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Chapter 582 Dark Heaven

It’s just that the process they know is more painful.

During that time, they fought against each other, betrayed, plotted against each other, and used all kinds of shady methods. Even though they were comrades in life and death, they eventually turned against each other.

You will also fail in the Supreme Realm. Your skills will be inferior to others, and you will either die or run away.

The Supreme Creation had a smile on his face, with flames burning in his eyes, and said leisurely, I escaped here to save my life, which can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

Xu Ying was in a daze, and after a moment, he said, It's a pity that I was born late and couldn't meet Taoist Qingxuan.

It's so melancholy. He said silently in his heart.

Perhaps Qingxuan's methods are more sophisticated, and he can gradually weaken the power of other supremes. Perhaps he should be more insidious and find various reasons to eliminate one by one the fellow Taoists who fought alongside him.

He should seize the opportunity to promote new people, let more young supremes appear in the court, gradually replace his former Taoist friends, and seize their power. Catch them all, kill them all, imprison them all.

By that time, he will be under much less pressure if he implements the move to return Dong Yuan to the throne.

However, if he did that, he would no longer be Qingxuan.

The Supreme Creation smiled and said: Fellow Taoist, please tell me everything I know. Are you satisfied? I wonder if you can help me get rid of the influence of Taoist crying?

Xu Ying abandoned other thoughts and said: Of course.

The Supreme Creation breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now Xu Ying asked him about Qing Xuan's death. The reason why he told the truth was because he wanted something from Xu Ying. If he continues to hesitate and say nothing, I'm afraid Xu Ying won't be able to help him get rid of his Tao crying.

If he takes action, even though he is the Supreme, he may not be able to defeat the two servants behind Xu Ying.

When he came to the dark world, he had met Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun, had a confrontation, and knew how powerful these two slaves were.

Brother Dao, relax, let me check. Xu Ying said with a smile.

The Supreme Creation still dare not relax. According to his experience, relaxing means death. After experiencing the battle to seize the emperor, he can no longer trust others, even the people closest to him.

Xu Ying observed the structures in his body and recorded them one by one. It has to be said that the intrusiveness of the physical structure is too strong. Even though there are few opponents in the world, even beings like the Supreme Creation have been invaded for a long time.

The Supreme Creation cultivates the Dao Xiang Rune Dao Principle Dao Chain Dao Scenery system, and its basic structure is Dao Xiang. He had risen from ancient times, so he still had some Dao marks.

Xu Ying could see that the intrusion of the rationale structure had fundamentally replaced part of his Taoist structure.

The Dao Xiang structure was replaced, causing it to grow many branch-like textures!

If this goes on for a long time, the cultivation of the Supreme Being will be replaced by a rational structure!

Even the existences of the Supreme Realm will be assimilated if they are exposed to the environment of Tao Weeping for a long time. No wonder the Supreme Creation came to me. Xu Ying thought in his heart, Cuiyan Avenue is really evil!

However, during this period of time, he had been practicing and understanding the Cuiyan Avenue, but he felt that both the Cuiyan Avenue and the structure of the system were upright and upright, with absolutely no evil at all!

So what exactly is the problem?

It is not difficult to remove these structures for Supreme Creation, but it is a little more troublesome for Xu Ying. He clears the structure bit by bit, and the branch-like textures on Supreme Creation disappear little by little.

He flew into the body of the Supreme Creation, entered its Xiyi territory, and refined the branch-like textures one by one.

The Xiyi Domain in the Supreme Realm is extremely huge, and the Five Sacred Mountains are extremely majestic. The five qi actually form immortal auras, and the immortal mountains are surrounded by immortal auras. As for the Tianhe River and the Tianshan Mountains, they are even more magnificent, and the ocean where water and fire meet is even more vast.

Xu Ying passed by the Twelfth Floor Tower, entered Yaochi, climbed onto the Divine Bridge, entered Yujing, and inspected the various realms of this supreme being.

I have no shortcomings in every realm.

Xu Ying compared these realms of the Supreme Creation with his own realm one by one, and said silently in his heart, Except for the fact that his realm surpasses mine in terms of scale, in other aspects, I am already as good as the Supreme, and even more sophisticated!

The Supreme Creation is an existence in the Supreme Realm. The various realms in his Xiyi Domain will continue to improve with the improvement of cultivation, and the foundation and foundation will become more and more stable with the improvement of cultivation.

If Xu Ying also cultivates to the Supreme Realm, his various realms such as Qi Gathering, Guan Guan, and Interaction Refining will also be greatly expanded, and he will be no less inferior to the Supreme Being.

I can already ascend!

Xu Ying inspected the Jade Capital City, and also inspected the realms of the six immortals, Tao realms, and dojos where the Supreme Creation was created, and gained some understanding of the realms of the Supreme Human, Immortal, Earth, Immortal, Heaven, Immortal, and King.

Brother Creation Dao, I want to enter your cave and have a look at the scenery of your avenue. Xu Ying flew out of the realm of Xiyi, the Supreme Creation, and said.

The Supreme Creation hurriedly smiled and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, my cave abyss is extremely magical and has not been affected by the darkness of the human world. There is no need to check it.

Xu Ying did not force it, and said: Taoist cries are pervasive, and the Taoist cries of the ancient times are heard from the cave abyss. I am also worried that your Taoist scene will be damaged. Since you are sure that it is not, I am naturally happy to be at ease.

When the Supreme Creation heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

He is a disciple of Xuhuang Daojun. He has experienced Dongyuan Dao crying and knows how terrible it is to cry.

There were many disciples in Xuandu Yujing, and there were many who were more talented and enlightened than him at that time. However, when the Dao Cry came, these disciples still collapsed and their cultivation was ruined.

They didn't last a few years before their flesh and blood melted away and turned into bones!

Even the Heaven and Earth Soul of Xuhuang Daojun was helpless in the face of Dao Weeping.

The Supreme Creation's eyes fell on the Taiyi Cave Abyss behind Xu Ying and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist, although you are taking the path of Supreme, it seems incomplete. Since Fellow Taoist wants to get a glimpse of the mystery of the Supreme Realm from me. , then please do it.”

Xu Ying was surprised, glanced at him, and then stepped into the hole behind his head.

The cave behind the head of the Supreme Creation is as vast as the realm of Taixu, extremely deep, and the scene of the avenue is floating in the void, exuding infinite Tao power.

This is different from the various Taoist scenery in the Taixu Realm. The Taoist scenery in the Taixu Realm has fallen into extinction, but the Taoist scenery here still has majestic power. The Taoist scenery will continue to evolve and have endless mysteries!

Xu Ying inspected these Taoist scenes one by one, searching for traces of transformation, and also learned the ingenuity of using Taoist scenes. After this trip, he gained a lot and felt very satisfied.

After inspecting the Ten Great Scenes of the Supreme Creation, he was about to leave when suddenly his eyes swept across the void and saw another place in the cave abyss.

There is the other shore hidden in this cave abyss, a piece of supreme pure land, surrounded by thousands of fairy mountains, which looks extremely holy.

The Pure Land is not big, but among the thousands of immortal mountains, it is extremely eye-catching, and it is an extraordinary place at a glance.

Xu Ying flew there. The Supreme Creation noticed his movements, his face changed slightly and he was about to get up. At this time, Old Man Jing Ming and Prince Ming Sun sandwiched him in the middle.

The Heavenly Lord of Creation smiled slightly and said: Two Taoist brothers, you have been dead for many years and are no match for me.

Jing Ming, the old man, said leisurely: Do you think we haven't learned anything from following the teacher during these days? The teacher taught us the Cuiyan Dao, allowing us to understand the supreme principles and comprehend the magical power. You can give it a try.

The Heavenly Lord of Creation raised his eyebrows and did not test.

When Xu Ying came to that piece of pure land, he saw that there were actually houses here. Although they were not the splendid palaces of the Immortal Family, they were still extremely exquisite and elegant.

The spiritual energy of this place is compelling, and the sound of the Tao is melodious. It seems that there is another extraordinary way filling the world.

Xu Ying came to the house and saw that there were people living in the house. They were all immortals. They were a large family, with seniors and juniors.

When they saw Xu Ying, they were all shocked. A white-haired old immortal walked out of the house and said with a smile, Who is your Excellency?

Xu Yingdao: Brother Taoist Creation asked me to treat his injuries. I saw someone here, so I came here. I don't want to disturb the old man. Who are you?

When the old immortal heard that he was here to treat the Supreme Creation, he quickly invited him into the house. He hurriedly ordered someone to pour tea and bring preserved fruits to treat him. He smiled and said, The little old man is the old father of the evil son. In my family, There are also Nie Zi’s wife, grandchildren, and relatives of the same family. The whole family is here!”

Xu Ying was surprised to see that the family members of the Supreme Creation had probably not seen outsiders for a long time, and they all came over to see what he looked like.

Xu Ying said: How long has the old man been here?

I don't remember.

The old god smiled and said, That boy from Yin Yuan said that he had become the Supreme Being and sat in the Immortal Court. He wanted to take us to heaven to enjoy blessings and become gods together. He said that I would not have to suffer in this life. As a result, we followed him to heaven, and it didn't take long for us to go to heaven. They were shouting to be beaten and killed, but they packed us in here and didn't allow us to get out. What a bastard!

When the old immortal said this, he suddenly cursed: How can you enjoy the life of an immortal? This is clearly a prison sentence. You will be imprisoned for countless tens of thousands of years. You can't die even if you want to! Just imprison your father, including your wife and children. close!

After that, he cursed a few more words.

Sir, is Yin Yuan's injury okay? Has it been cured?

After the old god scolded him, he was very concerned about the Supreme Creation and said, He hasn't come to visit us for a long time. You tell him not to work too hard. We don't expect him to get promoted or make a fortune.

Xu Ying said yes and said, I will tell him. Don't worry, old man, his injuries are no longer serious.

He put down the teacup, said goodbye and left.

The old god and the entire family of the Supreme Creation sent warm greetings to him, asking him to come often.

Xu Ying flew out of the cave and saw that Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun were still sandwiching the Supreme Creation in the middle. He smiled and said: Brother Tao, fortunately I have lived up to my fate and finally refined all your body parts. You just need luck. After a few days of practice, you can return to your peak.

Thank you to the Supreme Being.

Xu Ying said: Also, your father and your family miss you very much and want you to go in and accompany them.

The Supreme Creation smiled slightly and said: My family affairs do not need to worry about my fellow Taoist. Farewell.

He turned and left.

Xu Ying said: You don't want to know if I left any backdoor in your body?

The Supreme Creation stiffened, stopped, turned his head, and said with a smile, Did you leave any backdoor?

Xu Ying said calmly: Keep it.

The Supreme Creation raised his eyebrows and smiled and said: Fellow Daoist Xu is young after all. I am the Supreme. You can't do anything in front of me. Even if you leave a back door, I am not afraid at all. I will definitely be able to find it. I can't do anything about your back door. .”

Xu Ying smiled and said: Then why do you come to ask me to help you solve the problem of Huanhua?

The Supreme Creation turned around, drifted away, and said with a smile: The two things cannot be confused. I can't fight against the invasion of the dark world, but every move you make falls in my eyes. If you want to plant seeds of doubt in my heart, you It’s still a bit tender.”

His figure disappeared into the darkness.

Xu Ying watched him go away and said to Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun: He must have doubts about his Taoist heart and whether I was tampering with him in the process of healing his wounds. After Qingxuan's death, he experienced strife and killing among his fellow Taoists. It is difficult for people who are calculating to keep their pure heart.

Old man Jing Ming nodded and said: This suspicion will become more and more serious and become his inner demon. The next time he meets the teacher, he will not dare to take action easily.

Ming Wangsun couldn't help but said: But did the teacher leave a backdoor in his body?

Xu Ying shook his head and smiled: No. However, he will feel that there is. When he feels that there is, then it really is.

A seed of doubt was planted in the Tao heart of the Supreme Creation, and it slowly took root, sprouted and grew stronger. In the future, when the Supreme Creation faced him, he would definitely be suspicious and unable to exert his full strength.

That’s when the seed of doubt grows into rice and is ready for harvest.

Jing Ming, Ming Wangsun, please prepare in the next few days.

Xu Ying looked up at the dark sky, withdrew his gaze, and said to the two of them, Recently, I am about to transcend the tribulation and ascend. In the past few days, I will teach you everything I have learned.

Old man Jing Ming and Prince Ming Sun were greatly shocked.

The first tribulation in the dark world is of great significance.

If Xu Ying can really bring about the heavenly catastrophe in the dark world, then it means that there is also a unique way of heaven running in the dark world, which means that all the corpses and bones are not dead objects, but living lives. !

This means that they can also practice and ascend through practice!

After more than ten days, Xu Ying taught them the principles he had learned during this period, and then he prepared to overcome the tribulation.

Ming Wangsun hurriedly said: Teacher, after you ascend, to whom should the position of Taoist Ancestor of Shiquan Tao Sect be passed on?

Xu Ying glanced at him and said, First come, first served.

Jing Ming was overjoyed when he heard Xu Ying say: Above you, there is a second senior brother and a senior sister.

Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun looked at each other. They were already at the eighth level of the Tao realm, but they actually had senior brothers and sisters? What is the background of this senior brother and sister?

Xu Ying said: Logically speaking, your senior sister should succeed, but they are not here. So after I ascend, Jing Ming will be the acting ancestor, and Wang Sun will assist me.

Jing Ming was overjoyed and looked at Prince Ming and his grandson, unable to conceal his pride.

You must be in harmony, don't be angry, teach more disciples and disciples, and let more servants return to the people. Xu Ying ordered.

Two people said yes.

Xu Ying arranged it properly, and then the disaster was triggered.

In the realm of heaven, the ancestral god healed his injuries while stabilizing the heaven and contending with the darkness. On the other side, Long Zhong was still searching for the Immortal Emperor, Luo Shengren and others. These people hid while Da Long and Da Zhong were rummaging around, causing an uproar.

Ancestor God secretly worried: I can't spend time here forever...

At this moment, he suddenly showed a look of astonishment, raised his head, and looked towards the dark territory where Cuiyan was.

The shock on his face became more and more intense, and his heart became more and more unbelievable.

It's impossible. How can there be a way of heaven in the darkness? But this aura... is to transcend the tribulation. Someone is really causing the tribulation in the darkness! But...

The ancestor god's face was full of puzzlement and confusion, How can there be a way of heaven that I don't control?

————Thanks to Xi Yingqing, God’s messenger in the world, and two fellow Taoists for their rewards! ! Brothers, please vote~~

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