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Chapter 590 Sacrifice: King Dong (big chapter!)

Ning Zhong was silent for a moment and said: I still don't understand something. Although His Highness is amazing in talent and learning, he should not be a match for the Emperor. Your strength is at most above Lord Yuan, but not much beyond Lord Yuan. How did you kill him? From Yuanjun and Dijun?

King Dong smiled and said: This is the mystery I discovered while exploring Qingxuan.

Above his head, bursts of mysterious Taoist sounds came from the eight caves and abyss. The powers of different caves and abyss were blending with each other, making his cultivation level continue to rise!

This situation is quite similar to the scene of the Six Secrets of Nuo.

The six secrets of Nuo are to open the cave to connect to the other shore, catch the elixir from the other shore, and refine it to strengthen oneself. And Dong Wang’s method is to obtain the great avenue of heaven and earth in the cave abyss, as well as the burst of fairy energy in an instant, to strengthen himself!

Ning Zhong's expression suddenly changed. This method has never appeared in the fairy world before!

Immortals in the immortal world have already burned incense for their ancestors to get one cave abyss. But no one has ever tried to get two cave abyss and study how to absorb the power of the cave abyss and mobilize the avenue of the cave abyss at the same time!

Even if someone could think of this, they would need to gather many caves and do a lot of experiments!

Is this a method created by Qingxuan? Ning Zhong asked.

Remnant method.

Dong Wang told the truth and said, Qingxuan passed away before he could perfect this method. This method is relatively primitive and is stored in many dusty classics and is not noticeable. Later, after I read it, I was so shocked that I came up with a plan. The emperor is amazingly talented, and I am indeed no match for him. Even if I use my father's supreme level skills, I will only be defeated by him.

The Emperor is a peerless genius who has comprehended the Supreme Level Cultivation Techniques while in the Heavenly Monarch Realm. Dong Wang only learned the Immortal Emperor's Supreme Cultivation Techniques, and there is still a long way to go compared to the Emperor's talents.

But when I stand on Qingxuan's shoulders, I have the possibility to defeat him.

Dong Wang said, The one I killed first was Xie Qingshan, the Heavenly Lord of the Water Ministry, and captured his Xuanzhou. Then I killed Li Sixue, the Heavenly Lord of the Fire Ministry, and captured his Yanzhou. These two Heavenly Lords suppressed the rebellion in the ancestral court. I am good at divine arithmetic, Dongyuan There are tens of thousands of immortals who help me calculate. I have calculated their skills and magical powers thousands of times. It is not difficult to kill them. They are fatal with one blow. When I was encircling Tianzun in the battle, the reason why I didn’t show up was because In order to observe the martial arts and magical powers you exposed during the battle with Tianzun.

Ning Zhong frowned.

Tianzun Yuan Daohai rebelled. In that battle, all five Tianzuns took action, including Ning Zhong.

King Dong only took action after Tianzun died, but instead of killing Tianzun, he pursued and killed the emperor.

Thinking back to that time, he had already figured out the magical powers of Ning Zhong and others.

If you get Xuanzhou, Yanzhou, and your own Liuzhou, you will be 100% sure of killing Yuanjun.

Ning Zhong said, So you kill Yuanjun first, get Yuanjun's Changzhou, gather the Taoist and spiritual power of the four caves and abyss, and then kill the emperor. Right?

Dong Wang said sternly: The Emperor is the strongest, and he has two major Fenglin Continents and Zuzhou Dongyuan in his hands. It is very difficult for me to kill him. But Yuanjun's strength is also extraordinary, and I have no chance to kill him. But my father fell into the black realm of the universe, and she wanted to take the opportunity to dominate the underworld and expand her reputation, which gave me the opportunity to take action. If there is something going on in the underworld, Xu Ying will not ignore it. If Xu Ying fights Yuan Jun, he can definitely delay Yuan Jun. Your physical body cannot bear it.

Ning Zhong guessed: Yuanjun was injured and his strength is not as good as before. So you took advantage?

Dong Wang said: It is not easy to take advantage of this. Yuanjun's concubine, Emperor Changsheng, cares about her very much and will not allow anyone to touch her. Fortunately, Emperor Changsheng wanted to stop Xu Ying and gave me an opportunity to take advantage of it.

When he said this, he couldn't help but shake his head: This kid Xu Ying actually has the courage to chase Yuan Jun. He is really brave.

Ning Zhong felt the same. Yuan Jun was the leader of the female immortals. If the pursuit of Yuan Jun was revealed, the female immortals could drown Xu Ying with just a drop of spit.

“If you want to achieve great things, you must be ruthless.”

King Dong seemed to have thought of something and continued, So Yuanjun must die, and they must die too. This is a sacrifice. All living beings, including you and me, are sacrifices on the altar. With our flesh and blood, Only by offering sacrifices to heaven can we change the injustice of this world.

He suddenly felt emotional, which surprised Ning Zhong, but he didn't know that Dong Wang was thinking of the millions of female fairies in the Changzhou Cave Abyss.

In order to prevent the matter from being exposed, he could only kill all these female fairies without leaving any one alive.

With so many lives lost in his own hands, even though Dong Wang was ruthless, he still needed to make up a reason to convince himself.

Over the years, I have been studying three people, Tianzun, Emperor, and Yuanjun. The battle between me and Yuanjun was extremely fast. Her thirty-third level of divine power was unparalleled. I chose to directly attack her soul.

Dong Wang said, Her Yuan Shen is too strong, even surpassing Tianzun's immortal Yuan Shen. It seems so powerful, but it leaves behind drawbacks. The drawback is that her Yuan Shen has not been refined into immortal aura and cannot restrain the Yuan Shen. The power of God. If the incoming external force is too strong, it will break the binding force of her soul. At that time, it will not be her physical body that bursts, but her soul.

Compared with the Emperor and Tianzun, Yuanjun still lacks some.

The battle between me and the emperor should have been postponed until after I harvested the finance minister Guan Tianzun and Daluo Tianjiman, but when I killed Yuanjun, the Changsheng Emperor was not too far away. He would definitely be aware of Yuanjun's die.

Dong Wang said, The death of Yuanjun is not a trivial matter. It will definitely alert the intervention of the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens. The first object of their suspicion must be the Emperor. If they go to find the Emperor, I will lose the opportunity to kill the Emperor. Therefore, I am After getting rid of Yuan Jun, you must take the risk to get rid of Emperor Jun.

Ning Zhong Tianzun praised: Your Highness's move is extremely risky. He must be killed before the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors arrive. The Emperor's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique has been refined to the point where he can realize the Supreme Dao. His twelve ways The wheel is unparalleled in the world and corresponds to the twelve great ways.

But after all, he is not at the Supreme state. Although his skills have reached the Supreme level, he has not cultivated to the Supreme state. He has always been groping for himself. Self-exploration is like a blind man groping for an elephant. What he touches is only a fragment and not the whole.

Dong Wang said, My father is actually in the Supreme Realm, and his skills are also taught to me. Unlike me, the emperor does not have a good father. I am not as good as the emperor, not as smart and tolerant as him, but I have seen true His supreme skill, if you look at his Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Demon Breaking Techniques, and his twelve Dao Wheels, you can see many flaws. However, this battle is still extremely dangerous.

When he fought with the emperor, the four caves and abyss came out at the same time, but he still almost failed to suppress the emperor.

But fortunately I have a good father.

Dong Wang showed admiration and said, I broke his twelve chakras and made him lose control of more than 400 clones in an instant. Killing him is my most difficult battle. Even if he dies in my hands, I There is also a feeling of defeat.”

Ning Zhong nodded lightly, and used the four caves to forcibly improve his cultivation, and it was a sneak attack to defeat the emperor. It was indeed a bit hard to win.

After the emperor's death, my next target will be the Ministry of Finance and Da Luotian, and my last target will be you.

Dong Wang looked serious and said, My speed must be fast. From the moment I killed Xie Qingshan and Li Sixue, I couldn't stop for a step. After killing these two people and seizing the cave, I had to go straight to the underworld. I got rid of Yuan Jun immediately. Go kill the emperor! After leaving the emperor's mansion, I need to go straight to the Ministry of Finance, and then go up to the Nine Heavens to Daluotian. There can't be any mistakes or mistakes! This requires me to use my divine calculation to the extreme!

If you make a wrong calculation, you may be blocked by the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens and fall short of your success.

Ning Zhong said: You have been running all the way, and you didn't have a chance to breathe until you came to me. So you slowed down and said so much to me.

King Dong smiled: I have done so much and done it so successfully, I need someone to appreciate it. Ning Zhong, you are also a genius, you know how to appreciate it.

Ning Zhong was sad.

Dong Wang leisurely said: Besides, I need someone to bear witness to me. After the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors get rid of their respective suspicions, they will know that there are only two of us left as survivors, and they will rush to protect us both. This Then they will see that you are sitting on the Eight Great Cave Abyss and kill me.

Ning Zhong was slightly startled, and saw seven of the eight caves and abyss above King Dong's head coming to his head unknowingly.

The fairy spirit energy surged out of these seven caves and abyss and was actually injected into his body!

King Dong drank the last glass of wine and said: They will see the battle between you and me. You, the real culprit who killed the emperor and Yuanjun and killed his colleagues, will die in my hands.

Ning Zhong sneered and said: You defeated my conspiracy and made such a great contribution. Only Xu Lao Tianzun was left among the six Tianzuns. Emperor Yuanjun Tianzun was all dead. The Immortal Court was in turmoil and the situation was precarious. For the sake of the stability of the country, Jiutian The Nine Emperors have to support an Immortal Emperor. Who else would this person be than you?

King Dong sighed and said Xiao Suo: What's more, I am the prince of the East Palace. My father has fallen, and I am the most qualified person to inherit the great treasure.

Ning Zhong looked pale, drank the last glass of wine, and said resolutely: Your Highness, do it. I will not sit back and wait for death!

King Dong showed appreciation and said: All living beings, including you and me, are sacrifices on the altar. Heavenly Lord Ning Zhong, have a good journey!

The ancestral home of the Ning family exploded, and everything around it was shattered. Ning Zhong stood up from the dust and activated the Shengzhou Cave Abyss. The Taisui Divine Armor, the treasure of the Taisui Heavenly Palace, immediately flowed out of the abyss and grew crazily. , all over his body in an instant!

The avenue contained in Shengzhou is the avenue of life, with majestic and endless vitality. He controls this cave and abyss, coupled with the Taisui Divine Armor, he is an existence that cannot be killed!

His Supreme Xuanyuan Yutang Dharma no longer had any flaw in the way of heaven. His attack on Dongwang definitely surpassed any previous period!

His skills and magical powers reached new heights at this moment!

However, he knew that there was no way he could win, let alone win, or even survive!

Dong Wang finally took action. Ning Zhong's heart dropped when he saw Dong Wang's attack. He noticed that there was a flaw in his magical power, which he had not noticed.

And Dongwang's action was aimed at this flaw.

However, Dongwang's blow fell on him without using any force.

Ning Zhong was stunned. King Dong's second attack was aimed at another of his weaknesses, but it still had no power when it landed on him.

The two of them clashed rapidly and exchanged hundreds of moves in a short period of time. The fight turned upside down. However, Ning Zhong was defeated in every move and was defeated by Dong Wang without any suspense.

It was not only his magical powers that were broken by Dong Wang, but also the flaws in his skills were pointed out.

In a short period of time, Ning Zhong discovered hundreds of errors in his magical powers.

He is indeed a genius, his aptitude and understanding are among the best in the world. While fighting, he modified his skills and perfected his magical powers. After three hundred moves, his skills were already perfect, and his magical power was even more amazing!

Such Ning Zhong is worthy of being the real murderer of Emperor Yuanjun! King Dong said with a smile.

Ning Zhong's fighting spirit was raging. He had no way out, so he had to fight to the end. The Taoist tree behind him was swaying. It was a banyan tree with strong vitality. Countless roots fell from the old tree and took root in the dojo, spreading out With endless vitality!

He also has a Taoist fruit, which he also cultivated by taking ginseng fruit. At this moment, his combat power is rising steadily, and he has a combat power that is almost that of Daluo Jinxian!

King Dong smiled, this kind of Ning Zhong is the Ning Zhong he needs!

Such a genius is the one who can plot the murderer who attacked Yuan Jun and the Emperor, and is the ambitious tycoon!

The Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens should have arrived!

King Dong thought, Now Ning Zhong can come to an end!

From the surface, Ning Zhong sacrificed Ba Da Dong Yuan and killed him. It is obvious that Ning Zhong is the murderer.

After this battle, he was the main contributor to quelling the chaos!

He activated the skills taught by the Immortal Emperor Supreme, called the Ten Jue Taixu Dao Jing Kung, and finally killed Ning Zhong.

Ning Zhong was shocked, and saw another flaw in his attack, and his heart became cold: He left one...


Dong Wang's blow penetrated his magical power and landed on his chest. The Tai Sui Divine Armor on Ning Zhong's chest exploded. Dong Wang raised an index finger and poked his chest.

Ning Zhong groaned, vomited blood, and flew backwards!

Dong Wang's figure flashed, and he rushed into his dojo. He pointed his finger again, still pointing at his chest. Ning Zhong's heart sank. King Dong's attack would definitely cut off his heart!

At this moment, a halo of light suddenly flew over, and there was only a ding sound. Dong Wang's inevitable blow actually missed and hit a plate!

Return to the Dao Jade Plate?

King Dong was startled and hurriedly closed his fingers. This Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao had fallen into his hands back then and had been sacrificed and refined by him for hundreds of thousands of years. Unexpectedly, after being taken to the lower realm by Master Qian Huan, it actually fell into the hands of Ning Zhong's son Ning Qing!

He wanted to seize the Jade Plate of Return to Dao at that time, but unexpectedly the Zhenwu Emperor of the Zuting Zhenwu Temple took action and blocked him!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Guidao Jade Pan actually came to block the killing blow of his old master!

Ning Zhong was also startled. He looked up and saw his son Ning Qing standing in front of him, offering sacrifices to the Jade Plate.

Ning Zhong couldn't help but be stunned: Qing'er...

He had mixed emotions in his heart. When he thought about how he had given up the love between father and son and the love between husband and wife in order to pursue the Tao, he felt sorry for Ning Qing.

He is my father, who dares to kill him?

Young Master Ning Qing took a step forward and said coldly, Even if I agree, my four masters will not agree!

Behind him, Emperor Zhenwu stood on the two divine generals of turtle and snake, holding a fly whisk and carrying a long sword on his back, heading towards King Dong.

Immediately afterward, the Emperor of Heaven was transformed into the sky by the canopy, the Emperor was killed by Yi Shenghei, and the Emperor was transformed by the Heavenly Ones.

The Four Saints of the North Pole each showed their true bodies. Tianpeng was the Cangtian Emperor, the head of the Four Saints, with three heads and eight arms, holding axes, axes, bows, arrows, imperial bells and other heavenly king-level magic weapons, and came straight to commit suicide.

The strength of the other two saints was not inferior. The four emperors besieged the East King. Even though the East King was extremely powerful, he was defeated in an instant!

Of these four saints, Emperor Zhenwu could only be ranked second. In his weak state, he was able to die together with Lord Pingnan Tianjun, who was second only to Wei Xu in the Immortal Court.

At this moment, the four saints joined forces, and Dong Wang was hit by countless attacks in the blink of an eye.

Dong Wang was panicked, he didn't expect this scene.

The Four Saints of the North Pole were revived and awakened by him using the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way. These Four Saints fell into death due to the decline of the Ancestral Avenue. He used the Jade Plate of Returning to Restore the Avenue of Heaven and Earth near the graves of the Four Saints, and the Four Saints were revived.

Unexpectedly, today, not only did the Returning Jade Plate attack and destroy his killing blow, but the Four Saints of the North Pole would also turn against him!

Who is scheming against me? Who is ruining my plan? Could it be that the Jade Plate of Returning to Dao has deceived me?

He wanted to escape, but it was difficult for him to break out of the encirclement of the Four Saints.

If I don't use my full strength, I will die!

Dongwang gritted his teeth suddenly and mobilized the power of the other seven caves and abyss. He saw Fenglinzhou, Zuzhou and other seven caves flying in, resonating with his Liuzhou. The eight heavenly king-level caves and abyss converged, and the great avenues poured out, pouring into him. in the body!

The strength of Dongwang's cultivation base has been rising steadily, and in an instant it has reached a height above the Four Saints!

He raised his hand and knocked back the Black Killer Emperor, beat the Puhua Emperor until he vomited blood, gave the Cangtian Emperor a hard blow, and received a sword from the Zhenwu Emperor on his head, which only slightly broke his skin.

The Four Saints of the North Pole were shocked, and each looked solemn.

Dong Wang's eyes showed a fierce light, and he glanced away inadvertently, only to see a rainbow and glow in the sky. The Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens had obviously arrived and did not show up.

I wanted to take advantage of my fame to inherit the throne and give everyone a dignity! Now it seems that only the East Palace has rebelled and killed the throne! King Dong laughed.

Ning Zhong stood up, suppressed his injuries, came to Mr. Ning Qing's side, and said, Qing'er, why are you here?

Qing'er? I don't have a father like you!

Ning Qing glanced at him and said coldly, My father is Ning Zhong Tianmo of Wei Xu, not you. I have cut off the family ties and killed Ning Qing in Wei Xu.

Ning Zhong felt melancholy in his heart and said with a smile: But how can we cut off family ties? I have cut them off, but they will reappear again.

Young Master Ning Qing was touched, and he also cut off his affection for his father. But this time when he heard that Ning Zhong's life was in danger, he was the first to rush over.

How can family love be cut off?

Suddenly, Ning Zhong cut off his own Shengzhou Dongyuan, threw it towards Dongwang, and said loudly: Dongwang, I don't want to be a Heavenly Lord anymore! If you want this Shengzhou, take it -

The magic power of the Eastern King captured Shengzhou, the nine caves and abyss buzzed, and the Taoist sounds resounded, pushing his cultivation strength to a level that was unimaginable before.

He raised his head, looked at the rainbow and glow in the sky, and suddenly stood up: Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors, today I am going to ascend the Great Treasure of the Immortal Emperor. Which of you approves and who opposes?

Above the rainbow and glow, the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens watched him fly indifferently.

————It’s still a 5,000-word chapter! Today’s two chapters have exceeded 10,000 words, please vote for me! ! !

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