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Chapter 586 No One Survived

The four emperors of the underworld were awe-inspiring. Among the Immortal Court, the names of Tianzun, Emperor and Yuanjun were the most famous. The Supreme Immortal Emperor rarely showed up and rarely took action. The Immortal Court respected the three of them.

However, since Tianzun died in the hands of Xu Jing, one of the three giants in the Immortal Courtyard has lost one person. Yuanjun has also become much more stable, and the emperor rarely comes out.

It seems that the three giants of Xianting are not as famous as Xu Jing.

However, now that they had just fought, the four emperors of the underworld realized the gap.

This kind of gap, at least two realms apart, is impossible to resist.

Although the four Yuanjuns Wenxuan, Mengji, Lingshu, and Feiyu also have the title of Yuanjun, they are just immortal monarchs, and their cultivation strength is far behind Yuanjun's Lingsu.

Yuan Jun is known as the first soul in the immortal world. The universe in the palm of his hand is so large that it can cover the entire underworld.

Seeing that the four underworld emperors were about to die in her hands, suddenly the sea of ​​​​the underworld surged, and another erected sea of ​​​​underworld appeared, crushing towards Lord Yuan!

Even though the Hades Sea was an upright ocean, the water remained motionless and did not flow down at all. There is a huge skull in the center of the ocean, with two horns. The two horns are like pillars inserted into the darkness, twisting and turning. Even if he died for an unknown period of time, he was still filled with overwhelming divine power!

This underworld sea came suddenly, and before it even got close, the surging force caused the four Yuanjuns Wenxuan, Mengji, Lingshu, and Feiyu who came over to vomit blood. The chariot where Yuanjun Lingsu was sitting also shook violently and became soft. , torn apart!

The precious chariot split open, and a rather wealthy woman was seen sitting in the air. She had a red mole on her eyebrows and her face was gentle and peaceful, not aggressive.

Behind her, there was a vast primordial spirit sitting in the void, because the time and space of the present world could no longer bear the intensity of that primordial spirit.

That is the soul of Yuanjun.

The four emperors of the underworld are now in the hands of this soul!

Tianzun's Yuan Shen was refined into immortal spiritual light, and his Yuan Shen's achievements were extremely high, but in terms of mana, it was far less powerful than Yuan Jun's Yuan Shen.

Yuan Jun's Yuan Shen is not as good as Tianzun and Xu Ying's immortal Yuan Shen in terms of quality, but the energy contained in her Yuan Shen is too terrifying. It is no wonder that her physical body cannot withstand the power of the Yuan Shen and cannot absorb the Yuan Shen into her body. .

And above the head of this Yuan Shen, another Tianjun Cave Abyss is constantly flowing, and the spirit of the immortal spirit is pouring in like a tide. It is the Tianjun level Cave Abyss controlled by Yuan Jun, Changzhou Cave Abyss.

In the abyss of Cheung Chau Cave, millions of immortals lined up neatly, all of them women.

Yuanjun Lingsu is the number one female immortal in the world. When a woman becomes an immortal, no matter whether she has a title or not, even if she has been named Yuanjun and the empress, she must be respected!

The millions of female fairies in her cave are all her private soldiers. They receive some fairy energy as a monthly salary, which can barely sustain daily expenses, but it is not enough to practice, let alone to advance to the next level.

In the cave abyss, there is a strict hierarchy, just like another small fairy court. But being able to receive a monthly salary is already much better than being an individual.

Although the cultivation level of these female immortals is not high, they add up to a large number, and millions of female immortals pour out their mana to meet the incoming sea of ​​​​the underworld. The slightest collision between the two sides caused the blood of the millions of female fairies to surge, and they couldn't help but retreat.

Yuan Jun smiled and said: Tenth Hall Yama, you are seeking your own death, so that I don't have to look for you again!

The other palm of her soul clapped out to meet the ancient sea of ​​underworld. Its mana flowed with the millions of female immortals. She used its power for her own use, increased the power of her palm, and finally blocked the ancient sea of ​​underworld. Down.

Just as she blocked the sea of ​​​​ming, ten extremely ancient gods flew out from between the pair of nine-and-eighth-curved horns, with majestic bodies, shouting in unison, and struck at Yuanjun Yuanshen's palm!

The appearance of the Ten Palaces of Yama, coupled with the impact of the ancient underworld sea, released a divine power that was earth-shattering. Even the entire underworld was shaken, and hundreds of millions of ghosts bowed their heads in fear!

The Ten Palaces of Yama are the ten heaven and earth souls of Taiyi Tianzun. They have powerful divine power. This full blow immediately frustrates the divine power of Yuanjun Yuanshen.

The other palm could not hold the Four Emperors of the Underworld, and the Four Emperors immediately took the opportunity to rush out.

Yuan Jun's majestic Yuan Shen body slightly raised back, and then there was only a sonorous sound, thirty-three consecutive sounds, and layers of heaven emerged from behind this Yuan Shen, layer upon layer, like the sun and the moon. The mountains, rivers, lakes and seas are clear and eye-catching!

Thirty-three heavens appeared one after another behind Yuanjun Yuanshen. In each heaven, there is heaven, earth and nature, and even all kinds of phenomena have evolved, including birds and beasts, flowers, plants, insects and fish, and even human beings have appeared to breed and live.

At this moment, the entire dark underworld, except for the Wangxiang Tower, was illuminated by the light from the thirty-third heaven!

This is exactly Yuanjun's technique, a vision caused by the combination of thirty-three gods!

This skill is to accumulate all the strength and focus on cultivating the soul, but not so much about the physical body.

As soon as the thirty-third heaven appeared behind Yuanjun Yuanshen, the faces of the ten palaces of Yama were solemn and they felt the pressure. They each groaned and slid backwards involuntarily due to the oppression.

The ancient sea of ​​hell rumbled and shook, and it was pushed back under pressure. The vast sea surface even dented the shape of a huge palm print!

When the four emperors of the underworld saw this scene, they were also frightened. They gritted their teeth and rushed forward, struggling to contend with the palm of Yuanjun Yuanshen.

Yuan Jun smiled slightly, and the other palm of Yuan Shen behind him patted them.


The Ten Palaces of Hell and the Four Emperors of the Underworld all vomited blood and were exhausted. Their bodies were crushed and hit the surface of the ancient sea of ​​​​underworld, forcing the ancient sea of ​​​​underworld to slide backwards.

The Ten Palaces of Yama died in the hands of the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord Liu Guanyi, but it was Liu Guanyi who had observed them for a long time and understood their Taoism and magical powers, and was even familiar with their words and deeds before taking action. Make a decision and then act.

Yuan Jun was already half a Daluo Jinxian at this time. Although he was not as good as Liu Guanyi six hundred thousand years ago, the Tenth Palace of Yama today was not as good as the Tenth Palace of Yama at that time.

They were resurrected from the dead, but their divine power was damaged and never recovered. Even if he paid homage to the ancestral gods, he could not reach his peak.

Seeing that they were about to die, Yuan Jun couldn't help but look happy.

At this time, the sky split open, rays of light surged, and Xu Ying fell from the sky. In front of the inverted Minghai, he raised his palm to meet the big hand of Yuanjun Yuanshen.

Behind him, a primordial spirit also emerged, its body full of immortal aura, extremely bright.


The palm power of the two souls collided, and the underworld suddenly shook. The underworld, the earthly immortal world made up of the heavens and the world, was not very reliable to begin with. At this moment, it was even more shaking and shaking. The earth was torn apart, and it was about to split into different worlds. The trend in the world!

Promise, kill my beloved son, and I will never share the same fate with you!

When Yuan Jun saw Xu Ying, he couldn't help but get angry and immediately stood up. However, he saw that the incomparable Yuan Shen behind her kept shrinking and burrowed into her body.

The next moment, Yuan Jun took back his soul, leaving only Changzhou Dongyuan floating behind his head.

She disappeared from the spot in a flash, leaving only the exploding space.

Her soul was too powerful. When it was not integrated into the physical body, it was just a tree without roots and could not exert its peak combat power. Now compatible with the physical body, this is her true fighting power!

Xu Ying Yuanshen also walked into the physical body, raised his hand to catch Yuan Jun's earth-shattering offensive, and said in surprise: Yuan Jun, who told you that your son died in my hands? I asked myself that what I did was very secretive, and I shouldn't leave any trace of it. Leave traces.”


Yuan Jun's power exploded violently, completely suppressing his power. The aftermath of her magical power impacted over, causing a large dent in the inverted sea behind Xu Ying.

The Ten Palaces of Yama and the Four Emperors of the Underworld hurriedly looked around to avoid the huge waves in the sea of ​​​​underworld, which were astonishing.

Yuan Jun was so angry that Ling Wuxin lost her trace after entering Wuzhuang Temple. She knew something was wrong, so she went to look for Tian Chou Chou, the divine fortune teller, but Tian Chou Chou, the divine fortune teller, could not figure out what happened in Wuzhuang Temple. matter.

She went to ask Dong Wang again, but Dong Wang knew nothing about Ling Wuxin's death. Finally, she bit the bullet and asked the Immortal Emperor Supreme, and then she found out the truth.

When Xu Ying was the Doubu Tianzun, Ling Wuxin once challenged Xu Ying, but was defeated by Xu Ying and had to worship him as his little father. At that time, Xu Ying was still walking around with her frequently. She couldn't help but feel admiration for Xu Ying at that time, but she also knew that it was unlikely. At that time, Xu Ying was very close to many women. He had a child with him and could not tell who the child's father was. Naturally, it was impossible for him to marry Xu Tianzun, who was in the prime of his life.

What's more, Xu Ying has lost his power. So she treated her feelings for Xu Ying as inner demons, but this kind of love still surfaced from time to time.

The promise in this life was different from the first one. He was ruthless and killed Ling Wuxin, causing all her love to turn into hatred.

A golden bridge floated up under Xu Ying's feet and stood on the bridge, once again overwhelming Yuan Jun's offensive.

Yuan Jun attacked the golden bridge. After a few moves, cracks appeared on the golden bridge under Xu Ying's feet. Apparently, it could not withstand Yuan Jun's power.

Xu Ying was extremely surprised and full of admiration, and praised: Yuanjun, your thirty-third level of divine skills are really not bad. Although your physical body has not been cultivated to the supreme level, and your soul has not been cultivated to the supreme level, but your magic power is On top, you can be said to have reached the supreme level.

The Taiyi Golden Bridge under his feet exploded and was violently destroyed by Yuan Jun.

Yuan Jun collapsed the golden bridge and was about to kill Xu Ying when suddenly his throat felt sweet and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and immediately the skin on his body almost burst!

Her soul was still too strong, and after this brief attack, she finally reached her physical limit.

Yuan Jun gathered all his strength and struck again. Xu Ying raised his hand to catch the blow. Suddenly, a piece of blue sky floated out behind him, and the shadows of the human world, the earthly immortal world and the heavenly immortal world were vaguely visible.

Yuan Jun looked shocked when she saw this scene. She groaned, her body could no longer bear it, and her soul hurriedly escaped from her body.

She landed on Yuanshen's shoulders and galloped backwards, horrified in her heart: What is that?

Xu Ying caught up quickly, and the two of them passed through the underworld in a flash, crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, and crossing countless stars.

Just when Xu Ying was about to catch up with Yuan Jun, plum blossoms suddenly fluttered in front of him, and an ancient and vicissitudes of old tree stood upright between heaven and earth, emitting a holy light in the dark and unknown underworld, blocking Xu Ying's path.

Xu Ying broke into it and saw that there was no trace of Yuan Jun. There was only a white-haired boy in a wide robe and long sleeves standing under the plum tree.

The white-haired boy was looking up at the Tao fruit on the Tao tree.

The Emperor of Eternal Life.

Xu Ying came under the plum tree with bright eyes and said with a smile: Didn't the Emperor Changsheng kill the inner demons?

Emperor Changsheng glanced at him, continued to look at his Dao Fruit, and said calmly: What inner demons do I have?

Xu Ying said with a smile: You were defeated at the hands of Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord. This matter has spread throughout the immortal world and has become a joke. Don't you have inner demons?

The Emperor Changsheng withdrew his gaze, standing proudly like plum blossoms on an old tree in the snow, and said: Slaying the Heart Demon is just a cowardly act. It is not a truly supreme method. It is a last resort for those with evil hearts. . I, Chen Changsheng, am an upright man and stand in the world. I am the one who succeeds and I am the one who fails. I have no shame in my heart and no one else. Why do I want to kill the inner demon?

When Xu Ying heard the words, he was in awe: It's me, Meng Lang. I admire the Immortal Emperor's Taoist heart for being so powerful. But you have such a Taoist heart, why haven't you achieved supreme status?

Time is also fate.

The Emperor Changsheng said, I was born a hundred thousand years late and did not encounter that troubled time. There is no Supreme Cave and Abyss, and I am destined to miss the Supreme Realm. So it is not bad to retreat to the next best thing and cultivate to become a Daluo Golden Immortal.

Although he said it was good, he still couldn't hide the disappointment in his tone.

Xu Ying said with a smile: Since Brother Dao is in the way, I won't kill them all, so I'll let Yuan Jun off for once.

Emperor Changsheng looked at her strangely and said: She is just a woman, and I don't care about life or death. Even if you slept with her back then, I wouldn't care.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, had he really slept with Yuan Jun?

should not. He comforted himself in his heart, otherwise it would be too ruthless to pursue Yuan Jun himself.

Emperor Changsheng said: The purpose of my coming here is just for you. Emperor Jiuyou's disciple Lu Lian went to Zitong Yuanjun to propose marriage on the order of Emperor Jiuyou. You killed Lu Lian, and Emperor Jiuyou found him that night. I went to Doubu but came back defeated. I want to know who is fighting against Emperor Jiuyou.

Xu Ying smiled and said, You don't think it's me, do you? I'm just an immortal.

Emperor Changsheng said: Yes, you are just a heavenly immortal. But that night when Emperor Jiuyou attacked Doubu at night to kill you, you were still in the realm of earthly immortals and had not yet cultivated to heavenly immortality. After that, you moved to Weiyang Palace, where the immortal In the emperor's territory, Emperor Jiuyou dare not make any mistakes. I once suspected that the person who took action against Jiuyou that night was Xu Jing.

Xu Ying said seriously: I brought back Yingzhou Dongyuan. After my father, Mr. Xu Tianzun, got Yingzhou Dongyuan, his cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds. He practiced from the Immortal Lord Realm to the Tianjun Realm. He also took Ginseng Taoist Fruit and competed against Jiu. Emperor You, although defeated, is still glorious.

Emperor Changsheng said: Jiuyou ranks third in strength among the Nine Heavens. If Xu Jing fights with him, he will be defeated in the second move. The gap between Xu Jing and him is too big. And Jiuyou has been in seclusion since that night. I suspect he was injured.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile, You shouldn't be doubting me, right?

Emperor Changsheng said calmly: What I suspect is that His Majesty the Immortal Emperor is hiding in you.

Xu Ying frowned, not knowing where his idea came from.

The Emperor Changsheng said: The Supreme Immortal Emperor has no plans left. He will definitely not do something stupid like exile himself. I thought he was luring the snake out of its hole, deliberately doing it to lure out the rebels.

Xu Ying couldn't help but said: What you said makes sense. But have you never doubted that I was the one who defeated the Nine Nether Emperor? I also disappeared for a long time, and I also cultivated to the Celestial Realm from the Ascension Stage! My cultivation Because you have been promoted so quickly without encountering any obstacles, don't you doubt me?

Emperor Changsheng glanced at him: You're not qualified yet... Huh?

His expression suddenly changed, his body moved, and he suddenly disappeared from the Daluo Dojo.

Xu Ying took a step forward and was on pace with him the next moment. The two of them came to the dark area of ​​the underworld almost at the same time. There is no light all year round, and there are only some old ghosts that have decayed and withered, and have no conscious activities.

But here, at this moment, there is a spiritual light floating around, which is Yuan Jun's collapsed soul.

Although she has never practiced the immortal spirit, her immortal spirit is also growing. At this moment, Yuan Jun's spirit has been broken.

Her body was sitting under an old willow tree, her eyes widened and without any breath.

Xu Ying came under the tree and looked forward, the corners of his eyes twitching. In the dark area with a radius of hundreds of miles, the corpses of millions of female fairies were scattered everywhere, and no one survived.

Emperor Changsheng's clothes were flying and his voice was hoarse as he said: Her Changzhou Cave Abyss is missing!

——Another 4,400 words. Today I have 8,800 words. I’m so awesome!

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