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Chapter 606 The Ninth Realm, the Ultimate Way

Xu Ying looked up secretly and saw the Holy Lord standing in front of the Daming Palace, motionless. However, the weather in this great Luotian was changing between cloudy and sunny. The dark clouds were auspicious and dispersed and gathered. It was obvious that the Holy Lord was not in his heart. Not calm.

Suddenly, the weather in Daluotian suddenly stopped changing and became neither cloudy nor sunny.

Xu Ying felt awe in his heart: He is not afraid of Qingxuan!

The purpose of his shaking just now was just to make the Holy Lord misunderstand and think that Qingxuan was still alive, so that even if the Holy Lord had evil intentions towards him, he would be a bit cautious.

The Holy Lord indeed has such a misunderstanding.

However, the Holy Lord is not afraid of Qingxuan, and it is even more impossible to throw a rat weapon at him!

I heard that my Taoist friend was not dead, so I couldn't help but get excited, which shocked you.

The voice of the Holy Lord came, and he said leisurely, Xu Ying, come up and speak.

Xu Ying said yes, put away his other thoughts, and walked up the steps cautiously.

Since the Holy Lord is not afraid of Qingxuan, he can only act honestly and not have other thoughts.

He caught a glimpse of Lou Mingyu standing behind the Holy Lord, so he walked over and stood near Lou Mingyu.

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said: Holy Lord, I am really not a descendant of Qingxuan, and I have never met Qingxuan.

The Holy Lord was silent for a moment and said calmly: There is no one in this world who can scare me. Even the majestic ancestor gods will not scare me. In the past six to seven hundred thousand years, I have defeated countless powerful people. My opponent has control over the four supreme caves and abyss. Even if the Ancestral God regains his strength and confronts me, he will definitely lose. I can also break up and destroy the Earthly Immortal World, weakening his strength, and thus win.

Xu Ying was slightly shaken.

The power of the ancestor gods comes from the three realms, the human world, the earthly immortal world and the heavenly immortal world. The way of heaven in the human world was restored, and the ancestral gods understood the way of heaven in the dark world, so the old wounds were healed, and the cultivation level also improved astonishingly, almost comparable to that in its heyday.

The Ancestral God at this time is probably comparable to an existence like the Ninth Level of the Tao Realm.

But when the Holy Lord said that he could defeat the ancestor gods, he was indeed not bragging.

Because with the method he said, you can indeed defeat the ancestral god!

It's just that the price is too high, but for the Holy Lord, he will definitely do it when necessary, even if he sacrifices the earthly immortal world, he must defeat the ancestor god!

As for the four major caves and abyss he mentioned, he probably meant that the Supreme Cave Abyss was also under his control. That cave abyss does not belong to the Immortal Emperor, nor is it inferior to the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors, but is in his pocket!

Qingxuan is different. Qingxuan is one of the few people who can make me afraid. The Holy Lord said.

Xu Ying looked at the sky around him. The sky was neither cloudy nor sunny, and the wind was light and the clouds were light.

He still concluded that the Holy Lord was not afraid of Qingxuan.

Back then, I revolted like him. He rebelled against the Shangqing Daomen, and I rebelled against the Immortal Court. I rebelled earlier than he did. At that time, the empress of Ziwei was still Emperor Haocang, and his Immortal Court was decayed. , I can no longer see the people at the bottom, and only want to maintain my status. I am the Heavenly Lord of Haocang Immortal Court, and I can no longer see the hope of Haocang Immortal Court, so I left the Immortal Court.

The Holy Lord recalled the past and said quietly, Who would dare to rebel without passion? I revolted before Qingxuan, but I was attacked repeatedly. The old forces were so powerful that I couldn't breathe. Later Qingxuan and Zaixuan , Qiongtai and others started to revolt one after another, so my pressure became less. When Qingxuan opened up the Supreme Realm and broke away from the influence of Taoism and the old era of heaven, we finally made a turn for the better. Since then, I have been a little afraid of Qingxuan, I am older than him and more skilled than him, but I am not as good as him, and I am jealous of her. I know that while he is alive, I will never be as good as him.

The corners of Xu Ying's mouth moved but he said nothing.

Qingxuan is now dead, and he died at the hands of Shengzun and others.

The Holy Lord continued: With my current strength, I have surpassed Qingxuan back then, but this fear is still there, as if it has been engraved into my consciousness. I am afraid of Qingxuan, because I was afraid of Qingxuan at that time. Qingxuan, it's not that I'm afraid of the Qingxuan who sells steamed buns now. He was the first person to break through to the Supreme Realm, and I was the second. After his death, my cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds. Even if he is still alive, He is far from my opponent. I am already the most powerful being in the world, why would I still be afraid of him at that time?

Over the years, he has gathered power and resources. The people who shared power and resources with him back then have now put power and resources in his hands.

He has mastered such a huge resource and raised his cultivation strength to a level that shocked the past and the present. Looking at the past and present, even the ten emperors of the demon clan, the six emperors of the human clan, as well as the Taoist ancestors and demon ancestors of the major ancestral families can't compare. Above his current strength.

But his fear of Qingxuan actually still exists!

My monopolization of these power resources is no different from the vision proposed by Qingxuan back then. Back then, Qingxuan said that he would concentrate on Dongyuan to do big things, concentrate on Dongyuan, and find the eighth realm of the new way and the ninth realm of the old way. I That’s what’s happening now.”

The Holy Lord seemed to be analyzing his own thoughts and said, This is the same destination through different paths.

The ninth realm.

The ninth realm that Qingxuan pursues is currently also the realm that the Holy Lord pursues.

Xu Ying was in a daze. When he came here, he saw many vacant Daluotian. The original owners of these Daluotian were originally outstanding people like Qingxuan who resisted the ancient times. They were the leaders of the rebel army. This place must have been bustling back then.

But now, only Jiugong, Taiyuan, Luo Sheng and Shengzun are left here.

Jiu Gong, Tai Yuan and Luo Shengren are also people who do not have cave abyss. The saint master alone controls the three major cave abyss.

This is definitely different from Qingxuan’s vision back then!

I misunderstood him back then, so I attacked him, but when I mastered the three caves and searched for the ninth realm, I found that he was right. Over the years, I have been trying to break through the ninth realm, but I have never been able to take that step. .”

The Holy Lord said with emotion, Qingxuan calls the ninth realm the Immortal Realm. This realm is the ultimate of the Tao realm, the ultimate of the Tao.

Xu Ying blinked. The ninth realm, the immortal realm, the ultimate realm of the Tao, should be the ninth level of the Tao realm where the great ancestor of the great dragon is. This realm really exists!

The Holy Lord suddenly changed the subject and said: Xu Ying, do you know why I had to protect you when the Ming Lord was about to attack you?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, Disciple doesn't know.

He almost broke up with the Immortal Emperor at that time, but Lou Mingyu suddenly appeared and saved his life. But since the Holy Lord asked Lou Mingyu to save him, there must be a reason to save him. This is Xu Ying's capital to get out of here alive.

The Holy Lord said: Because you know how to cry, the ninth realm, the extreme of the Tao, is very likely to happen to you.

Xu Ying was stunned. Dao crying was obviously just a phenomenon caused by the alien Dao structure. How could it be related to the ninth realm?

The Holy Lord walked past him and came to the Daming Palace. Lou Mingyu quietly motioned for him to follow, and Xu Ying followed the Holy Lord into the Daming Palace.

There are all kinds of strange Taoist phenomena floating inside this extremely luxurious palace.

The scale of the Taoist phenomena is extremely huge, including the sun, moon, stars, birds, beasts, insects, fish, dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, gods and demons, all of them are present, and there are many types. It can be said that all kinds of things are included in it.

Xu Ying saw many combinations of Tao phenomena, forming immortal runes.

There are many Dao symbols, and the Immortal Dao runes formed by the arrangement and combination of different Dao symbols are also different. There are tens of thousands of Dao symbols, so the number of Immortal Dao runes is also endless!

Different immortal runes contain different Tao laws, forming different Tao principles. Different Tao principles are combined to form Tao chains, forming strange Tao seeds.

Xu Ying walked in the ocean of seeds and saw countless Tao seeds floating in the air. These Tao seeds were shaped like rice grains, about three inches high and about an inch wide, emitting various colors of light, making people addicted.

The Holy Lord's magic power is too powerful. He said silently in his heart.

The saint's teachings also made him look up at the mountain and sigh to himself.

There was no trace of the Holy Lord before his eyes, and Lou Mingyu also disappeared, leaving only the boundless ocean of Taoism. Xu Ying called in a low voice: Senior Brother Lou? Senior Brother Lou?

However, there was no answer from Lou Mingyu.

Xu Ying gritted his teeth and shuttled through the vast ocean of Tao seeds, and continued to walk forward. Suddenly, countless Tao chains intertwined in front of him, forming a Tao tree.

There are forests of different forms of Taoist trees, and there is no end in sight as far as the eye can see.

He saw a plum tree similar to the Changsheng Emperor, and also saw various Tao tree forms such as peach trees, pear trees, bodhi trees, and jianmu.

The types of immortal runes are already incalculable, and the types of Tao trees are even more frightening and impossible to count.

Xu Ying walked in this forest of Tao trees and saw countless types of Tao trees. And there are different Taoist flowers hanging on these Taoist trees. The Taoist flowers are in full bloom, exuding the brilliance of holiness.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally walked out of this forest of Tao trees. However, what caught his eyes again was the boundless Dao Fruit!

These Dao fruits were floating in front of him, countless, containing different Dao achievements!

Xu Ying's scalp was already numb. He didn't know how advanced the Holy Lord's conduct had become.

Taoism is one aspect, magic power is another aspect.

The Holy Lord's Taoism is indeed extremely high, and he has mastered countless levels of Taoism, so he can evolve so many Taoism principles, Taoism seeds, Taoism trees, and Taoism fruits. But to evolve these things, you also need to have extremely high mana. Without enough mana, you would have died of exhaustion long ago!

Xu Ying speculated that with his current cultivation level, he could only reach the stage of evolving the Tao Seed at most, and he would not be able to withstand any further improvement.

And the Holy Lord has evolved to the stage of Tao tree and Tao fruit!

Xu Ying defeated the Changsheng Emperor and was already the top being in the world. He didn't expect that the gap between him and the Holy Lord was still so big!

Xu Ying calmed down and walked through different Dao fruits. When he walked out of this Dao fruit, he came to another Dao scene, a variety of Dao realms with different Dao rules, including Xuanhuang, Chaos, Liuli Jingkong, etc. There are grand Taoist scenes, as well as smaller Taoist scenes such as flames, thunder, sun and moon, etc.

The various Taoist scenes are so dizzying that you can’t even look at them.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief when he came here. He didn't dare to say much about other Dao Scenes, but his research on the ten Dao Scenes such as Xuanhuang, Chaos, and Liuli Jingkong was very thorough. In his opinion, these ten great scenes of the Holy Lord actually have great shortcomings. It can be said that they are in form but not in spirit!

I thought he really understood one method and all methods.

Xu Ying thought, It's okay that he didn't talk about what I'm good at, which gave me a feeling of knowing everything and being omnipotent. But when it comes to what I'm good at, he's not that proficient.

Xu Ying even found many errors in the Ten Great Scenes of the Holy Lord.

If there are any omissions, just leave it at that. At most, it means that the research is not thorough but not comprehensive. But if there are mistakes, it can only be said that he bit off more than he could chew and pretended to understand.

However, the Holy Master's demonstration of so many Taoist scenes was still extremely shocking and deeply admired by Xu Ying.

He walked out of this place and finally saw Sheng Zun and Lou Mingyu.

The Holy Lord is still standing in the light, with his back to him, and in front of him is another form of Tao tree and Tao scene. It is also vast.

Xu Ying looked at it carefully and couldn't help but feel moved.

This Dao tree scenery is actually based on Dao patterns and manifested!

Dao patterns and immortal runes, one is the structure of the ancient times, and the other is the structure of today. Immortals in ancient times evolved Tao trees, flowers, and fruits based on Tao patterns, but today's immortals use runes as the basis to evolve Tao trees, flowers, and fruits!

The Holy Lord actually mastered both immortal structures!

In other words, even if the Holy Lord practices the old way, he can still practice it to the extreme. It is very simple for him to cultivate into the wonderful realm of Da Luo!

This man's talent is so great!

Xu Ying thought to himself, It is not unfair that the supreme and wonderful realm of the Immortal Court was defeated in his hands.

However, the Holy Lord praised Qingxuan more in his words and believed that he was far inferior to Qingxuan. Regardless of his qualifications, understanding, and combat power, he was left behind by Qingxuan at that time.

So, how high was Qingxuan's talent at that time?

Xu Ying was in a daze, thinking of the useless Qingxuan, and felt a pang of regret in his heart.

Over the years, I have gathered the three supreme caves and abyss, understood the most profound principles in the caves, and tried the two paths of runes and Dao patterns, and found that there is no way forward. Using runes and Dao patterns as the basic structure The Immortal Path has reached the end of the road to the Supreme Realm and Wonderful Realm, and there is no ninth realm.

The Holy Lord sighed and said, I have tried many possibilities.

He walked forward and Xu Ying saw more testing grounds.

In these testing grounds, all kinds of broken avenues were scattered. Some were Tao trees, some were Tao landscapes, and avenues with various alien structures all ended in collapse.

The Holy Lord has been living in seclusion these years, and I am afraid that almost all his energy has been put into various experiments.

The ninth realm has become an obsession that can never be realized for him, and it has been haunting him!

Xu Ying couldn't help but said: If the Holy Lord wants to open up the ninth realm so much, why not follow Qingxuan's words and return Dongyuan to the public, so that more talents can cultivate to the realm of heavenly king and supreme, and work together with everyone?

Just as he said this, a biting chill suddenly hit him and enveloped him.

Xu Ying couldn't help but have several cold wars and didn't dare to say any more.

He suddenly understood that although the Holy Lord had a strong desire to seek truth, an independent man was an independent man and that would never change.

He will not give up the power he has obtained!

The Holy Lord restrained his breath and said: Dao Weeping is also a Dao structure, but it is more advanced. This structure should directly point to the ninth realm, the Immortal Realm! Over the years, I have also cracked Dao Weeping.

He continued to walk forward, and countless bones came into Xu Ying's eyes.

Those were the people who died in the Tao crying when the Tao crying broke out in the earthly immortal world!

Xu Ying followed him and walked forward. What he saw was shocking. There were many types of corpses collected by the Holy Lord, including the Immortal King, the Immortal Lord, the Heavenly Lord, the Daluo Golden Immortal, the human race, the demon race, the unicorn, the dragon and the phoenix, the roc, and the holy master. .

Some of them were in the state of skeletons, and some of their bodies had been transformed into half by Tao weeping. The more powerful ones, Tianjun, could retain their physical bodies and were like walking corpses. When they saw them coming, they opened their mouths and let out harsh cries and attacked them.

There are also the powerful Daluo Jinxian. Their dojo is in tatters and the people are still alive, but they are imprisoned by the Holy Lord.

Both Tianjun and Daluo Jinxian were cut open.

Not only their physical bodies were cut open, but their souls and various realms were cut into thin slices and hung in the air in detail, unfolded for easy study.

The Holy Lord will also cut open their brains and observe the process of the brains of these strong men collapsing in Taoist cries.

Xu Ying saw the most meticulous work. Many Dao trees, Dao flowers, and Dao fruits were cut open without harming them. They were also unfolded to observe their reactions under Dao's cry.

There are also several Tianjuns polluted by Tao Weeping tied next to them. They are opening their mouths and making sharp weeping sounds at the cross sections of Tao Trees, Flowers and Fruits!

Xu Ying immediately understood the intention of the Holy Lord snatching him from the Immortal Emperor: The Holy Lord is going to cut me open, cut me into thin slices, hang me up for study and make me cry!

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