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Chapter 587 Emperor

Xu Ying glanced around and found no trace of Yuan Jun's cave.

Could it be that he killed someone for Changzhou Dongyuan?

Xu Ying was quite puzzled. Risking to kill a being like Yuanjun Lingsu and killing millions of female immortals for the sake of a Heavenly Lord-level cave abyss is too cruel a method.

Yuanjun Lingsu is the leader of the female immortals personally appointed by the Immortal Emperor. All Yuanjuns in the world must listen to her orders, and all female immortals in the world must obey her!

She is equivalent to an empress without an imperial title. With such a reputation, not many people dare to touch her.

The reason why Xu Ying dared to pursue her was because Xu Ying was a well-known gangster and reckless man in the fairy world. He had rebelled before and there was nothing he would not dare to do.

But for others to kill her, it would be a shameful act. If exposed, ruining their reputation would be the least severe consequence!

Are you so vicious just for a mere Tianjun-level cave?

Xu Ying shook his head slightly and looked at the female fairy corpses scattered everywhere in the dark area, feeling pity in his heart. The souls of these female fairies were shattered.

Emperor Changsheng squatted under the willow tree and looked at Yuanjun Lingsu's body. After a long time, he reached out his hand, gently closed her eyes, and whispered: Don't worry, I won't let you die in an unknown way. .”

After all, there was a relationship.

As he recalled the past, that relationship came to mind again, and he suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

The Changsheng Emperor somewhat understood why the Immortal Emperor, Emperor, Tianzun and others wanted to cut off the distracting thoughts in his heart. At this moment, he was invaded by sentimentality, some were sentimental, and some seemed to be blinded by emotions.

When he met Yuan Jun, she was just a female immortal who had just ascended. He was not the Immortal Emperor today. The two met in Daohai, looking at each other, with a Parrot Island in between.

Since then, it has been like duckweed, separated by Parrot Island.

When they meet again, their inner emotions are as easy to overflow as duckweed in the water, densely packed, covering the Taoist heart, so they come together.

Xu Ying glanced at him in surprise and noticed the Changsheng Emperor's mood swings. For such a being, mood swings were rarely encountered.

It can make Daluo Jinxian's emotions fluctuate. Perhaps the emotion between Emperor Changsheng and Yuan Jun is much more important than what Emperor Changsheng himself said. He thought to himself.

Emperor Changsheng also realized that something was wrong, and immediately calmed down, saying: Although Yuanjun's cave is only a Tianjun-level cave, which can create Tianjun and maintain Tianjun's daily life and practice, the Tianjun-level cave is still Extremely rare and extremely precious. It is worth it to kill millions of female immortals for the sake of Tianjun Dongyuan.

He seemed to be talking to himself or answering Xu Ying's doubts, saying: No one dared to do it in the past because the Immortal Emperor was still there, and anyone who dared to do it would be against the entire Immortal Court. But now the Immortal Emperor is exiled in the universe There is no one in charge in the Black Territory and Da Luo Tian, ​​so this opportunity makes people unable to sit still.

For Xu Ying, he had never felt that the Tianjun-level cave abyss was so precious, because he had already obtained the supreme-level Taiyi Cave Abyss through the 600,000-year planning and guidance of the Immortal Emperor.

But for other people in the Immortal Realm, the Heavenly Sovereign Level Cave Abyss may be something they can only dream of in their lifetime.

Including the Yingzhou Cave Abyss in Xu Ying's hand, there are only ten Tianjun-level cave abyss in Xianting.

There are many monks and few people, and there are many people staring at these ten caves.

Xu Yingdao: Brother Dao, is there anyone you suspect?

The Changsheng Emperor's eyes were like lightning, and they suddenly fell on him. Xu Ying said angrily: Brother Dao, the first person you suspect is me?

The Changsheng Emperor nodded and said: Just now I noticed the terrifying mana fluctuations here. I was the first to start, but you were only half a beat slower than me. This means that you also sensed it. The gap in cultivation between you and me is probably only This half step difference. You and I arrived under the tree almost at the same time, which shows that you have the strength to kill Yuan Jun.

His eyes were sharp and he said: So, I suspect that you were the one who injured Emperor Jiuyou that night!

Xu Ying denied it flatly: I'm just an immortal, how could I possibly hurt Emperor Jiuyou?

Emperor Changsheng did not argue with him on this topic, and said: But you were by my side at that time, and you were unable to do anything. So you were not the one who killed Yuanjun. After excluding you, the second suspect is me.

Xu Ying was stunned.

Emperor Changsheng said: Yuan Jun and I were lovers. I know her Taoist and magical powers very well, and I even know her skills clearly. She doesn't know how to guard against me yet. If I want to kill her, I can Kill her in the shortest possible time! I have an affair with her and have an illegitimate child, so I have the strength and motivation to kill her.

He said so much that even Xu Ying nodded.

But you were by my side at that time. Xu Ying said.

Emperor Changsheng said: So we exclude you and me. The third person with strength and motivation is the emperor. He is very close to Yuanjun. Since you were defeated and fell, he has often gone to Yuanjun's house, and the two of them interacted with each other. Exchange Taoist and magical powers and discuss world affairs.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and looked at Emperor Changsheng's face. Although Emperor Changsheng's expression remained as usual, he felt that Emperor Changsheng's heart might not be very peaceful.

Xiao Ying, please leave this place.

Emperor Changsheng took out a roll of green gauze. The gauze flew up and stretched along the sky. He said, Yuanjun is the first female fairy in the world. Her death is not a trivial matter. All the nine emperors of the Nine Heavens will come out to investigate the cause of her death.

When Xu Ying heard this, he bowed slightly and walked away immediately.

He heard from his mother Lan Suying that the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors could have blamed the Immortal Emperor for the death of Tianzun, and the two sides broke the imperial palace. If he stays here, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

In today's fairy world, there are indeed not many people who are powerful and suspicious. The emperor is the most suspicious one. If this person's goal is to gather all the Tianjun-level caves and attack the supreme realm, he will definitely deal with Xu.

Emperor Changsheng watched Xu Ying go away and said silently in his heart, After all, Xu Ying still has Yingzhou Cave Abyss there. Therefore, letting Xu Ying go will definitely lead to the real murderer!

He flew up and left the underworld, and after he left, green gauze fell from all directions, covering Yuan Jun's corpse and the corpses of millions of female immortals, forming a seal.

Not long after, rays of light descended from the sky, and the Changsheng Emperor and the other eight Great Luo Jinxian Emperors descended from the rays of light.

Emperor Changsheng removed the green gauze, and everyone walked to the old willow tree, looking at the corpses of the female fairies around them, each frowning.

It was too tragic, too cruel.

Some of them have even experienced battles in ancient times, and they find it difficult to accept it at this moment.

Some of the Nine Emperors collected remnant souls, some gathered auras, and some checked physical injuries. In the end, everyone gathered together and shook their heads.

The person who killed Yuanjun was very domineering, targeting Yuanjun's flaw and killing her with one blow.

Yuanjun's strongest thing is her soul, but this person just happened to destroy Yuanjun's soul. It was obvious that he could do it only because he knew her soul very well.

Suddenly, the eyes of Emperor Qinghua, Emperor Caiwei, Emperor Fuyue and others all fell on Emperor Changsheng.

The most suspicious person is naturally the Changsheng Emperor.

Emperor Changsheng looked indifferent and said: It's not me. Who do you doubt? Just say it.

The Eight Emperors looked at each other, and Emperor Yang Long said: Emperor.

Emperor Taixiao said: After he obtained Tianzun's cave, the Immortal Emperor wanted him to use the ancestral continent cave to recuperate first because of his hard work. If he gets the benefit, he will be able to look forward to Shu.

The emperor originally had a Fenglinzhou Cave Abyss, which was also a Tianjun-level cave abyss. He was injured in the battle with Tianzun, and it was approved by the Immortal Emperor to use Tianzun's Zuzhou and Fenglinzhou to recuperate.

The two Tianjun-level caves and abyss provide twice the amount of fairy energy, and different caves contain different Tianjun-level avenues, so the emperor's cultivation strength will definitely increase greatly.

Driven by greed, he may indeed take desperate risks.

The Nine Emperors flew up and returned to the immortal world. Emperor Qinghua said: There are ten great heavenly king-level caves and abyss in the immortal world, and the emperor has obtained three of them. There are seven remaining caves and abyss. Li Sixue got Yanzhou, the Finance Ministry Tianzun Guan Zhai Cai got Jukuzhou, Taisui Ningzhong got Shengzhou, Daluo Tianji Man got Yuanzhou, and Doubu Xuyingzhou got Yingzhou. The last cave is Changzhou, which was originally controlled by The Supreme Hand of the Immortal Emperor was later given to King Dong.”

Emperor Lu He said: The King of the East is also suspected. Also, the wild man Wei Xu, who had the opportunity to attack the Supreme Realm 600,000 years ago, is also very suspicious.

Emperor Yang Long thought: Wei Xu? Was it because he had the opportunity to attack the Supreme Realm that you got rid of him?

Emperor Que Lin said: Yes. He was sent to wipe out the remaining members of the ancestral court. At that time, the remaining members had several powerful characters, and he was eliminated.

Emperor Yang Long nodded slightly: Look for the emperor first!

When Xu Ying returned to the place of reincarnation, he saw that the Four Emperors and the Ten Palaces of Yamas were all there. Seeing him return, they all greeted him and thanked him for his rescue.

Xu Ying returned the gift and said: You and I are Taoist friends, so it is natural for us to do this. There is no need to do this. There is another thing, Yuan Jun is dead.

Everyone was shocked, and Emperor Dongyue said hurriedly: Did you kill him?

Xu Ying shook his head and briefly recounted his experience, saying: Yuanjun's death may have been caused by strife within the Immortal Court. The Immortal Court is very involved, and anything can be done for the limited abyss. This matter has nothing to do with us, but if we are not careful, it may lead to disaster.

He pondered for a moment and said: I will return to Immortal Court later and ask my father Xu Tianzun to lead the fighting department to conquer you, and you will surrender.

Dongyue, Cangwu, Beiyin, Samsara and other underworld emperors were stunned: What?

Xu Ying said with a smile: If you surrender to Mr. Xu Tianzun, you are surrendering to the Immortal Court, and you will be the subordinates of the Immortal Court from now on. Anyone in the Immortal World who wants to touch you is rebelling and going against the Immortal Court. In this way, You can also keep it safe.”

The four emperors looked at each other, and Emperor Cangwu murmured: You can join if you can't beat me?

The Yamas of the Ten Palaces each looked at each other, with the same mind, and said: I agree with Young Master Xu.

The enemy of the Four Emperors of the Underworld was originally Yuanjun. Now that Yuanjun is dead, if they continue to oppose the Immortal Court, they will definitely be wiped out. Xu Laotianzun is full of loyalty and loyalty. It is naturally best to come to conquer and surrender to him and receive the salary from the Immortal Court.

After Xu Ying's instructions were completed, he left the underworld and headed to the fairy court.

The moment he flew into the Immortal Courtyard, he looked at Wangxiang Terrace from a distance and saw that the influence of Xuandu Yujing Mountain was growing. Various forces such as the Immortal Way and the Ancient Avenue in Wangxiang Taitai were distorted, forming a strange landscape.

The Heaven and Earth Soul of Xuhuang Daojun is still sitting there, as if waiting for something.

Xu Ying returned to Xianting without stopping and went straight to Doubu to see Xu Jing and told him his plan.

Xu Jing was shocked when he heard that Yuan Jun was dead, and quickly said: Could it be the emperor who did it? Or Wei must be Wei Xu! However, Yuan Jun's escape route is calculated to death, and it seems that What King Dong did...

Xu Ying said: After Yuanjun dies, I am afraid that the immortal world will anger the underworld. Dad, you must go there as soon as possible to bring the underworld under the jurisdiction of the immortal world.

Xu Jing immediately summoned the other Erzhen, as well as Beidou Qiyuan, Nandou Liusi and other generals, and each ordered their troops and horses. Xu Jing himself summoned 84,000 Dousha, fully armed, and brought the twenty-five heavenly palaces to control the palace. The magic weapon is vast.

There is an immortal official waving the formation flag to cut the barrier between the immortal world and the underworld, preparing to descend.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the Immortal Courtyard, and the shouts came like a tide and spread rapidly in all directions. In the distance, immortals flew up one after another and kept shouting, as if they had encountered something terrible.

Xu Ying, Xu Jing, Si Chuanzhao and others all looked around and saw that the commotion was spreading outwards, getting louder and more chaotic.

Dead! The emperor is dead!

Xu Ying heard someone shouting.

He didn't seem to hear clearly, and then the noise came like thunder: The emperor is dead! Fenglinzhou and Zuzhou have disappeared!

The emperor was killed in a secluded place!

Xu Ying's scalp was numb and he said hurriedly: Dad, you lead everyone to the underworld, and I'll go to the emperor's mansion to take a look!

Xu Jing said quickly: You have to be careful! The other party is coming for the Tianjun level cave abyss!

Xu Ying said yes and flew away. The surrounding immortals were rushing towards the emperor's mansion like a surging tide. They blocked the way, Xu Ying's mind moved slightly, and the world around him was turned upside down. He pushed these immortals away and went straight to the emperor's mansion.

The emperor's retreat place is a small cave abyss of the Immortal King level. The place is not big, only a thousand miles wide, with dozens of Immortal Mountains, which is only enough for the Immortal King to practice.

But it is no small matter that the emperor hid two caves, Fenglinzhou and Zuzhou, in this Immortal King Cave.

Xu Ying walked into the Immortal King's Cave Abyss and saw that the Immortal Mountain here had been shattered and the land was turned into a torrent of earth, water, wind and fire, roaring and turning. It was obvious that the battle was extremely tragic.

The Changsheng Emperor and the other Nine Heavenly Emperors stood on a still intact hilltop. This was the only remaining part of the fairy mountain. Lying in front of them was the emperor's corpse, with blood flowing all over the ground.

Xu Ying stepped forward and was about to take a closer look when he heard the voice of Emperor Changsheng: The first suspect is here.

Xu Ying's heart suddenly hit him when he saw the other eight Great Luo Emperors all looking at him.

That's right. In the death of the emperor, the most suspicious person is his enemy.

Emperor Jiuyou said, Xu Ying is his enemy. In order to avenge the 48,000 years of torture, Xu Ying took advantage of the emperor's retreat to recover from his injuries, killed the emperor, and took away the two caves.

Xu Ying said: Is the person who died really the emperor? He has been reincarnated 482 times and had 482 clones. Could it be possible that he faked his death and escaped?

The Changsheng Emperor stepped aside, Xu Ying took a long breath, walked over and saw the emperor's body.

On the other side of the mountain, on the hillside, the emperor's broken corpses were everywhere.

An immortal was counting the heads. After a while, an immortal said loudly: Your Majesty, four hundred and eighty corpses were found on the hillside.

The Nine Emperors nodded.

Emperor Taixiao said: The emperor has been reincarnated 482 times, and 480 corpses have died on the hillside. There is still one of his true bodies at our feet. There is one less body.

Xu Ying couldn't help but said: The young one died in Wuzhuang Temple. I killed him.

Emperor Yang Long said: Then, that's it.

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