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Chapter 614 Ascension Again

Under the true form of the Demon Ancestor, Xu Ying's whole body shone brightly. This was a sign that he had entered the Immortal City of Yujing in the Ascension Realm and had become an immortal!

By becoming an Immortal Dao and triggering the Heavenly Tribulation, you can open up the Dao Realm. According to the new Dao Realm established by Xu Ying, if Xu Ying crosses into the Dao Realm Realm, he will be one of the Twelve Dao Realms, and his achievements will be absolutely extraordinary!

Winds and clouds gathered in the sky, lightning flashed and thunder roared, which was different from the weather in the human world when people were going through tribulations. The human world is located in the dark world, and the clouds of calamity cannot be seen clearly. But here, you can see it clearly. The calamity cloud covering more than ten thousand miles is really unimaginable.

The undulating clouds and mist in the clouds are like majestic mountains, the flowing clouds are like galloping horses in the mountains, and there are various forms of clouds and mist such as grass, trees and sheep, which are quite like all things in the world.

Opposite to this calamity cloud is another dark calamity cloud. Countless branch-like textures gather in the sky. The calamity cloud is actually accompanied by bursts of heart-rending cries, which makes people's hair stand on end.

The two calamity clouds gathered together and were fighting with each other before. Soon after, they formed the phenomenon of separation of yin and yang, flowing slowly in the air.

Later, the two calamity clouds continued to shrink and transformed into Zixiao calamity thunder.

The Zixiao Tribulation Thunder is only worthy of being defeated by a peerless villain!

When Lou Mingyu saw this calamity thunder, his scalp could not help but tingle, and he thought to himself, Is Junior Brother Xu still an unparalleled evil person?

However, to his surprise, the promised Heavenly Tribulation did not stop even after it turned into the Purple Sky Tribulation Thunder. It continued to evolve. There were actually masses of Hongmeng Qi overflowing from the void and pouring into the Tribulation Cloud!

Accompanying the Qi of Hongmeng are bursts of indescribable Taoist sounds, as if the voices from the future life are transmitted from the distant future to the present, praising the unparalleled Taoist ancestors in the world, praising his wisdom for opening up new ways, and praising his courage. Overcoming the catastrophe, praise him for his blessings and protection for future generations!

There are laws of the Great Way running in the depths of the void, and the sound of praise from the future life turns into the rolling sound of the Tao, integrating with the Zixiao Heavenly Tribulation.

Not to mention Lou Mingyu has never seen this kind of scene, not even Taoist Taiqing, Taoist Yuqing, Taoist Yuxu, Yaozu and others who are watching the battle from a distance have never seen it!

Never even heard of it!

Even if the ancestor god comes here, he has to say that today is an eye-opener.

The Supreme Creation and the Supreme Immortal Emperor were also watching from a distance, looking at this scene with complicated expressions. The Supreme Creation suddenly said: My dear nephew, in my opinion, you'd better not harvest this leek. This person has great merits. If you harvest him, you will suffer backlash.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor's face was gloomy and uncertain, but he immediately returned to his original state and said: Uncle Master, you and I are allies, how can you alone be the opponent of the Holy Lord? I am not strong enough now, and I have planned for 600,000 years just for today. Harvest. If I improve my strength, I can help my uncle achieve hegemony!

The Supreme Creation knew that he had made up his mind and could not persuade him to turn back, so he had no choice but to give up.

In the sky, Xu Ying's calamity clouds formed calamity thunder beads. The two calamity thunder beads disturbed and rotated with each other, and their power was even greater than the time Xu Ying overcame the calamity in the human world.

However, the Immortal Emperor was not worried about whether Xu Ying could survive the catastrophe. Xu Ying had great merit and could definitely survive the catastrophe.

The safety of Taoist Master Luofu on the other side is quite worrying.

Taoist Master Luofu encountered the siege of Empress Ziwei's glazed lamp, Taoist Taiqing's Bagua alchemy furnace, Taoist Yuqing's Taichi diagram, Taoist Yuxu's Yuxu whisk, and many other wonderful treasures, as well as the heaven-mending artifact, even if he was Daluo Wonderland, and the treasure of Wonderland is in hand, and it is also in danger.

Taoist Master Luofu is very annoying. He is a scumbag, but he is also a scumbag from our Immortal Court. He cannot die in the hands of these old people from the Ancestral Court.

The Supreme Creation said, No matter how fiercely we fight and kill each other, it is still an internal fight that cannot be broken. But these old people in the ancestral court want to kill our people, but it can't be done. Let these old people know the difficulties and give up. Retreat.

The Immortal Emperor nodded slightly.

The Immortal Court was built on the corpses of the Ancestral Court. The six twelve gods were all the beneficiaries of that uprising. There were internal fights among them, and they even killed each other to the point of turning the world upside down and bleeding into rivers. However, when they encountered the forces of the Ancestral Court, They will still unite and deal with the ancestral court together!

Today's fairy court must not sit back and watch the ancestral court grow!

The Supreme Creation said: Let's go over now, lest he be beaten to death.

The Immortal Emperor's eyes still fell on Xu Ying, who was in the midst of a calamity. He shook his head and said, Uncle Master, wait a moment. The icing on the cake is not as good as providing timely help. We go over now and help him defeat the masters of the ancestral court. It is the icing on the cake, but we wait until he To save someone after being beaten to death would be to save him in the nick of time. The seriously injured Taoist Master Luofu is more obedient and grateful.

The Supreme Creation praised: If Qingxuan had such methods as you back then, he would not have died.

The Immortal Emperor looked at Xu Ying and saw that Xu Ying was getting taller and taller under the lightning strike, as if he was gradually getting rid of the shackles of the earthly immortal world.

The Immortal Emperor suddenly said: Uncle Master, Xu Ying's realm is a bit weird, and he does not follow the traditional cultivation path.

The Supreme Creation stared at it, and after every lightning strike, there would always be more fairy energy in Xu Ying's body, and he felt like he had been reborn.

When lightning strikes, some realm patterns always appear behind Xu Ying, like projections left by strong light.

They can see the Five Sacred Mountains, multiple passes, the intertwining water and fire, the thirty-third heaven, the twelve-level tower...

But beyond that, there was much more, things they had never seen before!

For example, the deep caves and abyss actually contain immortal mountains and blessed lands. There are actually as many as twelve such caves and abyss, corresponding to the twelve avenues that Xu Ying cultivates!

They have never encountered this situation.

What's even more strange is that with the catastrophe, the power of these twelve caves is getting stronger and stronger!

Every time a thunder catastrophe hits Xu Ying, there will always be a few more fairy mountains and blessed lands in the cave abyss, and the fairy spirit energy produced will be a little more than before!

This scene even moved the heart of the Supreme Creation, and he wished he could harvest the promise.

What kind of immortality is this kid cultivating? The two of them were confused, but they had some guesses, but they were not sure.

Because their speculations were so scary that they themselves couldn't believe it.

If he really did that, he would be the ancestor of the new way! But how is this possible?

Not long after, Taoist Master Luofu finally couldn't hold on anymore and was about to be beaten to death by those wonderful treasures. The Immortal Emperor and the Supreme Creation finally took action and entered the siege.

The Supreme Creation's cultivation strength is the strongest. He can hit the Bagua Alchemy Furnace with one hand, causing it to swing backwards. He raised his hand to sacrifice the Jade Plate of Return, and repel the Tai Chi Diagram. He turned around, waved his sleeves, and swung away a piece of alchemy. A heaven-repairing artifact knocked away Senior Brother Tian.

The supreme leader of the generation shows his dominance.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor did not fall behind against the Tai Cang Cave True Glaze Cup and Yuxu Whisk, but compared to the Supreme Creation, it was still much inferior.

Empress Ziwei activated the glass lamp and used the light to cut off one leg of the Ziweidang Demonic Cauldron, turning it into a three-legged cauldron.

However, Empress Ziwei didn't go too far and simply took back the leg of Dang Moding and ordered Nan Ziyan to retreat.

Nan Ziyan quickly controlled the boat and exited the battlefield. He saw that the other Wonderland magic weapons also made feints and left without fighting to the end.

The Supreme Creation and the Immortal Emperor did not continue to pursue. After all, the Ancestral Court did not use all its strength this time, and the Demon Ancestor never took action.

If the Demon Ancestor takes action, the outcome is still uncertain. After all, Taoist Taiqing, Taoist Yuqing and others are the souls of heaven and earth and do not have real physical bodies. Empress Ziwei is just a bit of the remnant soul inhabiting the body of the deceased. However, only the Demon Ancestor has preserved his physical body, and his strength is probably not as good as that of creation. Inferior to the Immortal Emperor.

Taoist Master Luofu was ashamed and ashamed. He stepped forward to thank me and said, If you two hadn't rescued me, I would have died without a burial place.

The Immortal Emperor quickly leaned forward: I don't dare. Don't get me wrong, Uncle Gu. It was just a temporary misunderstanding in the Daming Palace. My nephew hurt my uncle, so I apologize to him.

Taoist Master Luofu's expression was gloomy, and he suddenly smiled openly and said: It's all a misunderstanding. A mere flesh wound is no big deal. If you injured me, didn't you also save my life? We are even.

The Immortal Emperor smiled and said: Uncle Master is generous.

As he spoke, Xu Ying had already survived the catastrophe, and a ray of light rose from the sky and fell, illuminating Xu Ying. Creation, the Immortal Emperor and Taoist Master Luofu were all startled: This is the Immortal World, where is he going to ascend to?

They are all outstanding and intelligent people, and they immediately thought of a possibility: The world of immortals!

Standing high above the Nine Heavens, one can actually see the shadow of the Celestial Realm, but after seeing it, no one can enter the Celestial Realm. Is it possible that someone can really ascend through the tribulation and enter the mysterious Celestial Realm at this time?

In the ascending rays of light, Xu Ying still sat cross-legged and did not move. He let the rays of rays of light illuminate him and flew out into the sky. It seemed that he was indeed going straight to the world of immortals.

The God of Creation moved slightly in his heart and shouted: Follow me! Find the portal to the Immortal Realm!

Although the three of them were injured, it was still easy to catch up with Xu Ying. The three of them immediately flew up and flew to the fairy world following Xu Ying!


When Lou Mingyu saw this, he immediately flew up and tried to catch up with them to protect Xu Ying's safety. At this time, a voice came to his ears and said with a smile: Do the disciples of the Holy Lord also talk about loyalty like this? It's not like what the Holy Lord can teach.

The source of the voice was an old man in gray clothes with a few branches growing from his head. He was none other than the Demon Ancestor. He was faster than him. He was chasing Creation, the Immortal Emperor and others to protect Xu Ying's safety.

Under the influence of the ascending ray of light, Xu Ying's speed became faster and faster, and he quickly flew out of the earthly immortal world, surpassing Jiutian and Daluotian, and rushed out of the sky!

The three of them still followed Xu promised, but they saw that the void around them seemed to be gradually becoming thicker and the resistance was getting bigger and bigger. As they flew, the void became thicker and thicker, and they seemed to be flying into the rosin. Flying insects only feel that the further they advance, the more difficult it becomes.

However, the rising ray of light seemed to be unimpeded, flying higher and higher with the promise, approaching the shadow in the darkness.

The Supreme Creation and others continued to fly upwards, but their speed gradually slowed down and they became unable to move, as if they were about to be frozen in the void.

They were horrified and looked up, only to see Xu Ying getting further and further away from them, gradually approaching the world of immortals.

Demon Ancestor chased him here and felt relieved when he saw that Xu Ying was already safe.

At this moment, suddenly the ascending rays of light from another avenue came from nowhere, cutting off the ascending rays of light in the Celestial Realm. Under the horrified eyes of Creation, the Immortal Emperor, Luofu Taoist Master, Demon Ancestor and others, Xu Ying was hijack!

But Xu Ying was still sitting cross-legged, trying to reach the next level, unmoved at all.

Everyone was stunned, and saw Xu Ying emerging from the thirteenth level of the Dao Realm in the rising ray of light. He should have entered the next realm.

But why is it the thirteenth realm?

Could it be the effect of the Hongmeng Qi when he overcame the tribulation? Demon Ancestor secretly thought in his heart.

He also discovered the strangeness of Xu Ying's tribulation. The energy of Hongmeng seemed to enter Xu Ying's body along with the thunder tribulation.

The Supreme Creation sighed, shook his head and said: There is no need to pursue it, we can't catch up. Let's go back as soon as possible. There is something strange in this void. I feel like I am about to be frozen.

Luofu Taoist Master shouted: Look, what is there!

They looked along where Taoist Master Luofu pointed, and saw bright light coming from the shadows in the darkness. A huge dragon bone extended from the Celestial Realm, and slowly climbed out of the sky along the place where the Celestial Realm was broken. Fairyland!

The dragon skeleton was unknown in length, but like a living thing, it slid down from where Xu Ying had just ascended, and gradually extended forward along the solidified void.

Even though the four of them are the most powerful beings in the world today, they can't help but be horrified when they see this scene.

This dragon skeleton was extremely powerful, but a big hole opened in its head, as if it had been smashed by something. The shape of the hole is almost the same as the shape of the hole in the Celestial Realm!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor observed for a while, and suddenly remembered the green rock that smashed into the human world, and said: It's the green rock! The green rock smashed through the immortal world, penetrated this solid void, and smashed into the human world! The dragon bones were climbing there. Wherever there is, there must be a passage carved out of the green rock!

The Supreme Creation's heart moved slightly and said: In other words, we can enter the immortal world by following the passage created by the green rock?

Their heartbeats couldn't help but accelerate. Now the dragon's skeleton slipped out of the Celestial Realm. It was sliding along the channel smashed by the green rock and falling downwards!

The skeleton of the divine dragon was probably agitated by the fluctuations in the glow caused by Xu Ying's ascension, so it slipped out of the heavenly world. Gradually, a powerful aura that made the four of them feel a little depressed came, making them feel extremely uncomfortable.

The power of this dragon skeleton in life is beyond imagination!

Xu Ying has ascended, my dear nephew, and the crops you planted have left.

The Supreme Creation was quite gloating about the misfortune and said with a smile, Let's go back now and wait for this dragon's skeleton to find the passage to the immortal world for us!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was devastated, his heart was empty, and he felt that something was missing in his life.

the other side.

Buddha and the others stared wide-eyed, watching helplessly as a rising ray of light flew past in the distance, and there was a familiar figure in the ray of light.

Didn't I tell you not to ascend, don't ascend, don't ascend! Why did you fly back again?

The Buddhas were furious and were about to join forces to send Xu Ying back. At this time, a loud voice came: Fellow Taoists were seriously injured last time. If you make any gestures, they will definitely find you. You should recover from your injuries first, and I will take care of you. He sent it back!”

Thank you, Lord Dao. After you take action, you must hide yourself and not be found!

Below the Celestial Realm, the Supreme Creation, Demon Ancestor and others were about to turn back when suddenly they saw a bright light in the void, a rising glow rolled around Xu Ying and flew out at a faster speed.

The Supreme Creation and others looked dull as they watched Xu Ying fly past the huge dragon skeleton, past them, and ascend toward the Earthly Immortal Realm!

And in the darkness behind Xu Ying, there seemed to be some giant monsters fighting and fighting in the darkness. It was extremely terrifying, making existences like them feel terrified!

This... Everyone was at a loss.

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