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Chapter 584 Prelude to Troubled Times: Underworld

Xu Ying kept looking back, but he could no longer see the Buddha and the Buddhas, nor could he see the incomparably majestic figure.

The scene of the majestic figure swinging a giant hammer and hitting the Buddha and other Buddhas is really shocking!

His mind was confused and he could not accept such complicated information for a while.

Is that the other side?

Why is the other side not an ideal world?

Buddha was trapped on the other side, why couldn't he return?

And what’s going on with that extremely majestic and domineering figure?

Also, Taiqing Daozu, Shangqing Daozu and Xuhuang Daojun, are they also on the other side? Are you stuck there too? Are they alive or dead?

What is on the other side? What is the connection between Cuiyan and the other side?

The promised rising rays of light were dialed back by the Buddha, and they fled quickly along the path they came from. The space behind them exploded. That was the great destruction of time and space caused by the fall of the majestic figure!

Although the blow was aimed at the Buddha, the impact that destroyed the world was chasing after Xu Ying. The great destruction of time and space came overwhelmingly, completely destroying the time and space behind Xu Ying. Xu Ying felt like A small flying insect in front of a sky-high wave may be swallowed up at any time!

But fortunately, the speed of the great impact of destruction was getting slower and slower, and was eventually left behind by the ascending rays of light, getting further and further away.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down a little, and thought to himself: Even if you can't fly to the other side, it's good to fly to the Celestial Realm. But I don't know if you can return to the Earthly Realm after going to the Celestial Realm? Maybe you need to sneak across?

He returned to the universe with the ascending glow.

With the destruction of the Dragon Court, the Celestial Realm must be filled with caves and paradises, places of supreme cultivation, and ownerless lands and ownerless treasures everywhere. When I get there, a little human immortal can call himself the Immortal Emperor. It's a pity. , It would be nice if there was a woman accompanying me... No, two... Well, three would be fine, I think I can do it...

Xu Ying was imagining the situation in the Celestial Realm, when suddenly he saw that the ascending ray of light did not fly to the Celestial Realm, but went straight to the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Xu Ying was shocked and said loudly: Buddha, I am ascending to the immortal world! I am ascending to the immortal world! I am an immortal, an immortal!

However, the Buddha was far away on the other side and could not hear his call. What's more, the Buddha's situation was critical at this time, and even if he heard it, he would have no time to pay attention to him.


The retrograde rising ray of light kept falling, getting faster and faster, getting further and further away from the world of immortals.

Xu Ying never got a response from the Buddha. When he looked back, he saw that the ascending ray of light that had led him to the immortal world had long since dispersed.

He stabilized his mood and tried his best to maintain a state of mind in which he was neither happy with things nor sad with himself, and thought to himself: It's okay to ascend to the Earthly Immortal Realm. The Earthly Immortal Realm is also an immortal world after all. When I ascended to the Earthly Immortal Realm, my father will be Doubu Tianzun there, and he will also Can you give me an official, not big or small?

The ascending rays of light broke through the membrane barrier of the Earthly Immortal Realm, descended into the sky above the Earthly Immortal Realm, and passed through the Realm of Taixu.

Xu Ying looked expectant, but saw that the rising rays of light did not go to the earthly fairy world, but went straight to the sky and sea!

In the worlds that are still merging, the people living there raised their heads one after another and saw bright light shining on the fairy world. Xu Ying dragged a long beam of light straight to the sky and sea, heading towards the human world!

I have to ascend somehow, no matter where it is, but I can't ascend to the human world!

Xu Ying was furious, and rushed out of the ascending rays with all his strength, shouting, I am practicing so hard not to return to the human world and become a monk! Even if I return to the earthly immortal world, I will ascend!

The rising ray of light could not penetrate at all, and always kept him firmly hidden in the ray of light.

Xu Ying immediately sacrificed the ruler of mountains and rivers to the sky, raised the ruler, and shouted: It's just a ray of rising rays of light, and I can't penetrate you?

Pieces of mountains and rivers emerged in the Zhangtian ruler, and they were filled with soaring rays of light in an instant.

Xu Ying grabbed Zhangtian Ruler and swept it away with one foot!


The ascending rays of light exploded, and he held the Heavenly Ruler in his hand and smashed it onto the surface of the Tianhai Sea. His whole body rolled and bounced up from the sea surface, landing thousands of miles away, and then bounced up and down again, and so on!

After the inertia brought by the ascending rays of light was eliminated, he stabilized his figure, stepped on the sponge with both feet, and slid for dozens of miles before he could stop.

Xu Ying's face turned livid and he clenched the Zhangtian Ruler in his hand, wanting to find another enemy to beat him up.

——The dream of the Immortal Emperor and the three women in the Immortal Realm was shattered. No wonder he was unhappy.

Moreover, this time he failed to ascend to the earthly immortal world, but fell on the sky sea. Fortunately, he exploded the ascending glow in time, otherwise the person would have hit the green rock in the human world now!

The green rock is so hard that even if you don't die, you will lose half your life.

If he returns to the human world, Daozu Jingming's seat has not yet warmed up, and he will have to return. He will probably wonder whether I, the teacher, have bad conduct and was kicked back from the immortal world.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself, I just saw that the Immortal Realm has merged with the heavens and the world, and the Earth Immortal Realm has just begun to take shape. So I don't need to ascend and just go directly to the Immortal Realm.

His eyes gradually lit up. After Xu Jing's father inherited his son's career and became a deity in Doubi and became an official himself, he would definitely not be shouted at or killed like before.

He flew up and flew towards the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Only then did he realize that the Tianhai Ferry was nearby, so he flew over the Tianhai Ferry and saw the distant ancestor's body turned into a long river of spiritual light, stretching for countless billions of miles, deep into time and space, and the scale was terrifying.

However, there are many fractures in this long river, which should have been broken by the falling green rock. The fractured position is still turbulent and extremely terrifying.

Xu Ying was shocked when he suddenly saw a Tiangong riding a golden boat on the Lingguang River, heading towards the fractured location.

Those heavenly craftsmen brought chains refined from all kinds of rare treasures, trying to connect the long river of spiritual light.

However, any magic weapon they refined and threw into the river of spiritual light would be shattered the next moment and turned into powder, unable to last long in the river.

Some Tiangong people commented: Your Majesty, the Immortal Emperor, went to the Black Realm of the Universe and has not returned yet. Now the long river is broken. If you cannot connect the long river, your Majesty may not be able to come back!

More than that!

There were other heavenly craftsmen on the boat who were whispering, I heard that not only His Majesty was on the boat at that time, but there were also three big figures from Da Luotian above the Nine Heavens!

I was there, I saw it! Those three are the three Daluo Miaojing who are the highest gods in the realm of cultivation! In addition to them, there is an old man holding an ugly clock who calls himself the Ancestral God!

If they don't connect to the long river of spiritual light, they, like His Majesty, will not be able to come back.

The Black Realm of the Universe is a place of exile, which means that His Majesty, the three Great Luo Miaojing, and the Ancestral Gods have all been exiled!

You said, if the three Da Luo Miaojing can't come back, and His Majesty can't come back, will there be chaos in the immortal world?

Don't talk nonsense! Who among us in the immortal world is not loyal to His Majesty?

Xu Ying flew over the golden boat and said in surprise: There are three other beings from the Great Luo Wonderland who also followed the Immortal Emperor to the human world? Where are they going and what are they doing?

He had only seen the pot-bellied Saint Luo, but he didn't know that there were two other Da Luo Miaojing who were also in the human world.

He didn't even know that the reason why the three Great Luo Miaojing went to the human world had something to do with him. Jiugong Daojun and others saw the flash of light in the black realm and the resurrection of heavenly law, and thought that several supreme beings were hiding in the human world, so they went to search.

Now, their Three Realm Golden Ship was destroyed, and the Long River of Spiritual Light was interrupted by Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord. The Immortal Emperor and others were severely injured, and they were under the territory of the Ancestral God's Heavenly Way, making it difficult to come back.

Xu Ying blinked and suddenly smiled: The Immortal Emperor and the three Da Luo Miaojing fell into the human world, and the Immortal World has no owner. In a short period of time, the Nine Heavens Emperor can still control the situation, but if it takes a little longer, I am afraid that the world will be destroyed. Chaos!

Thinking of this, he no longer cared about his failure to ascend to the fairy world, and went straight to the fairy world, whispering: In these troubled times, it is the time for a man to rise! Some of the grievances I accumulated in my first life, It’s time to solve them one by one!”

There was a fire burning in his heart, burning into his throat and eyes.

The human world.

On the third day after Xu Ying's ascension, the Supreme Immortal Emperor hid in another Tiandao territory, which was some distance away from the Tiandao territory where the Ancestral God was, and would not be enveloped by the Ancestral God's Taoism.

When the ancestor god discovered that there were several bright lights in the dark human world, Xu Ying went to one of the bright lights, while the Immortal Emperor was in another.

Long Zhong chased him for a long time, causing him more injuries. If he hadn't escaped here, he might not have been able to save his life.

However, in the past few days, his injuries have improved a lot. If he encounters Long Zhong again, he will not be without the strength to fight.

Uncle Master Good Fortune, are you here to see how miserable your nephew's situation is?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor suddenly spoke and said quietly, Uncle Master has been here for so long, why has he never shown up?

After he finished speaking, after a while, the Supreme Creation walked out of the darkness in surprise and said: Ming Zun, you can actually notice that I am standing in the dark. It seems that your cultivation strength has not dropped much since you ascended to the throne of God. On the contrary, progress has been rapid.”

He shook his head and chuckled: It's ridiculous that these three losers Jiugong, Taiyuan and Lao Luo think they can control you. In my opinion, you will be able to get rid of their control in a few years.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled and said: What if we get rid of their control? There are still people above them.

The Supreme Creation nodded slightly: Until the Holy Lord is removed, your position will never be secure. After I was defeated, was he the winner?

The Immortal Emperor nodded slightly.

The Supreme Creation came to him with his hands behind his back, and said with emotion: Back then, I released the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way, which caused a fight in the immortal world. I found your son among the contenders, so I let the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way fall into his possession. Control. And you are indeed smart. You took advantage of my son's unpreparedness and knocked him out to meet me.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled and said: Although my son Meng Long has extraordinary talents, in terms of means and scheming, he is not as good as God Lord and Heavenly Lord. The Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao fell into his hands, which inevitably aroused my suspicion. I thought, the Master of Good Fortune Uncle has always been cautious. If he is still alive, he will definitely try to contact me. So I entered the Jade Plate of Return and saw the incarnation of my uncle.

The Supreme Creation smiled slightly and said: It is safer to meet this way. Mingzun, back then I asked you if you wanted to get rid of control, and you said yes, do you still count today?

The Immortal Emperor said seriously: The purpose of my coming here is to meet my uncle and ask him to come out!

The Supreme Creation laughed loudly and said with high spirits: You and I, working together, will be able to sweep across the Nine Heavens and force the Holy One out!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor frowned and said: However, the Golden Ship of the Three Realms has been destroyed. Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord, drove another golden ship to escape from the human world. He is very hostile to us and will definitely take the opportunity to destroy the Long River of Spiritual Light. Uncle Master , we can’t go back...

With the Supreme Wisdom Pearl of Creation in hand, he said leisurely: So, this requires another person from the human world to take action. This person was the general manager of Tiangong under your master at that time, and was responsible for forging magic weapons. My supreme magic weapon, the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao, is The mold he made.

The Immortal Emperor's heart moved slightly: Taoist Yuji?

The Supreme Creation nodded and said: He is also here. You come with me to find him. He can refine the supreme magic weapon, and naturally he can refine the golden ship of the three realms!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor followed him and asked: Taoist Yuji was not exiled back then, so how could he appear here?

The Supreme Creation smiled and said: Who knows? Maybe he is trapped by love, or maybe he is disappointed in the fairy world. People like him who rely on their talents and arrogance often have weird tempers. Mingzun, your injury has not healed. It will take a while for Yu Ji Dao to build a boat. In time. Your fairy world is probably going to be in chaos.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor said calmly: Let him cause chaos. The day I return will be the time to put an end to the chaos.

The Supreme Creation smiled and said: Your Supreme Cave Abyss is still in the fairy world. Aren't you afraid that someone will take it away and take this opportunity to achieve supreme status? At that time, the outcome is unpredictable.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled and said: Isn't there still an uncle here?

The Supreme Creation laughed.

In the Earthly Immortal World, one year after the Immortal Emperor disappeared.

On the Naihe Bridge, Po Meng raised her head and looked up at the sky of the underworld. Suddenly, the sky exploded, and rows of fairies' robes flew gracefully from the sky, scattering flowers all the way and covering the road.

At this time, two jade unicorns pulled a Bao Nian incense cart and came gracefully on the petals.

There are also pairs of maids holding swords, bows, axes, axes, harps, chess, calligraphy, paintings and other objects in their hands, accompanying the precious chariot and fragrant car, driving into the underworld in a mighty manner.

Po Meng's face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly knelt down on the bridge and said loudly: Little God of the underworld, pay your respects to Mr. Yuan!

The gentle voice of Yuanjun Lingsu came from the treasure chariot, saying: I am free of ceremony. Nowadays, the three realms are connected into one, but there are still four evils in the underworld that have not been eliminated. Today, I am here to recover the four evils.

Po Meng was shocked: Dongyue and Beiyin are going to be in dire straits. I'm afraid that after this battle, I will be the only one left among the five giants in the underworld.

Yuan Jun's motorcade was traveling very fast and could not allow him to report the news. Po Meng could not help but feel anxious secretly, and suddenly thought: I have received several new ghosts from the fairy world in the past few days, saying that they were beaten to death by Xu Ying. They It is said that Xu Ying is now an official in the Immortal World Doubu, and the only way to save Dongyue and the others now is to look for Xu Ying!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly separated and hurried to the fairy world.

There are clones of Po Meng in all the heavens and all the realms, but it is convenient for him to fly into the fairy world recently.

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