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Chapter 604 Leeks are ripe and ready to be harvested

Xu Ying's heart beat violently, the two of them had been blocked in the Supreme Cave by the Supreme Immortal Emperor!

His Majesty!

Xu Jing was surprised and happy, and hurriedly stepped forward to see the Supreme Immortal Emperor, and said to Xu Ying, Ying'er, this is His Majesty the Immortal Emperor. Why don't you come and pay homage to Your Majesty? Your Majesty saved your mother and adopted her as a righteous daughter. Please treat us as a righteous daughter. My family is blessed!

Xu Ying stepped forward and bowed: Xu Ying, the guilty minister, pays homage to His Majesty the Immortal Emperor!

The tall old man was the Immortal Emperor. He looked at the father and son with a smile on his face and said nothing for a long time.

Xu Jing and Xu Ying felt uneasy. After a long time, the Immortal Emperor smiled and said: Xiang son-in-law, Emperor Yanglong and Emperor Taixiao have been urging you to inherit the throne. Why have you never succeeded?

Xu Jing looked solemn and said: The emperors of Yanglong and Taixiao thought that His Majesty would be unable to escape when he fell into the Black Territory, and it was for the sake of the world. Therefore, they organized candidates for the acting emperor, and finally selected me as the acting emperor. But I thought that Your Majesty would be the emperor in the Nine-Five-Year Plan. The Supreme Being carries the canopy and collects the thoughts and thoughts of the people of Li. It is certain that good people will have their own heavenly signs, and they will turn misfortune into good luck, and they will definitely return safely. Therefore, I went to the cave to practice, stabilize the hearts of the Eight Emperors, and wait for your Majesty's return. I I think that the emperors' intention to choose the acting emperor is reasonable, but it is ultimately shallow. Even if they choose the acting emperor, how can they be as wise and powerful as your majesty and stabilize the hearts of the people in the world?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor laughed loudly, with a loud voice. After a moment, he said: You and Xu Ying are both good talkers. What you say makes me happy.

The promise he was talking about was obviously not the promise today, but the promise made by Xu Tianzun back then.

At that time, Xu Ying was well-spoken because of Xu Jing's teachings.

Now Xu Ying is very rude, and he is always ready to rebel and hit others, which is obviously not civilized enough.

Xian son-in-law, have you discovered anything while practicing in the Supreme Cave and Abyss these days? the Immortal Emperor asked.

Xu Jing's face remained as usual and he said: I have discovered something. In the Supreme Cave Abyss, I often see your Majesty's place of enlightenment. It is solemn and solemn, and the Taoism has a long rhythm. I often sit next to it and listen to the teachings, and I have benefited a lot.

Xu Ying was very envious. Although he worked very hard, he just didn't have the ability to talk nonsense like his father.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor walked past the father and son, and said meaningfully: What you see is just the appearance of the Supreme Cave. I will take you to see the real Supreme Cave.

The father and son looked at each other and followed his footsteps bravely.

Xu Ying observed the Immortal Emperor up close for the first time and thought to himself: Is this the guy who tried to kill me in the dark world and was seriously injured by my two disciples, Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun?

He was in the dark world because the ancestral god attacked Cuiyan's way of heaven, and Cuiyan fought back, so he had to transform and dodge, so that the Immortal Emperor thought he was dead, so he came to harvest and met Xu Ying.

Later, Xu Ying understood the Cuiyan Avenue, and the old man Jing Ming and Ming Wang Sun protected him. They once wounded those who were watching him in the dark, including the Immortal Emperor.

In his spare time, Jing Ming mentioned this matter to Xu Ying, so when Xu Ying saw the Immortal Emperor, he wanted to ask, has your injury recovered?

But Old Man Jingming and Prince Mingsun were not here, so he had no choice but to endure it.

The Immortal Emperor is tall and mighty. Although he looks old, he is an immortal after all. Being old is just the appearance he gives people, used to relax the other person's vigilance, and it is also a weapon he uses to scheme against others.

He led Xu Ying and Xu Jing almost back the way they came, crossing the fairy mountains of all sizes and heading towards the various levels of Taoism.

Do you know why I am so interested in Longting? The main reason is this Taicang Cave Abyss. This cave abyss comes from Emperor Haocang of Ziwei's ancestral court, and is called Haocang Cave Abyss. This cave abyss, There are actually eight realms hidden inside, and each one is deeper than the last.

The Immortal Emperor said leisurely, This cave abyss has a total of eight levels of Taoism. It can lead you step by step to enlightenment and go straight to the eighth level of Taoism. But its eighth level of Taoism has been tampered with, and it has been When a person is beaten to pieces, there is a gap in the road.”

As he spoke, he took Xu Ying and Xu Jing back to the crack in the cave.

Xu Jing's heart suddenly flashed, he looked at Xu Ying and thought to himself: The Immortal Emperor brought us back here, it is clear that our plan just now is under his control! If he tries to find out later, Then I will risk my life to delay him and give Ying'er a chance to escape.

Xu Ying was extremely surprised: Haocang Cave Abyss was cracked by someone? Who has the ability to crack the Supreme Cave Abyss?

The great avenues and spiritual energy contained in the Supreme Cave Abyss are enough for people to cultivate to the Supreme Realm. Breaking the Supreme Cave Abyss is more difficult than killing the Supreme One!

However, Haocang Cave Abyss was broken open by someone, and the strength of the person who did it was extremely terrifying!

The one who can hurt the Supreme Dongyuan is of course the Supreme.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor looked a little unnatural and said, I use this cave to break through to the Supreme Realm. Therefore, if the avenue is lacking, I will leave a handle and hand it over to others for control. However, in these six hundred thousand years, I My practice was not in vain. I finally understood the missing part of the Supreme Cave Abyss and practiced it to perfection. If anyone plans to use the cracks in this cave abyss to deal with me, they will only be shattered into pieces!

His arrogant expression made Xu Jing's heart tighten: He really saw through my plan!

But Xu Ying didn't believe it.

If he can really complete the missing avenue of Haocang Cave Abyss, why bother to plan so hard to seize Taiyi Cave Abyss?

Xu Ying thought to himself, He said that he would mend the crack. He should just scare others, or just mend the appearance, but he still knows in his heart that the crack has not really been mended. This is self-deception and deceiving others.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor said meaningfully: Did my virtuous son-in-law understand the Taoism contained in this crack in the cave abyss these days?

Xu Jing hurriedly said: I am so frightened that I have never realized anything.

The Immortal Emperor smiled and said: It doesn't matter, take your time, you will understand. Xu Jing, you go out first, I want to say something to the emperor and grandson that is not suitable for outsiders to know.

Xu Jing was awe-inspiring and hesitated in his heart.

Xu Ying shook his head quietly and motioned for him to leave first.

Xu Jing rolled his eyes, immediately turned around, and walked out, thinking: The only way to go now is to inform the Eight Emperors and invite them to come! Ying'er plus Yang Long, Taixiao and other Eight Emperors are enough to deal with it. The Supreme Immortal Emperor!

After he left, the Supreme Immortal Emperor turned his back to Xu Ying, looking at the cracks in the Supreme Cave, and said nothing for a long time.

Xu Ying had just been distracted when he suddenly saw the Immortal Emperor's head turned over, staring at him strangely, as if he was sizing up his prey.

Xu Ying felt awe in his heart: Does he want to harvest me here?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor twisted his head back, slowly turned around, and said: Xu Ying, you don't blame me, right?

Xu Ying said quickly: Your Majesty is serious. The guilty minister was slandered by the emperor as a traitor. Your Majesty cleared my grievances and restored my innocence. How can I blame you?

Just don't blame me.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor sighed and said, You haven't unlocked the emperor's seal yet? I can help you with this. Unlocking the seal will remind you of many things and your past with me.

Xu Ying was horrified and said: Your Majesty, I can break the seal myself, but I haven't yet done so because of some concerns.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor did not force him and said with a smile: Let's not stay here for too long, lest your father and Yang Long Emperor worry about them. Let's go, you are in front.

How dare I?

Cold sweat broke out on Xu Ying's forehead, his eyes rolled rapidly, and he smiled, How dare I stand in front of Your Majesty? This is a capital crime! Your Majesty is in front, and I can do whatever I want.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor's face darkened: If I ask you to be in front, you will be in front!

Xu Ying had no choice but to walk in front, only to feel the coolness seeping down the back of his neck a little bit, as if a pair of eyes were staring at his neck, so that many goosebumps appeared on his neck involuntarily.

His eyes widened and he looked to the left and right, only to see himself walking alone in the air of the Supreme Cave Abyss. The huge fairy mountains on both sides reflected a huge and ferocious shadow.

The shadow twisted, opened its teeth and claws, and opened its bloody mouth like a demon, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth, as if it wanted to devour itself!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor said nothing, and could not hear his footsteps, breathing, or even sense his breath.

Xu Ying composed himself and suddenly said: Your Majesty, I have survived the four realms of heavenly tribulation.

Four Realm Heavenly Tribulation?

The voice of the Immortal Emperor came almost close to the back of Xu Ying's head.

Xu Ying resisted the discomfort and said with a smile: It is the four realms of heavenly tribulation. The earthly immortal world, the human world and the heavenly immortal world, plus the heavenly tribulation of the dark human world, it is the four realms of heavenly tribulation. I, I have mastered the Cuiyan Avenue.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was a little further away from the back of his head, because at this moment he felt bursts of tingling sensations, which were branch-like textures exuding from Xu Ying's body, growing quietly in all directions.

He has seen these weird textures before, even on his body!

When he was defeated by Jingming Laojun and Mingwangsun, he was affected by Cuiyan. This weird texture invaded his body and caused great damage!

When he saw this kind of thing again, he couldn't help but have the intuition that he must avoid it.

Xu Ying's body is growing, and its branch-like texture has evolved into wings, filled with powerful power that is not inferior to this world.

But this power resonates with the Tao of the Supreme Cave Abyss!

Xu Ying still walked forward, his eyes widened, he kept turning left and right, looking at the shadows on the fairy mountains on both sides, and said: I have understood the way of heaven in the dark world, and have mastered a power that even I can't master. I call it It’s Cuiyan Avenue.”

On the fairy mountain, a huge palm like a sharp claw came out from behind him, and his shadow looked extremely small under the sharp claws.

The corner of Xu Ying's eyes trembled, and he secretly activated the mountain ruler, ready to explode at any time, but he said: I used the Cuiyan Avenue to kill the Changsheng Emperor. I thought that the Cuiyan Avenue has infinite possibilities!

The voice of the Immortal Emperor came not far away from him: Is Cuiyan Avenue really so powerful?

Xu Ying stared at the shadow of the palm and said, Has your majesty's injury recovered?

The clawed shadow paused.

Xu Ying's eyes widened, and he stared at the shadow of the palm on the fairy mountain as he moved forward, saying: Your Majesty was injured by Cuiyan Avenue, and the injury has still not healed, right? Therefore, whether Cuiyan Avenue is powerful, Your Majesty Know better than anyone else.”

Suddenly, he noticed a terrifying murderous intention coming from behind him. It was so dark and cold that it made him feel like he was falling into darkness, falling continuously with no end in sight!

Xu Ying's heart rose in his throat, but his expression remained extremely stable.

He has a habit of often seeming to have a broken heart, but when things get really tough he calms down.

Now he is extremely calm, with a clear mind and no panic at all.

He has already made various plans.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor had bad intentions in leaving him behind. He probably saw the crops ripening and couldn't help but enjoy the joy of the harvest.

Even if the Immortal Emperor eats him here, it will not be known to outsiders. As for Xu Jing, I am afraid that he will be silenced soon. After all, the Supreme Immortal Emperor is still in the black realm of the universe, and no one will suspect the Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, Xu Ying's situation was extremely dangerous.

The only way to deal with this danger is to prevent the Supreme Immortal Emperor from seeing through him. However, whether it is Taiyi Cave Abyss or the Ten Great Scenes, or even his own cultivation progress, they are all under the control of the Immortal Emperor Supreme!

It can be said that the Immortal Emperor is more familiar with his cultivation progress than Xu Ying, and is more familiar with Xu Ying's magical powers than Xu Ying!

But the only thing I'm not familiar with is Xu Ying in the state of Huan!

Xu Ying, who mastered the Cuiyan Avenue, must have magical powers that he didn't know about. He didn't know what the upper limit of this magical power was to kill the Changsheng Emperor.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor suffered serious injuries in the human world. He was first injured by Xu Ying's two disciples, Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun, and then was chased by Long Zhong. He was also repeatedly attacked by cesspit creatures in the cesspit of the universe, causing him to suffer more injuries.

His condition was not good, and his cultivation had never recovered, which was why he did not want to reveal his traces.

His cultivation strength is not at its peak, and it is easy for someone to seize the opportunity to kill him.

This was also the reason why he wanted to reap the promise but was hesitant.

At this moment, he suddenly made up his mind and stretched out his palm!

When Xu Ying saw the palm extending from the fairy mountain, he felt awe-inspiring in his heart: There is no other way but to fight to the death!

He was about to take action when suddenly a voice came from outside the cave: Senior Brother Mingzun, my younger brother Lou Mingyu is here under the orders of my master. Please invite senior brother and Brother Xu Ying to meet in Daluo Heaven.

The sound was refreshing and clear, reaching the ears of Xu Ying and the Immortal Emperor. The shadow of the palm on the Immortal Mountain suddenly trembled, and stood there, motionless.

After a while, the shadow of the palm slowly retracted, seemingly unwilling to do so.

It turns out to be Junior Brother Lou.

The voice of the Immortal Emperor Supreme came from behind Xu Ying, and he quickly came to him, passed by him, and arrived in front of him. He said unhurriedly, The Holy Lord is worthy of being a Holy Lord. He actually knows that I am back.

The voice outside laughed and said: The Holy Lord has great supernatural powers. The Holy Lord has already known about the return of senior brother. He just thought that you were injured, so he didn't call you.

Xu Ying still didn't leave his body shape and followed the Immortal Emperor Supreme.

He was still on guard and didn't dare to relax.

When he arrived outside the Supreme Cave, he slowly dissipated from his human form and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside the Supreme Cave Abyss, a young man was chatting and laughing with the Immortal Emperor. After chatting for a moment, his eyes fell on Xu Ying and said with a smile: Junior Brother Xu became famous in the battle at Tianhai Ferry and shocked the world! You can actually learn the Cuiyan Avenue and master the Cuiyan Way. Yan's magical power is truly an unparalleled talent! No wonder the Holy Lord values ​​you very much and must ask me to come over quickly to avoid a big mistake.

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