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Chapter 585 Weiyang’s Reincarnation Trap

Po Meng transformed into a goddess with a pleasant appearance and rushed to Doubu to ask for an audience with Xu Jing and Xu Tianzun.

The Immortal Realm was originally independent from all the heavens and all realms, and was high above. Now it belongs to the same realm as all the heavens and all realms, and they are both the Earthly Immortal Realm. In the past, the personnel of Doubi were all immortals. In recent years, due to the tide of the three realms, many Qi refiners came to visit. Therefore, when Goddess Meng Po came to see Xu Jing, she did not encounter many interrogations.

Goddess Meng Po explained her purpose and said: Mr. Yuan has gone down to conquer the four emperors of the underworld. I am afraid that the four emperors are in danger. The four emperors have an old relationship with Mr. Xu. I wonder if I can trouble Mr. Xu to take action?

Xu Jing said: The traitor is not at home and has gone to visit his mother. Since the matter is urgent, I will go see him. Po Meng, you go back to the underworld first to find out the news.

Xu Ying is still a sinner today. Although he played a big role in the Ping Tianzun rebellion, he will still be a sinner if the Immortal Emperor does not forgive him. Therefore, Xu Jing still calls Xu Ying a traitor.

Goddess Meng Po said yes and immediately went down to the next world.

Xu Jing came to the Weiyang Palace in the Immortal Courtyard. Xu Ying's mother, Lan Suying, was adopted as an adopted daughter by the Supreme Immortal Emperor and granted residence in the Weiyang Palace.

Xu Ying caused trouble some time ago and beat several immortals to death. He heard that he was a disciple of Emperor Jiuyou, so he came to Weiyang Palace to take shelter to avoid Emperor Jiuyou coming to seek revenge.

It's just that the name of this palace is Weiyang, which makes it hard to miss people.

It has been half a year since he ascended to the Earthly Immortal Realm. During this half-year, Xu Ying's cultivation realm has crossed the Human Immortal Realm, the Earthly Immortal Realm, and entered the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

He has already completed the realm of the Six Immortals in the Human Immortal Realm, and expanded it into the Ten Immortals Realm. He only polished it a little in this realm, and then moved directly to the next realm.

In the Earthly Immortal Realm, he majored in cultivating the Oneness of the Six Domains and refining the Six Domains into the Dao Domain. Xu Ying had already cultivated the Integration of the Ten Domains three years ago and refined the Ten Domains into the Taiyi.

The so-called six domains refer to activity, spiritual consciousness, vitality, soul power, yin and yang, and heart power, while the ten domains include life and death, Tao power, void, and Hunyuan.

Therefore, the realm of Earthly Immortal Realm is just a piece of cake for Xu Ying.

However, the Earthly Immortal Realm requires refining Taoist images as Tao Principles, and Tao Principles are the Immortal Tao Principles, that is, the Immortal Tao Runes, which is somewhat difficult.

Therefore, it took him four or five months to refine the Dao symbols he had trained one by one and turn them into Immortal Dao runes, and then he entered the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

In half a year, he has continuously crossed the two realms of human immortality and earthly immortality, and entered the realm of heavenly immortality. This achievement is truly astonishing.

Now he is trapped in the step of refining the Dao realm into a dojo, which is called the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

He already has Ruyi Daluo Dojo, but after all, this dojo belongs to Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan. Xu Ying still needs to refine his own dojo before he can cross this realm.

After crossing this realm, he will become the Immortal King, and the magic weapons of the nine realms will be of little use to him.

In the six months since Xu Ying returned to the Earthly Immortal Realm, he had met Xu Jing and then came to Weiyang Palace to meet his mother Lan Suying. His heart felt peaceful like never before.

For the first time, he calmed down and enjoyed life.

He has never truly experienced the love of his parents, so he cherishes this time even more.

Lan Suying is studying the Longtian Hun Tao spell with Shen Po, Gu She and Yuan Tiangang. This spell is extremely profound and mysterious. It was created by Qing Mufeng, the first divine calculator of the Dragon Clan, thousands of years ago. It can be deduced for tens of millions of years. the future.

Several of them are divine calculators, trying to use this technique to deduce a method that can be regarded as the supreme state.

After studying for so long, everyone has achieved a lot.

Xu Ying was practicing calligraphy in the study, and there were two palace ladies beside him, a paperweight and an inkstone.

In his first life, the eldest son Xu was talented in literature and military strategy, and he was proficient in everything, but his handwriting in this life was not very good. It was rare for him to have time to practice calligraphy, so he could concentrate and write seriously.

Seeing that he was serious, the two palace maids were quietly playing around. You put a little ink on my nose, and I will draw a line on your face. They accidentally knocked over the inkstone and soiled Xu Ying's calligraphy treasure. Seeing that they were in trouble, the two palace maids were so frightened that they ran out quickly, with Xu Ying chasing after them.

After running, they came to a bedroom. The two palace maids lay back on the bed as soft as mist. They looked at Mr. Xu shyly and timidly. They chuckled and said: I was caught up by the young master, and there is no room. Hide, what should I do?”

Young Master Xu was distracted, but on a whim at this moment, he knew that the goddess and others were plotting against him, so he immediately deceived their senses.

Lan Suying's voice came, and she said with a smile: A Ying, don't always provoke them. If you provoke them, you won't marry them. Your father is here. When he sees you being such a bastard, he will break your legs.

Xu Ying left the two maids behind, walked out, and said with a smile: My father doesn't care about me. He hopes that I will marry him a daughter-in-law as soon as possible.

Lan Suying said: Fairy Zi Tong is now named Zi Tong Yuanjun and lives in Tongtian Palace. You can come to propose marriage. You killed Emperor Jiuyou's disciple a few days ago, wasn't it because he harassed Zi Tong Yuan? Jun?

Xu Ying had a smile on his face, shook his head and said, She is not what I want.

Lan Suying thought about it: Could it be Li Sixue, the Heavenly Lord of the Ministry of Fire? I heard that you two had an affair before. She lives in the Tianfu Temple of the Ministry of Fire. You can also come to propose marriage, and she will definitely not refuse.

Xu Ying shook his head again.

Lan Suying guessed: Could it be Mingxia Yuanjun? I heard that you had an affair before. Or Qingxia Yuanjun? Is it her sister Zixia Yuanjun? If it's Yuanjun Lingsu, that won't work. She Having an affair with Emperor Changsheng. Wait a minute, it’s not Emperor Caiwei, right? Emperor Caiwei is not good, I can’t beat her.”

Xu Ying's head was as big as a bucket and he said quickly: Mom, don't guess. These women are very good, but I don't like them.

Xu Jing came over and said hurriedly: Ah Ying, Po Meng came to ask for help, saying that Lord Yuan Lingsu went to the underworld to quell the rebellion, and the four emperors in the underworld are in danger.

Xu Ying heard the words and said with a solemn expression: The Four Emperors are my friends, they have given me life-saving and nurturing kindness. They are in trouble, I must go there! After saying that, he stepped down and disappeared without a trace. , but it fell directly from the fairy world to the underworld.

The goddess frowned slightly and wanted to follow Xu Ying, but Xu Ying had already left, so she had to give up and said: I counted the Immortal Master just now, but I didn't figure out what he was doing. Could it be that the Immortal Master is already a supreme existence?

He's not even close yet.

Lan Suying said with a smile, He just planned on the little girl from his family. After he was plotted by you, he had a whim and sensed it. But I took advantage of your plot to plot against him, and he didn't stop him. He was turned away by my words. . If he is the supreme Taoist, I can’t count him, maybe he will succeed. The Immortal Emperor can take the opportunity to plant two spies for him.

The goddess suddenly realized and said with a smile: Although I can't be counted as the Immortal Master, I can be counted as the Yuanjun. The purpose of Yuanjun's trip is to counter the rebellion and build momentum for himself. Now that the Immortal Emperor is not in the Immortal Courtyard, she is still determined to be emperor. Heart, I want to be an empress.

Being emperor is no child's play.

If you want to be an emperor, you must first have the prestige of being an emperor.

For example, when Xu Ying proclaimed himself emperor at this time, no one paid any attention to him. He just talked to himself and raised a banner to proclaim himself emperor. In the end, he was annihilated and became a laughing stock.

It was only natural that the Supreme Immortal Emperor should inherit the throne. He was a disciple of the late Emperor Qingxuan, and he was a disciple of a famous family. He also fought with Qingxuan back then and made great contributions to the Immortal Court, which was quite prestigious. Coupled with the recommendation of other people who followed Qingxuan to conquer the world, all parties compromised and everyone wanted him to succeed, so that he could inherit the throne.

The people who conquered the world with Qing Xuan back then were justified and had great prestige. However, they were killed one by one or disappeared, so it was the turn of the Supreme Immortal Emperor.

As for the Nine Heavens Emperors such as Emperor Changsheng and Emperor Qinghua, they also contributed to the opening of the Immortal Realm, but their reputations are not enough to be called Immortal Emperors. They can only have emperor titles but no real power.

Although Yuan Jun is well-known and is the leader of the female immortals, his reputation is still not as good as that of the Supreme Immortal Emperor. If he forcibly proclaims himself emperor, a group of people will definitely attack him. Therefore, she must prepare some credit for herself.

The merger of the Yin and Yang realms was the result of her secret manipulation and ordered Master Yuhu to do it. Yuanjun has been planning for today for more than 60,000 years, and now is the moment of harvest.

Xu Jing said: Thousands of realms have merged, and the people of all realms have died. Now the underworld has also merged with the Yang world, creating a situation where it is difficult to separate the Yin and Yang realms. Every night, lonely ghosts sing and dance in the Yang world, and they even harm people. She is scary, extorting tributes, and causes a lot of public resentment. If Yuanjun can really pacify the underworld and manage the underworld in an orderly manner, her prestige will definitely increase greatly. All the living beings in the earthly and immortal world will think of her good, and the prestige of becoming emperor That’s it.”

Lan Suying said: Her goal is not only the underworld of the heavens and the world, but also the underworld of the immortal world and the underworld of the ancestral court. She plans to replace the gods with immortals, cancel the priesthood, replace it with immortals, and let the immortals take charge of the underworld.

Xu Jing was moved and said: Yuan Jun is a good man. Letting the Immortals control the underworld will cause the immortals to obey the orders of the Immortal Court and not follow the way of heaven, and will bring the underworld under the control of the Immortal Court. However, if things continue like this, decay will inevitably occur.

Failure to follow heaven's will and act solely based on the likes and dislikes of those in power will inevitably lead to injustice.

Lan Suying said: But he holds great power. This is what Yuanjun wants.

The goddess said: After the death of the empress of reincarnation, reincarnation fell into the control of the immortal world, so reincarnation can be arranged. If a child of the immortal family, after death, can be arranged to be reincarnated in a good family, with full qualifications, understanding, and integrity. He is a genius after birth. If he is an enemy, he will be tortured if he is sent to reincarnation. And so on. Even reincarnation is unfair.

Lan Suying said: Yuanjun replaced the divine queen with an immortal, which will only make things worse. Those who oppose her becoming emperor will not even be able to reincarnate! After Yuanjun took the ginseng fruit, he was already half a Daluo Jinxian. She also has the support of the Changsheng Emperor. , this time the underworld is bound to be conquered!

She smiled and said: But I don't care about Ying'er's safety. Although Yuan Jun is strong, Ying'er's return from the human world is not bad this time. Half a Daluo Jinxian should still be able to handle it.

Xu Jingping stepped back and whispered, Has Madam noticed that Ying'er's personality is different from before?

Lan Suying glanced at him and said: No matter what character he becomes, he is still my son. He was born to me in ten months of pregnancy.

I know.

Xu Jing said, I mean, his personality is a little different from 48,000 years ago. With his current cultivation strength, he should be able to refine the emperor's seal, right? But he still hasn't recalled the past! Is he Was your body taken away?

Lan Suying shook her head and said, What is the name of this palace where I live?

Xu Jing was puzzled and said: Weiyang Palace. Why do you ask this?

The name Weiyang Palace was given by Ming Zun, and he placed me here. When Ying'er came to Weiyang Palace for the first time, she stood outside the door and looked at the words Weiyang, and hesitated for a long time.

Lan Suying said, Zi Tong Yuanjun still has a dispute with him. Zi Tong Yuanjun is still in the calamity of reincarnation, and this calamity will involve Ying'er. The one who arranged this calamity is not the emperor. The emperor is just one of the others. Just chess pieces.

Xu Jing suddenly woke up and said: You just asked me about Weiyang Palace, do you mean that the person who uses the emperor as a chess piece to lay out the layout is the Mingzun?

Lan Suying nodded lightly and said: Forty-eight thousand years ago, I wanted to avenge the people who died in Kunlun, so I ascended to immortality. After arriving in the immortal world, I met Ming Zun. He accepted me as his adopted daughter. , gave Weiyang Palace to me to live in. At that time, I never knew why I was asked to settle in Weiyang Palace. After knowing that Ying'er stood in front of Weiyang Palace for a long time, I figured out his love disaster. It turned out that there was a man named Yuan Weiyang. girl.

She sighed and said: Back then, Ying'er went down to the realm and was captured in the Battle of Heavenly Road. At the same time, his lover Zitong Yuanjun was thrown into reincarnation. One of them became an immortal immortal with a memory of only ten years at most, and the other continued Reincarnations, entangled with each other. I always thought that the person who controlled the fate of Yuanjun Zitong was the emperor, but when I calculated that the reincarnation of Yuanjun Zitong was called Yuan Weiyang, I realized that it was Mingzun who made Yuanjun Zitong fall into Reincarnation.”

Xu Jing's expression suddenly changed and he said: Zitong Yuanjun has recovered all his previous memories and is even more powerful than before. Could it be that he is still in the trap of reincarnation?

Lan Suying said: It's not just her. To be precise, Ying'er is also in the trap of reincarnation and has not jumped out of it.

Xu Jing walked around and stopped: How do you know they are still in the reincarnation trap? The reincarnation trap should have been lifted long ago!

Lan Suying shook her head and said: Zitong Yuanjun's memory was unlocked by Queen Mother Xi. Can Queen Mother Xi break Kai Mingzun's reincarnation magical power?

Xu Jing shook his head.

Lan Suying said: They didn't even realize that Ming Zun had planted the magical power of reincarnation in their bodies. I have calculated that the entanglement between the two people has lasted forty-eight thousand years. This reincarnation trap will begin when the two meet and fall in love. It ends with one of them dying and the other losing his memory, and then the next reincarnation begins.”

Does Ah Ying know about this? Xu Jing asked.

Lan Suying said: I know. The Empress of Reincarnation once told him that Fairy Zitong is still under the curse of reincarnation, and even he cannot undo this curse. (See Chapter 370 for details)

Xu Jing smiled and said: Since he knows, he must have been prepared.

I hope so.

The two comforted each other, but both were a little worried.

In the underworld, Emperor Dongyue and the Golden Crow flew up and down to fight against Lord Wenxuan Yuan. More than 500,000 years of sacrifices by living beings made his magic power extremely powerful.

In addition, a few years ago, he went to visit the ancestral gods with Yama of the Tenth Palace, which allowed him to understand the most powerful soul of the universe, and communicated with Senior Brother Tian, ​​and his cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds.

Wenxuan Yuanjun is an immortal king with great cultivation and strength, but facing Dongyue at this time, he was retreating steadily.

On the other side, Beidi was fighting against Feiyu Yuanjun, and he also had the upper hand. Fengdu Mountain had unparalleled divine power, suppressing Feiyu Yuanjun, and fighting Yuan Shen, leaving Feiyu Yuanjun quite passive.

Emperor Cangwu was fighting against Mengji Yuanjun. With every move he made, the heaven and earth split open, leaving Mengji Yuanjun nowhere to hide.

The one facing off against the Empress of Samsara was Lord Lingshu. Within a few moves, he was suppressed by her under Samsara.

The four emperors had all gained enlightenment from the ancestral gods and received the guidance of Senior Brother Guotian and the Earth God. They severely damaged their opponents and suddenly flew up together to kill Yuan Jun sitting in the precious chariot!

The beaded curtain in the chariot was thick and blocked the beauty in the chariot.

Suddenly, a jade-like palm of the beauty in the car reached out. The next moment, the underworld was covered by the sky, the sea of ​​​​underworld was lightless, reincarnation was under control, and the sky shrank rapidly.

The four emperors of the underworld shouted loudly in unison, and displayed their supreme dharma bodies, which transformed into as huge as the heaven and earth, with their bodies spanning the starry sky and their feet stepping on countless galaxies.

Their power even interferes with the operation of the real world, causing the stars in the sky to move rapidly and the stars to be chaotic!

However, under their feet is the vast palm.

Yuanjun's palm.

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