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Chapter 583: Don’t Ascend (please vote for the big chapter)

The Ancestral God had never noticed that there was another way of heaven in the dark world before, and it was only at this moment that he realized that the power of heaven was awakening, it was deep and domineering, and it was higher than the way of heaven in the human world!

The ways of heaven in the dark world are not under His control, and are not even understood by Him!

He is the most ancient god, the soul of the universe, the soul of the starry sky, and the innate immortal spiritual light. Wherever there is a star field, there is his avenue.

However, the dark way of heaven in the human world does not belong to Him. This can only show that the way of heaven in the dark world does not come from this universe!

Now there is another person who is going through the tribulation of the dark heaven. Could it be Xu Ying?

The Ancestral God was stunned. It was He who promised to come to the human world to overcome the tribulation, but the purpose of sending him here was to let him survive the tribulation of the human world and the heaven, not the darkness of the heaven!

The brat is probably possessed by a demon!

The ancestor god was furious and anxious, fearing that Xu Ying would fall into the devil's path, so he got up to look for Xu Ying.

I have completely restrained my aura. I should be able to resist the crushing force of the dark heaven. Find him and bring him back!

Just as the Ancestral God set out, another natural disaster suddenly occurred. The fate of the disaster permeated the world and the number of disasters returned to zero, causing the natural disaster to break out.

The Ancestral God was stunned. He was very familiar with this calamity. It was exactly the promised calamity!

The so-called calamity luck refers to luck, and calamity luck is the luck of heavenly calamity. The number of calamities refers to the intensity of the calamity and the number of days before it arrives.

Ascending people can only have a vague sense of the fate of those who are going through the tribulation, but beings like the Ancestral God can see through the fate of those who are ascending at a glance, and can even tell who is going through the tribulation.

Now, the calamity that triggers the heaven in the world is the calamity of Xu Ying, but isn't Xu Ying going through the dark calamity?

Is it possible to overcome the catastrophes under different heavens at the same time?

This may mean that the dark heavenly way that does not belong to this universe falls into this universe and becomes subordinate to this universe.

The Ancestral God suddenly had a clear understanding that promising to survive the tribulation was an opportunity for him.

He has mastered the way of heaven in this universe. Whether it is the universe, the small three realms of the underworld and the immortal world, or the big three realms of the human world, the earthly immortal world, and the heavenly immortal world, they are all under the shroud of his heavenly way. But the catastrophe in the human world and the emergence of the dark heavenly realm are beyond His control.

Xu Ying has overcome the calamity of the Three Realms and the Darkness. This is the first time that someone has overcome the calamity of the dark heaven. When the calamity is overcome, the secrets of the dark heaven will surely be unleashed!

If the Ancestral God can seize this opportunity and understand the mystery of the dark heaven, then the darkness of the human world will no longer be poisonous to him, but will become a part of him!

Xu Ying, this child, has done many evil things, which will trigger the Zixiao Tribulation Thunder, but it is precisely because of his many evil deeds that even the dark heaven can't see through it.

The Ancestral God stopped and showed a look of anticipation, This is the first catastrophe since the formation of the Dark Heavenly Dao, and its power must be extraordinary. This child has good intentions, and I must seize this opportunity!

He still stayed at the Shiquan Dao Sect, and saw that the way of heaven in the human world was affected by this disaster, and even caused rays of light to appear in the sky, from east to west, across the sky, with as many as 3,000 rays of light!

This is a promise that the calamity is so heavy that the way of heaven manifests itself!

In human language, it means committing too many sins and being struck by lightning.

And in the sky above Cuiyan, the heaven on earth and the heaven on earth merged and flowed together, spinning slowly and steadily above Xu Ying's head, becoming increasingly thick.

The muffled thunder in the sky shook space and time, causing the bodies of the nearby warriors to tremble. The white bones and skeletons were also shaken to the point of rattling, as if they were about to fall apart.

Ming Wangsun looked up and saw that the two heavenly ways in the sky merged, gradually forming two situations of yin and yang. Yin and yang cut each other, forming a situation of you in me and me in you.

From a distance, it looks like a Tai Chi diagram.

However, in comparison, the heavenly tribulation caused by the human world is much larger. Probably because there are too many causes and effects, the power of the heavenly tribulation is extremely terrifying.

Although the scale of the heavenly calamity caused by the dark world of heaven on the other side is slightly inferior, the sense of oppression is still greater than that of the heaven on earth, and its power cannot be underestimated!

Teacher, this calamity is probably more powerful than the legendary Zixiao Tribulation Thunder!

Ming Wang Sundaang said, Senior brother, do you still remember the purple thunder events some time ago? The person who was struck by lightning probably suffered a catastrophe from the rare Purple Sky Tribulation Thunder!

Of course Jing Ming remembered it, and said loudly: As long as I can remember, and for tens of millions of years, I have never encountered the Zixiao Tribulation Thunder. Recently, my eyes have been opened. But the person who was struck by lightning some time ago should be dead, right?

The promised calamity cloud was still forming, and there were strong winds all around, and the wind howled.

Ming Wangsun said loudly: Of course he is dead. After so many blows, he deserves to die no matter what.

Jing Ming nodded and said: This person has done many evil things and deserves what he deserves. How many mistakes must he make to attract the purple sky thunder? Look, the teacher's heavenly thunder is also purple!

The two people looked around and saw that the calamity cloud that promised the way of heaven in the world was shrinking rapidly. It kept shrinking from an ordinary calamity cloud, turned into red, then into gold, then into cyan, and finally into purple, leaving only half an acre in size.

And the calamity cloud that darkened the world and heaven also shrank, and it also covered half an acre in radius.

The two calamity clouds are linked together like a Tai Chi diagram.

The two of them were stunned and looked at each other: The evil man who caused Zixiao's tribulation thunder couldn't be the teacher, right?

In the Tai Chi Diagram, two kinds of tribulation thunder are brewing, forming purple and black thunder tribulation spheres in the tribulation clouds on both sides, releasing electric light.

The other men and women were already scared out of their wits and fled in all directions. Only Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun were strong enough to stay and watch.

This is a rare opportunity. It is the first time since the formation of the Dark Heavenly Dao that someone has overcome the heavenly tribulation. They must seize this opportunity. If they can gain some understanding and achieve success in their cultivation, they will also be able to overcome the calamity.

Suddenly, lightning flashed, and the spheres on both sides of the Tai Chi diagram burst out with the lightning of the Purple Sky Tribulation Thunder on one side, and the lightning of the dark heaven on the other. The two kinds of lightning converged into a stream, and in an instant, the sound of the Tao between heaven and earth was loud and rumbling!


At this moment, the entire human world was illuminated, forming a situation where darkness and light reflected each other. The lightning was like a sword, slashing towards Cuiyan!

On the green rock, the Taiyi Divine Bridge appeared under Xu Ying. He sat cross-legged, his physical body and soul refining into one body, his golden body was flawless, and he let the sword-like thunder strike!


The light above his head collided with the sword light and thunder, and a loud sound was erupted like a bell.

Around his body, thunder exploded. The sound of thunder was the sound of heaven, and the dark heaven in the scattered thunder was like countless branch-like textures, criss-crossing, forming a phantom of a majestic ancient god, surrounding Xu Ying and chanting !

The light of heaven on the other side also formed a god of heaven, powerful, clumsy, with ferocious muscles, and the sound of Tao burst out from his mouth!

They put their palms down, as if they were suppressing Xu Ying, suppressing this insignificant human being, suppressing his Taoist heart that goes against heaven!

The golden bridge pressed against the green rock, and the air wave brought by Xu Ying's figure fell to the ground with a surging sound. A hurricane suddenly set off around him, impacting in all directions.

Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun each raised their hands to cover their faces. When the smoke and dust dispersed, they saw Xu Ying standing on the golden bridge. There were cracks on the golden bridge.

There were no scars on the young man's body, except for a line of black blood flowing down between his eyebrows, and the sound of lightning sizzling from the wound.

I saw two spheres rotating rapidly around each other in the Heavenly Dao Tai Chi diagram in the sky. Suddenly there was another click, the electric light gathered, and another thunder struck down!

Ming Wangsun and Jing Ming were shocked: There is only one Zixiao Tribulation Thunder, why do you need to strike a second time?

The power of Zixiao's Tribulation Thunder is too strong. When one of the Tribulation Thunders falls, the victim will often die and cease to exist, so there is no need for a second strike.

Although Xu Ying had experienced several tribulations before, he was also struck by the Zixiao Tribulation Thunder, but he was unable to ascend due to incomplete tribulations, resulting in him being struck by the Zixiao Tribulation Thunder again and again.

But this time is different. The dark way of heaven on earth merges with the way of heaven on earth, and the way of heaven is complete.

Xu Ying still sat motionless, and a dark Taoist wheel appeared behind him, covering the Taiyi Cave Abyss. A steady stream of fairy energy and spiritual power flew out from the Taiyi Cave Abyss and poured into his body.

Another ray of light behind his head is the Ruyi Daluotian. At this moment, it is also spread out flatly, and the ten scenes of Daluo are surrounding him.


The second thunder struck down, and the thunder passed through Daluotian and came straight to the top of his head.

Xu Ying's body was greatly shaken, cracks appeared faintly on the dark wheel, and many of the ten scenes of Da Luo were damaged. The branches intertwined to form the shadow of an ancient god, imprinted in the sky of Daluo.

In the sky above, the yin and yang in the Tai Chi Diagram of Heaven flowed, the two spheres rotated rapidly towards each other, and the third lightning struck down!

When this bolt of lightning fell, Da Luotian was torn open with a big hole. The Taiyi Golden Bridge under Xu Ying's body crackled and exploded, and the wound between his eyebrows was even deeper!

However, he was still sitting where he was and was not struck by the thunder.

There was another loud crack, and accompanied by the sound of Dao in the sky, the fourth thunder fell from the sky, hitting Xu Ying's head along the torn Daluotian.

The crack in the dark wheel behind Xu Ying's head was even bigger, and the wound between his eyebrows was deeper. Lightning crackled and gathered in the middle of his eyebrows.

However, after this blow, Xu Ying was still sitting cross-legged in the air. Instead of falling, he rose higher and higher.

Ming Wangsun and Jing Ming raised their heads and saw Xu Ying sitting in the air, with ancient gods emerging around him. They were composed of branch-like textures formed by lightning strikes again and again. This is the principle of the dark heaven!

These principles are imprinted in Da Luo Tian and become more clear and true with the four lightning strikes!

Although the dark wheel behind his head is broken, the branch-like textures are growing and repairing themselves, becoming stronger!

There were constant tribulation thunders in the sky, but Xu Ying's figure was flying higher and higher, bathed in thunder, and among the lightning, thunder and fire, the phantom of the ancient god imprinted in the Great Luotian became more and more real.

Ming Wangsun and Jing Ming took this opportunity to listen to the sound of the Tao in the Tribulation Thunder and concentrate on understanding it.

In the realm of Heavenly Dao, the Ancestral Gods are also stepping up to understand the changes in Heavenly Dao. He is the Heavenly Dao of the universe, the sect of all gods. He promises to overcome the tribulations of the Heavenly Dao of the world, which is equivalent to overcoming the tribulations in front of Him. The calamity of the dark heaven was also caught in his sight.

They stepped up their efforts to understand, and in the sky, the calamity clouds became smaller and smaller. The two thunder spheres finally burst out with power for the last time, exhausted all their power, and disappeared into thin air.

As the last ray of lightning fell on Xu Ying, bursts of immortal energy surged out of his body, and the clouds shrouded him, making him feel extraordinary and sacred.

Xu Ying was sitting in the air, already extremely far away from the ground.

He could no longer see Cuiyan clearly, nor could he see Ming Wangsun and Jing Ming. He felt the fusion of the human world and the dark heaven, and felt that the human world was exuding a brand new vitality.

I also feel detached.

He gathered Da Luotian, and the many phantoms of the ancient gods imprinted in Da Luotian also gathered together, and together with Da Luotian, they turned into a halo of light standing behind his head.

Behind his head, the dark Taoist wheel became thicker and more solid, surrounding the Taiyi Cave Abyss. From the darkness of the Taoist wheel, a layer of light actually emanated.

Xu Ying flew downwards. He wanted to give some instructions to Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun. He also wanted to see the ancestor god and Long Zhong and say goodbye to them. He also wanted to go to Shiquan Taoist Sect to make arrangements for the next generation of Shiquan Taoist ancestors.

However, just as he was moving, a beam of light suddenly came from nowhere and was projected on him.

In this beam of light, Xu Ying felt an unprecedented attraction, and he couldn't help but fly upwards with the beam of light.

He looked up and saw that the sky seemed to be cracked, and the smooth and sacred light shone down from the crack. The other end of the light was like the bottom of the sea, glowing with various brilliant colors.

The light pulled him, rising higher and higher, and the sound in his ears was also intoxicating, as if the avenue of another higher world was ringing in his ears.

I ascended?

Xu Ying was a little confused. After a while, he finally came to his senses, I ascended! I finally ascended!

His heart was filled with an indescribable joy, and he couldn't help crying. He finally ascended and became an immortal!

He is no longer the Qi Refiner Xu Ying, he is no longer the fugitive Xu Ying, and he is no longer the immortal immortal!

After falling forty-eight thousand years ago, after a long period of decline, he finally ascended again!

His speed became faster and faster, flying through the cracks in the sky, and saw a huge red sun passing by, the speed was too fast, and the stars flew past his feet.

Accompanying this soaring ray of light, he passed through the spectacular nebula, spraying a torrent like a sword from the sky to split the stars of the universe, a billions of miles of lightning, and an endless spiritual light.

The ascending rays of light pass through the darkness, which is the ruins and sinking place of the universe.

In just a short moment, he saw the magnificent scenery he had never seen before in the rising glow, passing through a place where the avenues condensed.

Suddenly, he seemed to have passed through the membrane of the universe or some invisible barrier and appeared in the sky above the earthly immortal world.

He saw that most of the heavens and worlds had merged, and the immortal world was swaying in the tide, falling on its own to make up for the missing parts of the earthly immortal world.

And further away, the ancestral court is still drifting, approaching the earthly immortal world.

Xu Ying looked around, and the magnificent underworld came into view. The two underworld seas began to merge. The three small realms of the immortal world, the ten thousand realms and the underworld were about to close together and turn into the earthly immortal world!

But his figure has not stopped yet, and continues to fly above the earthly immortal world. The rising rays of light carry him through the ancient Tianhe River, passing through the huge and boundless sea of ​​​​the underworld, and passing through the avenues that have not yet been discovered and are shrouded in haze. territory.

He passed through the realm of Taixu, flew between Taoist Qingxuan's ten scenes of Taixu, and suddenly jumped into another time and space, flying towards a higher sky.

Am I going to ascend to the Celestial Realm? However, the Celestial Realm has also been destroyed, so there should be total silence there!

Xu Ying had just thought of this when he suddenly saw the entrance to another time and space slowly opening in the rising glow.

The ascending rays of light were as small as dust and were flying towards the grand and ancient time and space. At the entrance of time and space, an astonishingly large keel caught Xu Ying's eyes.

The bones of the giant dragon were piled up like a mountain, everywhere.

An aura of destruction came to my face.

As he got closer, the feeling of uneasiness became stronger.

Just as he was about to ascend to the Celestial Realm under the guidance of the ascending rays of light, suddenly another strange light came, scattering the ascending rays of light, shining on Xu Ying, and suddenly pulling him out from the edge of the Celestial Realm!

Xu Ying was shocked and confused, and was about to struggle, but he felt that the light shining on him was also a rising ray of light!

This is another ascending ray of light, also coming to lead him to ascend!

Wait a minute! What's going on?

Xu Ying suddenly realized, Yes, this is the rising glow of the time and space where Cuiyan came from. It is no longer in our time and space, so it comes slower. It will lead me there...

Xu Ying looked towards the source of the glow and murmured: The other shore.

The ray of light carried him whizzing away, much faster than the ascending ray of light. Countless rays of light flashed past Xu Ying's eyes, and he didn't know how much distance he had covered in an instant.

I don’t know how long it took, and I don’t know how many layers of void it crossed, but suddenly the speed of the glow slowed down and flew towards the outline of an extremely ancient continent.

The ray of light glowed with brilliant colors, carrying him as he walked, getting closer and closer to the ancient continent.

Before he even got close, Xu Ying noticed the aura of the avenue that had the same origin as Cuiyan, which made him feel relaxed and happy.

At this time, he saw that the place where the rays of light went was lined with majestic mountains. On one of the magnificent mountains, the Buddha's light was shining brightly, illuminating the surrounding area.

The Buddha's light shines behind a huge Buddha, and there are thousands of Buddhas sitting in the halo behind his head.

When the giant Buddha saw the promise in the glow, he looked surprised and stood up suddenly, causing the earth to shake.

Xu Ying was shocked: He is... the Buddha of the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Mount Xumi?

The giant Buddha reached out his hand and channeled his magic power. For a moment, the Sanskrit sounds were loud, suppressing the rays of light that were promised and violently turbulent. With the blessing of the Buddha's power, he actually changed his direction and flew in the opposite direction!

Xu Ying looked back in a hurry and saw thousands of Buddhas in the halo behind the Buddha with even panic on their faces. They all waved their hands to him and shouted a warning: Don't ascend!

Don't ascend!

Don't ascend!

Behind the Buddha, the sky and the earth suddenly exploded, and a figure that was a hundred times more majestic than the Buddha stood up slowly, with a ferocious body, and swung a giant hammer containing astonishing power and struck it down hard!

————A 5,000-word chapter, please give me your monthly vote! !

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