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Chapter 594: Abandoning evil and embracing good

Taoist Yuxu sat on Qilin Cliff and heard sounds from Yuxu Palace drifting into his ears along the wind from time to time.

...Promise, the reason why I have delayed moving away from you is so that you can complete the Taoist temple! By then, when you and I are in harmony, it will be the time for me to seize your body and take possession of your body!

...You are mine everywhere, how can you take over my body? Brother Xiao Dao, don't be obsessed with it!

...I have been waiting for a long time to be resurrected! Now that you have discovered it, I will take your body first! Wanxiang Tianluo!

Then there was the sound of Taoist magic bursting out. Not long after, Xiao Lanshan's excited voice came: Xu Ying, you are nothing more than that. Rather than die in the hands of the Changsheng Emperor, it is better to die in my hands!


Everything falls silent.

Taoist Yuxu looked back and saw that the Daluo Dojo in Yuxu Palace was in tatters and riddled with holes because of this battle. The fighting power of the two masters Xiao Lanshan and Xu Ying was truly extraordinary.

If we fight outside, I'm afraid my dojo will be destroyed.

Just when he thought of this, he saw the Daluo Dojo began to reorganize, the posture of an ancient god changed into another profound and mysterious posture, the scenery of the ten avenues returned to its original state, and the ten flowers bloomed and faded.

Taoist Yuxu looked away, and not long after, Xu Ying's voice came: Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan, come out! I want you to help me practice!

It's starting again. This kind of cultivation method is quite wonderful. Taoist Yuxu said in his heart.

...These days, I have been devouring your cultivation, refining your spiritual energy, understanding your great ways, and cultivating your magical powers! Xu Ying, what do you want to fight with me?

Everything is rejuvenated!

Then there was another burst of magical power coming from the confrontation between two masters, and the two of them were killed in the Da Luotian.


The crisp sound of the ruler came, and everything returned to calm.

Help me practice!


Thousands of forms are still empty!


Evil Golden Immortal Xiao Lanshan!



Taoist Yuxu shook his fly whisk and moved it to the crook of his elbow.

He finally figured out that Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan had actually lost control of Ruyi Daluotian a long time ago. Ever since he snatched away a strange flower and entered Daluotian, he had fallen under Xu Ying's control.

This Ruyi Daluotian is different from the normal Daluotian. The normal Daluotian is transformed by its own great path and condensed to form a dojo. The Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan cannot cultivate the Daluotian normally because he practices evil sects. , so he collected the innate Qi and used the innate Qi as an assistant to refine Daluotian.

Yuxu Taoist heart thought, This has laid a hidden danger. After his death, Tao Weeping disintegrated his Dao, and only the innate Qi was preserved. Xu Ying refined the innate Qi and reconstructed Da Luo Tian, ​​a new Da Luo Tian It has nothing to do with him. Xiao Lanshan thought that he still controlled Da Luotian, so he acted arbitrarily in Da Luotian as promised.

The Evil Golden Immortal devoured Xu Ying's cultivation, refined Xu Ying's spiritual energy, understood Xu Ying's great ways, and cultivated Xu Ying's magical powers. It seemed that he had a plan, and he devoured Xu Ying to death and made Xu Ying work for him, but In fact, it helps Xu Ying practice.

Because, he has turned himself into a part of Ruyi Daluotian.

Probably only his consciousness is his own.

So, after Xu Ying beats him to death, he can reshape his innate energy and rebuild Da Luo, and the Evil Golden Immortal will be resurrected accordingly.

Taoist Yuxu couldn't help but shook his head and said to himself, He is also stubborn. People have pointed it out, and you only have one consciousness left. You have to pay for food and clothing. There are other people's things everywhere, and you must shamelessly snatch his body. How can you snatch it? Pass?

In addition to pointing this out, Xu Ying also told Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan that he could let him go as long as he promised not to hurt anyone again. He was really a good man.

Unexpectedly, Xie Jinxian was stubborn and did not want to live in the form of a flower, so he had to take away the promise. Even Taoist Yuxu shook his head when he saw it.

On the first day of the ten-day period, the Evil Golden Immortal came to life thirty-seven times, and every time he was energetic and pounced on Xu Ying vigorously.

With such a powerful presence, Xu Ying grew rapidly. Gradually, his immortal golden body became stronger and stronger and more perfect. Xiao Lanshan was able to injure Xu Ying before, but later on, Xiao Lanshan's chances of gaining the upper hand became less and less.

After more than ten times, Xiao Lanshan fought with Xu Ying for a long time, but still could not defeat him. He grew evil and suddenly activated Luo Tian's annihilation method.

As soon as this method was used, the Great Luotian suddenly collapsed, and Xiao Lanshan shouted: Xu Ying, if I can't kill you, then assimilate with me!

Luotian Annihilation Technique is Xiao Lanshan's highest achievement. It is a well-known technique of dying together. It lures the enemy into his own innate Luotian. The innate Daluotian Annihilation uses the power of destroying the heaven and earth to turn the enemies into innate beings. Qi!

This move seems to kill them all, but the good thing is that Xiao Lanshan's Daluotian is refined from innate Qi, and after being annihilated, it still turns into a ball of innate Qi. Xiao Lanshan can regenerate from the innate Qi, but the enemy will always turn into the innate Qi to strengthen his Da Luotian.

He originally planned to get the promised physical body, but now it seems that the physical body is not available, so he has to resort to this desperate method!

Da Luotian was annihilated rapidly, the Dao flowers withered, the Dao realm collapsed, and the phantom of an ancient god collapsed. Soon the great extinction came from all directions, swallowing up Xu Ying and Xiao Lanshan!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: This move is somewhat similar to the Emperor's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation. Whether you can block the Extinction Immortal Formation depends on this!

He activated the leak-free golden body, and the Great Annihilation came crashing down, drowning the two of them.

Xiao Lanshan exploded into pieces, and his consciousness was swept away by the innate energy, roaring and flowing, and he thought to himself: Is this brat going to die this time?

However, in the torrent that destroyed the heaven and the earth, there was still a figure standing dimly, resisting the impact of the great annihilation of the heaven and the earth.

Xiao Lanshan's consciousness could only see the brilliant golden light reflected in the man's body. In the great annihilation, the golden light was constantly shattered and reorganized.

He can really resist this move of mine? Xiao Lanshan was terrified.

Suddenly, the golden light was annihilated, and the great annihilation of heaven and earth engulfed Xu Ying's figure, spinning and twisting his body into pieces, turning into streaks of innate energy that floated away.

Xiao Lanshan breathed a sigh of relief: The brat is still dead. If you have a perfect golden body and an immortal soul, won't you turn into ashes in my hands?

At this time, I saw that there was still a humanoid immortal aura in the surging innate energy, which remained unshakable in the great annihilation and had no tendency to be destroyed.

Xiao Lanshan was shocked: The Immortal Soul is really powerful!

He mobilized his consciousness and was about to restore Da Luotian and recreate his physical body. However, his consciousness surged, but his innate energy did not move at all.

Xiao Lanshan was shocked: What's going on?

At this moment, a clear and refreshing voice came from the innate Qi: Heaven opens!

The innate Qi vibrated suddenly, transforming the sky in an instant!

Xiao Lanshan's consciousness became increasingly blurred, and he was horrified: Is this still my Da Luotian?

His consciousness fell into chaos and confusion.

Xu Ying Yuan Shen exudes a spiritual light and walks under the yet-to-be-formed sky. The earthly immortal world, the human world and the dark human world are reflected from his body, illuminating the sky.


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the innate Qi surging and turning into the earth. Mountains rose from the ground, rivers flowed, lakes were formed, and oceans were created.

The sky was filled with clouds and mist, the wind was blowing, and thunder and lightning broke out. Sweet rain falls from the sky, golden light gushes from the earth, and colorful clouds bloom in the sky.

The phantoms of ancient gods emerged, and ten Taoist scenes were formed one after another. On each Taoist scene, Dao flowers slowly formed and bloomed slowly.

Within a moment, Ruyi Daluotian returned to normal.

Xu Ying slowly recovered his body and fell into deep thought.

It still doesn't work. The leak-free golden body cannot withstand Luo Tian's annihilation method, so it cannot withstand the Immortal Extinction Array.

He composed himself and shouted, Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan, come out!

The strange Tianhe flower came out from behind the ten scenes of Luo Tian and said in surprise: Xu Ying, did you know that I was hiding in Da Luo Tian?

Having just said this, Xiao Lanshan felt a little puzzled: This sentence seems familiar, as if I have said it before... Wait a minute, the scene in front of me also seems familiar.

Just now, Luo Tian was annihilated and returned to his innate energy. His consciousness still existed for a while. Although his memory became blurred, it was not completely erased.

Xu Ying said: ...I will give you a chance and let you live. You can leave the dojo and survive in a strange state. But you are not allowed to hurt others.

Xiao Lanshan sneered: What if I don't agree?

After he said this, he was stunned again: It seems that I have said this too...

Finally, the two of them talked about the moment when Tu Qiongdeng saw each other. Xiao Lanshan shouted loudly, suppressed the confusion in his heart and rushed towards Xu Ying.

At the end of this battle, Xiao Lanshan had no choice but to use Luo Tian's annihilation method and shouted: Xu Ying, let's see if you die!

Not long after, Xiao Lanshan was left with only his consciousness relying on his innate Qi, and he was still wondering in his heart: This scene is a bit familiar...

His consciousness gradually blurred.

Xu Ying summed up his experience and tried it again. This time Xiao Lanshan had more doubts in his heart.

This happened more than ten times, and the time that Xu Ying's immortal golden body fought against Luo Tian's annihilation method became longer and longer. Xiao Lanshan's doubts became more and more, and many memory fragments gradually emerged in front of his eyes.

Another time, Xu Ying shouted as usual: Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan, come out! I want you to help me practice!

After a while, there was no movement. Xu Ying waited for a while, but Xiao Lanshan was still missing. Feeling suspicious, he stepped forward.

Behind the Taoist scene of Yujing Immortal City, a man in a green robe with flowers on his temples squatted on the ground, digging his fingers into the ground and talking to himself.

No, no, everything that happened today has a sense of déjà vu.

The brat has trained his body really well, but he is just short of cultivating a dojo. Once he has completed the dojo, we will take him away!

But for some reason I always feel like this is a trap...

Xu Ying coughed, and Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan glanced at him, with a fierce look in his eyes. He straightened up and sneered: Xu Ying, what do you want?

Xu Ying was surprised, this sentence was different from before.

Xiao Lanshan, my duel with the Emperor is about to begin, and I must solve this hidden danger of yours. However, I have gained a lot of benefits by occupying your Da Luo Dojo.

Xu Ying said seriously, So I will give you a chance and let you live. You can leave the dojo and survive in a strange state. But you are not allowed to hurt others.


Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan readily agreed, turned around and walked away from Daluo Tianwai.

Xu Ying was dumbfounded, raised his hand and said, Hey, don't you think about it?

Xiao Lanshan walked out without looking back, waving his hands and saying: What are you considering? I gave up my innate power to you. After I go out, I will no longer kill people casually. If someone hurts me, I will not fight back easily. From now on, I will Do one good deed every day and hate evil as much as hatred! Okay?

Xu Ying was dumbfounded and watched helplessly as he walked out of Daluotian.

Xiao Lanshan walked out of Yuxu Palace and saw Taoist Yuxu sitting on the edge of the cliff with a fierce look in his eyes. He thought to himself: If it were in the past, I would have kicked this good-for-nothing old man off the cliff. But... he does good deeds every day. ! If I don’t do bad things, I just do good things!”

He came to Taoist Yuxu and said, Old man, how should I get out?

Taoist Yuxu smiled and said: Xie Jinxian, your Taoism is not orthodox, why not practice with me?

Xiao Lanshan sneered and said: Cultivation of your grandma's legs. I am almost driving myself crazy with cultivation. I suspect that I have become possessed by evil cultivation!

He calmed down and shouted: Old man, tell me how to get out quickly, otherwise you will break the two solitary crutches!

Taoist Yuxu showed him the way, Xiao Lanshan jumped up, jumped off the cliff, and left as fast as he could escape.

Xu Ying sighed and whispered: Even if you are a bad person, you are not thorough. Sure enough, you can't catch a sheep and keep shedding it, otherwise it will become bald. But fortunately, I have made great progress in cultivation, and I have achieved the immortal golden body. Deeper!”

Two days have passed. It is not easy to achieve such an achievement in two days.

Xu Ying's plan for these ten days was, firstly, to use the hands of the Evil Golden Immortal to find out the deficiencies and fill them up to help him fill the loopholes in his flawless golden body. The second was to build his own dojo and get rid of Ruyi Daluotian.

Third, combine the dojo and the Ten Scenes of Luotian with the Taiyi Cave Abyss!

Although there are still loopholes in the leak-free golden body, there are not many loopholes anymore. The evil golden immortal does not cooperate, and the remaining loopholes are difficult to solve by Xu Ying alone.

Xu Ying's cultivation level is slightly lower than that of Emperor Changsheng, so cultivating his own dojo and entering the realm of Immortal King can shorten the gap between him and Emperor Changsheng.

After completing his own dojo, he will have two dojos. When the two dojos are matched, the gap between him and the Changsheng Emperor in terms of cultivation will be greatly narrowed.

Moreover, after he completes the dojo, he will still take the orthodox supreme path, which is to combine the ten scenes of Luotian with Taiyi Dongyuan.

However, Xu Ying thought more.

He did not give up the path of the old path of trees, flowers, fruits, so he planned to refine the dojo into the Taiyi Cave Abyss and try to see if he could combine the new and old paths.

The Daluo Jinxian of the old way cultivates the Tao Fruit, but the Supreme Realm of the New Way does not cultivate the Tao Fruit. But the strange thing is that in the several realms before the New Way's Supreme Realm, he cultivates the Dao Tree and the Dao Flower Dojo, but he does not practice it when he reaches the Supreme Realm. It is very contradictory. .”

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he thought, Qingxuan's creation of the Supreme Realm is based on the old Tao realm, but it does not mean that the old Tao is completely abandoned. If the Supreme Realm can also cultivate Dao Fruit, then this new realm, It is bound to be much stronger than the simple Supreme Realm!

The Supreme Realm may not be as simple as the Ten Scenes of Daluo. He plans to cultivate both the old and the new to see if he can find a new path.

Build the Celestial Dojo first!

Xu Ying sat cross-legged, put away the Ruyi Daluotian, turned it into a halo and placed it behind his head. Ruyi Daluotian is more like a magic weapon to him. A magic weapon in the form of a dojo transformed by innate Qi is not a real dojo.

Now he wants to practice his own dojo.

These days, he has thoroughly explored the Ruyi Daluotian, and his understanding of the Taoist temple has reached a level that he has never reached before.

Around him, the ten realms of immortals flew out, and ten great scenes such as the sea of ​​chaos, the black and yellow Qi, the clear sky of glass, and the immortal aura appeared in the realm of ten immortals.

The realm of the ten immortals is his Dao realm. Xu Ying had already cultivated the ten realms into one and turned them into the Dao realm when he was in Ziwei's ancestral court.

At this time, the refining domain is the dojo, and it is a natural progression.

But seeing that the ten realms were integrated and the Tao realm was formed, the Taiyi Cave Abyss standing up behind his head quietly spread out and became one with the Tao realm.

The melodious Taoist sound came from the ten great scenes, and various mysterious immortal runes flew out from the Taoist sound. The sky and the earth were dark and yellow, the universe was vast, the sun and the moon were waxing, and the stars and constellations were listed...

Each kind of immortal rune represents a kind of immortality.

Immediately, more than 3,000 characters of immortal runes flew out from the ten great scenes, and were imprinted on the sky of the Tao Domain. Imprinting the Immortal Tao in the Tao Domain was the first step in building a dojo!

Suddenly, Taoist Yuxu turned his head in surprise and looked at Taiyi Cave Abyss. His heart moved slightly: There is something wrong with this cave abyss! There is something in the cave abyss!

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