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Chapter 589 The next sacrifice (please vote for this big chapter!)

The halo of reincarnation is a magic weapon formed by the immortal light of countless souls after the death of all living beings in the world. This object is extremely huge. From the outside, it looks like a ring-shaped object that is half on the ground and half underground. It is about five meters long from east to west. Thousands of miles high, two thousand five hundred miles high.

When you look closer, you can see countless worlds and all living beings through the halo of reincarnation. You can worship the halo of reincarnation and contribute your own incense. You can see all kinds of things that happened in your past and even things that have not happened in the future.

This treasure is made of heaven and earth, and is transformed by the spiritual light of all living beings. It contains great power, from the poor to the great Luo Jinxian. After death, everyone is under the control of this treasure.

The Halo of Samsara is so magical that even the Empress of Samsara, a deity born from this treasure, cannot fully activate its power.

The Empress of Samsara and Halo of Samsara are both newly formed, with a history of only 600,000 years. They are in their infancy and have not yet grown up.

At this time, the empress and everyone activated the halo, sending the emperor's body into the halo, and clearly investigated all aspects of the emperor's life.

The emperor's cultivation was too strong during his lifetime, and his physical body was still protected by powerful magic power after death. Previously, the empress could not break through his remaining magic power. Now with the help of the gods, she was able to activate the power of this treasure and break the magic power of the emperor's corpse. open.

Xu Ying paid close attention to this scene, but saw countless images floating in the depths of reincarnation. They were the shadows of everyone sinking in reincarnation, but there were too many to distinguish which one was the emperor.

He has no attainments in the path of reincarnation and can only watch the gods perform their deeds.

If this treasure grows up, it will definitely be a big deal in the future.

Xu Ying looked at the halo of reincarnation and saw the river of countless souls and auras rolling in and pouring into the ring. The souls were decomposed into three souls and seven souls during the reincarnation, and reorganized with the aura to form a new three souls and seven souls. , flew out from the halo of reincarnation, and reincarnated in different worlds.

This thing is inherently fair. No matter you are a beggar or a big man, your soul will be divided after death and form a new soul in reincarnation, which has nothing to do with your previous life.

If we can activate the halo of reincarnation, we can control reincarnation. If the soul does not decompose, we can control reincarnation. Xu Ying thought to himself.

Before the tide of the three realms appeared, the immortal world was far away from the world. Many immortals were unable to come and wanted to enter the mortal world to practice all over again, so they had to reincarnate. At that time, reincarnation was controlled by the gods in the heavenly world. They did not dare to offend the immortals. As long as they gave them some bribes, they could be reincarnated.

If the ancestor gods regain control of the human world, the human world will immigrate, and the underworld will inevitably expand to the human world. By then, the scale of the underworld will expand to ten times the current size!

Xu Ying was fascinated. When the number of people in the human world reaches ten times that of the immortal world, the strength of the five giants in the underworld will also increase ten times!

And the halo of reincarnation will probably increase tenfold, and the power of this treasure at that time will probably not be inferior to the supreme magic weapon!

The underworld has great potential. Yuanjun's control of the underworld is indeed a good move. It's just that she has bad luck.

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, suddenly, the five giants of the underworld and the ten palaces of hell each had their auras trembling, each one groaned, and their bodies were unstable. Some kept retreating, and some swayed left and right, as if they were drunk.

They all stopped activating the halo of reincarnation.

Xu Ying quickly asked: Everyone, what happened?

I encountered a tough situation and suffered the backlash from the halo of reincarnation.

The Empress of Reincarnation said, We have been exploring for a long time, but we have not found the emperor's past life.

Xu Ying was disappointed and murmured: Is he really dead?

The Empress of Reincarnation said: Although we have never discovered his past life, we have also never discovered his reincarnation. All his reincarnations are not real reincarnations, they are actually all in this life.

Xu Yingzheng was a little disappointed. He was stunned when he heard this, and said in a loss of voice: All reincarnations are not real reincarnations? What do you mean?

The Empress of Samsara couldn't explain, so she looked at the Tenth Hall of Yama. Although the Tenth Hall of Yama was one of the ten gods, they were actually the heaven and earth souls of Taiyi Tianzun, and they were very knowledgeable.

The Empress of Samsara has never seen this kind of situation, but they have seen similar situations in their long years.

King Yama said: It means that all reincarnations of the emperor are not reincarnations. His reincarnation should be just the reincarnation of a split soul.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and said: Brother Dao, what you mean is that the emperor has never been reincarnated, but only his soul was reincarnated, and his true body is still sitting in the immortal court?

This is indeed cunning, as it can prevent the enemy from taking advantage of him and killing him when his real body is reincarnated in the lower world.

King Chakravartin shook his head and said: The emperor's true body is not his true body either.

Xu Ying's eyes widened.

The King of Equality said: This body of the emperor, like other bodies, is a clone and equal.

The Tenth Palace Yamas nodded one after another: He is also the reincarnation of a divided soul.

The Empress of Reincarnation said: What you brought is a reincarnated body, not his real body. We can't find out whether he has a previous life.

He explained: The reincarnation of the split soul is not a real reincarnation. His true body is not dead, and even if there is a past life, it cannot be found from his split soul body.

Xu Ying's mind was buzzing as he stared blankly at the emperor's body.

This corpse is that of the emperor from Immortal Court, it is absolutely correct.

Cangwu, Beiyin and other gods couldn't help but worry about his condition. After a long time, Xu Ying suddenly burst into laughter.

He laughed a little crazy, and his laughter never stopped for a long time.

The five giants looked at each other, and Meng Po also murmured in her heart: Did the Meng Po soup he drank back then have an attack today? Now we are ordered by Xu Lao Tianzun, and we are from the Immortal Court. I wonder if Xu Lao Tianzun will For the sake of his son, wearing small shoes for the old man?

The emperor is worthy of being an emperor!

Xu Ying was inexplicably excited. He jumped up and floated in the air. He smiled and said, Can you please continue to help me find the emperor's true body? I'll go to Wei Ruins!

The Empress of Samsara and other gods each frowned. The Empress asked Yama of the Tenth Palace, Is there any hope of finding his true body through his clones?

The Yamas of the Tenth Palace shook their heads: The hope is slim. But we can give it a try.

Wei Xu is hidden in the realm of Taixu, but Hua Cuoying has taken Xu Ying there once before, and he can enter it by opening the Wei Xu Tianyuan.

Hua Cuoying was the female fairy in Xu Yingyingzhou's Cave Abyss. Xu Ying called her out, and Hua Cuoying used her magical power to open the Wei Xu Tianyuan and said with a smile: Immortal Lord, I'm going to visit my father.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and let her leave. He went straight to the Demonic Fairyland.

Hua Cuoying broke into Hua's house. When the Five Jue Immortal King saw that she dared to come here, he became angry and murderous. He shouted: Xiaolang Hoozi colluded with outsiders and robbed our family. Today, we will kill our relatives out of justice!

Hua Cuoying sneered and said: Father, I am now a disciple of Dou Bu Tianzun Xu, and little Xu Tianzun has also arrived at Wei Xu. And your backer, Taisui Tianzun Ning Zhong, still doesn't know whether he is alive or dead!

The expression of the Five Jue Immortal King changed slightly, and he changed into a smiling face, and said with a smile: My dear daughter, you have worked hard all the way, come in and sit down quickly. Come and serve tea to the Immortal. Please come here. Little Xu Tianzun is not here to kill me, is he?

Hua Cuoying smiled and said, It's hard to say.

The Five Ultimate Immortal King was uneasy.

There was peace and tranquility in the Demonic Immortal Realm, and Xu Ying's arrival was quite surprising. Xu Ying met the Heavenly Demon Lord here. He had sworn sworn vows with him in his first life back then. Today, he felt quite emotional when he saw his Heavenly Demon here.

He met Yuan Jun again. Yuan Jun should know that his true body was dead, and he was a little sad when he saw him.

Killed by a thousand cuts, it was in vain that I was tempted by you! She promised Xu.

I didn't kill him. Xu Ying explained to her.

Who did it? Heavenly Demon Yuanjun asked.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: We don't know yet, but we will know in a short time. Don't worry, I will find your enemy for you.

Demon Yuanjun was moved and stepped forward to hug him.

Xu Ying separated from Yuan Jun and came directly to see the Demon Emperor. The Heavenly Demon Emperor's face was as gentle as jade, and he said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu, long time no see.

Xu Ying said with emotion: Yes, it's been a long time since we last met. If we meet again today, you will already be a dead person.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor smiled and said: Birth, old age, illness and death are human nature. I failed in the struggle in the immortal world and am destined to die. The emperor has realized this a long time ago.

Xu Ying said: You are the evil thought that the emperor cut off. Now that the emperor is dead, I feel that he is still alive. If you meet him, can you sense him?

The Demon Emperor looked confused, shook his head and said, I can only sense that he is dead. Is he still alive?

Xu Ying smiled and said: He lives in the world with another appearance. He may have blocked your induction.

He thought for a moment and said: So, if you meet the emperor who has changed his appearance, can you return to his body?

The Demonic Emperor smiled and said: He and I are one body, I am a part of him, and I can naturally return to his body. However, he is on guard and cannot go back.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: Brother Dao, I need you to leave the Demon Realm and accompany me for a while. But if you go here, you may die.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor solemnly said: I am just a ball of consciousness, so why should I fear life and death? I will let you go.

Xu Ying bowed his head to the ground.

The Demonic Emperor returned the favor.

Ning Zhong Tianzun returned to his hometown. He started in the world of Yunguan 50,000 years ago. He also amazed the Immortal Court and sat all the way to Tianzun's seat. Although he is the Taisui Tianzun who is the least powerful among the six Tianzun, who can It takes 50,000 years to become a Heavenly King?

Even Xu Ying, who also amazed the Immortal Court, was only an Immortal Lord when he was at his highest level.

Ning Zhong's family lived in Yizhou. Although he returned to his hometown and no longer saw his parents and villagers, he still settled down. Time flies and the years change. He no longer remembers his ambition to ascend in the past. The edges have long been smoothed away by the fairy world.

At first, he was far away in the fairy world and could not return to his hometown. It was not until the current tide of the three realms that he had the opportunity to put aside his identity as Tianzun and return to his hometown.

He was very leisurely these days, and his heart was as peaceful as ever.

Immortal Emperor or whatever, let's not fight anymore. He said silently in his heart.

At this time, a voice came: Ning Tianzun has spent more than 50,000 years cultivating to become a Heavenly King. In terms of talent, you are no less talented than those who were famous in history. It's a pity that you were born too late. In this era, you have already There is no chance for you to attain enlightenment.”

Ning Zhong Tianzun followed the sound and asked in surprise: Why does Your Highness have time to come to my place?

The person who spoke was none other than King Dong, who also came to Ning Zhong’s hometown and was admiring the ancient buildings here. Hearing the words, he smiled and said: I walked around and came here unknowingly. Ning Zhong Tianzun, if you were born Six hundred thousand years ago, your achievements must have been more than this. Maybe you could become the Supreme!

Ning Zhong Tianzun said calmly: Even in today's world, with my intelligence, I can become the Supreme.

Dong Wang laughed loudly, with a bold and rough voice, and said: That's right! I believe you have such intelligence. But the premise is that you must have enough resources. Without enough resources, you can only be a heavenly king in your life, and you will never climb. Don’t go up!”

Ning Zhong Tianzun said: There are many people with my qualifications and understanding in the Immortal Court. Some of them will only be an Immortal Lord, an Immortal King, or even an Immortal Immortal in their entire life. It is because they do not have enough resources. When it comes to cultivating the Supreme Being, even daily practice is difficult.”

Dong Wang smiled and said: Immortals are like old farmers, digging in the soil and working hard. They have to carefully figure out the intentions of their superiors, be on guard against their colleagues, and beware of people below pulling them down. They When I get home after a busy day, I have to face my wife and children, waiting for the meager fairy spirit I have earned through all the hard work. It is better to be happy in the lower world.

Tianzun Ning Zhong felt deeply and said, Yes. They are not living a happy life.

King Dong had a far-reaching vision and said, So this world must be changed.

Ning Zhong Tianzun shook his head and said: It cannot be changed. Immortal Court was built on a compromise with the ancient era from the beginning. If the ancient era is not completely destroyed, it will never be changed.

Dong Wang smiled and said: It can be changed! When Xu Tianzun asked me to investigate Qingxuan, I almost lost my life. But this aroused my interest. During this time, I looked through ancient books and found a secret about the beginning of the establishment of Immortal Court. A Qingxuan secret!

He got the wine, sat on the floor, asked Ning Zhong Tianzun to sit opposite him, poured wine for Ning Zhong, and said with a smile: After I discovered this secret, I was extremely excited, thinking that I had found the key to solving the dilemma of Immortal Court.

He raised his head to drink and said: The name Qingxuan is unknown, but he is actually the first Immortal Emperor of Immortal Court!

Ning Zhong Tianzun had never heard of this incident, and he couldn't help but feel moved. He drank and asked, Why has no one mentioned him?

He was overthrown by the remnants of ancient times and died.

King Dong said, This man is a man of great talent and strategy, who created the Supreme Realm. Only then did some people follow his footsteps and achieve the Supreme Realm. These people are all heroes from the ancient times. There are also people who are already Daluo Golden Immortal and Daluo Wonderful Realm. , and also speculated into his team. These are the reasons for his defeat later. But these are not important to us.

His eyes were eager and he smiled: The secret I discovered is the solution Qingxuan came up with to deal with today's situation. This person is really amazing. He realized 600,000 years ago that the resources of the immortal world in the future will reach Limit, resulting in a situation where immortals have no caves, no spiritual energy, cannot practice, and can only fight internally. He also realized that resources will be concentrated in the hands of giants, and the giants will form a situation where they will absolutely crush the latecomers. Therefore, he found out The solution!”

Ning Zhong Tianzun was infected by him and couldn't help but ask: What is his solution?

King Dong drank and said solemnly: His solution is to expand, continue to expand.

Ning Zhong Tianzun was stunned and asked in confusion: What kind of solution is this?

King Dong poured wine for him and then poured himself another cup. He spoke in an orderly manner and said: His method is very simple and divided into three aspects. The first is to return the caves to the public. Gather all the caves in the world and gather them together. All the power of the cave abyss allows the realm to expand and explore the realm behind the supreme realm. The second is to expand the territory. Explore the black realm of the universe, find the real human world and the fairy world, and cover the realm of the fairy world over the entire universe. The third is to find the other shore. . Revive Emperor Haotian’s method of summoning cave abyss, summon a large number of cave abyss, alleviate the problem of insufficient resources, create a large number of masters, and then find the other side!”

Ningzhong Tianzun does not understand the second and third points. He does not know the human world and the immortal world, nor does he know the other side and the method of summoning the cave abyss.

He hadn't even heard of these things.

However, he felt the same about the first point and said: Indeed, concentrating the resources of the Immortal Realm can produce more powerful people in the Immortal Realm, thereby hopefully advancing to the next realm.

Dong Wang smiled and said, Do you agree with this?

Ning Zhong Tianzun nodded.

King Dong drank the wine in his glass, and the Liuzhou Cave Abyss slowly emerged behind him.

Ning Zhong Tianzun's pupils narrowed slightly, and he could only see the sky above the head of the Eastern King, the Yuanzhou of Emperor Zhou, the Fenglinzhou of the emperor, the Zuzhou of Tianzun, the Changzhou of Yuanjun, Yanzhou of Li Sixue, and Xuanzhou of Xie Qingshan , Jukuzhou, where Tianzun was in charge of the Ministry of Finance, emerged one by one.

The Eight Heavenly Sovereign Level Cave Abyss slowly rotated above his head.

Dong Wang looked earnestly and said: The fairy world has been corrupted, whether it is Jiutian, Daluotian, or my father! Under their control, this fairy world can only continue to rot, and there will never be an end in sight. ! Ning Zhong, my father is trapped in the black realm of the universe with the old monsters in Daluo Heaven. Now is the best time to change all of this! Only by gathering the top ten heavenly monarchs, Dongyuan, can we change this rotten world! Do you think Woolen cloth?

Ning Zhong Tianzun was silent for a moment and said: So, where are the Emperor, Yuan Jun, Li Sixue, Xie Qingshan and the others? Are they alive or dead?

Dong Wang's turbulent emotions suddenly calmed down, and his expression became extremely calm. He smiled and said: To change the world, there are always sacrifices.

Ning Zhong Tianzun drank the wine in the cup and said bitterly: Am I the next sacrifice?

King Dong poured him another glass of wine and said: You are a genius, and I really don't want to kill you. But there must be no stain on the new emperor's succession to the throne. Someone must bear the stigma of killing the emperor, Yuanjun and all the gods. . I originally planned to let Xu Ying bear this stigma, but after all, this brat is the son of my adopted sister and my nephew. As my uncle, I cannot harm him.

He said apologetically: I can only feel wronged to you.

----Happy Valentine's Day! A 5,000-word chapter, please vote for me! !

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