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Chapter 610 The Fourteenth Realm of the New Way

Xu Ying and Lou Mingyu fought for only a few rounds before each suffered heavy losses and were unable to survive, so they had to support each other and return to Daluotian, which is above the nine heavens, to recuperate.

The two of them, one wanted to verify whether what they learned from the Holy Master was authentic, and the other wanted to verify that their abilities were better than the Holy Master, so they were very aggressive. One or two moves could determine life or death. Maybe There is no need to decide the winner.

So when they faced the final life-and-death showdown, they stopped in unison.

In the Holy Lord's Da Luo Tian, ​​Xu Ying and Lou Mingyu treated each other's injuries. Lou Mingyu asked: Junior Brother Xu, how have you been doing in the past few days?

Xu Ying smiled and said, It's been sorted out.

Lou Mingyu became energetic and said quickly: Let's talk and listen.

Xu Yingdao: I plan to divide the Nuo method of cultivating immortals into two stages. The first stage is Dongtian, and the second stage is called Daojing. The Dongtian stage corresponds to the nine realms of Qi refining practitioners from gathering Qi to ascension. For the nine realms.”

Lou Mingyu's admiration arose spontaneously, his face was solemn, and he said: May I ask how to divide these nine realms?

Xu Ying hesitated and said: Let's call it the first level of cave heaven, the second level of cave heaven, the third level of cave heaven, and so on, until the ninth level of cave heaven.

Lou Mingyu was stunned, and after a moment, he said: Xu Daozu's classification of the realms of the Dao Jingjing stage must be the first level of Tao Jingjing, the second level of Tao Jingjing, and the third level of Tao Jingjing, right?

Xu Ying was surprised and said: Senior Brother Lou can actually predict the future. Could it be that he is also proficient in divine arithmetic?

Lou Mingyu secretly sighed that this person was ignorant and incompetent. But it happened that Xu Ying, who had a relatively low level of education, had pioneered and completely walked the path of the new path. Currently, he was just short of a Supreme Being who could attain enlightenment. And he studied under Shengzun, and his educational level can be said to be extremely high, higher than that of Mingzun. After all, Mingzun's teacher Qingxuan died early, while Shengzun was still alive.

But he did not create a new cultivation system.

Thinking of this, Lou Mingyu felt so sad that he wanted to vomit blood.

Xu Ying asked doubtfully: If you divide it like this, the name is not good?

Lou Mingyu shook his head and said: Look at the original divisions of realms, Gathering Qi, Knocking Pass, Jiaolian, Chonglou, Yaochi, Shenqiao, and Yujing. The names of these realms are very charming and represent the characteristics of each realm. When you come here, it becomes the first level of cave heaven and the second level of cave heaven, and it is too illiterate.

Xu Ying said with a smile: It's good to get the name of Qi Qi Knocking Guan Jiao Lian Chong Tower, but many people can't remember it, so it's too complicated to argue about it. It's not as easy to remember the first level, the second level, and the third level. Even children can understand it, so won’t it be easier to practice?”

Lou Mingyu explained euphemistically: But each realm should also be described. Otherwise, you will not know how to practice when you enter this realm. Moreover, you are simply opening up the cave sky. The cave sky corresponds to the ten scenes of Taixu. If one day Taixu What should we do if the virtual ten sceneries are gone?

Xu Ying pondered.

Today's Nuo Immortals are actually opening up the realm of Taixu by opening up caves, absorbing Taoist power from the six Taixu Taoist scenes and turning them into power, integrating them into themselves.

But the Ten Scenes of Taixu are just the Ten Great Scenes of Qingxuan, and sooner or later they will be exhausted. If the new way is only based on the continuation of Qingxuan's Ten Scenes of Taixu, it will be destroyed sooner or later.

And like Xu Ying, it is too difficult to open the ten caves of the immortal world and steal the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth for one's own use.

From ancient times to the present, only two people have reached this level of cultivation, the first is Qingxuan, and the second is Xu Ying.

Even if his teachings were spread, no one would be able to learn them. If anyone could learn it, the Immortal Emperor would not wait for the promise of this generation for 600,000 years.

Xu Ying pondered for a long time and said, Let me go back and think about it and come up with a path to the realm that is not too difficult.

A few days later, the two men recovered from their injuries. Lou Mingyu went down to Daluotian again to look for Xu Ying. The two of them joined hands and went to Daluotian again.

When they arrived in Yangtian, Emperor Yanglong saw the two coming from a distance. He immediately became nervous and ordered the craftsmen to stop repairing and go home.

After a while, Emperor Yang Long came to Emperor Taixiao and said with a smile: I'll be bothering you for a few days.

Waves of terrifying aura came from Yangtian, and it was Xu Ying and Lou Mingyu who clashed again, and the killing turned upside down.

Emperor Yang Long sighed, with a worried look on his face.

A few days later, Emperor Taixiao said: Brother Taoist, it's not that I don't want to entertain you, but it's just that it's not an option for you to stay here for a long time.

Emperor Yanglong had no choice but to say goodbye, came to Emperor Jiuyou, and said with a smile: I'll bother you for a few days.

There were waves of terrifying fluctuations in the sun. It should be that Xu Ying and Lou Mingyu rested for a few days and then went to war again to compete with each other.

As the days passed, Emperor Jiuyou gradually became bored and served tea to see off the guests. Emperor Yanglong saw the tea and understood its elegance, so he stood up to leave and went to Emperor Luhe to harass him for a few days.

He was secretly worried in his heart: Que Lin, Fuyue and Caiwei are all women. If I go to bother them, I'm afraid there will be gossips saying that our Nine Emperors are unclean. Emperor Qinghua is a man, but it's a pity that he is a The old man with a weird temper can't get along with me. If Emperor Lu He drives me away again, I'm afraid I'll have to live there until Xia Tian.

But there is no new Emperor of Immortality in Yantian. If he goes to live here, others may think that he has devalued himself. The good Yang Long Emperor refuses to do so and runs to become the Emperor of Immortality.

How long are these two bastards going to keep going on? Emperor Yang Long was unhappy.

Previously, it was Lou Mingyu who went to Xu Ying, but later it was Xu Ying who went to find Lou Mingyu, and the two still fought in Yangtian.

These days, Xu Ying and Lou Mingyu could only take one move from each other, then gradually moved to two or three moves, and then to more than ten moves to severely injure each other. Their cultivation and vision had improved a lot.

But the longer they fought, the more serious the damage to Yangtian was, leaving Emperor Yanglong really helpless.

On this day, Xu Ying came to look for Lou Mingyu again. Lou Mingyu came back to his senses and said with a smile: Junior Brother Xu has taken the initiative to come to me these days. It must not be as simple as confirming each other's cultivation and Taoism. There must be other reasons.

Xu Ying sighed and said, Mingzun is out of seclusion.

Lou Mingyu suddenly had a sudden thought. Mingzun was the Immortal Emperor Supreme. He had previously entered the Supreme Cave to heal his injuries, and now his injuries were fully recovered.

Promise is a crop planted by the Immortal Emperor. It has matured. If it is not harvested, it may not be harvested in the future. Therefore, the Immortal Emperor is extremely concerned about harvesting Promise.

Last time the Holy Lord was there, the Immortal Emperor would not directly harvest it, but this time the Holy Lord went to the human world and has not returned, giving the Immortal Emperor an opportunity to take advantage of it!

You father and son, your achievements are unparalleled. If you father and son hadn't taken action to thwart the Changsheng Emperor's conspiracy, the person sitting on the Immortal Emperor's seat would have been the Changsheng Emperor!

Lou Mingyu was quite unhappy and said, Emperor Changsheng got the throne and used the Supreme Cave Abyss to prove the Supreme. What's the use of Mingzun coming back? Emperor Changsheng united with the other eight emperors, Mingzun's throne can only be obeyed! How could he not I am thinking of your kindness and come to harvest you?

Xu Yingdao: I am the crop he planted, and he settled the enmity between me and the Changsheng Emperor. As early as 48,000 years ago, he asked the clone of the Changsheng Emperor to suppress me and deal with me. He used this hatred to eradicate Emperor Changsheng, of course he will feel that this is his ability, not my kindness.

Lou Mingyu thought: You have done a good job in quelling the chaos. If he kills you, he will bear infamy and become a handle for the Nine Heavens and Eight Emperors. If the Nine Heavens and Eight Emperors catch this handle, they will deal with him!

I originally thought he would care about his reputation and the Eight Emperors of the Nine Heavens, but now that I think about it, the Supreme Immortal Emperor will definitely attack me.

Xu Ying said, Today's opportunity is too rare. Jiutian has been severely damaged. Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren have fallen into the human world and have not returned yet. At the moment, only the Holy Lord can restrain him from attacking me.

Lou Mingyu said: The Holy Lord is not in Daluotian.

Xu Ying nodded lightly: But he doesn't know that the Holy Lord is not in Daluotian.

Lou Mingyu blinked his eyes and said with a smile: The reason why you took the initiative to run to Daluotian during this period is to make Mingzun mistakenly think that the Holy Lord favors you and will summon you every few days.

Xu Ying sighed, cheered up, and said: I can only pray now that the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God will not take action when they meet in the human world.

If these two supreme beings take action, their power will definitely shake the universe and the momentum will be huge. At that time, when Mingzun sees the vision, he will realize that the Holy Lord may not be in Daluotian!

Lou Mingyu smiled and said: Don't worry, the human world is very big, many times larger than the immortal world. They will not meet by such a coincidence.

Xu Ying looked worried: I hope so.

He temporarily put aside his distracting thoughts and studied the new realm while healing his wounds.

These days, he and Lou Mingyu have been communicating and competing. Both of them have advanced very quickly in cultivation, but there is still a long way to go before reaching the Supreme realm.

However, Xu Ying still has many unsolved problems in sorting out the realm of the New Dao. The path to the Ten Great Immortal Realms and Cave Heaven can only be accomplished by such unparalleled geniuses as Xu Ying and Qingxuan. If you want the New Dao to spread, you must give up this path. road.

The purpose of the new Dao realm is to cultivate the Dao scenery. The process of cultivating the Dao scenery cannot be accomplished overnight, and requires early understanding. Dao scenery cannot be created out of nothing.

Xu Ying suddenly woke up and said to Lou Mingyu, I plan to combine the two methods of Nuo cultivation and Qi refining, so as to break out of the limitations of Nuo and re-establish the major realms of the new Tao. I still call these people Qi refining practitioners. Monks first need to collect Qi and refine Qi, so the first state is still to collect Qi, consolidate the foundation and cultivate the Yuan, bring the five Qi towards the Yuan, collect the vitality of heaven and earth, and refine oneself internally.”

Lou Mingyu nodded lightly. This was the first state of Qi refining, and it was not created by Xu Ying.

Xu Yingdao: The second realm is called Hidden Scenery. Looking inside the realm of Xiyi, opening up a cave in the Hidden Land, observing Taoism, and forming an inner cave, which is called Hidden Scenery.

Lou Mingyu said in surprise: Yinjing? What a good name for this realm! It's very charming! Yinjing is a hidden Taoist scene!

He was full of praise, which made Xu Ying blush slightly. Fortunately, no one noticed his dark face.

The word hidden scene was originally a term used in Nuo method, and was not his original creation.

The third realm is still the original realm, but it is not called Jiaolian, but called Golden Pill. Xu Ying continued.

Lou Mingyu nodded slightly, and Xu Ying deducted the realm of the Knocking Off Period. Because the Knocking Off Period is actually very short, you only need to open the tail gate to get through it.

The realm of cross-refining is called golden elixir, which is actually somewhat inappropriate. Cross-refining refers to the refining of water and fire, which is the most critical step in refining golden elixir. Directly calling it the golden elixir loses the charm of the realm.

But thinking about Xu's cultural heritage, Lou Mingyu felt relieved.

The fourth realm is called Dongyuan. Xu Ying said.

Dongyuan? Lou Mingyu was confused.

Xu Ying nodded and said: Dongyuan. This realm is based on the hidden scene, and the golden elixir is the means of perception. It creates a fairyland in the hidden scene. I call it Dongyuan. The golden elixir enhances the Qi Refiner's ability to control the world After cultivating the golden elixir, one can comprehend the great road of heaven and earth and condense the Tao images to form the cave abyss, so the cave abyss is the fourth realm.

Lou Mingyu frowned slightly. From Jindan to Dongyuan, the span is huge. It is probably a realm that greatly improves the cultivation strength of Qi Refiners.

He also discovered one thing. Although Xu Ying only said that Dongyuan was the fourth realm, this fourth realm did not correspond to the fourth realm of Qi Refiners.

The realm of the Qi Refiner is divided into nine realms: Gathering Qi, Weilu, Jiaolian, Jiaji, Chonglou, Yaochi, Shenqiao, Jade Pillow, and Ascension. The fourth realm is Knocking on Jiaji Pass.

But the fourth realm of the new path, the Dongyuan Realm, is definitely much stronger than the Knocking Jiaji Pass, and can even compete with the Chonglou Realm!

Xu Ying continued: The fifth realm is the Yuanshen realm.

Lou Mingyu raised his eyebrows, and Xu Ying skipped the second knocking stage and used the Chonglou stage in the Qi Refiner realm. Apparently he felt that the Chonglou stage was not intuitive enough, so he changed it to the Yuanshen stage to facilitate memory.

But the biggest feature of the Yuanshen realm is the twelve-story building. The golden elixir is hatched here, and the soul is branded on the twelfth floor and ascends to the Yaochi!

If you have cultivated to this point, the monk's strength at this time should be at the level of the Shenqiao stage or even the Ascension stage! Lou Mingyu thought to himself.

Xu Ying hesitated, glanced at Lou Mingyu, and said: The sixth realm is called the Nine Realms of Dongyuan.

Seeing that Lou Mingyu didn't refute, he still felt a little regretful in his heart. It was such a pity that he couldn't be named Dongyuan First Level, Second Level, and Third Level.

The Nine Realms of Dongyuan are based on the Dongyuan Realm, which continuously enhances one's understanding of the Tao, shapes one's own Dongtian, and refines the nine layers of Taoism.

The seventh realm is called Yaochi. Xu Ying said.

Lou Mingyu was extremely surprised and thought to himself: I didn't change my name this time.

He finally figured it out. Xu Ying actually planned to use the entire nine realms of the Qi Refiner as the basis for practicing a new way. Every time the Qi Refiner improved a step, after laying the foundation, he would take another step toward the Tao Jing!

By cultivating in this way, the Qi Refiner may be far superior to the current human, immortal and earthly immortals before he ascends!

Xu Ying continued: The eighth realm is called the Six Paths.

Lou Mingyu said solemnly: What is the explanation of the Six Paths?

Xu Ying said: I chose Mingzun as the benchmark. Mingzun can practice six kinds of Taoist realms and is the weakest Supreme. Therefore, if a Qi practitioner wants to cultivate to the Supreme realm, he needs to refine the six kinds of Taoism in this realm and prepare the six kinds of Taoism for the future. The Great Scenery. So this realm is called the Six Paths.

Lou Mingyu suddenly realized and said: Continue.

Xu Ying said: The ninth realm is ascension.

Lou Mingyu nodded slightly and said to himself: This realm is straightforward enough. However, the third knocking off stage and the divine bridge realm are hidden in it.

Although promised to hide away, these two realms are still there, but they are regarded as small realms within the Ascension Territory!

After cultivating to the Ascension Realm, the lowest level of cultivation strength is about the same as that of an Immortal today. He thought to himself.

Xu Ying continued: After the first stage of cultivation is completed, it is time to reach the second stage of Taoism. After ascension, the first realm is the Tao realm. The second realm is six realms, the third realm is the Taoist field, and the fourth realm is the Tao landscape. The fifth realm is the supreme realm.”

Lou Mingyu's scalp was numb. The Supreme Realm was originally supposed to be the seventh and eighth realms of the Immortal Realm, but now Xu Ying actually cut off the Taoist Trees and Flowers and entered the Supreme Realm directly!

But by the time they reach the realm of Dao Jing, the monks are already strong enough, even surpassing the current Tianjun realm, and strong enough to impact the Supreme realm!

He calmed down and said, How to verify?

Xu Ying offered up the mountain ruler and said: Simple! I will cut off my own realm and practice from scratch, and then I can verify whether these new realms are feasible!

After saying that, the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler fell, cutting off his three realms of Taoist Hall, Dao Realm, and Ten Realms, and then destroyed the Ten Great Cave Heavens!

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