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Chapter 615 The third green rock (please vote for me)

After this ascension, can I still take a walk and ascend back?

Demon Ancestor was also a little confused. He had never seen such a thing before.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was filled with ecstasy: My leek is back again!

At the same time, as Xu Ying returned from the other side, looking towards his hometown of Taichung, on Yujing Mountain in Xuandu City, the Heaven and Earth Soul of Lord Xuhuang Dao suddenly raised his head and looked into the void.

At this moment, he received a mixed and confusing message from the depths of the universe, which was that his true body had made contact with him.

Although this connection was extremely short-lived, it transferred a lot of messy information about the other side to his mind!

The other shore and the Three Realms finally had a brief moment of communication!

Xuhuang Daojun pondered for a moment, then stood up immediately and entered the Daluo Dojo. Suddenly, the Wangxiang Terrace shook violently, and the ancient beings living in the Wangxiang Terrace were awakened one after another, and they revived one after another, in shock and confusion.

At this time, a figure slowly stood up from the depths of Wangxiang Terrace. It was extremely majestic, and the strong murderous aura in his body rose into the sky, disturbing the stars, as if a demon god had stood up from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

His breath stabilizes the ancient and fragile space of Wangxiangtai and maintains the operation of this strange place.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao looked at the man from afar, nodded slightly, and said, Thank you.

The stalwart figure returned the gift, and his consciousness fluctuated vaguely: Thanks to Lord Dao's care for more than half a million years, I will take over Lord Dao's responsibility for the Wangxiang Tower for a period of time.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao broke through the air and left.

The stalwart figure was also very surprised by the departure of Dao Lord, and whispered: Among the many Dao Ancestors, he is the only one who can revive himself. He can repair the great avenues of heaven and earth and reorganize the soul without the help of others. . After he recovered, he stayed on Yujing Mountain in Xuandu without leaving even half a step. Staying here seemed to be waiting for someone. Could it be that he was not waiting for the Supreme Being? When he left this time, he must have been waiting for the time he wanted. Something you want.”

But what exactly is this thing?

Lord Xuhuang Dao arrived at Lihentian Dousitai Palace. Before he stepped into the palace, Taiqing Taoist saw his approach. He couldn't help but look solemn. He flew straight up without paying attention to the ceremony and came to Lord Xuhuang Dao. He turned to the side and asked: Is there any news?

Lord Xuhuang Dao nodded and said, Go and meet other fellow Daoists.

Taiqing Taoist was surprised and happy, so he followed him.

When they arrived at the Shangqing Taoist Gate, Taoist Yuqing was shocked when he saw them. He didn't care to deal with it and said directly: Yunhai, I leave this place to you!

After saying that, he stood up and came to Xuhuang and Taiqing, and said anxiously: Is there any news?


Taoist Yuqing was stunned and said in a trembling voice: Really?


Taoist Yuqing laughed loudly: Finally, today has come! Let's go quickly to find fellow Taoist Yuxu!

The three gods of heaven and earth immediately rushed to the Kunlun realm to see Taoist Yuxu. When they told the matter, Taoist Yuxu was overjoyed: The 600,000 years of waiting are not in vain. There is also Taoist Taoist Taiyi!

They immediately rushed to the underworld of the ancient universe. The Tenth Hall Yama is the soul of heaven and earth of Taiyi Tianzun. When they saw Emperor Xu, they knew their intentions. King Ping said: I will go with all the Taoist brothers, and you will stay here.

Lord Xuhuangdao said: We are all here now, but we alone may not be able to catch it. We still need the help of the ancestor gods.

Taiqing Taoist said: The ancestor god went to the human world and had a conflict with the Holy Lord. He has not returned yet.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao asked: Is there a way to contact the ancestral god?

Yes. You must go to the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court and find your Heavenly Dao friends.

They hurriedly arrived at the Ancestral Court of Tiandao. Seeing their arrival, Senior Brother Tian did not dare to neglect them. After some pleasantries, he took the fishing rod from the Ancestral God and threw it directly into the starry sky at the Ancestral Court of Tiandao.

I saw the fishing line and hook floating along the starry sky, gradually sinking into the human world.

After a while, Brother Tian noticed that the fishing rod sank suddenly and hurriedly raised the rod to reel in the line. It was obvious that he had caught something big.

When everyone looked around, they saw that a large dragon-shaped bell was hooked on the nose of the bell and fished out.

Senior Brother Tian hurriedly said: Distant ancestor, where is the ancestral god?

The Ancestral God has gone after the Holy Lord, and we are the only ones guarding the Shiquan Dao Gate. Da Zhong said.

Senior Brother Tian was stunned: What should we do?

Several Dao ancestors' heaven and earth souls also frowned. Seeing this, Dalong smiled and said: What the ancestor gods can do, the distant ancestors can also do it. If you encounter any difficulties, just say it.

Several gods of heaven and earth looked at each other, and Lord Xuhuang Daodao said: Time waits for us. Now we can only hope that our distant ancestors will have great supernatural powers.

Dalong also saw some signs at this moment and said suspiciously: Seeing that you are so solemn, is it something great? What on earth is it?

Emperor Xu said: Master Dao met the ascended Daoist Xu promised on the other side. When he sent him back to the immortal world, he took the opportunity to send something into our universe together with Daoist Xu. His consciousness came down first and notified me to spread his aura. , the thing will fly towards me. He told me that this thing is heavy and I can’t catch it, so I have to find some Taoist friends, preferably the ancestor gods can intervene.”

Dazhong asked: What is the thing that Lord Dao threw over?

Emperor Xu shook his head and said, I don't know either.

Taiqing Taoist said: Daojun is the one with the highest Taoism and cultivation among us, so we made an agreement when we followed Cuiyan. If there is news from the other side, we will be notified as soon as possible. But we all know , Dao Lord has the highest cultivation level, and the person most likely to contact Dao Lord must be his heaven and earth soul, so I ask Brother Dao to always stay at the Yujing Dojo in Xuandu.

Taoist Yuqing praised: This defense means that I have not left for hundreds of thousands of years. Brother Taoist's state of mind is far better than mine.

Emperor Xu shook his head and said: Just sitting there, not even an inch of work. Gentlemen, that thing is coming!

As soon as He finished speaking, emerald green light suddenly appeared from the depths of the starry sky and caught their eyes.

The emerald green light struck through the air and headed straight for the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court at an extremely fast speed.

Da Zhong and Da Long took a look and were startled: This thing seems to be... Cuiyan!

That piece of green rock came rushing from another universe, and its target was the Heavenly Ancestral Court. The Earth God in the Ancestral Court hurriedly squatted down and drilled into the earth. Senior Brother Tian was also startled. He jumped upwards and jumped into the sky, compatible with the sky.

Taoist Taoist Taiqing sacrificed the Eight Diagrams alchemy furnace, Taoist Yuxu sacrificed a fly whisk, and Taoist Yuqing sacrificed the two treasures of Taiji Diagram and Wuji Diagram. The four wonderful treasures floated into the air and intercepted the flying green rock. , intending to slow down the speed of Cuiyan!

However, before these four wonderful treasures came close to the green rock, their power was greatly reduced and they were far less powerful than before.

The piece of green rock actually knocked away the four great treasures of the wonderland one after another. Taoist Yuxu controlled the fly whisk and locked the dust threads on the surface of the green rock, dragging them, but instead they were dragged by the green rock and flew towards this side!

In the sky, Senior Brother Tian screamed: If we hit it at this speed, the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court will be smashed into pieces!

Junior brothers join forces!

Taoist Yuqing gave a loud shout, and Taoist Taiqing immediately ignored the Bagua Alchemy Furnace and stepped forward, side by side with him. The two of them activated the Tai Chi Diagram and the Wuji Diagram, and jointly sacrificed the two great treasures!

Taiqing Taoist is the Taoist ancestor with the most treasures in Miaojing. He has the two most precious treasures, the King Kong Zhuo and the Bagua Alchemy Furnace. The Taiji Diagram, the most precious treasure of the Shangqing Taoist Sect, was also made by him. Only because he and Yuqing had different ideas, he left Shangqing and found another way, but the Tai Chi diagram also stayed in Shangqing.

When the two of them joined forces, the power of Tai Chi Wuji Diagram exploded, and suddenly another golden bridge appeared between Tai Chi and Wuji, connecting the two great treasures.

When this bridge appeared, Tai Chi immediately connected with each other. The Huang Ting Sutra and Shang Qing Da Dong Zhen Sutra actually penetrated each other and merged into one at this moment!

The power of the two magic weapons suddenly increased sharply, slowing down the green rock a lot.

But Cuiyan's power was still extremely astonishing, dragging the three magic weapons towards the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao paused and shouted: Sacrifice——

A large purple flag soared into the sky and met Cuiyan. The big flag swayed, and suddenly Hongmeng Ziqi flew out from the flag, confronting Cuiyan.

The large purple flag contained Hongmeng Purple Qi, which impacted wave after wave, but was pushed back by Cuiyan. However, the power of this treasure was extraordinary, and it actually slowed down Cuiyan's speed a lot.

Senior Brother Tian shouted: It's still enough to smash the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court!

Da Zhong couldn't help but tremble when he saw the power of the green rock, and whispered: Master Long, are you sure about what's next? If not...

I want to come too!

Dalong said excitedly, and rushed towards the flying Cuiyan, shouting, Even if I only have one head left, I'm still better than the old guy who can only pee blood!

The dragon bell made a loud clang, shaking time and space, and layers of sound waves accompanied by the dragon roar of the distant ancestors blasted towards the green rock!

The piece of green rock was so hard that it was not damaged at all in the layers of sound waves. It penetrated the various Dao sounds created by Long Zhong and still hit them.

The big dragon roared violently, making a clanging sound as it crashed into Cuiyan!


Innate immortal auras were flying in all directions in the sky, and astonishingly, the impact of the green rock actually knocked the big bell and scattered countless auras within its body!

The big bell shouted: Master Long, I'm going to burst!

not yet!

The dragon was extremely excited, wrestling with Cuiyan, and the auras flying in the sky fell back one after another and flowed into the body of the big bell.

Cuiyan dragged the Tai Chi Diagram, the Wuji Diagram, and the Yuxu Fly Whisk, and held the Xu Emperor's Hongmeng Banner, against the Dragon Bell, and actually pressed the Dragon Bell against the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court!

Seeing this situation, everyone felt desperate. Senior Brother Tian did not bother hiding in the sky, but also appeared, urging his divine power to resist with all his strength.

But when his powerful divine power came into contact with the green rock, it was suppressed by the strange power coming from the green rock, and it broke every inch!

It's really going to burst! cried the big bell.

The dragon roared, jumped out from the bell, and the distant ancestor soul appeared. Although there was only one dragon head left, it still possessed earth-shattering power!

The Yuanzu dragon head pressed against Cuiyan, and together with the big bell, they resisted Cuiyan's crushing. Cuiyan's speed was greatly reduced, but he still pressed them towards the Tiandao ancestral court!

At the same time, Taiqing, Yuqing, Yuxu, King Pingping, Emperor Xu and Tianyi flew up, using their arms and backs to resist Cuiyan, and were crushed by Cuiyan one by one towards the ancestral court of Tiandao. Bump away.

Under the pressure of fear, the earth god suddenly jumped up from the earth, shouted, beat his war drum with both hands, and rushed towards the green rock that fell from the sky!

The drums were beating loudly, but they saw the green rock crushing everyone and falling from the sky, pressing dangerously on the ground, and finally stopped.

The Earth God was still shouting, and the drums were still beating. The big bell flew out from in front of Cuiyan and said: Stop knocking the Earth, Cuiyan has been blocked by you.

The Earth God's eyes were dilated, still in shock.

Everyone carefully placed the piece of green rock on the ground, fearing that the green rock would fly away and cause another heaven-destroying cry.

I saw that this piece of green rock was covered with characters. The characters were divided into two types. One was branch-like texture, also known as truth, and the other was Tao pattern commonly known as ghost painting talismans.

Two textures, each accounting for half of the country.

Da Zhong came forward and asked, What is carved on the green rock?

Several gods of heaven and earth came forward and watched closely for a long time, each frowning. They are all the souls of heaven and earth. They can only understand the avenues of heaven and earth within their own dojo, but cannot understand the principles outside the dojo.

Senior Brother Tian also came closer, pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, I don't understand.

Dalong came closer and pretended to watch for a moment, wondering: Is this a Dao pattern, or is that a Dao pattern over there?

Xuhuang Daojun looked around, frowned slightly, and said, You are the only one who is accomplished in Dao lines now, Xiaoyou Zhong.

Me? Da Zhong was stunned.

Everyone looked at them one after another, with expressions of expectation. Lord Xuhuang Daodao said: In this world, there are many people who have learned from the predecessors, and there is a shortage of those who are unique. But Zhong Daoyou is a unique grand master. You are the first person to cultivate the magic weapon, and I have cultivated both the old and new ways, and I have also practiced the dragon patterns of the Dragon Court era. There are not many people in the world who have a vision and knowledge higher than yours. There is no need to be self-effacing.

The big clock buzzed. I don't know if it was buzzing because of being flattered or because of guilt. I thought to myself: Is this talking about me?

However, Emperor Xu put on a series of high hats, and the big bell was also floating in the air, but when he saw Cuiyan, he felt ashamed, so he had to stand up to the bell wall and step forward, carefully trying to figure out the meaning of the Taoist patterns on the stone wall.

If it's Ah Ying, where should Ah Ying crack it? How should Ah Ying crack it? it said silently in its heart.

Gradually, it found a hint of mystery in the Dao patterns on the stone wall, and unconsciously fell into the fun of deciphering, getting deeper and deeper.


The great love cannot be restrained, the love is difficult to control, and it makes bursts of mysterious bells.

Xuhuang Taiqing and others were surprised when they heard the sound of the bell. Apparently, this big bell actually deciphered and understood the content on the stone wall!

The magic contained in the sound of the bell was so profound that they couldn't help but admire it when they heard it!

After a long time, Da Zhong finally woke up from the fun of deciphering, and saw everyone surrounding him in a big circle. Even the big head of his distant ancestor was floating in the air, staring at him intently.

I can only decipher a little bit of the content carved on the stone wall... Da Zhong said with some guilt.

What exactly is said on the stone wall? Everyone asked hurriedly.

The Immortal Dao patterns on this stone wall are also the content of a decipherment, which deciphers the foreign principles next to it.

Da Zhong hesitated for a moment and said, It says here that the foreign principles are inscribed in the ninth realm of Tao.

————The last 26 hours of February! Asking for monthly ticket

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