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Chapter 588 Deep in Reincarnation

Who in this world can kill the Emperor and Yuanjun? Emperor Taixiao said suddenly.

Emperor Yang Long said: The Immortal Emperor is trapped, Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren are also trapped in the black realm of the universe. Now the only people in the immortal world who can kill the emperor are the one in Daluo Heaven, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord, and That’s the nine of us.”

The nine emperors fell silent.

The being in the Daluo Heaven is aloof from the world and will not be moved by such trivial matters. The Shifei Tianjun was severely injured by the existence in the Daluo Heaven. It is not yet known whether he is alive or dead.

The Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors are Da Luo Jinxian. After all, they are one level higher than the Emperor Yuanjun. Even if the Emperor Yuanjun has his own Dao Fruit by relying on the Ginseng Dao Fruit, his cultivation strength is inferior to them.

Emperor Luhe looked around: Then the murderer may be among the nine of us.

A feeling of distrust spread between them.

Xu Yingze was busy checking the emperor's corpses, checking each one carefully and not letting go of any clues. There are just too many bodies and they are not very complete.

It is impossible for the emperor to die. He has tortured me for so long. How can he die so cheaply?

When he came to the traces left by the battle, he suddenly shouted low, activated the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Art, paused his feet, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation appeared, simulating the battle situation at that time!

Judging from the traces of the battle here, the emperor must have used his special skill, the Twelve Dao Wheels! But facing the Twelve Dao Wheels head-on, more than four hundred of his clones were killed, and none of them could escape. Even with such strength, I may not be able to do it!”

Xu Ying imitated the emperor and wandered around to fight against the invisible enemy. Suddenly, his steps were disordered and he came to the corpse of the emperor's real body.

He lay straight back, lying with the emperor's body, and stared at the sky. He is proficient in the emperor's skills. Although he has not cultivated to the level of the Twelve Dao Wheel, he can almost confuse the fake with the real one.

The emperor died here because someone discovered the flaws in his technique.

Xu Yinggu sat up and whispered, Like Yuanjun, he died due to the flaws in his own martial arts and magical powers. Yuanjun's soul was the strongest, but the person who killed her was targeting her soul. Attacking the strongest one ended up killing her. The Emperor's technique was the strongest, and the way he died was as if his technique was disordered under the opponent's attack, and more than four hundred clones lost control, and they all died here... …”

He frowned and thought, turning a blind eye to the Nine Emperors around him, and suddenly said loudly, The emperor has had more than four hundred reincarnations, who is responsible for it? Immortal official, immortal official! Come here! Find out who is responsible for the reincarnation of the emperor!

The immortal official responsible for collecting the corpses hurried over, and Xu Ying ordered: He is an emperor. For such a big matter as reincarnation, there must be a guardian! Find the guardian and let him check the appearance of these corpses with the emperor's reincarnation. Are the bodies the same?

The immortal official looked at the emperors with a troubled expression. He recognized Xu Ying. Xu Ying was not the Emperor of Jiutian, but he gave them orders, which made them, the subjects of Jiutian, very embarrassed.

Emperor Yang Long waved his hand and said, Go and do it.

Wait a moment!

Xu Ying called the immortal official and said, We must check whether the emperor has only had four hundred and eighty-two reincarnations! We must check whether he has had one or two more reincarnations. Do you understand? The appearance of each life , you must deal with the corpse carefully, and there can be no mistakes! After the investigation is completed, report it to the nine great emperors first, and then give me a copy!

The immortal official said yes and hurried away.

The nine immortal emperors each frowned. Xu Yingyue took over and summoned these immortal officials, who looked more like emperors than they, the nine-day emperors.

Emperor Caiwei smiled and said: Xu Ying, you are not yet a Heavenly Lord, but you are already showing off your official power.

Xu Ying said humbly: I dare not forget the Immortal Court despite my humble status. I am also worried that the real culprit will continue to harm others, so I investigated more carefully.

Emperor Caiwei was dressed as a girl. Hearing this, he chuckled and said, I thought you were unwilling to let the emperor die like this, and wanted to take revenge on him. When are you going to visit Haotian? You haven't been there for a long time.

Xu Ying suddenly thought of his mother, Lan Suying, telling him about the marriage proposal, mentioning Emperor Caiwei, and saying that Emperor Caiwei was not good enough and could not defeat her.

Did I really have an affair with Emperor Caiwei in my first life? Xu Ying thought to herself.

Emperor Fuyue came over. The beautiful woman had a frosty face. She glanced at Xu Ying coldly and said, Xu Tianzun was so bold this time, he actually showed off in front of the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens. You won't do it next time, you know?

Xu Ying bowed and said, I will follow your instructions.

Dead ghost. Emperor Fuyue whispered.

Xu Ying raised his head in astonishment, and Emperor Fuyue glanced at him with a half-smile.

Xu Ying sternly composed himself and said: Your Majesty, there are now Yingzhou, Changzhou, Xuanzhou, Yanzhou, Jukuzhou, Shengzhou and Yuanzhou. These large caves and abyss all need someone to protect them. In addition to In addition, there is the Supreme Cave Abyss. Each of the nine His Majesties is responsible for protecting a cave abyss, and they can wait and wait for the murderer to come.

As soon as these words came out, the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors all fell silent.

Xu Ying wondered: Did I say something wrong?

After a while, Emperor Yang Long said: You are all Daluo Golden Immortals. It was unfair back then, and you will inevitably feel aggrieved. Who doesn't want to live another life to make a comeback, not to cultivate Daluo, but to cultivate Supreme to make up for this shortcoming? This time Supreme No, it’s inevitable that one of you will be tempted, and just killing Yuanjun and Emperor in succession would be too much.”

Emperor Que Lin smiled and said: Someone? It may not be a certain person, maybe two or three people.

Xu Ying frowned and looked at the nine great emperors, sensing something was wrong.

Emperor Taixiao looked around, taking in the expressions of the other great emperors, and said with a smile: I am not the one who killed Emperor Yuanjun. But I also understand that everyone has the ability to reach the Supreme Realm, but they are forced to practice Daluo. It is inevitable that everyone will have some resentment. But killing people to seize treasures is not right.

Emperor Fuyue smiled and said: It's not me either. I'm not interested in the Supreme Realm.

Emperor Qinghua said: I was injured by the Ten-Delay Heavenly Lord, and my injury has not healed yet.

They talked to each other in an attempt to clear up the relationship.

Suddenly, Emperor Jiuyou said: Now that we are all here, we only need one more Heavenly Lord to die to wash away the suspicion on us.

As soon as he said this, the other eight emperors nodded silently.

So, where are the other Tianzun? Emperor Caiwei asked.

Emperor Yang Long immediately ordered people to investigate and said, Bring the whereabouts of Wei Xu, Dong Wang, and Ji Man as well.

Soon after, the Immortal Official came to report and said: The two Heavenly Lords of Water and Fire went to the Demon Realm to quell the rebellion. The Heavenly Lord of Taisui returned to his hometown to visit his relatives. The Heavenly Lord of the Ministry of Finance stayed in the Ministry of Finance and did not go out. Ji Man is in the Daluo Heaven. King Dong is missing. .As for Wei Xu, it is said that he took his nephew Zhao Zheng to Burial Dao Tianyuan to practice, but he has not returned yet.

Emperor Que Lin said with a smile: Then it depends on which of them dies first. As long as one of them dies, we can get rid of our suspicion.

These words were extremely cold and ruthless, but coming from the mouth of this great emperor of the Immortal Family, they seemed natural, as if the lives of those Heavenly Lords were not lives.

Xu Ying was disappointed, turned around and left, rushing to Weiyang Palace, thinking: My mother has a clever plan, maybe she will have some plans.

In the Weiyang Palace, Lan Suying, Shenpo and others were sitting in danger, activating the Longtian Hun Dao spells. They each had different foundations, had practiced different methods, and the Long Tian Hun Dao spells they had comprehended were also different.

Behind Lan Suying emerged a statue of herself, arranged backwards, like a dragon composed of her spanning the past and future time.

A heavenly dou appeared in the sky behind the goddess. Various dragon-shaped runes and spells evolved in the heavenly dou.

Xu Ying came to them and saw them working hard, so he didn't bother them.

After a while, Lan Suying and Shenpo finished their work. Lan Suying shook her head and said: I can't figure out who killed the emperor. This person is more cautious than Ying'er. Senior Sister Feng is in front of Ying'er. Ying'er has a whim to resist her calculation power, and I can take advantage of it. Enter and figure out Ying'er's thoughts. But this person is extraordinary. Senior Sister Feng and I covered each other, attacking and defending, but we still couldn't figure him out.

The goddess said: This person has a deep mind and is more thoughtful than the Immortal Master.

They also received news of the death of Emperor Yuanjun and knew that the matter was of great importance, so they figured out who the murderer was.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, turned around and left, saying: I'm going to see the Finance Ministry Tianzun!

He hurried to the Caitian Palace. The Caitian Palace was magnificent and full of treasures. The treasures of the immortals were everywhere, and the treasures of each treasure house soared into the sky. This is where the wealth of the fairy world is concentrated. In addition to various fairy treasures, there are also various caves and abyss rich in fairy energy.

It's just that the Caitian Palace is quiet at this moment, with no one around.

Xu Ying knew something was wrong, so he rushed all the way. When he arrived at the central hall, he saw Tianzun, the manager of the Ministry of Finance, sitting alone on the ground, looking at the accounts of the Immortal Court.

Guan Tianzun, are you still alive? Where are the others? Xu Ying said in surprise.

Guan Tianzun slowly raised his head and said: After I learned of the death of Emperor Yuanjun, I dismissed the rest of the Finance Department, and I am the only one sitting here.

Xu Ying showed admiration and said: Your Excellency actually wants to fight the murderer to the death, which is admirable!

Guan Tianzun sneered and said: Do you know what we, those in charge of money, don't care about the most? It's money. Dongyuan is also money, and it has no great use to me. My Juguzhou Dongyuan , I will hang it above the Immortal Palace, and whoever wants it can take it!

Xu Ying walked out of the Immortal Palace, looked up, shook his head and said: There is no Jukuzhou Cave Abyss in the Immortal Palace!

Tianzun, in charge of the Ministry of Finance, was slightly startled and praised: My hands and feet are so fast.

Xu Ying said goodbye to him and immediately went to Daluotian, which is above the nine heavens.

In the Taoist Temple of Jiugong Daojun, the Yuanzhou Cave Abyss was spinning quietly. Inside the cave abyss, Emperor Zhou Ji Man was practicing day and night, and his cultivation was progressing rapidly.

When he was in the world of Yuanshou, he had already cultivated to the level of Earth Immortal. Later, he obtained the Jiugong Holy Pill from Jiugong Dao Lord. After taking it, all the impurities were washed away, his foundation became extremely strong, and his cultivation level also improved by leaps and bounds.

Jiugong Daojun also taught him Jiugongshengshengxuan Gong, supplemented by Yuanzhou Dongyuan. His cultivation progressed thousands of miles day by day, and now he has become a heavenly immortal.

Such speed is rare in the world.

He was reaching a critical stage in his practice when suddenly Liu Ruyi shouted angrily from outside: Bold thief!

Then, the aura of Ten Thousand Dao Golden Books erupted, and then the sound of the Nine Jue Immortal Killing Sword came. Emperor Zhou was shocked: Someone broke into Daluotian and competed with the treasure of Wonderland!

The Tao Lord of the Nine Palaces has the Supreme Treasure of Enlightenment and the Supreme Treasure of Wonderful Realm. The power of these two treasures is amazing, but they have been severely damaged one after another, and their power is not as powerful as before.

Immediately, the Yuanzhou Cave Abyss fluctuated violently, and Liu Ruyi's voice became farther and farther away.

Someone broke into Daluotian and took Yuanzhou Cave Abyss away?

Zhou Tianzi felt awe-inspiring in his heart, and hurriedly gathered all his aura, flew into the depths of Yuan Continent, and hid, thinking in his heart, If he dares to rush into Daluotian to rob Yuan Continent Cave Abyss, this person is definitely a top master in cultivation! But most of him He will also kill people and silence them!

As soon as he thought of this, he suddenly felt an extremely deep spiritual consciousness sweeping over him, even going deep into the void inside Yuan Continent!

Emperor Zhou mobilized the Nine Palaces to Tongshengxuan Gong and arranged formations to make himself compatible with the Immortal Mountain and the Tao, making it difficult to distinguish one from the other. If Liu Ruyi were here, she would definitely exclaim in surprise. Although Zhou Tianzi is a newbie, he actually mastered the Nine Palaces Tongsheng Xuan Gong to this level without a teacher!

That divine consciousness swept over his body, and then another divine consciousness came from behind, washing over and over again like a tide.

Finally, the consciousness converged back.

Little thing, you are hiding very well.

Before Xu Ying arrived at Daluotian, he saw Liu Ruyi and other women chasing this side menacingly. He hurriedly asked, and Liu Ruyi said: The thieves took Yuanzhou Cave Abyss away! Senior Brother Zhou is still inside!

Xu Ying's heart was slightly shaken, and he immediately activated his Third Heaven Pass, and disappeared from the fairy world in a flash.

He flew out from the Pass on the third day and came to the ancestral court. In the ancestral court, the gods of the water and fire tribes were leading the soldiers of the water and fire tribes to conquer the Zhenwu Temple. They encountered the obstruction of the four great emperors, including the Cangtian Emperor and the Zhenwu Emperor. They lined up to fight against each other in the Land of Daoqi.

The Ancestral Court did not surrender to the Immortal Realm and was also called the Demonic Realm. Therefore, the Two Heavenly Lords of Water and Fire came to conquer and take credit for their achievements.

Xu Ying rushed to the place where the two sides were fighting. He saw the soldiers of the Water and Fire Departments in retreat. The rebels were coming, and the immortals panicked and ran for their lives.

Xu Ying felt bad, so he headed towards the rebel army. When he arrived at the place where the Immortal Palace army was stationed, he saw a mess in the main hall of the Immortal Palace.

Xu Ying walked into the Immortal Palace and saw the bodies of Li Sixue and Xie Qingshan.

His eyes fell on Li Sixue, and a touch of sadness arose in his heart.

The memories of my first life are invading me again, and the seal can't seal them.

Xu Ying inspected their bodies, and the sadness that surged out just now must be that he had a relationship with Li Sixue in the first life, which made this sadness uncontrollable.

Li Sixue and Xie Qingshan's fatal injuries were caused by someone finding a flaw in their magical powers and killing them with one blow.

Xu Ying walked out of the Immortal Palace and came to the Zhenwu Temple on the opposite side to pay homage to the Four Saints of the North Pole. The Four Saints of the North Pole returned the favor one after another. Xu Yingdao: I also ask four Taoist brothers to go with Mr. Ning Qing to his hometown to protect Ning Zhong Tianzun.

The Four Saints of the North Pole were puzzled. Now that they were at war with the Immortal Court, and the Immortal Court sent the Heavenly Lord to attack him, why did Xu Ying ask them to protect another Immortal Court Heavenly Lord?

My father-in-law and I are inseparable! Mr. Ning Qing said to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying absent-mindedly waved his hand and left.

The Four Saints of the North Pole and Master Ning Qing also set off immediately, rushing to Ning Zhong's ancestral land.

Xu Ying returned to the emperor's mansion, and the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens were still standing there, not moving.

Xu Yingdao said: The Heavenly Lord of the Water Department, Xie Qingshan, the Heavenly Lord of the Fire Department, Li Sixue, is dead, and Dongyuan has disappeared. Also, Yuanzhou Dongyuan and Jukuzhou Dongyuan have been lost.

When the nine emperors heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief and smiled with relief.

Suddenly, the Immortal Official came to report and said: Your Majesty, I have found out that the emperor has reincarnated 482 times, and used 482 surnames to verify his true identity. There is no mistake.

Xu Ying felt disappointed. The nine great emperors stood up one after another, and Emperor Yang Long said: Now there are still Dongwang's Changzhou, Taisui Tianzun's Shengzhou, and Xu Ying's Yingzhou. We are divided into two groups, one group is looking for Dongwang's whereabouts, and the other group is going Protect Ning Zhong.”

The nine great emperors left.

Xu Ying came to the emperor's body and said unwillingly: I just don't think you will die like this. You are the goal of my struggle these years. I have only one purpose, to defeat you and avenge myself! But, Why did you die like this...

Suddenly, he thought of something, stood up, and with a wave of his sleeves, put away the emperor's body, paused with his feet, and sank into the underworld.

He hurriedly came to the place of reincarnation, met the empress of reincarnation, and said: Brother Taoist, can you help me check whether this person is the first life?

The empress of reincarnation was shocked when she saw the emperor's face clearly. She raised her hand weakly and sent the emperor's body into the halo of reincarnation to check the emperor's past and present lives.

After a moment, the Empress of Samsara frowned slightly and said: Mr. Xu, his cultivation level is far beyond mine. I may not be able to do it alone. He will need a few helpers.

Xu Ying nodded lightly. Two days later, Emperor Dongyue, Beiyin and Cangwu arrived here, followed by the Tenth Hall Yama.

After a while, Po Meng also came in a hurry.

The Empress of Samsara solemnly said: Fellow Taoists, I have encountered some difficulties, please help me!

The gods sat around the empress of reincarnation and worked together to activate the halo of reincarnation. They saw that the huge ring of reincarnation was half on the ground and half underground, and the emperor's body gradually sank into the depths of reincarnation.

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