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Chapter 596 Waste Qingxuan

Qingxuan from the Shangqing Dao Sect? Xu Ying's mind was buzzing.

Qingxuan should be dead!

His ten great scenes are still floating in the realm of Taixu.

There was no way he was still alive, and his enemies would never allow him to be alive.

However, who is this Qingxuan from the Shangqing Dao Sect in front of him? Why does it appear in Taiyi Cave Abyss?

If he was that Qingxuan, how did he survive?

Xu Ying had met Qingxuan. In the memory of his uncle Yunhai, the junior master of the Shangqing Taoist sect, Qingxuan Taoist was five or six years older than this young man. He was ruthless and would kill his fellow disciples in order to obtain Shangqing Dongyuan.

That middle-aged Qingxuan and the current young Qingxuan are both the same person.

After a while, Xu Ying finally regained his composure, returned the courtesy to the young man, and said, Xu Ying from Yuxu Palace, I met Dao Brother.

Qingxuan smiled and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, should you still be a disciple of the Shangqing Taoist Sect? I can sense the aura of the Shangqing Taoist Sect from your body.

Xu Ying said: I have studied the Shangqing Dedong Sutra and Huangting Sutra for several months with Taoist Yuqing.

I see.

Qingxuan said happily, So, we are brothers.

When Xu Ying thought about his relationship with Qingxuan, his mind became confused and he didn't know how to describe it. His ancestor was a descendant of Yuxu Palace. He followed Qingxuan and was Qingxuan's subordinate, responsible for guarding Kunlun. Therefore, Xu Ying's seniority can be described as extremely low. But Xu Ying's mother Lan Suying was Ming Zun's adopted daughter, Xu Ying was Ming Zun's grandson, and Ming Zun was Qing Xuan's disciple. This seniority is also very low.

Xu Ying's Ten Scenes of Luotian are almost the same as Qingxuan's Ten Scenes of Taixu. Although they have nothing to do with Qingxuan and were comprehended by Xu Ying himself, Ming Zun's guidance is indispensable.

In fact, Mingzun arranged for Xu Ying to comprehend the ten sceneries of Taixu according to the process of Qingxuan's cultivation, so that Xu Ying could comprehend the heaven and earth avenues of each ancestral court, and thus master the ten sceneries.

In a sense, Qingxuan should be like a master and disciple to Xu.

However, if we look at the relationship between Shangqing Taoist sect, Xu Ying is the same generation as Qingxuan.

Seniority is such an outdated thing, let it go. Xu Ying thought to himself.

He looked at Qingxuan carefully and saw clues that the Qingxuan in front of him should not be Qingxuan's real body. He has demonic nature. Although he hides it well, the characteristics of the demon still exist.

Are you the demon thought that Qingxuan chopped off? Xu Ying asked.

The young man Qingxuan smiled and said: It's not demonic thoughts, it's just distracting thoughts.

Xu Ying was puzzled.

The young man Qingxuan said: When I was Qingxuan, I cut off the distracting thoughts, but they were not my true body. Back then, Qingxuan explored the new way and discovered the supreme realm of enlightenment. In order to prove the way, I need to preserve the purity of the Taoist heart. But for ordinary people, All impure thoughts must be cut off. He thinks that I am evil-minded, too insidious and ruthless, he also thinks that I am a mother-in-law, he also thinks that I am petty, and he thinks that I am not very capable and have a bad temper. Well, he also thinks that I have not become a leader. Wisdom, he cut me out. To realize the Supreme Tao requires the pure and penetrating heart of the Tao. If he doesn’t cut me out, he will not be able to realize the Supreme Tao.

I am the good-for-nothing Qingxuan. He said with a hearty smile.

Xu Ying suddenly realized it, but he was still a little disappointed in his heart.

When he first saw the trash Qingxuan, he thought Emperor Qingxuan was still alive, but he didn't expect that only Emperor Qingxuan's distracting thoughts survived. He had an extravagant hope that if Qingxuan survived, maybe he would be able to change this mess in the immortal world. But now this extravagant hope has come to nothing.

Trash Qingxuan said: After he cut me out, he felt that I was useless, but trash is also useful, so he left me here.

Xu Ying wondered: Why did he leave you here? Also, Taiyi Dongyuan was summoned by Qingxuan? Can he also summon Taiyi?

He was summoned on the eve of his enlightenment.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan pursed his lips and said, He left me here to guard the things inside so as not to come out and cause trouble. I have been staying here to guard the place and have never gone out in these years.

Xu Ying looked into the depths of the continent on the other side, and saw the bones of various ancient gods scattered in an orderly manner, as well as ancient and grand palaces.

Xu Ying was amazed by these bones and palaces.

It has been half a year since he passed through the Heavenly Tribulation of the Four Realms. Because he recognized his mother Lan Suying, these days he was lost in the joy of family reunion, and he never had time to search the depths of the Taiyi Cave. Unexpectedly, there is such a shore deep in the Taiyi Cave Abyss!

The branch-like textures on these buildings and skeletons are used to record the physical structure of Cuiyan Avenue!

The rational structure is a more mature and advanced avenue structure method than the rune structure and the dao pattern structure. The rational structure analyzes the avenue, which is called truth.

The other shore in front of him, its buildings and the branch-like textures on the bones were exactly the truth!

These skeletons come from the same world as Cuiyan.

He murmured, What could be running out of here?

He couldn't help but take a step forward and walked forward along the ancient road. Taoist Yuxu said quickly: Be careful, the Heaven and Earth Avenue here is abnormal!

Just as he said this, he saw branches sprouting around Xu Ying, forming a dark halo that flew up slowly and hung behind his head, resonating with the branch-like textures on the bones and buildings.

Taoist Yuxu suddenly felt that the pressure brought on him by the bones and buildings disappeared, replaced by relaxation, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan was also amazed and said with a smile: Junior Brother Xu, you are much more useful than me.

The two of them followed Xu Ying and walked towards the depths of the other shore.

Xu Ying stopped in front of the majestic skeleton of an ancient god. This ancient god was not a creature from the immortal world or the human world. It was huge and fierce.

Even though he has been dead for an unknown period of time, his bones still exude a heart-rending throbbing!

When Taoist Yuxu came here before, he felt that the pressure brought by the bones was unbearable, but it was right. Now that he was protected by the dark halo that he had promised, he could not feel the pressure.

Not only did he not feel oppression, he could now appreciate the beauty of the bones. Even looking at the branch-like textures on the surface of the bones, he could also detect the beauty that came from the profound avenues of alien species.

This is what I beat to death.

The waste Qingxuan looked at the bones of the ancient god and said, Every once in a while, something will come out of the Taiyi Cave. It is very difficult to kill these things. I am not only a waste, but also a glutton, eating them. Only the bones must be left...

Xu Ying was horrified and said: Did you beat him to death?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan nodded and said: They can't gnaw their bones. If you can gnaw them, you probably won't even be able to see the bones.

Xu Ying and Taoist Yuxu looked at each other and murmured in their hearts: Trash Qingxuan, is it really trash?

Why do I think he is more powerful than Daluo Jinxian?

They walked forward, and more ancient god remains came into view on the way. They were all beaten to death by the trash Qingxuan and then eaten.

Xu Ying even saw several large pots, which should be used to stew meat.

They walked up to it and there were still bones inside.

Xu Ying glanced at the good-for-nothing Qingxuan. This gentle young man was a little stunned and said, The bone stew tastes pretty good.

With the blessing of Xu Ying, they came to an ancient hall. There was light coming from inside. The light gave people the feeling of being as deep as the ocean. Several powerful figures could be vaguely seen, hazy and unclear.

Last time Taoist Yuxu walked here, it was difficult to go on, but this time following Xu Ying, he didn't feel the slightest pressure.

Is this where they came from? Xu Ying looked inside and asked.

The light was like amber, and those figures were mosquitoes solidified in amber.

They seem to be frozen in time.

Waste Qingxuan said: Yes. But have you discovered anything else?

Xu Ying strained his eyesight and looked into the darkness. Suddenly his heart skipped a beat and he said, There are people in the light, eight people, carrying a coffin!

Taoist Yuxu came forward and looked around. Sure enough, he saw eight tall figures in the deepest part of the light. They used thick wooden stakes to lift a golden coffin that was about three feet long and more than ten feet wide.

They and the golden coffin were also fixed in time.

Xu Ying wondered: Are they going this way or that way?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said: You asked for the key. In fact, before Qingxuan killed me, he had discovered these eight people and the golden coffin. At that time, he guessed that the eight people were going there carrying the golden coffin. He He suspected that the person in the coffin was Emperor Haotian, and he felt that Emperor Haotian must have hidden reasons for his death. Maybe Emperor Haotian faked his death, but actually went to the other side through Taiyi Cave Abyss. Otherwise, why would Taiyi Cave Abyss disappear?

Xu Ying listened intently and asked, So, are these eight people and this golden coffin going over there or here?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled and said: Of course I came here. I have been staying here all these years and found that although they are frozen in time, they are not motionless. They just move very slowly. It takes thousands of years to take a step forward.

Xu Ying couldn't help but think of the situation when he helped Jijue Buddha. Jijue was also frozen in time and could not move forward one step!

But what he saw at that time was that the place where Ji Jue was frozen was dark, and only Ji Jue's body had light. What he saw here was that the eight people and the golden coffin were all in the light.

They may seem far away from this world, but they are already very close.

The waste Qingxuan smiled and said, The closer they are to the present world, the faster they will go. These eight people are stronger than those things, and their speed will become faster and faster. They will enter the present world in no more than a hundred years.

Xu Ying smiled and said: There are senior brothers guarding us here. Even if they run out, it won't be a big deal.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan laughed and said: You are wrong, I am free! From today on, I can get rid of this boring chore and run out to be happy!

Xu Ying was stunned and said quickly: You can't leave! What will happen if those ancient gods come in again after you leave? Also, what will happen if the eight coffin bearers and the golden coffin come over?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan blinked his eyes and said: Six hundred thousand years ago, who was the master of Taiyi Cave Abyss?

Xu Ying said honestly: Qingxuan.

Waste Qingxuan said: What now?

The corners of Xu Ying's mouth moved: Me.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: You can make a good-for-nothing promise and let him guard this place for you. As for me, I'm free!

He cheered and ran out.

Xu Ying quickly grabbed his sleeve and said: Senior Brother, I can't control it! I really can't control it! When Qingxuan ordered you to guard here, he didn't say when you would be free! Could it be that you just sit back and watch, Junior Brother? Being beaten to death by the ancient gods who emerged from the cave abyss? Are you just going to watch these ancient gods come out and cause trouble to all living beings?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled and said: I am the good-for-nothing created by Qingxuan. Not only am I useless, I'm also lazy. Don't use any friendship between teachers or the righteousness of all sentient beings to make me sacrifice my life. I won't accept this! I'm leaving!

Wait a moment!

Xu Ying quickly called him and said, Junior brother, I have been making an appointment with someone recently, and there are only five days left. Is there anything you can teach me, senior brother?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan looked him up and down, shook his head and said: Your realm is much more powerful than mine back then. When I was in your realm, I didn't cultivate the ten great realms. I have nothing to teach you, I'm just Qing Teaching you the trash that Xuan Zhan created will only harm you.

Xu Ying blinked and said: Then, senior brother, can you help me beat someone? Don't kill him, just give him a slight injury.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan suddenly became energetic: Who should I hit? Is he powerful? I won't fight him if he is too powerful. Also, does he have many brothers? If he has too many, I won't fight him!

Xu Ying smiled and said: There is a lonely man with similar abilities as me. This man's name is Chen Changsheng, he is titled Emperor Changsheng and he lives in Yantian in the immortal world.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said: I beat him, and what happened to Taiyi Dongyuan has nothing to do with me. From now on, it will be your business. If something happens, you can't come to me.

Xu Ying nodded and said with a smile: When the time comes, I will cut out a piece of trash and Xu Ying will keep it here.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan walked out, suddenly remembered something, turned around and said with a smile: When and where will you have a decisive battle? I also like to join in the fun, so I must go and take a look.

Xu Ying said solemnly: Five days later, Tianhai Ferry.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan whizzed away and said with a smile: Don't worry, I will definitely show up!

Xu Ying watched him go away, breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: Senior Brother Qingxuan beat the emperor, no matter whether his injuries are healed after five days, he will not be able to practice for these five days. But I can practice to my heart's content. Master, after Senior Brother Qingxuan beat the Emperor, can you also beat him up?

Taoist Yuxu raised his eyes and glanced at him, saying: Why do you have to duel with him? Just let me beat him to death.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Master, of course, we can't just beat him to death. All we need to do is defeat him and leave him with minor injuries. He can heal. I just want to weaken his spirit.

Taoist Yuxu snorted and left without commenting.

When Xu Ying walked out of Taiyi Cave Abyss, he saw that Taoist Yuxu and the Yuxu whisk had disappeared.

Master is really old-fashioned and warm-hearted, with a cold face and a warm heart.

Xu Ying sighed in admiration and left the Kunlun Ruins, thinking, The Emperor came to attack me and tried to duel in advance. He is unkind and unjust to me. I will go to find Demon Ancestor, Tai Qing, and Xu Emperor now, and each of them will be slightly injured. ! He suffered repeated setbacks, and when he confronts me five days later, he will be a sad soldier! The sad soldier will be defeated!

Immortal world, five prisons and heavenly prison.

The Emperor of the Five Prisons bowed his body and led the Changsheng Emperor all the way to the bottom of the Tianlao. The place was filled with seals of all the emperors, and it was terrifying. Even if a heavenly king like the Emperor of the Five Hells comes here, he is suppressed by the seal here and cannot use his cultivation!

But even so, it still can't suppress the fierceness of this place!

The Changsheng Emperor waved his hand and asked the Five Prison Emperors to retreat, saying: I have never been here before.

The Emperor of the Five Prisons hurriedly left.

Emperor Changsheng came to a prison, was silent for a moment, and said: Brother Yantian, now that Ming Zun has fallen into the Black Realm, and the Eight Emperors of the Nine Heavens have been severely injured, I will give you a chance to regain your freedom.

There was a white-haired old man hanging in the prison. Huge hook chains passed through his limbs. The hooks hooked the flesh and blood and hung in the air. The iron chains rattled. The white-haired old man raised his head and sneered: It turns out to be Xuantian. All. When you took my throne, our accounts have not been settled yet!

Emperor Changsheng said calmly: You deserved it for your murder of Ming Zun back then. I just happened to become a Daluo Jinxian, and I didn't intend to take away your position.

The white-haired old man was silent for a moment and said, What do you want me to do?

Emperor Changsheng's eyes flashed: Hit someone for me.

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