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Chapter 592 My father Xu Jing has the appearance of an immortal emperor

The figure that walked out of the light and shadow was none other than Xu Ying, with a smile on his face but no smile in his eyes, and he fell on the Changsheng Emperor.


The eight great emperors each exclaimed, some looked at the Changsheng Emperor in surprise and doubt, some asked Xu Ying to stop talking nonsense, and some asked how Xu Ying broke into the Supreme Cave Abyss. It was noisy and lively for a while. extraordinary.

The Changsheng Emperor's face remained calm, and although the white-haired young man was momentarily panicked, he remained as calm as before.

Xu Ying stood opposite him, still calm.

Emperor Yang Long suddenly said in a deep voice: Don't make any noise! ​​Problems must be solved one by one! Xu Ying, how did you get in?

Xu Ying glanced at them and smiled: I have seen all the seals of your Nine Emperors. Although I have never cracked them, it is not too troublesome to get in and out. Of course, this is thanks to the emperor's cultivation. Without him, it would have been 48,000 years. Even with the torture, my understanding of the seal will not reach this level.

Emperor Yanglong, Emperor Taixiao and others each frowned, not satisfied with his answer.

But Xu Ying's words were the real truth. He had been ill for a long time and had studied the art of sealing the most deeply.

In Ziwei's ancestral court, when he helped Empress Ziwei steal her body, he used the method of harmony with light and dust to imitate various seals, blend into the seals, and squeeze into the imperial mausoleum bit by bit. Carrying out the coffin of Empress Ziwei.

Among those who sealed the imperial mausoleum of Empress Ziwei were the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors.

Even the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors are just a small role in it!

He came up with this method after being inspired by Fool A'fu's damage-increasing method. Fool A'fu's damage-increasing method was also a unique skill and was once used to break the mark on the Emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword.

Of course, the increase-loss method is different from Heguang Tongchen. The increase-loss method destroys by increasing, while Heguang Tongchen means joining in if you can't defeat it, or it can also be called collaborating.

But it sounds better still called He Guang Tong Chen.

Xu Ying used the same method to invade the Supreme Cave Abyss. To him, the Supreme Cave Abyss was like adding nine locks to the outside, and his key could open every lock.

Emperor Taixiao shouted: Xu Ying, you are a guilty person. The Immortal Emperor was merciful and did not continue to arrest you. You broke into the Supreme Cave Abyss, which is a serious crime! You said that the Changsheng Emperor is an emperor. What evidence is there?

Xu Ying smiled slightly, his eyes fell on the Changsheng Emperor, and said with a smile: The emperor kills the inner demons, but the Changsheng Emperor never kills the inner demons, but he can absorb the emperor's inner demons. They probably come from the same source. Taoist brother Changsheng, Just now the Demonic Emperor got into your body, why not cut him out? If you cut him out, everyone will know whether you are the Emperor or not.

The eyes of all the emperors fell on the Changsheng Emperor, their expressions uncertain.

The emperor just now was naturally the Heavenly Demon Emperor. The Heavenly Demon Emperor was formed when the demonic thoughts that the emperor chopped off fell into the Heavenly Demon Immortal Domain in Weixu.

Many people have this kind of demonic thoughts. It is a very popular thing for strong men in the immortal world to kill demonic thoughts while keeping their Taoist hearts pure. Even Mingzun, the Immortal Emperor, has his own demonic thoughts.

The Demonic Immortal Realm thus formed an alternative fairyland.

The Nine Emperors who sit high above the Nine Heavens also have many heart-killing demons, but their demonic thoughts contain some of their secrets. Therefore, the demonic thoughts that he kills will not be exiled to the heavenly demon fairyland, lest they be used by the enemy. Learn their secrets. They often seal away evil thoughts.

But there is one person among the Nine Emperors who stands alone, that is the Changsheng Emperor. Emperor Changsheng follows the ancient law and does not kill demonic thoughts. This is the philosophy he has always adhered to. This has become a secret known to everyone in Jiutian.

A person who has never killed demonic thoughts can accept the emperor's demonic thoughts without any hindrance. There is no invasion of demons. This can only show that the emperor's demonic thoughts are actually the thoughts of the Changsheng Emperor!

They thought about it deeply and couldn't help but feel a shudder.

Even the emperor's demon-killing thoughts may be an illusion released by the Changsheng Emperor to confuse the enemy!

If someone uses the emperor's demonic thoughts to deduce the emperor's weaknesses, it is very likely that he will be in trouble or even lose his life!

Using the emperor's demonic thoughts to calculate the weaknesses of the Changsheng Emperor will definitely lead to death!

They then thought about the Dongwang rebellion, killing Yuanjun, and killing the emperor, and suddenly the case was not so pure. Maybe the East King's rebellion was just someone's pawn.

If the Changsheng Emperor pushed Dong Wang to rebel so that he could borrow Dong Wang's body to ascend the throne, that would be terrible!

And this is actually feasible. You just need to find some ancient books recording Qingxuan and push it to the East King. Dong Wang will do the next thing himself!

As one of the Nine Emperors, Emperor Changsheng did have the opportunity to come into contact with ancient books about Qingxuan!

And Yuanjun! Yuanjun's concubine is the Changsheng Emperor, and she even bore him a son! And Yuanjun and the emperor are very close, and the emperor often goes to Yuanjun's house!

They thought more. If the Changsheng Emperor and the Emperor were the same person, then the Emperor would be able to do as he pleased and win Yuanjun's heart very quickly.

Thinking of this, they suddenly felt that the young emperor they had watched grow up looked a little strange.

Suddenly Emperor Jiuyou shouted: Xu Ying, don't spit on others! Taoist Taoist Changsheng is the young emperor we supported and raised. The emperor was another talented man who died at the hands of the Eastern King. King Dong was cruel and killed the emperor. Taoist Taoist Changsheng tried to turn the tide. , saved the Immortal Court from danger, and made a great contribution, which cannot be slandered by a little fool like you!

Emperor Qinghua understood and said quickly: That's right! Xu Ying is born to be rebellious and slanderous! The emperor has a clean life experience, all his reincarnations have been recorded, and he has nothing to do with Taoist Taoist Immortal!

Emperor Lu He said: My Taoist friend Changsheng is generous and generous, treats others tolerantly, and has the demeanor of an elder. You cannot slander him with just a few words!

Emperor Fuyue shouted: Shut up, you little pretty boy named Xu! Kneel down and kowtow to Emperor Changsheng to admit your mistake!

Emperor Caiwei nodded repeatedly: Xu Ying, don't talk nonsense just because you are the grandson of the emperor and a relative of the emperor. Why don't you admit your mistake to Taoist Taoist Changsheng? After Taoist Taoist Changsheng ascends the throne, he can still reward you with a warm heart. Official position is yours!

Emperor Yang Long said: Slandering fellow Taoist Changsheng is an unforgivable crime. Please kill this beast immediately!

Under the roar of everyone, Xu Ying suddenly burst out laughing, his voice loud and clear, suppressing all the insults from the emperors.

Now the emperors were seriously injured, and they were so oppressed by his laughter that they couldn't breathe.

Xu Ying looked down at the emperors and sneered: A bunch of cowards!

Emperor Taixiao struggled to get up and said angrily: You brat dares to insult the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens, I will definitely tear your mouth to pieces today!

Xu Ying snorted: You are just afraid that if you see through the true face of the Changsheng Emperor, the Changsheng Emperor will kill you and silence you, so you want to throw the blame on me to buy you time. You are seriously injured and you are all in the Supreme Cave. In the abyss, the outside world does not know and cannot see what is going on here. Reveal the true face of Emperor Changsheng, even if Emperor Changsheng kills eight of you old people and silences them, no one will know.

Emperor Fuyue said angrily: Who are you calling me old guy? Your surname is Xu, you were not like this before!

Emperor Caiwei was also quite angry: When you came to my door before, you never said I was old!

Xu Ying ignored them and said: Now you are nothing but fish and meat, and the Supreme Dongyuan is the chopping block. I pity you Eight Emperors, you can only pretend to be stupid, thinking that the Changsheng Emperor will let you go.

Emperor Que Lin shouted: Xu Ying, what are you talking nonsense about? I will kill you today!

She summoned her remaining magic power, but a mouthful of blood spurted out, and she staggered to sit on the ground.

Xu Ying half-smiled, looked at the Changsheng Emperor who had been silent, and said quietly: Emperor, what do you say? I just want to take revenge.

The Changsheng Emperor was silent for a moment, and finally spoke, Xu Ying, when you ascended into the Immortal Realm, I noticed how extraordinary you are. You have a spirit of vigor and ambition to reform the world. These are things I have had before, but I chopped it off and threw it away. Therefore, I appreciate you very much.

As soon as he said this, he told everyone that the emperor was indeed the Eternal Emperor.

Because Emperor Changsheng was the Great Emperor of the Nine Heavens at that time, he would not have anything to do with Xu Ying. At that time, the emperor and Xu Ying were very close.

Emperor Changsheng sighed: Later, I received His Majesty's order to deal with you, but I still felt sad for a long time. But I still had to take action and kill you.

He was talking about the fact that Xu Ying's identity was exposed, he survived seven tribulations in a row, and cultivated into an immortal true spirit. When Xu Ying went down to the realm for the seventh time, he was ambushed by the emperor. In the battle on Tianlu, Xu Ying was finally killed in the Yuanshou World. He used the Purple Nether Sword to cut off Xu Ying's body, divided his realm, and suppressed him for 48,000 years.

There shouldn't be any deep hatred between you and me. Emperor Changsheng said with emotion.


Emperor Jiuyou said quickly, Xu Ying, you have only been tortured for 48,000 years, what qualifications do you have to hate fellow Taoist Immortal? You should hate Mingzun! If you have the ability, you can seek revenge from Mingzun!

Xu Ying glanced at him: For people like you, be careful when there is thunder, or you may be struck to death by lightning.

He was tortured for 48,000 years, in which he was quartered, eaten, dissected, and eaten as elixir two to three thousand times. As for being killed and buried, there are countless times!

The Immortal Immortal does not always live for ten years. Sometimes he only lives for a year or two before being discovered and taken away to refine the elixir of immortality!

This is a gift from the emperor!

Even the water from the Tianhe River cannot wash away this hatred!

Emperor Changsheng said: The King of the East is not my opponent to begin with, but he is very ambitious, has divine calculations, and is good at deducing the flaws in other people's techniques. He is an easy-to-use person, and when used well, he is a sharp blade. , can help me clear all obstacles before the throne and send me to the throne.

As soon as he said this, the eight great emperors all looked gloomy and dejected.

When Emperor Changsheng refused to admit that he was the emperor, it showed that he had no murderous intentions, and everyone could continue to muddle through. But by saying this, I am afraid that I have no intention of leaving them a way to survive.

Emperor Changsheng continued: When he began to explore Qingxuan's deeds, Emperor Jiuyou gave him a lesson. He cut off the head of the scapegoat he found in the middle of the night and warned him not to continue exploring. But this incident only brought back memories In response to his curiosity, I also had an idea because of his actions. So, I placed some books I found in front of him.

He smiled slightly and said: This includes the residual method created by Qingxuan to merge the caves and abyss. This method can mobilize the avenues of different caves and abyss for one's own use, which is extremely precious. I will send this method to King Dong to ask him to He accidentally discovered that the joy on his face made me smile. I knew that after his ambition was aroused, he could not stop it.

After that, the tide of the three realms broke out, the human world was affected by the power of the tide, the heaven on earth awakened, and the ferry of the earth and immortal world appeared. Xu Ying's tribulation in the human world aroused the curiosity of Mingzun and Daluotian.

Ming Zun and Da Luotian fell into the human world, which finally brought Dong Wang's ambition to its extreme.

The opportunity that the Eternal Life Emperor has been waiting for has finally arrived!

If there is no promise, I will be the most upright Immortal Emperor besides Emperor Qingxuan.

Emperor Changsheng sighed and said leisurely, However, when I ascend the throne, the Nine Emperors system can be preserved, and I also need them to join forces with me to fight against Ming Zun. However, future cooperation may not be as close as before. Eight of you Fellow Taoist, what do you think?

Emperor Yanglong, Emperor Taixiao and others were silent.

If they don't agree at this time, they will all die here, but if they agree, the Changsheng Emperor will also be malicious and will control the eight of them while they are seriously injured.

As for how to control it, it is not a good method at all.

Xu Ying looked solemn and said: Eight Taoist brothers, Dou Bu is the head of the six tribes, and he is also qualified to aspire to the throne. As the saying goes, you should not avoid relatives when promoting talents. Dou Bu Xu Jing and Xu Tianzun are full of virtue, loyal and mature, and have a heart to love the people. He is also a wise and virtuous son-in-law who is filial to heaven and earth. I recommend Xu Tianzun to be the Immortal Emperor.

Emperor Jiuyou said coldly: After Xu Jing becomes emperor, can he pass it on to his grandson Ming Zun to ascend the throne and become a great treasure?

Xu Ying said sternly: The virtues of Ming Zun and the virtuous grandson are inspiring to the heaven and earth, and they benefit all living beings. They also have the appearance of an immortal emperor.

Emperor Jiuyou sneered.

Suddenly, Emperor Yang Long said: Since Xu Jing and Xu Tianzun are also qualified to aspire to the throne, then we need to consider who to appoint as the Immortal Emperor.

Emperor Fuyue said with a smile: After all, Taoist Fellow Changsheng is not a close relative of Mingzun, so it is necessary to think carefully.

Emperor Qinghua said: I also thought it was necessary to think about it.

The other great emperors understood and nodded.

The Changsheng Emperor raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile, Brothers, how do you think about this?

Xu Ying looked kind and suggested: How about this, you and I have a showdown. The ownership of the throne will be decided by life and death!

Emperor Taixiao nodded repeatedly and praised: This is a good suggestion, and it doesn't hurt your kindness.

Yeah yeah!

The most fiery-tempered Emperor Lu He praised, Too many people have died in Xianting recently, and they cannot die any more. Brother Xu's proposal is the best.

All the emperors nodded in agreement.

Emperor Changsheng looked at the Supreme Dongyuan and said, I am slightly injured and need to recover.

Xu Ying said: Is ten days enough?

Emperor Changsheng said: It's enough. Where are the eight Tao brothers? How to deal with them?

Xu Ying's eyes fell on Emperor Yanglong, Emperor Taixiao and others. He pondered for a moment and said politely: Let the eight Tao brothers maintain the status quo. You and I will be safe.

Emperor Jiuyou said angrily: Xu, what do you mean by maintaining the status quo?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed fiercely: Scream again and you will come to life!

————Please give me a monthly ticket in the middle of the month~~

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