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Chapter 605: As long as the saint does not die, the thieves will not stop

Xu Ying saw the gift and said, Thank you, Senior Brother Lou, for the compliment.

Lou Mingyu smiled and said: This is not a compliment. You killed the Changsheng Emperor with three moves, and your skills are astonishing. Even the Holy Lord praised you for being such a young man when you saw it. I admire you very much. Mingzun, Junior Brother Xu, please.

He led the way ahead, heading towards the nine heavens.

Xu Ying bowed slightly and said, Senior Brother Mingzun, please come.

The Immortal Emperor raised his eyebrows and was very surprised by the senior brother's voice. Xu Ying saw his expression in his eyes and thought to himself: This time I will call you senior brother, next time I will call you senior nephew!

The Immortal Emperor walked in front, Xu Ying followed behind him, quietly stretched out his palm and reached towards the back of the Immortal Emperor's neck.

As he stretched out his palm, he saw a circle of fine goose bumps on the Immortal Emperor's neck, and couldn't help but chuckle.

The Immortal Emperor's body did not move, his head turned directly, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, cutting people's hearts and minds, cutting people's ambitions, without anger, he was powerful!

Xu Ying smiled calmly and slowly retracted his palm.

The Immortal Emperor turned back, and Xu Ying quietly stretched out his palm again, with his five fingers forming claws, and slowly grabbed at the Immortal Emperor's neck.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor suddenly became murderous and almost couldn't help but want to attack Xu Ying.

Xu Ying just stopped.

The Immortal Emperor stopped and said, Xu Ying, come to me and don't walk behind me.

Xu Ying chuckled and walked side by side with him.

At this time, Xu Jing hurried over with Emperor Yanglong, Emperor Taixiao and others. When they saw the Immortal Emperor and Xu Ying from a distance, they were all shocked. When the emperors saw Lou Mingyu in front of them, they were even more shocked.

Emperor Yang Long, Emperor Taixiao and others hurriedly came forward and asked, It turns out to be Junior Brother Lou. If Junior Brother Lou doesn't serve the Holy Lord, when will he be free to come out?

Lou Mingyu smiled and said: The Holy Lord ordered me to come and invite Ming Zun and Junior Brother Xu to Daluotian. I want to meet them.

Emperor Yanglong, Emperor Taixiao and others were very polite to Lou Mingyu and invited him to sit in Jiutian. Lou Mingyu smiled and said: The matter of the Holy Lord is important. I can only ignore your good intentions for the time being. I will pay you a visit next time. , I apologize to all my senior brothers.

He calls Jiutian Eight Emperors and others his senior brothers, obviously he is of the same seniority as them.

The emperors stopped and watched the three of them go away.

When the three of them walked away, the emperors felt relieved. Emperor Yang Long said to Xu Jing: Don't worry, with the help of the Holy Lord, Xu Jing will be fine. But now that the Immortal Emperor has appeared, your throne will be ruined.

He was quite sorry.

Ming Zun had lost control and began to backfire on their Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors. It was their common idea to replace Ming Zun and support an obedient one. They did not expect that Ming Zun would return to the fairy world so quickly.

For the Holy Lord, it doesn't matter whoever becomes the Immortal Emperor and cannot change his status, but for Jiutian, it is obviously important to change to an obedient Immortal Emperor.

Xu Jing didn't care about the gain or loss of the throne. He only cared about Xu Ying's safety and said, What is the origin of the Holy Lord? Isn't the Immortal Emperor the largest in the immortal world?

The emperors all sneered.

Emperor Jiuyou said: Who is the Immortal Emperor? He was an inconspicuous little character back then. If it weren't for our support, would he have the status he has today?

Emperor Que Lin said: Ming Zun has been playing tricks and tricks secretly for a long time, thinking that we don't know about it, but who doesn't know his ambition? Even your son Xu Ying was raised by him...

Emperor Yang Long coughed, and Emperor Que Lin understood and quickly swallowed back the word leek that came to his mouth.

Emperor Yang Long said: Mingzun has done many unjust things in recent years, and he will cause trouble sooner or later. This time the Holy Lord summoned him, most likely to beat him and make him restrain himself.

He glanced at Xu Jing and said: Although your position as Immortal Emperor has been lost, you have done the most great work and you still have other rewards. Why don't you come to Jiutian and become the Immortal Emperor?

Xu Jing was a little hesitant and said: I have just cultivated to become a Heavenly Lord, and have not yet made any achievements in the realm of Heavenly Lord. I am afraid that I will not be able to become a Daluo Golden Immortal. For the position of Changsheng Emperor, let other capable Heavenly Lords compete for it. I still Be my Douben Tianzun.”

The emperors looked at each other and nodded. They were not worried about Xu Jing at first, and were worried that Xu Jing was not the same person as them. If Xu Jing becomes the Changsheng Emperor, it will become a constraint for them.

Emperor Yang Long said: In this case, we won't force it. Later we will write a decree and let the Immortal Emperor issue it, naming you the Dou Bu Tianzun and Zhang Tianzun, commanding the six tribes. You will be granted the title of Prince Xu Ying as the Emperor and the Zhang Dijun. Titled, he will lead other emperors and be the head of the male immortals.

Xu Jing was overjoyed. Emperor Changsheng had no real power, but Tianzun had real power, and it was extremely powerful. Although the emperor has no real power, he is better than being free!

Moreover, the title of emperor can also have real power, that is, other emperors have some power, and controlling other emperors is equivalent to having real power.

Ah Ying's blessing has come, he is finally no longer a rebel!

Xu Jing's heart sank when he thought of Lan Suying. Lan Suying was still a princess and was still under the control of the Immortal Emperor Mingzun.

In fact, now they can take Lan Suying out of the fairy court, but the world is so big, where can she hide? No matter where they escape, they can't escape the Immortal Emperor's calculations!

What's more, neither Xu Ying, Xu Jing, nor Lan Suying were willing to continue hiding in Tibet.

The purpose of their ascension to the immortal world is not to survive, not to survive, but to avenge their clansmen and friends who died in Xujiaping and Kunlun!

Since it is difficult to escape from the Immortal Emperor's plot no matter whether you hide or escape, why not simply stay and look for opportunities!

Xu Ying followed Lou Mingyu to the Nine Heavens, and saw that the Great Luotian was everywhere here. He was shocked by the Taoist rhyme of this place as soon as he arrived. Waves of mysterious Taoist sounds poured into his mind, which was fascinating. The incredible Taoist phenomena reveal the mystery of the Taoism of the Immortal family.

However, many Daluotian are empty, without owners, and only the soul of heaven and earth lives in them.

Xu Ying was surprised and looked at the empty Luo Tian.

Above the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm, there are only three Daluo Wonderful Realms: Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren. However, the number of Daluo Heavens here is far more than three.

Lou Mingyu smiled and said: Junior Brother Xu, please come this way.

Xu Ying asked: Senior Brother Lou, where have these Daluotian owners gone?

Judging from the number of Daluotian here, there were more than ten powerful people in the Daluotian Realm or the Supreme Realm in Xianting back then. In its heyday, it was far better than it is now.

But now there are only three people in Daluo Wonderland in Daluo Heaven, which makes him curious about the whereabouts of these people.

Lou Mingyu hesitated and said, I don't know either.

The Immortal Emperor said meaningfully: Some of these Daluotian masters were incarcerated, made mistakes, and were imprisoned. Some were discouraged and simply went into seclusion. Some rebelled and ran away. Some are missing. I don’t know whether I will live or die. In short, there are many reasons, but there is only one result.”

Lou Mingyu also said meaningfully: Senior Brother Mingzun, these are topics that cannot be discussed.

The Immortal Emperor then stopped mentioning these things.

The three of them came to a secret Daluotian, and Xu Ying followed them into it. They saw beautiful scenery here, Taoism, all things, fairy mountains, long rivers, and lakes, forming the holy land of the Immortal family. Take a step, change the scene, and walk. The scenery is ever-changing, and the small world seems to hide a vast world.

There is also a supreme cave abyss above their heads. It rotates slowly and slowly, revealing an extremely deep space. The fairy mountains are undulating and endless, just like in a painting, it is vast and boundless.

Xu Ying's vision was blocked by this cave, and he didn't see the second supreme cave until he looked away.

Two caves and abyss... Xu Ying felt a little dizzy.

The second supreme cave abyss is different from the previous supreme cave abyss. This cave abyss does not have a fairy mountain, but only one other shore. It is also very shallow and not as deep as the previous cave abyss.

However, the spirit energy and spiritual power coming out of this cave are extremely terrifying and domineering, and the avenue contained in it is as powerful as thunder!

The Holy Lord has two supreme caves...

Xu Ying just thought of this and saw the third supreme cave abyss, and couldn't help but be completely stunned.

The third supreme cave abyss floating in this vast sky should not be a cave abyss summoned from the other side, but condensed from the local fairy mountains in the earthly fairy world!

The aura and spiritual power contained in this cave abyss is exactly the same as the aura and spiritual power in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Someone should have gathered the Immortal Mountains and Blessed Lands in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and refined these Immortal Mountains and Blessed Lands together to form this supreme level Cave Abyss!

Such a large gesture can no longer be seen today.

Because all the immortal mountains and blessed places in the current Earth Immortal Realm combined together may not be able to create such a cave!

Xu Ying was a little dizzy. The three supreme caves and abyss were all different, and the avenues they contained were also different. Naturally, their powers were also very different. Using these three caves and abyss to practice is very luxurious just thinking about it.

The resources represented by these three caves and abyss have exceeded the entire immortal world, and even the entire earthly immortal world!

The Holy Mountain Blessed Land controlled by countless sects and sects in all the worlds, the Sanren in the Immortal World, the Immortal Officials in the Immortal Court, and even the Supreme Immortal Emperor and the Nine Heavens Emperor, the wealth they control together cannot compare to these three. A cave!

Perhaps it can only be compared with the wealth of the ancestral family. Xu Ying thought to himself.

There is also a Shangqing Cave Abyss in the Shangqing Dao Gate of the ancestral court. The Shangqing Cave Abyss, plus all the wealth in the heavens, the world, and the immortal world, can rival the wealth of the Holy Lord.

Although the Holy Lord has an extraordinary status, he lives an extremely frugal life.

Lou Mingyu smiled and said, His old man lives in the Daming Palace ahead.

The Daming Palace was built on the top of a fairy mountain. It is indeed not very luxurious. It occupies a small area and is not very high. There are several smaller houses around it, three or five. From a distance, it looks like a palace without walls. of temples.

They approached, and the three of them landed one after another and walked towards the Daming Palace. Lou Mingyu introduced as he walked that the bricks on the ground were those of Emperor Shaohao's Jinluan Palace, the water tank over there was the fish and dragon tank of the third generation Demon Emperor, and the tiles used in the eaves were from Emperor Haoying's harem. The dismantled fire-preventing glazed tiles and the peony plant over there were planted by the empress of the ninth generation Demon Emperor, the only one in the world.

And so on.

Xu Yingdao's heart was numb. The Daming Palace was indeed not luxurious, but every brick, every tile, every plant and every tree was of great origin.

If you pull out a piece of grass here, it will probably be better than the fairy plants that Emperor Jiutian worked so hard to cultivate!

Xu Ying glanced at the Immortal Emperor and saw that the Immortal Emperor was looking at his nose and heart without any emotional fluctuations. It was obvious that he had known for a long time how luxurious the Daming Palace of the Holy Lord was!

The three of them came to the Daming Palace, but before entering the palace, an ancient and powerful aura came from the palace, as high as the sky, as deep as the sea, and as thick as the earth.

Its breath is vigorous, filling the heaven and earth, coexisting with Tao, and is immeasurable.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor bowed, and upon seeing this, Xu Ying also bowed in front of the Daming Palace.

Lou Mingyu didn't say anything, quietly walked from one side, climbed up the stairs, and soon arrived at the Daming Palace. After a while, the palace was filled with light, and a thick voice came. As soon as he opened his mouth, every word It is as if it were written by Dao Dao, the words are like pearls, and the words follow the law, which is indescribable.

Ming Zun, the earthly immortal world has been restored, the human world has appeared, and the immortal world has also loomed. As an immortal emperor, you cannot abolish public affairs for personal reasons.

The voice of the Holy Lord came and said, Whether you want to be the emperor of the three realms or the emperor of the earth and immortal world, you must be careful. In today's world, don't be narrow-minded and take a long-term view.

The Immortal Emperor said: I sincerely follow the teachings of the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord said: Supreme Cave Abyss, I allow you to recover from your injuries. Go down.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor raised his eyebrows, feeling a little angry in his heart. When he called himself over at the stall where he was about to kill Xu Ying to harvest the fruits, he reprimanded him like this?

Do you really think that you, the Immortal Emperor, should not be the Immortal Emperor?

There is also the Supreme Cave Abyss, which is obviously a cave abyss given to him, but every time it is used, it requires the approval of the Nine Heavenly Emperors or the Holy Lord!

Is he the Supreme Immortal Emperor, or is he just a decoration or mascot?

Although he thought so in his heart, he did not dare to show any displeasure on his face. He bowed and said, Yes. After that, he turned and left.

When the Immortal Emperor Supreme left, the Holy Lord's voice came from above: Promise.

Xu Ying bowed: I'm here.

At this time, the heavy beams of light coming from the Daming Palace gradually moved. Xu Ying noticed a pair of eyes looking at him, so he looked up and saw a hazy figure standing in the mass of light, looking down at him condescendingly!

You are so brave, you actually dare to look up at me.

The Holy Lord's voice came from the group of Dao light, and he said solemnly, The successor of Qingxuan is indeed bold and ambitious!

Xu Ying had a sudden thought and said quickly: I am not the descendant of Qingxuan. I am a victim! I was guided by the Immortal Emperor's plan and learned Qingxuan's skills! Please ask the Holy Lord to kill the Immortal Emperor, a wolfish and ambitious person!

The Holy Lord was silent.

Lou Mingyu on the side was also a little confused. The Holy Lord said that Xu Ying was ambitious. How come Xu Ying turned into the Immortal Emperor's wolfish ambition? He must be punished?

Shengzun said: Xu Ying, Mingzun has his own use. Don't always want to kill him. I saw that you and Qingxuan are very close. How did you know each other?

Xu Ying suddenly realized that the Qingxuan mentioned by the Holy Lord was not the real Qingxuan, but the useless Qingxuan.

It must be the battle between Xu Ying and the Changsheng Emperor. The Holy Lord was also secretly watching the battle. He was frightened when he saw the waste Qingxuan. He did not dare to go directly to the waste Qingxuan, thinking that the other party was the real one. Qingxuan, so he came to get Xu Ying's information.

Xu Ying blinked and said, This disciple has never seen Qingxuan.

You lied! A loud shout came from above.

Xu Ying's face turned pale and he shook involuntarily.

The Holy Lord saw his expression in his eyes, and his Taoist heart, which was never easy to change, was fluctuating violently at this moment, and he said in a voiceless voice: Qingxuan is indeed not dead yet!

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