power, yin and yang, mind power, life and death, Tao power, void, Hunyuan, Heavenly Dao, Cuiyan, and Hongmeng. These ten realms were Three realms.

Among them, Xu Ying refined the first ten realms into one, turning them into the Tai Dao realm, and was smelting three unique realms: Tiandao, Cuiyan, and Hongmeng.

If you can combine these three realms into one, and turn the thirteen levels of realms into one, you can cultivate into a dojo and enter the third realm of the fairyland, the dojo realm.

In this realm, Dongyuan is the dojo, extremely powerful!

The Taoist realm can basically compete with the Tianjun realm, the sixth level of the old immortal way. The fourth level of the new immortal way, the Daojing realm, should correspond to the seventh level of Daluo Jinxian!

Lou Mingyu's eyes flashed and he thought, The fifth realm of the Immortal Way, the Supreme Realm, should correspond to the eighth realm of the old Immortal Way and...

He was stunned, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The Supreme Realm has always been compared to the Daluo Jinxian and Daluo Miaojing of the old way, which correspond to the two realms!

If Xu Ying’s new path corresponds to the Daluo Golden Immortal in the Dao Scenery Realm, then the target of the Supreme Realm is the Daluo Wonderful Realm and the legendary ninth realm, the Immortal Realm!

The Holy Lord has been looking for the immortal realm above the Daluo and the Supreme, but he has been searching hard and can't find it. Could it be that Junior Brother Xu's new Tao system includes the immortal realm?

He suddenly realized that no, it was not included!

The Immortal Realm still exists and has not been included in the Supreme Realm, but the Immortal Realm of the New Way is probably much higher than the Immortal Realm of the Old Way!

Pushing the Supreme Realm to the level of Dao Jiu... No one can compete with me to protect the Dao! Not even the boy holding the sword can compete with me! Lou Mingyu looked fierce.

Xu Ying had been practicing for a very long time in the Six Domain Realm. It took him more than three months to finally integrate Hongmeng, Cuiyan and Tiandao into Taiyi, and officially entered the third level of the New Immortal Dao, the Taoist Realm.

In the past, this realm corresponded to heavenly immortals, but now it corresponds to heavenly kings.

Junior Brother Xu should wake up soon. Lou Mingyu thought to himself.

Xu Ying had cultivated to this state before, and now that he has returned to this state, it is the time to wake up.

He observed Xu Ying's aura and saw that Xu Ying's aura at this time was close to the level before the suicide, but slightly inferior.

Before Xu Ying cut himself off, he could keep pace with Lou Mingyu. After he cut himself off, he cultivated to the Taoist realm. Although he corresponded to the Tianjun realm, he did not achieve the Taoist realm.

However, to Lou Mingyu's surprise, Xu Ying still didn't wake up, but continued to practice along the dojo realm, rushing towards the fourth level of the new immortal path!

Lou Mingyu was slightly startled. The fourth level was the Dao Scenery, which was the benchmark for Daluo Jinxian.

That's right. He has already refined ten kinds of Taoist scenery before, and now he can break through to the Taoist scenery realm. It can be said that it is a matter of course.

Lou Mingyu sighed secretly, envious.

If Xu Ying enters the Dao Jing Realm, his cultivation strength will surpass him.

The new way is indeed very attractive. I have also cultivated the Taoism. If I cultivate myself and take the new way, I can be like him and have a smooth journey, better than before.

Lou Mingyu continued to wait. After about half a year, Xu Ying finally completed the thirteen Taoist scenes and woke up.

In addition to the Taiyi Cave Abyss behind him, there is actually a Taiyi Cave Abyss!

Although this cave abyss is not as good as the real Taiyi Cave Abyss, it is not trivial. It continuously produces fairy energy and contains the Tao charm of Taiyi. If you look at it casually, it is almost indistinguishable from the real Taiyi Cave Abyss.

However, if you look closely, you can still see the difference.

Xu Ying's self-refined Taiyi Dongyuan is relatively shallow, and the fairy mountains inside are not as numerous as the real Taiyi Dongyuan fairy mountains. More importantly, there is no other shore inside.

The real Taiyi Cave is extremely deep and has many fairy mountains. The most important thing is that there is a continent on the other side, with exotic buildings and various philosophical inscriptions on it.

When Lou Mingyu saw Xu Ying waking up, he was overjoyed and said with a smile, Xu Daozu, can you preach?

Xu Ying was observing the difference between the new way and the old way. Hearing this, he smiled and said, How come I became Xu Daozu? Did you also join my Shiquan Dao Sect?

Lou Mingyu had heard about the Shiquan Dao Sect and said solemnly: The Shiquan Dao Sect is just a Dao sect founded by Liu Guanyi, the Lord of the Ten Wastes. How can it be compared with the Dao Ancestor of the New Dao? The new Dao founded by Xu Daozu is destined to be crushed. The old way and all other ways.”

Xu Ying felt flattered by his praise and said with a smile: Stop flattering me. If you want to learn, I will teach you.

Lou Mingyu asked him to take a seat, and then he went outside the hospital, straightened his clothes, and knelt down to the other courtyard. He did not kneel when he entered the hall.

Xu Ying was extremely surprised.

Lou Mingyu smiled and said: I have another master, so I cannot accept you as my master, otherwise it will be a betrayal of the sect. Therefore, I can only perform the courtesy of half a master, and I will not be counted as your disciple.

Xu Ying didn't know much about these etiquettes and said with a smile: You and I are friends, how can you worship me? Sit down and I will kowtow you back.

Lou Mingyu's face suddenly changed, and he said quickly: This must not be the case. Brother Tao, from now on, when you meet anyone, you must not kneel down. If you bow to anyone, you are looking down on others! If others can't bear it, their life span will be shortened!

Xu Ying asked doubtfully: Can't you even worship your parents?

Lou Mingyu said: You can worship your parents, you can worship heaven and earth, but you don't have to worship the emperor, and you don't have to worship the teacher. You are the founder of the new way. In terms of seniority, only your parents and heaven and earth are older than you, and the others are not. You can only be friends with your peers.

Xu Ying felt it was troublesome and said with a smile: My Tao has not been taught yet, how can there be so many rules?

Lou Mingyu then cut himself to the realm of cultivation, followed Xu Ying, and devoted himself to cultivating a new way.

Xu Ying returned to Yuanshou and met a group of old friends, such as Xue Ying'an, Shi Yuqing, Xiong Qianli, Guo Xiaodie and others, who taught them the new way and allowed them to understand and practice it themselves.

Some of Yuanshou's old friends had already reached the realm of immortals and were not necessarily willing to abandon their cultivation and practice from scratch. Xu Ying did not force him, and after preaching, he left alone and went to the ancestral court.

Xiao Tianzun and Xiao Xixian hurriedly came to greet him. Xu Ying was quite surprised when he met Xiao Xixian. Only then did he realize that since the immortal world merged into the earthly immortal world, this woman had been idle at home. She had no livelihood and no other way to make a living, so she had to come to seek refuge with her junior brother. Seek life.

Master, I heard that Taiqing, Yuqing Taoist and others are looking for your whereabouts. Little Tianzun said.

Xu Ying was surprised and said, Why are they looking for me?

Little Tianzun shook his head: I don't know.

Xu Ying didn't take it to heart and said with a smile: When I have some free time, I will go see them. I have understood the new Tao as my teacher and reorganized the new Tao system. I will teach you today so that you can practice well.

When Xiao Xixian saw Lou Mingyu, she was surprised and said, Master, is this your new disciple?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: This is Lou Mingyu, a Taoist friend who was my master. He gave up his cultivation and followed my master to practice. His name is Master Uncle Lou.

The two of them greeted each other quickly: Uncle Lou.

Xu Ying said: You go and invite my old friends, Afu, Qingqiu, Chanchan, Chu Tiandu, Hu Zhuojun, the four saints of the ancestral court, the four evil spirits of the Ling family, all of them are also invited. There are also all the great ancestors. The more old friends I have in the court, the better. After I preach, you will preach on my behalf, so I don’t have to work so hard.

Xiao Tianzun said yes and said: May I ask where Master preaches?

Xu Ying remembered that when he came to the ancestral court, Little Tianzun led him to the shrine platform and understood the six secrets, so he said: It's on the shrine platform.

Little Tianzun took the order.

The scale of the Ancestral Court is many times larger than that of the Yuanshou World. Even for a Qi Master in the ascension stage, it would take two or three months to come and go. But fortunately, there are many heaven-repairing artifacts in the sky above the ancestral court, which can manifest heavenly gods and gods everywhere and convey messages, so it is much more convenient.

By the time Xu Ying arrived at the shrine, Xiao Tianzun had already spread the news throughout the ancestral court. Xiao Xixian had the Immortal Cha and was very fast, so he went around picking up people and rushing to the shrine.

After a few days, the shrine was already crowded with people. In Xu Ying's first life, he left his old friends in the ancestral family behind and ascended to the immortal world. Some of his old friends were quite dissatisfied with him. However, over the years Xu Ying traveled around for the ancestral family, the dissatisfaction gradually disappeared, but he could not go back to the past.

Taiqing, Yuqing, Yuxu and other Taoist ancestors also came, but they just sat far away in the air with solemn treasures and did not come close to disturb.

Xu Ying waited until the people had arrived and sat on the altar. When he opened his mouth, everyone was in an uproar. Even Taoist ancestors such as Taiqing and Yuqing could not sit firmly on the futon and almost fell down!

What the ancestral court practiced was the old way, based on the patterns of the way, but Xu Ying was talking about the new way that subverted the old way!

Moreover, even today's new way of immortality is not really new. From gathering qi to ascension, they are all the realm of the old way. It is only when you reach the realm of immortals that things start to change.

But Xu Ying overturned the old way from the second level of Qi refining!

Is Xu Tianzun going to lead us die-hards of the old way to rebel against the old way? Xuanyazi of Biyou Palace was surprised and said to the Wuliu Taoist beside him.


Taoist Wuliu and other masters from the ancestral court looked evil and whispered, If he speaks well, that's all. If he speaks poorly, his dojo will be overturned and he will be killed with swords!

We can't defeat this traitor! Pan Demon God said.

Taoist Wuliu pursed his lips and said, Look, all the Taoist ancestors of the Taoist sect look bad!

————The last twelve hours of February, please vote for me!

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