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Chapter 591 The Yellow Robe (6,000 words)

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Emperor Taixiao's voice was high and he said solemnly, King Dong, you took advantage of the Supreme Being's fall into the black realm of the universe to go on a killing spree and harm your colleagues. You are treasonous. Not to mention becoming emperor and achieving great treasures, even if you survive, it's just a luxury.

Emperor Que Lin took a step forward and shouted: You have no bottom line in killing the emperor and Yuanjun. The gods and immortals are all angry, and everyone will kill you!

Emperor Yang Long said calmly: Meng Long, no Immortal Emperor in the past has gained power by killing his colleagues, even your father. Because he is virtuous and obedient, the position of Immortal Emperor belongs to him.

As he spoke, King Dong had already arrived in front of the Nine Emperors. The nine great caves were spinning and dancing, and nine kinds of strange Tao powers burst out from the caves, rushing into his body continuously.

The technique he practices is Shijue Taixu Daojing. The source of this technique is Qingxuan, which was passed down to his father, the Immortal Emperor, who passed it on to him.

This technique has the same origin as the method created by Qingxuan that integrates the power of various caves and abyss. Dong Wang activated this technique, and the nine caves and abyss blended with each other, which brought him more than a simple improvement of nine times in cultivation. !

The aura of the Eastern King is so strong that it can rival the Nine Emperors.

Nine masters and uncles, when did we stop talking about morals?

King Dong looked around, half-smiling, What do you mean by morals? Did you join forces to assassinate Emperor Qingxuan when he wanted to implement reforms? Or did you kill each other and fight for the throne after Emperor Qingxuan died? At that time, you Where is the morality?”

Among the Nine Emperors, except for the Changsheng Emperor, who attained enlightenment one hundred thousand years after the Immortal Court was established, the others were all heroes who had experienced the battles of ancient times, and their faces were ashen upon hearing this.

King Dong smiled and said: You become immortals, become Daluo, and control the aura of caves, immortal mountains, and immortal spirits. The immortals who ascend from the lower world do not have any resources and have to work hard for you. Where will your morality be at that time?

The nine great emperors were all murderous.

King Dong didn't take it seriously and continued: There are too many immortals in the immortal world. You don't want to expand the territory outwards to find more caves, immortal mountains and immortal spiritual energy. Instead, you set up a world of heaven to block people's way of ascension and blame Xu. Yes, where is your morality?

The nine great emperors each sneered.

Everyone is a bitch. Don't build archways without permission. It's easy to get hit in the face by the archway.

King Dong smiled and said: No one has such a thing as morality. No one is necessarily more noble than the other. Now that my father has fallen, I am the only one who is qualified to inherit the throne. Uncles, if you still care about the safety of Xianting, then you should do it early Determine the Immortal Emperor, otherwise the world will be in chaos!

He looked quite majestic and said proudly: When the world is in chaos, the high position, reputation, wealth and abyss you have worked so hard to maintain will all be overthrown and redistributed! At that time, you will be the immortals The criminal in the court!

Now three of the six Heavenly Lords in the Immortal Court have died. The Yuanjun, the leader of the female immortals in the world, is dead, and the Emperor, the leader of the male immortals, is dead. The group of dragons is leaderless and is bound to fall into turmoil.

The largest number of people in the Immortal Realm are Sanren. The Bitter Immortal Court has been here for a long time, and I am afraid someone will take the opportunity to rebel and start an uprising to overthrow the Immortal Court!

Therefore, the Immortal Court must introduce an Immortal Emperor to preside over the overall situation so that the people will have their aspirations and the people will not dare to rebel.

The Nine Emperors were silent.

King Dong was a little impatient and said: Nine uncles, the Emperor, and the Yuan Lord are all dead. In today's world, I am the only one with enough fame to inherit the great treasure. What do you think?

A pair of eyes fell on Yang Long Emperor. It was obvious that someone was tempted by Dong Wang's proposal and did not directly object.

Emperor Taixiao whispered: Brother Taoist, Mingzun is no longer obedient, why not support someone who is obedient?

Emperor Yang Long was noncommittal and said calmly: King Dong, even your father is still a puppet that we support. Not to mention you? If you kill the Emperor, Yuanjun and others, you are breaking the rules of our Nine Emperors.

As soon as these words came out, Dong Wang's heart sank, and he activated the nine caves and abyss, raising his cultivation strength to the extreme to be able to cope with unexpected events at any time!

Emperor Yang Long said: The rules of our Nine Emperors are the rules of the immortal world and cannot be broken.

Emperor Luhe shouted loudly and took the lead in attacking Dongwang!

This great emperor is the Emperor of Changing Heaven. He rushes out in one step, and the aura bursting out from his majestic body sweeps away the clouds in the world of Yunguan, making the sky clear!

A thousand vine-like Tao trees appeared behind him, with Tao fruits hanging high in the sky. He was extremely domineering when he struck. With one blow, the surrounding heaven and earth avenues were chaotic and changed according to his will!

Dong Wang immediately mobilized Shi Jue Taixu Dao Jing to meet Emperor Lu He's offensive. The two magical powers collided, and Dong Wang suddenly felt that the ever-changing Tao methods were coming. The changes were unpredictable, and the surging Tao power knocked him back for several seconds. Thousands of miles!

As soon as he stabilized his body, Emperor Que Lin flew over, and behind him emerged the image of the Heavenly Palace, thousands of palaces, and the Immortal Palace, which was suppressed by the mighty power of the empress.

King Dong raised his hand and shook it hard, and with a thud it was pushed downwards, smashing into the mountains and rivers of Yunguan, causing the mountains to explode.

The King of the East rushed out from the broken mountain, and Emperor Qinghua came in a flash. The blue sky and white sun appeared behind him, and the green dragon covered the sky and came with its claws.


Dong Wang was knocked upside down and flew away. At the same time, the clanging sound of the piano sounded. Before Dong Wang could stabilize his body, he felt as if he had been hit hard. The world was spinning in the sound of the piano, with no place to focus.

Emperor Fuyue raised his hand and strummed the strings a few times. King Dong groaned, rolled over and over, and flew out of the Yunguan world and into the Taoguan world.

Yunguan, Taoguan and Yuguan are the three gate worlds in the world. These three gates all have huge gates left over from ancient times. There are also dragon-shaped characters on them, which cannot be studied anymore.

King Dong smashed through the ancient dragon pattern gate in Taoguan and fell into a majestic mountain.

He flew up, and then he saw Emperor Caiwei's slender hand falling from the sky, crushing the surrounding space. The majestic mountain was immediately smoothed by a palm, and was driven into the ground along with him!

Emperor Jiuyou laughed loudly, descended from the sky, and struck the place where Dongwang fell with a punch.

His body was as vast as the gods and demons in the Nine Heavens. With this punch, he actually blasted through the Yang world and smashed Dong Wang into the underworld.

Their tall bodies were blasted into the dark area of ​​the underworld, shaking countless ghosts and souls around them and annihilating them. Countless people were killed and injured.

Emperor Jiuyou laughed loudly, soared into the air, raised his foot and stepped on it hard, and said with a strange smile: My dear nephew, even your father has been controlled by us for 600,000 years, and he only dares to compete with us when he is fully fledged! You haven't reached the level that your father did back then, but you still dare to challenge me?

Before he stepped down, he saw a hand reaching out from the deep pit and grabbing his ankle.

Emperor Jiuyou was shocked. He realized that the power coming from Dong Wang's body was extremely powerful. He lifted up his body and smashed him down hard!

Dong Wang rushed out of the pit, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth and anger rising into the sky. The next moment, Emperor Tai Xiao came to kill him. Emperor Tai Xiao ranked second among the Nine Emperors in terms of cultivation and strength. He repeatedly slapped Dong Wang on the chest with his heavy hand. Hit him and shoot him backwards.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dong Wang's figure passed through the ancient and majestic mountains of the underworld, and finally stopped.

Thousands of palaces flew behind Emperor Que Lin, rushing towards the East King. Suddenly the East King soared into the sky from the thousands of broken rocks, jumped up, the sky cracked, and fairy light poured down.

The two of them rushed into the Earthly Immortal Realm one after another, exchanging dozens of blows as they rushed toward the Immortal Realm.

Que Lindi failed to block Dong Wang, but was forced to retreat by him, and was shocked.

Bring it!

King Dong returned to Yunguan World, rushed towards Ning Zhong, and reached out to grab Ning Zhong from a distance. Just now, he had a confrontation with the Nine Emperors and was in a situation where he was being beaten. He almost failed to make a move and seemed to be incompetent. However, this catch showed the power of a peerless master!

Whether it was Ning Zhong, the Four Saints of the North Pole, or Young Master Ning Qing, they all felt that they could not escape his grasp no matter how hard they tried to avoid it!

The Four Saints of the North Pole all took action to stop him, but now that Dong Wang had obtained Ning Zhong's Shengzhou, his strength was too strong and he drove the four of them back one by one.

Young Master Ning Qing quickly offered up the jade plate on his return journey and stood in front of Ning Zhong. However, Dong Wang reached out and grabbed the jade plate and laughed and said, Thank you very much!

Young Master Ning Qing was shocked when he realized that his target was not Ning Zhong, but the Jade Plate of Return to Dao in his hand.

If he had come directly to grab the Jade Plate of Gui Dao, he would definitely not let the Jade Plate meet him, but he attacked Ning Zhong instead. He was worried about his father's safety and had to sacrifice the Jade Plate no matter what.

This jade plate had been sacrificed and refined by the Eastern King for four to five million years. Now that the jade plate was in hand, he sacrificed it without thinking.

This supreme magic weapon floated in the air, standing like a blue moon behind his head.

Emperor Jiuyou was the fastest and was the first to rush forward. He flashed like a ghost and attacked Dongwang crazily. But the next moment, he was illuminated by the light in the jade plate, and suddenly countless buds grew in his body, turning into green buds. They took root in the sky and grew wildly. Soon they turned into a green plant, growing taller and taller. getting bigger!

Emperor Jiuyou knew something was wrong, so he immediately mobilized the Dao Tree Dojo, started offering Dao Fruit, suppressed his own changes, and his body recovered quickly.

But King Dong's palm force had already reached his chest, and Emperor Jiuyou vomited blood and flew away upside down.

The two empresses Caiwei and Fuyue came together, one to the left and one to the right. King Dong retreated while resisting, and suddenly the light from the returning jade plate shot out, knocking Emperor Fuyue into the starry sky. In an instant, the stars were in chaos!

The Emperor Caiwei was unable to support himself. He groaned and was swept away by the jade plate of Gui Dao. The Taoist temple was pierced. The Dao fruit took root and sprouted in an instant, and a Emperor Caiwei grew out.

Emperor Caiwei felt that his mind was split in two, and he almost lost his mind. He screamed, turned around and left, but King Dong chased him from behind and punched him in the back!

Emperor Caiwei flew hundreds of miles close to the ground, plowing a chasm into the ground.

Dong Wang's body flashed and he escaped into the starry sky, just as Fuyue Emperor came to kill from above. The two sides exchanged dozens of blows in an instant, and Fuyue Emperor coughed up blood.

Seeing that Emperor Fuyue couldn't hold on, suddenly the fairy world was centered on the world of Yunguan, and the space of the six worlds of Taoguan, Yuguan, Yunjian, Taojian, and Yujian on both sides gradually became distorted, like a sky surrounding it. Behind Yang Long Emperor!

Yang Long Emperor rose higher and higher, using his unpredictable and powerful magic power to sacrifice the six worlds of Yunguan together!

Among the Nine Emperors, Yang Long ranks first, the Da Luo Jinxian at his peak!

He struck with a palm, and the avenues of heaven and earth in the six worlds behind him were instantly evacuated, turning into the power of his blow!

The King of the East raised the Nine Great Cave Abyss to the extreme and activated the Jade Plate of Return to the Path to meet this attack.

Emperor Yang Long claps three palms in a row, fights three marks with Guidao Jade Plate, and praises: The Supreme Being of Creation is worthy of being the one who could compete with Qingxuan in the world.

When he said this, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose suddenly began to bleed, and he fell from the sky!

Emperor Jiuyou came through the air and was shocked when he saw this scene. The Eastern King offered sacrifices to the Jade Plate, and Emperor Jiuyou paused. Suddenly the underworld and the yang world overlapped under his power. The two realms were indistinguishable from each other, dark and deep, with the sun and moon hanging high, magnificent and strange.

His strength ranked third among the Nine Emperors. At this moment, he was blessed by the two realms of Yin and Yang. He rushed forward with a roar and shouted: Meng, you are dressed in jingles, which one is your own? I can remove the Nine Great Cave Abyss and the Jade Plate of Return!

As long as I can beat you!

King Dong shouted violently, and with one blow, he was hammered into the underworld and into the ground.

Emperor Luhe, Emperor Qinghua, and Emperor Taixiao rushed over and were horrified when they saw this scene. Emperor Taixiao shouted: Join hands!

The three great emperors rushed forward, but facing the Eastern King who had all nine abyss opened and the Jade Pan of Returning Way to help him, they were all tied up and each of them was soon injured.

The Taoist method of the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao is really weird. It contains the Tao of Creation. When it shines on them, it will transform their own Tao. Even their Tao trees, flowers, and fruits will be reversed by this treasure, making them useless. know.

They had to help each other on offense and defense to fight Guidao Yupan, but they also had to face Dongwang's attack. They were really passive and soon suffered losses one after another.

Emperor Caiwei rushed over and joined the battle, but was unable to stop King Dong.

Emperor Fuyue was injured and came to help, but the battle ended in a draw. Emperor Que Lin and Emperor Jiuyou struggled to get up and came to besiege Dong Wang, but they were blocked by the return jade plate offered by Dong Wang.

The magic weapon refined by the Supreme at its peak is really terrifying when its power blooms!

Emperor Yang Long struggled to get up and was about to join the battle. At this moment, Emperor Changsheng suddenly flashed and entered Dong Wang's dojo. He avoided the Taixu Taoist scene in the dojo and Dong Wang's magical powers, and came to Behind him!

He held a plum blossom in his hand, with two or three plum blossoms hanging on the branches, and met the palm of King Dong's turn.

The plum blossoms and fist peaks touched, and Dong Wang's expression changed drastically: You——

The plum blossoms rotated like a wheel and cut into Dong Wang's body.

Dong Wang vomited blood profusely, showing a look of disbelief.

Emperor Yang Long took the opportunity to rush in, and stamped his palm force on Dong Wang's chest. Dong Wang's ribs were cracked and broken, but he managed to hold on and rushed towards Emperor Changsheng. Blood gushed out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and he said sternly: You...

The Changsheng Emperor's face remained as before, and he retreated. At the same time, Emperor Taixiao slapped Dong Wang on the head. Emperor Jiuyou jumped up, hugged the Guidao Jade Plate desperately, and turned aside the light that the Guidao Jade Plate shot toward the Changsheng Emperor.

Emperor Luhe's magical powers are ever-changing, reversing the path in the Dongwang Dojo.

Emperor Caiwei picked the Taoist fruit from King Dong, Emperor Qinghua picked his Taoist flower, and Emperor Fuyue uprooted the Taoist tree.

Dong Wang's aura declined rapidly, and the Changsheng Emperor paused, pointed at Dong Wang's eyebrows, and finally showed a smile.

When Dong Wang saw this familiar smile, the corner of his mouth moved, but the next moment the Changsheng Emperor's finger force penetrated the Xiyi Realm and penetrated his soul.

Dong Wang staggered and finally knelt down. His body fell to the ground, lifeless.

Emperor Taixiao vomited blood, shook his body, and almost fell down. Emperor Jiuyou encouraged his cultivation and suppressed Dao Shang. Emperor Luhe, Emperor Quelin, Emperor Fuyue and others suppressed their injuries and were still frightened.

When the Nine Emperors faced the Eastern King, they were almost killed by the Eastern King without warning!

Who sent this Jade Plate of Return to Dao here? Emperor Qinghua's eyes flashed fiercely.

The King of the East was dead, and the nine heavenly king-level caves and abyss suddenly became ownerless. The Changsheng Emperor remained calm and used his magic power to immobilize the nine caves and said: All Taoist brothers are seriously injured, and the Immortal Court cannot live without one for a day. Lord, each Taoist brother will take a hole in the abyss to heal his wounds.

Emperor Yang Long shook his head and said: The Heavenly Sovereign Level Cave Abyss cannot even sustain our daily breathing and exhalation, and cannot allow us to heal our injuries at all. The only one who can heal our injuries is the Supreme Cave Abyss.

He gasped for breath, struggled to get up, and said: The current plan is for the nine of us to work together to open the Supreme Cave Abyss first and treat the injuries!

He looked around and said: The world is not at peace. There are many forces ready to move and take the opportunity to rebel. The Immortal Court cannot be without a king for a day. The Immortal Emperor has fallen. In this crisis, the only way is to establish a new king first to deal with the current crisis!

Emperor Taixiao, Emperor Jiuyou, Emperor Luhe and others nodded. There were too many enemies in the Immortal Court. There were several groups of enemies in the ancestral court. The power in Hope Township Taizhong was also about to move, and the Immortal Court failed and disappeared. The strong ones who retreated may also take this opportunity to make a comeback!

Emperor Changsheng said: The situation is critical. If we don't establish a new emperor, others will establish a new emperor, and our name will be unfair. But now, those who are qualified to ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor are probably the only ones left, the emperor's son-in-law, as well as Taisui Tianzun, The God of Finance.

Xu Yingniang Lan Suying is the adopted daughter of the Immortal Emperor Supreme, so Xu Jing can be considered the emperor's son-in-law, so he has some status at least.

As for Tai Sui Tianzun Ning Zhong and Finance Ministry Tianzun Guan Zhai Cai, they do not have this title and are a little further away.

Emperor Taixiao sneered and said: Xu Ying was originally a rebel, Xu Jing was a rebel father and a rebel, and Princess Suying was a rebel mother with evil intentions. Their family is full of rebels, so they definitely cannot be emperor! As for that, Taisui Tianzun and Finance Tianzun are emperors, let alone mention it!

The Changsheng Emperor thought: Nowadays, there are many unheralded people in the immortal world who live in seclusion, and there are many masters among them. There are also people in the Daluo Heaven above the nine heavens who are in the realm of the Heavenly Lord. It is better to select the strongest people from all over the world and choose from among them. The ACCCIM can finally select an excellent and obedient candidate.”

The emperors shook their heads one after another and said: Now we have been hit hard. If we elect widely, I don't know how long it will take. By then, I am afraid that even we will be completely killed by the political enemies of the year!

Emperor Yang Long said: I have a temporary solution. Changsheng, your injury is not serious, right?

The eyes of all the emperors fell on the Changsheng Emperor. The Changsheng Emperor looked as normal and said: My cultivation is shallow, but my injuries are the least serious.

Emperor Yang Long sighed: This is destiny. Changsheng, don't refuse. From today on, you are the new emperor and will perform the duties of the Immortal Emperor.

Emperor Changsheng lost his voice and asked: How to do this?

Emperor Yang Long said: We can rest assured that you will be the Immortal Emperor. We have watched you grow up, and you have cultivated into the Great Luo Jinxian step by step. You had the opportunity to prove the Supreme Being back then, but it is a pity that the immortal world has no room for the second Supreme Being. But now , you have to become emperor!

Emperor Taixiao and others advised one after another: Friend Taoist Changsheng, if you don't agree to become the new emperor, the immortal world will soon be destroyed!

Emperor Jiuyou said: Fellow Taoist, the immortal world is destroyed, the old way is coming back, and we will all die without a burial place in the future!

Emperor Caiwei said: If you don't proclaim yourself emperor, there will be endless casualties among the people in the future!

The Changsheng Emperor's expression was gloomy and uncertain, and he stamped his feet and said: Gentlemen, you are putting me on the fire! If I become emperor, if the Supreme Immortal Emperor returns from the black realm of the universe and expresses his anger on me, how should I deal with myself? Prove innocence?

The emperors said one after another: Why do you need to prove it yourself? We will help you prove it!

Emperor Yang Long said in a deep voice: Mingzun has been disobedient for a long time. We are planning to replace him with an Immortal Emperor. It's just that he has a deep foundation and cannot be easily touched. Now that he has fallen into the black realm of the universe, you have to shoulder the responsibility of the Immortal Emperor in this crisis. The emperor's righteousness, if he dares to cause trouble, we will not sit idly by and ignore him.

They came to the Supreme Cave Abyss. The Supreme Cave Abyss was the cave abyss summoned by Emperor Haocang. This cave abyss was extremely large and magnificent. To use this abyss, it required the release of the Nine Heavens Nine Emperors without the approval of the Nine Heavens Nine Emperors. , even the Immortal Emperor cannot use it.

I saw that the cave was unfathomable, and there were Taoist Immortal Family talismans guarding the outside, and it was still in a sealed state.

For some reason, there are no immortal soldiers guarding the entrance to the cave abyss.

Emperor Yang Long said: Besides, we are sitting in the Supreme Cave Abyss. After unsealing this cave, you will use the Supreme Cave Abyss to practice, abolish the Dao Fruit, and rebuild the Supreme Realm. By then, you will be the Supreme, and you will have the Supreme. With Dongyuan’s blessing and our help, what can Mingzun fight with you for?”

The Changsheng Emperor breathed a long sigh of relief, bowed and said: With what you Tao brothers say, I can only reluctantly take the throne temporarily.

Emperor Yang Long, Emperor Taixiao and others coughed up blood and said, Without further delay, let's unlock the seal of the Supreme Cave Abyss as soon as possible.

The Nine Emperors each took a strong breath, encouraged their remaining cultivation skills, and unlocked the seals of the Supreme Cave Abyss one by one.

This cave abyss was originally called Haocang Cave Abyss. It was a cave abyss summoned from the other side by the Immortal Emperor Haocang, the empress of Ziwei. At this moment, the seal was lifted, and the power suddenly spurted out, and the spiritual energy was overwhelming!

Emperor Changsheng supported Emperor Yang Long and said, I will send all Taoist brothers into the Supreme Cave Abyss for healing.

Emperor Yang Long coughed repeatedly and said: You also go in, you need to refine this cave abyss as soon as possible. Only when the cave abyss is controlled by you can you realize the Supreme. This is a secret that outsiders don't know...

Emperor Changsheng followed his words and walked into the Supreme Cave Abyss with them.

Even though he was in a very deep city, he couldn't help but be extremely happy at this moment, almost going to sing and dance wildly.

But he endured it.

The Supreme Cave Abyss was extremely bright, and a gorgeous light caught their eyes. Suddenly, the emperor came towards them in the light. The nine emperors were shocked. Emperor Qinghua lost his voice and said: Emperor, are you still alive?

call out--

The emperor suddenly turned into a wisp of demonic energy and penetrated into the forehead of the Changsheng Emperor while he was frightened.

The Changsheng Emperor's body froze on the spot, motionless.

Another figure came from the light and said leisurely: Finally I've waited for you. Should I call you Zhou Wu, Bai Xianwu, or Chen Changsheng? Or should I call you Emperor?

————This is a big chapter of 6,000 words. I can’t write the second chapter. Please go to bed after reading it~

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