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Chapter 595 Visitors from the Other Side in the Cave Abyss

Taiyi Cave Abyss is now compatible with Xu Ying's Dao Domain. Xu Ying's ten domains are integrated, just like a small Taiyi Cave Abyss. Taiyi Cave Abyss is compatible with its Dao Domain, which greatly increases the speed of his imprint!

His cultivation level is also advancing by leaps and bounds, and the fairy mountains in Taiyi Cave Abyss have become extremely bright. The fairy mountains are floating in the void of the cave abyss, and their Tao power is permeated, boosting his Taoism.

And deep in the floating fairy mountains, in an extremely distant place, there is a continent on the other side.

What aroused Taoist Yuxu's alarm just now was the abnormal fluctuation coming from there.

Xu Ying was comprehending the Great Dao and branding the Dao Realm, and did not notice this subtle fluctuation. Taoist Yuxu hesitated for a moment and thought to himself: He is a descendant of my Yuxu Palace, the only descendant of Yuxu Palace in this world.

Nowadays, the Tao of the ancient era has declined, and Xu Ying has not done much research on Yuxu Taoism. However, for Taoist Yuxu, it is a blessing to be able to keep the Yuxu inheritance alive.

Nowadays, Xu Ying can be said to be the only seedling.

He held up the whisk in his hand, and the whisk floated in the sky. The dust fibers grew like a big bowl turned upside down, protecting the Kunlun realm.

This treasure is called the Jade Fly Whisk, which is as famous as the Vajra Diamond. It is a wonderful magic weapon. Although its power is not as powerful as it was in its heyday, it is still extraordinary.

Taoist Yuxu stood up and walked towards the abyss of Taiyi Cave.

The fly whisk is His magic weapon. If a foreign enemy invades, he will touch it first to warn him.

Taoist Yuxu entered Taiyi Cave Abyss and immediately felt the powerful spiritual energy coming in, as if he was immersed in an ocean of spiritual energy. Only such pure and huge spiritual energy can support a heavenly king to achieve supreme status!

Xu Ying's current cultivation level is already extremely impressive, but the spiritual energy he consumes in cultivation is less than one percent of the output of Taiyi Cave Abyss!

He was even more surprised by the Taiyi Avenue. This avenue was extremely advanced. The sound of the Taiyi Avenue emitted in the void could allow people to enter the state of enlightenment at all times.

If you practice this great way, your cultivation level will inevitably rise continuously!

It's not inferior to the cave abyss in my Yuxu Palace. Taoist Yuxu praised.

The Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Ruins also has its own unique heritage and its own cave, which is called the Yuxu Cave Abyss, but it was taken away by Yuxu Taoist Ancestor.

He flew over the fairy mountains. The aura of Taiyi Avenue became stronger and stronger, and the interaction between the avenue and people became stronger. If someone could practice and comprehend Taiyi Avenue here, his speed would definitely be dozens of times faster than the outside world!

In fact, Taoist Yuxu felt like he wanted to be assimilated by Taiyi Dao. He is not a human being, but the primordial spirit of heaven and earth. He is a deity condensed from the avenues of the Yuxu Palace Dojo in Kunlun Realm. The avenues contained in the Taiyi Cave Abyss are too strong and will cause great harm to him.

To him, this was an invasion.

However, Taoist Yuxu still forced his way forward, trying to find out.

Among the caves and abyss, the most mysterious one is Taiyi Cave Abyss. After Emperor Haotian summoned this cave, he no longer showed it to others easily. After his death, Taiyi Dongyuan also disappeared.

Emperor Haotian was the first person in history to comprehend the secret of Cuiyan and summon the Cave Abyss. His Taiyi Cave Abyss inevitably hid some secrets.

Finally, Taoist Yuxu braved the danger of being assimilated and came to the other shore.

What comes into view is an ancient building, thick and wild, not in today's style. The surface of the building has some strange branch-like textures, drawn to look like words.

Taoist Yuxu looked at these textures and didn't recognize a single word.

He walked forward cautiously, but strange power came from these ancient buildings, suppressing his movements. This power is different from the new Tao and the old Tao. It is a brand-new Taoism system.

In the depths of this cave, I'm afraid Xu Ying hasn't passed by yet.

The deeper he goes, the greater the influence of this heretic on himself, causing Taoist Yuxu to muster all his strength to contend with it.

If Yuxu Whisk was there, he could still contend, but now it was already a bit difficult.

Even he felt that it was strenuous. If Xu Ying came here, it would be even more strenuous. Therefore, he concluded that Xu Ying had never been here before.

There were some strange corpses on the ground. Taoist Yuxu stopped to check and saw that the corpses were not human, demon, or dragon.

This is a humanoid creature with an extremely tall skeleton, somewhat similar to the imprints of the ancient gods in the Xuying Dojo. However, the ancient god's brand in Xu Ying's dojo is just a phantom, but the bones here are real!

Taoist Yuxu approached one of the huge skeletons. The Taoist was not even as tall as his toes. Looking up at the skeleton, he saw that the skeleton was sitting on all fours with lotus lotus posture. The sitting posture was straight, and the eight hands formed a seal in front of and behind the body, like a knot. A seal that sticks to itself!

Taoist Yuxu walked up to him, but his eardrums were buzzing due to the breath coming from the skeleton. He couldn't calm down and had to take a few steps back.

He looked up and saw that the surface of the skeleton also had some branch-like textures spread throughout the bones.

This texture is similar to the principle of forming the ancient gods in Xu Ying Dojo.

Are they ancient creatures? Or are they not from our universe?

Taoist Yuxu looked shocked and whispered, Are they gods from the other side? But why did they die in the cave?

He bypassed this huge skeleton and walked forward. More giant skeletons ahead came into view.

Taoist Yuxu vaguely felt that his great path was likely to collapse under the pressure of the bones, so he had to stop and planned to turn back. At this moment, he suddenly saw a figure in green clothes sitting in front of a palace.

Taoist Yuxu endured the discomfort and stepped forward, only to see that the figure in green clothes was a young man, about thirty years old, less than forty years old, with an air of immortality.

Taoist Yuxu felt that he had a kind face, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before, so he asked, This fellow Taoist, Taoist Yuxu is very polite. How do you call me my friend?

The Changsheng Emperor had matured the Nine Heavenly Lords Dongyuan, and his cultivation strength had further improved. Seeing that the ten-day period had passed five days, he immediately came out of seclusion, and an immortal came to report immediately, saying: Your Majesty, I promised to become an immortal After court, head to Kunlun.

Emperor Changsheng smiled and said: Going to Kunlun Ruins to practice? Do you want to borrow Taoist Yuxu to protect you? Taoist Yuxu is just the soul of heaven and earth born in Taoist Yuxu's dojo. If he had some ability, how could he die that year? In the hands of the rebels?

He rushed directly to Kunlun.

In Kunlun Ruins, one needs to board the Sacred Bridge and connect it to enter this ancient dojo. However, the Sacred Bridge had long been destroyed in the Lei tribe's battle against Kunlun.

The Emperor Changsheng came to the end of the divine bridge, stepped across it, and arrived at the Kunlun Ruins. He saw the light appearing and disappearing in the Yuxu Palace on Qilin Cliff, constantly erupting outwards, and then shrinking.

Waves of Taoist sounds came out. When they were loud and loud, they were like the roar of ten thousand dragons, and when they were low, they were like the sound of a conch wind. It is true that hundreds of rounds of Taoism cannot exhaust the mystery of Taoism.

Emperor Changsheng's face changed slightly as he listened to the sound. The sound was so mysterious that even he had many shortcomings. He immediately walked towards Yuxu Palace.

There is no morality in a life-and-death showdown. Now he is ready. If Xu Ying is not ready, then Xu Ying will definitely die!

Suddenly, the Changsheng Emperor stopped, and saw a slender thread of dust quietly sliding past him, cutting the space in front of him.

The corners of Emperor Changsheng's eyes twitched.

The magic weapon of Daluo Wonderland showed him unparalleled ingenuity. This thin dust thread actually cut the space, but no cut surface could be seen!

The space in front of him was still stacked together, and it seemed that even the space itself did not realize that it had been cut apart.

Space has extremely strong self-healing properties. Even if it is cut, it can heal quickly. However, if the space itself does not realize that it has been cut, it cannot heal!

The Changsheng Emperor raised his eyebrows, thinking that if this treasure fell on him, it would have the same effect!

His eyes flashed, and he wanted to see if he could break through the defense of this wonderful treasure in a duel, but thinking that he might be injured, it was more likely that he would alarm Xu Ying, and instead be Xu Ying. He should take the opportunity to kill, but he hesitated.

The Changsheng Emperor blew lightly, and the world in front of him suddenly staggered, revealing a spatial section with an unknown geometry that was three thousand miles wide!

Such a powerful wonderful treasure, if you can't give it a try...

The Changsheng Emperor walked forward, and on the sky, the whisks slowly rotated, and dust threads fell down. The nine great caves and abyss above the head of the Emperor Changsheng were rotating, raising his cultivation strength to a higher level. He flicked his fingers repeatedly, and the dust threads were bounced back by him before they even got close.

But the Emperor Changsheng was also shaken to the point of numbness in his arms. He did not dare to neglect, and the dojo blossomed immediately. The plum blossoms on the plum trees in the field were floating, spinning in the wind, turning into a great wheel, catching up with the falling dust threads.

The Taoist wheel collided with the dust thread, and the sound was astonishingly dull.

Suddenly, many more great wheels flew out, swaying back and forth in the air, blowing away the dust from the fly whisk.

As Emperor Changsheng walked towards Yuxu Palace, twelve avenue wheels suddenly appeared in the sky, roaring back and forth to protect his safety.

This is the Emperor's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Destroying Technique, the Demon-Destroying Technique in the Twelve Dao Wheel state. It is really amazing!

The attack of the jade-like fly whisk became more and more violent, hundreds of dust threads swept in, swinging away the twelve avenue wheels, heading straight towards the Changsheng Emperor.

Hundreds of dust threads stabbed at him, only to see the twelve Dao Wheels that had been swept away roar back and stop behind the head of the Changsheng Emperor. He sang loudly with the sound of the Dao, like ten thousand Dao Dao singing in unison, and an extremely thick Dao Wheel spun out. The light behind him brightened, penetrating through the twelve chakras, and the light was dazzling!

And the hundreds of dust threads stabbed by Yuxu's fly whisk suddenly spread out, forming a big white and flawless hand, and slapped it down heavily.


There was a loud sound like a bell in the sky, shaking the entire Kunlun Ruins. The sky was filled with rays of light, but the great avenue of heaven and earth in Kunlun Ruins was shaken and revealed strange phenomena.

Yuxu Palace was also shaken by the shock.

Emperor Changsheng received the blow from Yuxu Feuchen hard, his energy and blood were slightly sluggish, and he thought to himself: Emperor Qingxuan's method is indeed effective. Although my Nine Heavenly Sovereigns Dongyuan is not as good as the Supreme Dongyuan, it can actually make it possible. I competed with the Wonderful Realm Treasure and I didn’t fall behind, it’s really amazing!”

The most powerful thing about Qingxuan's method is that he can borrow the Tao power of the cave abyss and use the Tao power contained in the cave abyss for his own use, turning it into the power of his own Taoist and magical powers.

In the collision just now, Emperor Changsheng used the Dao power of the Nine Great Cave Abyss to the extreme to avoid any damage.

With my current cultivation strength, I can completely withstand the pressure of Yuxu Fuchen and kill Yuxu Palace!

He was about to move forward when he suddenly saw the uncertain light in Yuxu Palace suddenly blooming outwards, a thousand times brighter and stronger than before!

In the light of the light, the dojo was surging and expanding outwards. Ten great scenes emerged in the dojo. This was the sign that Xu Ying had perfected the dojo!

Emperor Changsheng's face darkened.

At this time, Xu Ying Yuan Shen appeared in the sky above Yuxu Palace, and the immortal light was extremely dazzling. He looked down and said with a smile: It turns out to be the emperor. Will the emperor wait until the ten days are over, or will he decide his life and death here and now?

The Changsheng Emperor glanced at the Jade Fly Whisk in the sky and threw his hat in the ring. If Xu Ying had not completed the Taoist temple, he would have dared to fight to the death, but now he was not sure.

Since the ten-day period has been set, it cannot be modified.

Emperor Changsheng turned around and walked away, saying, Five days from now, we will be waiting for you at Tianhai Ferry.

Xu Ying watched him go away with a smile on his face. When he left the Kunlun realm, he breathed a sigh of relief and recalled his soul.

His soul fell back into his body, and the smile on his face disappeared: Even the wonderful treasures of Yuxu Daozu can be defeated, and the strength of the Changsheng Emperor is a bit terrifying. During the confrontation, even if I sacrifice the mountains and rivers, I may not be able to take advantage of it. It’s cheap!”

His only trump card is Cuiyan Avenue!

It's just that Cuiyan's Dao Weeping can weaken Daluo Jinxian, but it can't kill Daluo Jinxian. Evil Jinxian was killed by Dao Weeping just because his Daluo Dojo was not a normal Daluo Dojo!

It's best to find someone to beat the Changsheng Emperor half to death before the duel! Take preventive measures before they happen.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed fiercely, and he thought, Those who are qualified to fight against the Changsheng Emperor are Taoist Yuxu plus Fuchen, Demon Ancestor, Taoist Taiqing plus Jingangzhuo. Why don't we just invite them and get Changsheng first? The emperor is paralyzed! Wait a minute, where is Taoist Yuxu? Isn’t he protecting me?

He looked around, but did not find Taoist Yuxu, and was wondering to himself. At this time, Taoist Yuxu walked out of the Taiyi Cave, with a strange expression, and said: Aying, come in, there is someone you need to meet.

Xu Ying was stunned and said: Who is it? In my Taiyi Cave Abyss?

He followed Taoist Yuxu, who led him to fly to the depths of the cave abyss, where Xu Ying had not been before.

Suddenly, Xu Ying's face changed slightly, and he noticed the strange aura of the avenue. It was the aura of the avenue that had the same origin as Cuiyan, but it was different and not as advanced as Cuiyan's avenue.

This was the first time he came here, and he saw majestic ancient buildings and huge skeletons from a distance, which seemed to be the same as the ancient god's mark when he passed through the four realms of heavenly tribulation!

Before he could think about it, he saw a tall man in green clothes standing on the other side of the continent in front of him. He looked somewhat familiar.

Xu Ying kept looking at the young man, and he became more and more confused.

Taoist Yuxu led him down and said to Xu Ying, Do you know who he is?

Xu Ying opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

The young man bowed in greeting, with a warm smile on his face, and said, Qingxuan from the Shangqing Taoist Sect has met Xu Taoist Fellow.

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