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Chapter 593 I want you to help me practice

Emperor Jiuyou was furious, but he did not dare to continue irritating Xu Ying. After Xu Ying ascended to the immortal world, he defected to Doubu. Emperor Jiuyou heard about this and sent his apprentice to Zitong Yuanjun's house to propose marriage. The purpose was actually to manipulate Xu Ying.

Xu Ying resisted, and his disciples made rude remarks, humiliating Xu Ying and Zitong Yuanjun, and were beaten to death by Xu Ying.

In the evening, Emperor Jiuyou came to avenge his disciple, and secretly competed with Xu Ying. The two fought for three rounds, and Xu Ying sacrificed the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler and knocked him over.

Because of this loss, he repeatedly provoked Xu Ying.

But now that Xu Ying was about to fall out and kill someone, he didn't dare to continue talking, thinking to himself: Xu Ying used to be a scholar, but now Xu Ying is a barbarian, trying to make people come to life at every turn. Vulgar!

Xu Ying said: Brother Changsheng Dao, do you want to stay here to practice?

He said politely: In order to ensure that the eight Tao brothers maintain their status quo, I think it is better to invite them out of the Supreme Cave Abyss and seal this place. The Supreme Cave Abyss is a treasure that can only be used by the Immortal Emperor. If you do not become an Immortal Emperor, No one is allowed to touch this place. This is a rule set by the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens, and we cannot violate it.

Emperor Yanglong, Emperor Taixiao and others were awe-inspiring: This kid won't leave any loopholes!

They also wanted to use the Supreme Cave Abyss to heal their injuries and restore their cultivation, but now Xu Ying has blocked their path.

Emperor Changsheng knew that Xu Ying was worried about refining the Supreme Cave Abyss, and even more worried about making a breakthrough within ten days with the help of the Supreme Cave Abyss, so he made this proposal.

He looked at Emperor Yang Long and others. Even though Emperor Yang Long and others were extremely weak, he still did not dare to fall out now. If Emperor Yang Long and others still have 10% of their strength, then if they join forces with Xu Ying, they may die.

When Yuan Jun died, he was half a step ahead of Xu Ying, but they both arrived at the place where Yuan Jun died at the same time. Xu Ying's display of cultivation really shocked him and made him dare not give it a try!

It will be as you say.

Emperor Changsheng turned around and walked out of the Supreme Cave Abyss. Emperor Yang Long and others supported each other and also walked out of the Supreme Cave Abyss.

Xu Ying waited for them to walk out, and immediately placed a seal outside the Supreme Cave, and said with a smile: Gentlemen, we will see you in ten days! After that, he drifted away.

Emperor Yang Long and others looked gloomy. The seal left by Xu Ying was extremely delicate. They wanted to break it, but they couldn't break it for a while. They had to go through many days of research before they could break it.

Brother Yang Long, do we also want to impose a seal outside the Supreme Cave Abyss?

Emperor Taixiao whispered, Even if we add a seal, we can't prevent the boy named Xu. He can come in whenever he wants and come out whenever he wants.


Emperor Yang Long said flatly, It's not to guard against Xu Ying, but to guard against the other one!

Emperor Taixiao suddenly realized that if it was just Xu Ying's seal, the Changsheng Emperor would still have a chance to break it. He must add the seals of their eight emperors to prevent the Changsheng Emperor!

They were already seriously injured, and now they had to use their remaining mana to seal them, which only made them more injured.

The Changsheng Emperor also stepped forward, placed his own seal outside the cave, bowed to the eight emperors, and turned to leave.

What he was guarding against was the Eight Emperors.

Emperor Yang Long and others watched him go away, and suddenly said: Go to the Ministry of Finance! The Heavenly Lord of the Ministry of Finance is in charge of the caves of the world, and there are some caves of immortal kings and immortal kings in them. I can barely use them for ten days to hang on to my life!

The eight emperors looked pale and walked towards the Ministry of Finance.

They used the Tianjun-level Dongyuan to treat their injuries, but it would take ten or eight years to cure them. Using the Ministry of Finance's Immortal King Immortal-level Dongyuan, they could only save their lives, but there was no hope of treating the injuries!

Xu Ying hid behind a palace, quietly poked his head out, and saw the eight great emperors helping each other to leave. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards Weiyang Palace.

This kind of intrigue in the fairy world, this kind of feeling that no one can believe, is so good!

He speeded up and said happily in his heart, No one believes anyone, so no one can use the Supreme Cave Abyss. Then, I am the only one who can use the Supreme Cave Abyss!

He entered Weiyang Palace, met with his mother Lan Suying, and said apologetically: Mother, I have caused a big trouble, and I am afraid it will affect you and your father. The emperor is the clone of the Changsheng Emperor. In ten days, I will challenge the Changsheng Emperor to Take revenge.

Hearing this, Lan Suying immediately understood what he meant, and immediately ordered the palace maid to pack her bags, saying: I will go see your father and hide together for ten days. After ten days, I will come back to support you.

Xu Ying bowed down, kowtowed and said, I'm going to implicate my two elders!

Lan Suying quickly helped him up and said with a smile: You are my son, why should I be implicated?

Xu Ying cut off Yingzhou Dongyuan and handed it to her, saying, Mom, I'm taking Shenpo and Gushe with them. I want to fight this battle myself, so there's no need to use their hands.

Lan Suying knew that he was worried that it would implicate the immortals in Yingzhou Cave Abyss, so she immediately accepted Yingzhou and hurriedly left with several palace ladies and rushed to Doubu.

Xu Ying escorted them all the way and watched them walk into the fighting department.

Lan Suying saw Xu Jing and said, In ten days, Ying'er will have a decisive battle with Emperor Changsheng. Let's go out and hide first.

Xu Jing asked in confusion: What are you hiding from?

If the Changsheng Emperor is not sure of victory, he will attack us first and mess with his mind, making him unable to practice with peace of mind within these ten days.

Lan Suying said quickly, He will even capture us and threaten Ying'er. This decisive battle is about life and death, so we have to be fully prepared!

Xu Jing was startled: Madam, can you already count the Immortal Emperor?

Lan Suying rolled her eyes at him and said with a smile: Why do you need to calculate this? Just think about it with your head and you will know. Fortunately, Ying'er's mind did not follow yours. By the way, bring Yuanjun Zitong with you!

Xu Jing laughed, quickly packed up, and went to see Zitong Yuanjun. When he told the matter, Zitong Yuanjun looked calm and said, Do you want to bring other sisters with you? I heard that he has many sisters.

Lan Suying smiled and said: You are the only girl that my silly son cares about, so don't think about it. Other women are out of the question.

Xu Jing took out a piece of jade pendant, put it into the hand of Zitong Yuanjun, and said with a smile: This is Yingzhou warm jade. It is born with immortality and can deal with death disasters on behalf of others. There are only three pieces produced in Yingzhou, and Ying'er gets these three pieces. Wen Yu, two pieces are dedicated to our husband and wife, and the remaining piece is planned to be given to you. Unfortunately, he is thin-skinned and dare not come, so he has to let me give it to you. Yuanjun, you can see his intentions.

Zitong Yuanjun accepted the jade pendant and was overjoyed, saying, I'll just go with you.

The three of them went down to the next world.

Lan Suying called Shen Po, Gu She, Yuan Tiangang and others, and said: Cut the cause and effect, mess up the numbers, and get rid of all mysteries. If we escape this time, let him, Daluo Jinxian, the supreme saint, never even think of finding us!

The four great calculations worked together, and a mist came over them. They entered the mist, and when the mist dissipated, everyone was gone.

Summer, the Palace of Eternal Life.

Emperor Changsheng returned to the palace, and the maid came forward to change his clothes into regular clothes and serve him tea.

Emperor Changsheng waved his hand to signal them to retreat.

The Changsheng Emperor pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand and spit out a black energy from between his eyebrows.

The black energy fell to the ground and turned into the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor bowed to him and said, I ruined your good deeds. Do you want to kill me?

Emperor Changsheng shook his head: You are part of me, why should I kill myself?

The Demon Emperor was surprised: You admit that I am a part of you, why do you want to cut me out of your body?

Emperor Changsheng smiled and said: First, you are the moral person in my heart, kind and upright. You are not tolerated by the immortal world. Therefore, you are a demon. I have to cut you out in order to maintain my sanity. Second, I can use you to make plans. , so that those who want to understand my Taoist and magical powers will suffer a big loss. You are in my body, and I can't plan it wholeheartedly.

The Demonic Emperor said: You killed me to attack Xu Ying?

Emperor Changsheng smiled and said: In battles on the battlefield, you must use deceit. Xu Ying once defeated Emperor Jiuyou, and his strength is extraordinary. His cultivation level is slightly weaker than mine, but it is similar, so I must make it impossible for him to practice with peace of mind. Come on!

Immediately, a disciple hurried over, bowed and said: Master.

Luo Xuan, go to Mount Sumeru, see Gao Bodhi, and ask him to take action to hunt down Xu Jing and his wife.

Emperor Changsheng said, He owes me a favor. If this favor is not repaid, it will be difficult for him to stand on his own. After seeing Gao Bodhi, you can go to the Ten Thousand Immortals Valley to find the three heavenly kings Yan Shui Han, Feng Lou Chun and Li Wanzhong. Let them Also go after Xu Jing and his wife. They were kind to me back then, and it’s time to repay them today.

Luo Xuan said yes and immediately left Yantian and headed for Mount Sumeru.

The Demonic Emperor said: Xu Ying is extremely smart and will definitely let his parents avoid him beforehand. If you send people to hunt down his parents, I'm afraid there will be no results.

Emperor Changsheng smiled and said: But I won't stop doing it just because he is prepared beforehand. If he is prepared, I will still send someone to do it. In this way, even if he retreats, he will not feel at ease and will always be thinking about his parents. His safety is in danger and his practice is delayed.

The Demon Emperor wakes up.

Emperor Changsheng said: I fought with Dong Wang and was not seriously injured. I put the method of Qingxuan's merger with Dong Yuan in front of Dong Wang. I also understand this method. But I haven't had the chance to practice it yet.

His eyes flickered and fell on the nine Heavenly Sovereign level caves.

In less than ten days, maybe only five or six days, I can master the control of the nine cave abyss and integrate the nine cave abyss into one body.

The Emperor Changsheng said, I will not abide by the ten-day agreement. When the Nine Great Cave Abyss is mature, I will take action boldly, surprise Xu Ying, and kill him!

There is no morality in a life-and-death showdown!

Xu Ying left Weiyang Palace and came to Kunlun. He did not go to see Queen Mother of the West and others, but came to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Ruins.


Xu Ying came to see Taoist Yuxu and bowed, I need to practice here for a few days. The world is so big, I'm afraid I won't have time to practice in peace. After thinking about it, the only place I can find is the Patriarch.

Taoist Yuxu said: You can practice peacefully here, no one will disturb you.

Xu Ying then stayed in Yuxu Palace, and a dark cave slowly emerged behind him. It was Taiyi Cave, but it was surrounded by Cuiyan Avenue. This is the first time he has released Taiyi Dongyuan since his ascension.

Taoist Yuxu raised his eyebrows, shook his whisk, and moved his elbow.

That dark halo made him a little uneasy.

Hearing a buzzing sound, another halo of light appeared behind Xu Ying's head. It was Ruyi Daluotian.

Xu Ying spread out the Great Luotian, and the ten scenes of Luotian emerged. Originally, these ten scenes were eroded to pieces in the human world, but now they are restored to their original state, even better than before, and the scale is more than ten times larger than before.

On each of the ten scenes in Luotian, there is a Dao flower, and an phantom of an ancient god is located on the ten scenes, surrounded by the Dao flowers.

Those ancient gods are actually composed of the branch-like texture of the Cuiyan Avenue, and each ancient god appears to be huge and majestic!

These ancient god's imprints are the dark heavenly ways in the human world, and they are also one of the green rock avenues!

Xu Ying shouted: Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan, come out! I want you to help me practice!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a strange Tianhe flower walking out from behind the Ten Avenue Scenery in the dojo. The evil spirit of that strange flower is so high that the Taoist method it practices is not much different from that of Xu Ying!

Obviously, it figured out the promised Taoist and magical powers from the imprint of Daluo Dojo!

Xu Ying, did you know I was in Daluotian? the strange flower asked doubtfully.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Brother Dao, you are growing faster than Master Zhong. Even if I am blind, I can still see your problem. Brother Dao Xiao, my duel with the emperor is about to begin, and I must solve this hidden danger of yours. But I I have gained a lot of benefits by occupying your Daluo dojo. I will give you a chance and let you live. You can leave the dojo and survive in a strange state. But you are not allowed to hurt others.

Tianhe Strange Flower sneered: What if I don't agree?

Xu Ying said: If you don't agree, I will destroy you both physically and mentally today.

The big flower man stood up with two flower branches on his hips and laughed loudly: Xu Ying, your mistake is that you are too confident! The moment you found out that I was attached to the flower of Tianhe, you should have attacked me and killed me. Kill! But you gave me the opportunity to grow in my Daluotian! These days, I have been devouring your cultivation, refining your spiritual energy, understanding your great ways, and cultivating your magical powers! You understand, I understand both , The reason why I have delayed moving away from you is to allow you to complete the Taoist practice. By then, when you and I are in harmony, it will be the time for me to seize your body and take possession of your body!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: You are mine everywhere, how can you occupy my body? Brother Xiao Dao, don't be stubborn!

That day, the strange river flower suddenly twisted its body and transformed rapidly, transforming into a man about seven feet tall, dressed in green, with a strange flower with sharp edges on the temples, and the flower stamens flying behind it like tentacles, and said with a smile: Xu Ying , even Taoist Wukong couldn’t kill me, let alone you!”

He roared loudly, attacked Xu Ying, and said sternly: Everything flows together!

He struck out with a palm, and Dao elephants were flying among the various Immortal Dao runes in Da Luo Tian. The Immortal Dao runes that were originally trained by Xu Ying's Dao elephants were actually under his control!

Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan laughed loudly, his aura rising sharply, and he attacked Xu Ying: Fight me in my dojo, I want you to not know how you died!

Xu Ying activated the Wu Leo Golden Body and fought with him in close combat. The two of them used their strength to explode. Xiao Lanshan's eyes flashed with excitement and he shouted: Xu Ying, the Wu Leo Golden Body has flaws. You know this, and so do I. I know! Watch me destroy your flawless golden body!

In just a few moments, the two of them fought hundreds of moves, all of which were aimed at the other's life.

Xiao Lanshan is known as the Evil Golden Immortal and is the number one person in the evil way. He has been hunted down by countless enemies. His combat experience is far superior to that of Xu Ying. He beat Xu Ying to the point where his golden body was leaked, and Xu Ying was finally injured.

Seeing that Xu Ying was about to be defeated, Xiao Lanshan was inexplicably excited, and suddenly Xu Ying sacrificed the mountains and rivers to the sky.


One foot fell, and Xiao Lanshan's head was smashed into pieces.

The Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler is said to be sure to hit one foot, and it truly lives up to its reputation. Even great masters of evil ways like him cannot avoid it.

Xu Ying took a few deep breaths, circulated the Taiyi Immortal Sutra, and mobilized the spiritual energy of Taiyi Cave Abyss to treat his injuries.

After the injury healed, he sat on the same spot, silently thinking about the flaws of the Wuliu Golden Body, and modified the Golden Body method.

Soon after, he activated Ruyi Daluotian.

In the Daluo Heaven, the Tao sounded like a drum, with a thumping sound, and the form of an ancient god quietly changed. The Tao flowers bloomed, the Tao flowers withered, and new flowers grew and slowly opened.

Countless Dao runes, patterns and principles were reorganized in the sound of Dao, and Ruyi Daluotian took on a new look.

When the Dao flowers bloomed, Xu Ying's eyes were as sharp as lightning, and he shouted: Xiao Lanshan, Evil Gold Immortal, come out! I want you to help me practice!

A strange Tianhe flower spread its roots like footsteps, and walked like a man from behind the ten scenes of Daluo. He asked doubtfully: Xu Ying, did you know that I was in Daluo Tianzhong?

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