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Chapter 609 The truth of the realm (third update)

Lou Mingyu resisted the urge to cough up blood and sneered: Your injury is more serious than mine. Even your tear holes are bleeding.

The tear holes in Xu Ying's eyes stopped immediately. He opened his mouth to smile and saw the blood flowing from his mouth desperately: Senior Brother Lou's injury should be more serious, right? You have begun to have immortal light coming from your body. , is this the soul about to disintegrate?

Lou Mingyu raised his hand and rubbed some random spots on his body, sealing all the key points in his body so that the scattered immortal light could not escape. He laughed and said: Your realm is collapsing, crushing your internal organs. The blood you just vomited is still... There are heart and liver fragments. Your injuries are more serious.

The corners of Xu Ying's eyes trembled, but he couldn't hold back his tears, and two small columns of blood spurted upward.

Brother, your legs are shaking!

Junior brother, can't you stand still?

Senior brother, if you can't hold on any longer, just lie down. It's comfortable when you lie down!

Junior brother, you really want to fall, right? There are only two of us here, there is no shame in falling.

Both of them were seriously injured, and soon they couldn't hold on any longer, so they forced themselves to hold on just because they had to fight for a breath.

Xu Ying couldn't hold on anymore and suggested: Senior brother, instead of losing both sides, it's better to call it a draw. What do you think?

Lou Mingyu couldn't help but turn around, spitting out blood, and reluctantly said: Yes, that's a good idea!

The two of them supported each other and struggled towards the Holy Lord's Daluotian.

Lou Mingyu was the first person who was able to severely injure Xu Ying when his realms were not much different. His attainments in Taoist scenery were not inferior to Xu Ying's, and his attainments in Daohua and Taoist trees were even higher. It could be said that they far exceeded Xu Ying's. answer.

He is a young strong man who was cultivated by the Holy Lord, and he follows the orthodox path of cultivation in the Supreme Realm. Unlike others, he also practices Taoism.

However, what he refined was eight kinds of Taoist scenes, which was slightly inferior to Xu Ying.

Of course, the greater the number of Taoist scenery, the better. It also depends on the Taoism contained in the Taoism. For example, the ten Taoisms contained in Xu Ying's Taoism, such as Xuanhuang, vitality, yin and yang, soul power, etc., are all very high-level.

But Lou Mingyu is not inferior, and some of his Taoist scenes are even more brilliant than Xu Ying's. For example, there is a ball of cosmic light, which is extremely bright, and there is also a Taoist scene that is condensed from the Qi of Taichu.

These two Taoist scenes are superior to Xu Ying's Taoist scene, and they should be inherited from the Holy Lord.

It's just that other Taoist scenes are not as promised.

What Xu Ying is really better than him is his Taoist and magical powers in a rational state. This kind of magical power is really powerful, and it is enough to even out the gap in cultivation level between Xu Ying and him!

When they return to the Holy Lord's Daluotian, they will heal their wounds.

The two of them suffered injuries.

Lou Mingyu's Dao injuries were filled with Dao cries, and the structure of his mind invaded his body, soul, and Dao like a plague, constantly replacing and destroying it.

Xu Ying's Tao injuries are also full of Tao methods that he does not understand. They are Tao methods taught by the Holy Lord. They are unpredictable and difficult to heal for a while.

Lou Mingyu tried his best to walk to the Daming Palace, took out a few life-saving elixirs refined by the Holy Lord and drank them to suppress his injuries.

Xu Ying recovered a little and suppressed the injury to avoid getting more injured, and said: Senior brother, it's useless. Unless you can urinate blood and have blood in the stool like the ancestor god, and expel the Tao injury, no panacea can cure your Tao injury. .”

Lou Mingyu laughed and said: What a coincidence, the Holy Master knows everything and once taught me a similar method!

He was about to urinate blood to heal his injuries, but Xu Ying quickly said: Brother, there is no need for us to continue to compete for superiority in the treatment of injuries. How about this, I will help you understand the truth behind the injuries, and you can help me resolve them. Tao injury.

The two hit it off and healed each other.

Lou Mingyu's injuries gradually recovered and he said in surprise: Junior Brother Xu, for some reason, I always have the feeling that you and I are in the same realm. It's really weird. You are clearly in the realm of immortals and have not yet become an immortal king. Why do you give me this illusion?

Xu Ying's injuries gradually improved a lot, and he said in surprise: Have you noticed it too? I have this illusion too! I don't think your level is higher than mine, we are all at the same level.

loud …”

Xu Ying was also thinking hard, and suddenly remembered that when he and Lou Mingyu were trying their best, the scene of the Eight Great Paths appeared behind Lou Mingyu.

Wait a minute! You and I are really on the same level!

Xu Ying woke up, shouted, surprised and happy, released his ten great scenes, and said with a smile, Senior Brother Lou, please take a look!

When Lou Mingyu saw his Dao Jing, he immediately woke up and released his Eight Dao Jing.

The two Taoist scenes are floating in the air, exuding a Taoist atmosphere that is different from that of Daohua Daoguo.

The size of their Taoist scenes is also similar, and the strength of their auras is also very similar.

loud To the current scale, it’s just that my attainments in the Eight Great Paths are not high enough to break through and reach the Supreme Realm.”

Xu Ying frowned and said: Judging from the scale of Dao Jing, if you are in the realm of Tianjun, then I should also be in the realm of Tianjun. Why am I in the realm of Tianxian?

He walked around and suddenly said: If I dig up your Tao trees, Tao flowers, and Tao seeds, you will also be in the realm of immortals, the same realm as me!

Lou Mingyu was stunned, he had never thought of this problem!

In the realm of the Immortal King, the laws of immortality are transformed into Tao chains, and the Tao chains are seeds. In the Immortal King realm, Tao trees are planted, and in the Heavenly King realm, the Tao trees bloom and become Tao flowers.

If these three realms are taken away, then he is indeed in the same realm as Xu Ying!

Xu Ying asked the doubts in his heart: Why don't Tianjun Realm continue to practice on the basis of Dao Trees and Dao Flowers? Why do they start from scratch instead?

Lou Mingyu frowned deeply and thought: Yes, why start a new endeavor? If the Taoist tree and Taohua are useless, why practice? If the Taoist tree and Taohua are useful, why start a new one... Junior Brother Xu, when did you start practicing Taojing? ?”

Xu Ying said without thinking: Qi collection period!

Lou Mingyu was stunned: During the Qi collection period, you started to practice Taoism to attack the supreme realm? You are really a weirdo...

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Our Nuo masters in Yuanshou have all started practicing Dao Jing since the Qi collection period.

Lou Mingyu was deeply stunned.

Yuan Shou's Nuo masters have been practicing Taoism to reach the Supreme Realm since the Qi-gathering stage. What a powerful group of experts must they be?

These people will definitely shock the world!

However, he had never lived in Yuanzai, and he did not know that instead of becoming stronger as a result, the Yuanzai world had led to the prevalence of Leek Man fishermen more than 40,000 years ago, leading to fierce internal strife for more than 40,000 years.

At that time, I was practicing Qi and Nuo techniques, and gradually figured out that the six realms were integrated, but the Dao scenery had not yet been completed. Later I went to the ancestral court and slowly understood the ten Dao scenery, and then I achieved some success.

Xu Yingdao said, When you achieve the ten great realms by yourself, your cultivation strength will begin to improve by leaps and bounds.

Lou Mingyu listened to his description and analyzed: When you put it like that, I think you seem to have practiced two different systems of cultivating immortality. One is cultivating immortality through Nuo method, and the other is cultivating immortality through Qi refining.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands and said, That's true! If I practice the Nuo method to the ninth level of the Cave Heaven, I will reach the realm of the Nuo Immortal. If I refine my Qi and practice to the ascension stage, and I will transcend tribulations and ascend, I will reach the realm of the Human Immortal.

When he said this, he suddenly froze. After a moment, Xu Ying said in shock: Senior Brother Lou, I may have walked a path from Nuo Master to Supreme!

He jumped up with excitement, put his hands on his hips, and laughed loudly: I have overcome all the obstacles to the Supreme New Way! I am a grand master! I am already an unprecedented grand master!

Xu Ying was surprised and happy.

He had never imagined this path. He just came into contact with the Nuo method when he was a child and practiced it like this. But unknowingly, he actually took the path from Nuo master to the Supreme!

He used to worry about his moral conduct. His moral conduct was always too high, his fighting power was too high, and his realm was too low.

He once asked others for advice on this, and someone told him that he had some Taoist practices and cultivation abilities that were not in the realm of Qi refining, and suggested that he find his own path.

He thought hard about this and tried to find ways to take advantage of his moral conduct and combat power. After refining the Ten Great Sceneries, his realm rapidly improved.

However, now he suddenly wants to understand that the reason why his Tao Xing is too high, his combat power is too high, and his realm is too low, excluding factors such as his first life and magic weapons, should be his realm on the road from Nuo to Supreme. It has reached a very high level!

For example, the current level of Xu Ying and Nuo is already at the level of Tianjun. But his realm in refining qi is still at the level of an immortal. Therefore, when measured by the realm of the old way, he is a heavenly immortal, but when measured by the realm of Nuo, he is a heavenly king!

Xu Ying exhaled a breath, he finally found a path, and this path leads directly to the Supreme Realm!

loud Let’s get these realms out first and understand them!”

Xu Ying raised his head and chest, and said with a smile: I will understand this naturally. Ayu, after I become the Grand Master, I will not treat you badly! You can be my sword-holding boy.

Lou Mingyu groaned, feeling very uncomfortable as he felt that he was so successful.

Xu Ying laughed loudly, walked out of the Holy Lord Daluotian with his head held high.

Lou Mingyu was very envious and thought to himself: I wonder if he can sort out the various realms of the new way? If he can sort it out and teach it to the world, he will not only be a great master. But...

The new Taoist ancestor!

The weight of this new Taoist ancestor is definitely much heavier than the weight of the various Taoist ancestors in ancient times!

It can even be said that from now on, all immortals must respect him as the Patriarch of the Dao until the New Dao Era is destroyed!

Not to mention anything else, just the incense offered by future Nuo masters and immortals is enough to make Xu Ying one of the most powerful beings!

Even if Xu Ying doesn't care about the divine power of incense and fire, he can refine the soul of heaven and earth and the body of Tao, which is probably stronger than other people's soul of heaven and earth and Tao body!

The benefits are self-evident.

Lou Mingyu thought to himself: However, I can be regarded as meritorious in enlightening him. How can I become a sword-holding boy next to Dao Ancestor... Bah, bah, I won't be his sword-holding boy!

While he was recovering from his injuries, he carefully recalled his various responses to Xu Ying's confrontation, looking for flaws in his Taoist and magical powers.

After three or five days, he absorbed the results of this battle, his injuries healed, and his heart was unbearable. He immediately left Daluotian and headed for the Immortal Courtyard.

When they arrived at Youtian, Emperor Jiuyou looked around eagerly. When he saw him passing by, he quickly greeted him: Junior Brother Lou, an invitation is worse than a chance encounter. Why don't you come and sit here with me?

No, no.

Lou Mingyu quickly refused and said with a smile, I have something urgent to do and I have to go find Xu Ying. I will come to apologize another day.

Emperor Jiuyou watched him go away, feeling angry in his heart: That boy named Xu has more dignity than me? What a bastard!

Lou Mingyu came to the Immortal Court, and after inquiring, he found out that Xu Ying had been named the new emperor by the Immortal Emperor because of his meritorious service in suppressing the rebellion. The emperors of Wenchang, Wuqu, Shimen, Zhongyi, etc., respected Xu Ying and commanded them. The world's male immortals.

When Lou Mingyu arrived at the Emperor's Mansion, he saw that it was being renovated and Xu Ying was not here. After asking around, he found out that Xu Ying was still in the Helingdu Ancient Heavenly Palace in Doubu.

Lou Mingyu came to Doubu just as Xu Ying came out of Helingdu Ancient Heaven Palace.

Senior Brother Lou, I'm looking for you!

Xu Ying said excitedly, This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the Holy Lord to talk!

Lou Mingyu said yes and said: Congratulations, junior brother, for becoming the emperor of Immortal Court.

Xu Ying did not care about the size of his official position and said with a smile: Fortunately, it is a sinecure position. Otherwise, if you are busy with official duties every day, how would you have the opportunity to gain enlightenment?

When the two of them arrived at the ninth heaven, Yangtian, their hands were itchy and they slowed down unknowingly.

Lou Mingyu suggested: The battles in the past few days have given me a lot of insights, and I feel that I am a little stronger than I was that day. So I want to learn from it again.

Xu Ying spoke quickly and said with a smile: You mean, go alone?

Lou Mingyu nodded slightly: Let's go.

Emperor Yanglong was currently renovating the Yangtian Palace. Emperor Yanglong personally supervised the work, and it had already been renovated to perfection.

A few days ago, Xu Ying fought with Lou Mingyu. Although they only exchanged one move, they went all out, causing Yangtian to set off a terrible impact, turning Yangtian Tiangong upside down.

It will be completed in two days.

Emperor Yang Long just thought of this and felt something in his heart. Looking back, he saw Xu Ying and Lou Mingyu erupting in momentum again. The power of their magical powers expanded almost like an explosion, and they collided unscrupulously!

It's over.

Emperor Yang Long felt a chill in his heart, The completion date may have to be postponed for a few more days... You two bastards! If I hadn't been unable to defeat the Holy Lord, I would have made you look good!


A terrifying impact followed, knocking off the newly repaired parts and shattering them into pieces!

——The third update is here! ! Thank you fellow Taoist Lingzhao for your generous reward, thank you! ! ! Five hundred and one leaders!

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