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Chapter 608: New Dao Ancestor (Second update)

I'm not doing well at all!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan immediately grabbed the Holy Lord's hand and complained to him, saying, I have been imprisoned in the Taiyi Cave for a full six hundred thousand years, and I am constantly fighting gods and demons outside the territory. I am so annoyed! These six hundred thousand In 2016, I couldn't eat well or sleep well. It wasn't until recently that I found someone who took advantage of me and finally regained my freedom. Now that I can release my nature, I can know what it's like to live in the world.

The Holy Lord was extremely envious and said with a smile: Qingxuan, you can regain your freedom and release your nature, but I have to declare my nature to avoid being robbed of my mind!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan asked in confusion: Why can't you release your nature? Yes, you have to get rid of distracting thoughts to achieve the supreme state. This path is incomplete and was changed from the old path. It was just an expedient measure at the time. You follow my instructions Didn't the path of cultivation that I followed back then involve going against my nature and cutting off my nature?

The Holy Lord was shocked and asked for advice: Why did Junior Brother Qingxuan say that?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan tore off the deer leg, dipped it in wine and ate it, while making a loud sound and said, Let me ask you, do you practice the new way or cultivate the fruit of the way?

The Holy Lord saw that he was tearing the deer meat with his hands, and his hands were greasy. He couldn't help frowning and said: Don't practice. The biggest difference between the new way and the old way is that you don't practice the fruits of the path, but only the scenery of the path.

Seeing that he couldn't let go, the good-for-nothing Qingxuan directly stuffed a large piece of venison into his hands and said with a smile: Do you want to cultivate Tao flowers or not? Do you want to cultivate Tao trees? Does Tao flowers and Tao trees have anything to do with Tao Jing?

The Holy Lord's hands were covered with oil, so he didn't care anymore and just ate meat and drank wine as much as he did.

you're right!

Hearing this, he couldn't help but be startled, clapped his hands suddenly and said, Yes! If the new way doesn't cultivate the Taoist fruit, why do we need to cultivate the Taoist flower tree?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan clinked the bowl with him, the aroma of wine overflowing, and said with a smile: So, the Immortal King Realm and the Heavenly Sovereign Realm are both bad-ass realms. You can make a hammer, but there are no nails to use. The real new way should be in the Immortal King Realm. , the realm begins to change even earlier, and the power of the Tao is gathered to cultivate Tao Jing. This is the direct path to the Supreme, you are practicing wrong.

The Holy Lord was stunned and stayed for a long time before he said: I didn't expect that I have been practicing cultivation. It turns out that I have cultivated the wrong part in the middle.

Waste Qingxuan said: Back then, our group of people often came from various Dao sects or fairy courts, and we were the inheritance of the old Dao. When we rebelled, our cultivation realm was already extremely high. We did not completely abandon the old Dao, we could only A breakthrough on the basis of the old way. But the realm that truly belongs to the new way does not start with the transformation from Tianjun.

The Holy Lord had not considered this issue originally, but after he mentioned it, he was convinced and said: The root of the new way is that it is not rooted in the earth, but is rooted in the old way, so that something goes wrong.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled brightly and said: Remember the great injustice I just told you about, right? The great injustice practiced the new way. Maybe he started to change from the root, and what he practiced during the Qi collection period was the new way!

The Holy Lord was stunned: A great injustice? Is the great injustice you are talking about Xu Ying?

Only Xu Ying was summoned to Taiyi Dongyuan. It can be seen that the great grievance who replaced the useless Qingxuan to guard Taiyi Dongyuan was Xu Ying.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled and nodded repeatedly.

The Holy Lord was stunned and murmured: Xu Ying has been practicing the new way from the beginning? Yes, he is the leek that Mingzun has worked hard to cultivate. What he has learned from the beginning is the Six Secrets of the Human Body. The essence of the Six Secrets of the Human Body is the Six Great Paths. scene……

Start practicing from the Six Great Dao Scenery, which is called Nuo. Step by step, you can refine it into the Six Great Immortal Domains, then practice the Six Dao Dao Scenery, and then refine it into the Six Domains.

In other words, when Xu Ying cultivated the six realms into one, he was already an immortal of the new path!

Then Xu Ying entered the ancestral court, and under Ming Zun's various arrangements and calculations, he gradually realized the other four great scenes and completed the ten great views!

He refined the ten realms into one and built a dojo. This is a complete step of new Tao cultivation!

The new path has actually been passed through by Xu Ying unintentionally, but even Xu Ying himself didn't notice it!

If Ming Zun cuts this person's leeks, then the cause and effect will be great.

The Holy Lord murmured, Cut the new Taoist ancestors like leeks. Ming Zun is really a generous man. If this is successful, Ming Zun will be famous forever and die without a burial place!

He hesitated, and with a single order, Ming Zun could not harvest Xu Ying, but if Xu Ying promoted all realms of the new way in the future, he would definitely be on an equal footing with him, the Supreme Emperor, and his status might even be in jeopardy.

It's not appropriate for me to interfere in this matter, just let it take its own course. He said silently in his heart.

The two continued to drink and eat meat, chatting and laughing. The Holy Lord felt that he had never been so relaxed and happy since Qingxuan's death. The number of times he has laughed in the past five or six hundred thousand years is not as many times as the number of times he has laughed during this meal.

Junior Brother Qingxuan, do you know that you are deceased? the Holy Lord asked.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled and said: You guessed it. If I were still alive, it would be impossible for no one to come to Taiyi Cave Abyss for so long. I've probably been dead for a long time.

The Holy Lord stood up, adjusted his clothes, knelt down and kowtowed to him, and bowed his head and said: In the battle to seize power, my junior brother died in my hands. Over the years, I have often regretted my decision that day.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan was silent for a moment and said, Did I succeed?

The Holy Lord was stunned and raised his head: What?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said: Have I overthrown the old era?

The Holy Lord nodded and said: Junior brother created the Supreme Realm, verified the Supreme Realm, led our various rebel armies, attacked the Ziwei Immortal Court, forced Emperor Haocang to abdicate, and gave the queen the title of Lord.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled and said: Since my wish has been fulfilled, then I can die without any regrets. Get up quickly.

Death without regrets?

The Holy Lord was silent for a long time, then stood up slowly and said, Brother Taoist's realm is beyond my reach, which makes me feel even more ashamed.

The waste Qingxuan smiled and said: What are you ashamed of? I am just a waste cut out by Qingxuan.

The saint bowed his head to the ground, turned and left.

He came to the sea of ​​​​the sky, stood up, and did not need the golden boat of the three realms. He stepped on the long river of spiritual light and crossed the river with only his physical body.

When Taoist Yuji came to the ancestral court, he saw the ancestral god carrying the ancestral court, splicing it with the earthly immortal world, and then left in a hurry.

However, the connection between the ancestral court and the earthly immortal world still caused quite a bit of confusion.

The heavenly way of the ancestral court is the heavenly way of the ancient times, while the heavenly way of all the worlds is the new heavenly way. The two kinds of heavenly ways conflict with each other, and they collide, forming a strange zone at the border.

The chaos of the heavenly path in the strange area is sometimes a pattern structure and sometimes a rune structure, creating all kinds of terrifying phenomena.

Taoist Yuji came to a sky-repairing artifact and carefully looked at this strange artifact. He saw the ancestral immortal coming to inspect the artifact.

The conflict between the ancestral court and the heavenly laws of the Earthly Immortal Realm has caused many heaven-repairing artifacts to be put under great pressure. When these artifacts were refined, the conflict between the old and new heavenly laws was not envisaged, resulting in many artifacts being damaged.

When Taoist Yuji saw these ancestral immortals, he immediately said: Who made these heaven-repairing magic weapons? Find this person for me. She can make such a good magic weapon so well!

Everyone saw that he was shrouded in darkness, and he did not seem to be a kind person. They felt awe-inspiring in their hearts. An immortal said: Your Excellency, we will go and invite Zhu Tiangong in a moment.

Taoist Yuji then waited next to the heaven-mending artifact and said, If you mend the artifact like this, it won't take long before the treasure will still be broken. Get out of the way and I'll help you refine it again.

All the immortals got out of the way, and Taoist Yuji quickly refining the heaven-repairing artifact. He saw that the sky-repairing artifact, which was originally as big as a mountain, suddenly shrank a lot and was only about ten feet in diameter.

When the immortals saw it, they looked at each other, and one person whispered: Is this person a fellow disciple of Zhu Tiangong? He has shrunk so much after refining the treasure!

All the immortals nodded: This person's methods are even more outrageous. We didn't even see how he was cheating. The magic weapon suddenly became smaller.

Zhuchanchan had such a problem. Many people came to her to refine treasures, but no matter how many treasure materials were sent, the magic treasures she finally refined were much smaller than she expected.

At this time, a woman's voice came, shouting from a distance: Who dares to say that my magic weapon is not well refined?

Taoist Yuji followed the sound and saw a beautiful girl rushing towards this side in a hurry. She had the face of a young girl, with an angry look on her face, and she was fuming.

Several immortals hurriedly stepped forward and said: Zhu Tiangong is the weirdo who got trapped in the darkness! He also made our sky-repairing artifact smaller. It turned out to be so big, but he made it smaller after trying it for some reason. A lot!”

Taoist Yuji smiled proudly and said, I am Yuji...

You're Yu Ji, I'm still the overlord!

Zhu Chanchan was furious, sacrificed to Feilaifeng, and then hit Taoist Yuji on the head, saying angrily, You are just refining the magic weapon, but you still cheated on it like me! Spit it out!


Feilai Peak hit Taoist Yuji on the head and was torn into pieces, shattering all over the ground.

Zhu Chanchan was startled, knowing that she had met a powerful person, she immediately became more ladylike, and said softly and softly: It turns out to be Senior Yuji. Senior, what advice do you have here? The little girl is all ears.

Taoist Yuji snorted and said, Go and take a look at my re-refined Heaven-Mending Artifact.

Zhu Chanchan came to the heaven-mending artifact and looked at it carefully, her face became more solemn. She looked around the Heaven-Mending Artifact piece by piece, fascinated. After a long time, Taoist Yuji coughed: Little girl, are you watching?

Zhuchanchan woke up with a start, stood up silently, came to Taoist Yuji, made a pop, and fell to the ground.

Taoist Yuji said calmly: Get up. I will accept you as my disciple.

Zhu Chanchan stood up, stood beside him obediently, and said with a smile, Thank you for your favor, teacher.

Taoist Yuji said: I am Taoist Yuji. I was originally the chief engineer of Xianting in the New Dynasty. I am famous for refining several magic weapons for people. I just saw that you have great ideas for refining the heaven-repairing artifact, so I took action. Got the love for talents.”

Zhu Chanchan's eyes shone: Is this disciple's skill at refining treasures very powerful?

not at all.

Taoist Yuji said honestly, It's a mess, but the idea is very good and can be made.

Zhu Chanchan was quite dissatisfied: Disciple refines magical weapons to mend the sky for the ancestral court. What famous magic weapons has the teacher refined?

Taoist Yu Ji said: I have refined all the supreme magic weapons you can think of. Let's go and refining these heaven-repairing artifacts together.

Are all the supreme magic weapons made by this person?

Zhuchanchan couldn't help being shocked, and said silently in her heart: This teacher I accidentally worshiped may be a big shot.


Lou Mingyu sent Xu Ying to the edge of Daluotian. Xu Ying politely asked him to stay and said with a smile: Senior Brother Lou is so good at talking, and he is still alive today. It shows that the Holy Lord must be extremely talented.

Lou Mingyu laughed and said: You are the same. I heard that Junior Brother Xu comes from a scholarly family and speaks pleasantly. But he is still alive today. It must be Mingzun who protects Liek very well.

Xu Ying laughed loudly and said: Senior Brother Lou learned from the Holy Master, he must be very powerful, right? I don't know what the Holy Master is capable of, how much has Senior Brother Lou learned?

Lou Mingyu hurriedly waved his hands: I can't do that. Junior Brother Xu is proficient in Cuiyan Avenue, and has mastered Cuiyan's supernatural powers. He is only fifty thousand years old and is already the number one in my generation. How dare I hurt Junior Brother?

Xu Ying smiled broadly and said: The inheritance of the Holy Lord must be very powerful. I originally wanted to see the skills of the Holy Lord, but I thought that my senior brother must be among the best. As the number one person, I am afraid that I am not as good as you. It’s a pity that senior brother is going back to Daluotian.”

Lou Mingyu stood still and said with a faint smile: The Holy Lord is not in Daluotian, so I will have nothing to do when I go back. We brothers, please don't hurt the harmony.

Xu Ying smiled and said, That's right. If you verify it with your own hands, it will be easy to find out. We are all brothers, and our love is as strong as gold. We can't lose the big because of the small. Then, I'll take my leave.

Lou Mingyu sent him off eagerly and said, Should I see you off again?

Xu Ying said happily: Okay.

They went down to Daluotian together and came to Yangtian of Emperor Yanglong.

Emperor Yang Long was originally waiting in the Yangtian Palace, hoping that Lou Mingyu would come down and gather with him. As soon as he saw Xu Ying and Lou Mingyu, he saw that they were talking and laughing just now, and the next moment they attacked each other at the same time!

Xu Ying and Lou Mingyu didn't know who made the move first, but in short, they suddenly became violent.

Xu Ying wanted to see how advanced the Holy Lord's Taoist and magical powers were, and Lou Mingyu also wanted to prove that he had practiced diligently over the years. Compared with Xu Ying and other madmen who dared to kill the Changsheng Emperor, Which one is higher and which one is lower?

Lou Mingyu had already cultivated to the level of Tianjun. As soon as he came into contact with Xu Yingfu, Xu Ying felt the extremely powerful magic power crushing him. His cultivation was so powerful that it far surpassed his own!

What's even more terrifying is that there is an ancient flat peach tree growing behind him. There are thousands of peach blossoms on the tree, and the flowers are in clusters, red and pink, and very brilliant.

Tianjun Tianjun only has one Dao flower, one Dao flower and one Dao fruit.

But the inheritance of the Holy Lord is really terrible. Lou Mingyu's Taoism has obviously reached an extremely high level, far surpassing that of the Heavenly Lord, so he can train thousands of Taoist flowers!

One Dao flower means a kind of Dao inheritance. So many Dao flowers mean that there are thousands of Dao inheritances mastered by Lou Mingyu!

Xu Ying felt the opponent's mana crushing him, almost crushing his own mana, and entered the Huan form without any explanation. In an instant, his body was several times taller, with countless branch-like textures flying around his body. The dojo was dark and vast, with tall and tall figures. The ancient god appears!

Xu Ying used the Earth Immortal Seal and his strength exploded!

Their bodies were each shaken violently, and eight Taoist phenomena appeared behind Lou Mingyu, which disappeared in a flash. The Taiyi Cave Abyss shrouded in darkness behind Xu Ying was also shaken to the surface, and ten great scenes appeared in the cave abyss.

Teach me something. Xu Ying said without changing his expression.

Lou Mingyu said solemnly: It doesn't hurt the harmony.



The two of them separated, promising to leave for the next nine days. Lou Mingyu watched him go away, then turned around and flew towards Da Luotian. He came to a large Luotian, suddenly staggered, groaned, and almost fell down.

Lou Mingyu vomited blood and looked pale. He took a few deep breaths and coughed up blood and said: What a powerful magical power. His cultivation level is far inferior to mine, but it can still hurt me to this extent...

As soon as he said this, Xu Ying's voice suddenly came from behind him: Senior Brother Lou, were you injured by me?

Lou Mingyu turned around and was shocked to find that Xu Ying had followed him sneakily at some point.

Seeing that he was injured, Xu Ying couldn't help laughing: You were indeed injured by me. It seems that my senior brother is still a little behind me, haha...

Before he could laugh out loud, blood was pouring out of his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, which was no better than Lou Mingyu.

——Second update. Zhai Zhu works hard to write the third update. There is definitely a third one, but pigs’ hooves are slow and their brains are not easy to use, so it may be a little later.

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