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Chapter 581 Qingxuan must die

In the darkness, a young man stepped forward. He seemed to be in his thirties. He was wearing a black and blue long coat. He was very capable and had an oval hole behind his head.

The power of the cave abyss is astonishing, filled with profound Taoist power, and there are many different Taoist scenes floating in the cave abyss.

Two or three of these Dao scenes are similar to those in the Taixu Realm, but the others are completely different from the Ten Scenes of Taixu. They are presumably another method of supreme cultivation.

Xu Ying looked the young Supreme up and down and thought to himself, Is he the owner of the Jade Plate of Guidao?

The Jade Plate of Guidao was the first supreme magic weapon he came into contact with. The plate contained the energy of creation, which was enough to create all things.

This treasure recently appeared for the first time in the world of Yuanshui. Master Qianhuan, under the orders of King Dong, planned to resurrect the ancient demon clan in the sun, destroy the world of Yuanshui, and create the illusion of a demonic invasion.

Before that, Dong Wang had been fanning the flames everywhere, borrowing the Dao Jade Plate, reviving the ancient Great Way of Heaven and Earth, and even resurrecting the Four Saints of the North Pole in the ancient era, in order to create public opinion that the Immortal Emperor was immoral, and to cause chaos in the lower realms, creating trouble.

The purpose of King Dong was to use the tide of the Three Realms to force his father to abdicate in favor of a worthy man, which can be described as filial piety.

Xu Ying smiled and said, What do you call Brother Dao?

He has made great progress during this period and can already speak like a normal person.

Of course, it is okay to cry, and it will be more intense than before.

The young man laughed quickly and said, I don't dare. It's hard to name Shanren by his common name, but because he is quite proficient in the art of creation, he is respected as the Supreme Being of Creation.

Xu Ying stretched out his hand to greet him, sat down, and asked Ming Wangsun and Jing Ming to stand behind him to protect him, and said: The Supreme Being of Creation? The one who can be called the Supreme must be the existence of the Supreme Realm.

The Supreme Creation smiled and said: It's barely accomplished, it's not worth mentioning.

Xu Ying took a deep look at him, and saw that the Supreme Creation's method of using the Cave Abyss was different from his. The Supreme Creation hid the scenery of his own avenue in the abyss, while Xu Ying hid the scenery of the avenue in the dojo. .

I may have used the wrong view of the Dao. Hiding the Dao in the abyss is the correct way to use it.

A thought flashed through Xu Ying's mind, and then he smiled and said, Brother Dao's voice sounds familiar, I should have heard it before.

The Supreme Creation said in surprise: I have been trapped in the human world for the past hundreds of thousands of years and have never left. How could fellow Taoists hear my voice?

Xu Ying pondered for a moment, he should have heard the voice of the Supreme Creation in the memory of Yunhai, the junior master of the Shangqing Ancestral Court.

In Yunhai's memory, among the people with Qingxuan, there should be the Supreme Creation.

Maybe I remembered it wrong.

Xu Ying said with a smile, Brother Taoist just now said that he was an old friend of mine, which reminded me of something. Back then, I used your Jade Plate of Returning to Dao to avoid the fortune of the Eastern King at Wei Rui, but as a result, my body and magic weapon were transformed by the energy of creation. It’s still a physical magic weapon that can be restored by the energy of creation.”

When the Supreme Creation saw him mentioning this matter, he smiled and said, It was at that time that we formed a good relationship.

At that time, all of Xu Ying's magic weapons were assimilated by the Qi of Creation in the Guidao jade plate. After Xu Ying recovered his body, he reached out and grabbed it into the jade plate. Thinking of his own magic weapon, he fished out a treasure from the plate just like a cornucopia. One treasure after another.

He was greedy at the time and wanted to use the Guidao Jade Plate to make one, but was rejected. Therefore, he knew that the owner of the Guidao Jade Plate was still alive and did not dare to be greedy for this treasure.

This treasure later fell into the hands of Ning Qing, the son of Ning Zhong Tianzun.

Xu Ying was a little unhappy and pretended to be angry: It may not be a good fate. At that time, I fished out the magic weapon from the jade plate of Guidao, but I missed one treasure. This treasure is a jade pot with the universe inside, which can be collected. Everything.”

Hearing this, the Supreme Creation said with a smile: What's so difficult about this? After saying that, he grabbed his hand in the air, and a jade pot appeared in his hand, which was almost exactly the same as the jade pot that Xu had thrown away that year!

Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun looked at each other with solemn expressions. Even they couldn't do this kind of method created by the void back then!

This person has the ability to understand human nature, which is no small matter!

The Supreme Creation placed the jade pot in front of Xu Ying and said with a smile: Can it be considered a good karma now?

Xu Ying's expression softened slightly and he said: It can be considered a good karma. Brother Dao, why are you here looking for me?

The Supreme Creation looked solemn and said: I am here to save your life!

Xu Ying remained unmoved.

Seeing this, the Supreme Creation said: I have heard a little bit about the deeds of fellow Taoist Xu, using the Jade Plate of Gui Dao as my ears and eyes. Your Excellency has built ten caves in the sky, and his skills are astonishing to the world, but in fact, he has fallen into the control of the Immortal Emperor, and now he is in danger! The current Immortal Emperor He is heinous and ready to harvest your life at any time!

Xu Ying's expression did not change and he remained motionless.

The Supreme Creation turned his head and thought for a while, then asked tentatively: Fellow Taoist already knows that the Immortal Emperor wants to harvest you?

Xu Ying nodded slightly and said, Brother Dao, tell me something I don't know.

The Supreme Creation looked solemn and said: I came here to ask for something. Although I have preserved myself in the dark world these years, I was inevitably invaded by Taoist cries and polluted by the great avenues of heaven and earth here. I heard that Taoist friends are teaching here, Opening a forum to teach the Dharma, I think I have magical powers that can dispel the influence of Taoism and heresy on me.

Xu Ying was surprised and said: You asked me to help you to eliminate the influence of Taoism and heresy? Aren't you afraid that I will tamper with you in the process?

He said calmly: Back then, I fell into the Jade Plate of Returning to Dao, and my body was transformed by Your Excellency's Qi of Creation. When the Qi of Creation re-created my body, I moved my hands and feet. Retaliation for retaliation, should it be considered normal?

He never thought that the Supreme Creation sitting across from him was a kind person.

After Xu Ying learned how to avoid gold leakage from Taoist Wukong, he discovered that when the Qi of Creation re-creates the physical body, there is probably a backdoor, which is extremely dangerous. It is very possible that his wealth and life are in the control of the other party!

However, he didn't have much research on the way of creation, and he didn't know whether his guess was true. He used the Wuliu Golden Body to refine the energy of creation in his body, and then he could get rid of the possibility of being controlled.

Now that he sees the Supreme Being, he will of course deceive him.

The Supreme Creation looked calm and said with a smile: It turns out that fellow Taoist blames me for this matter. I will apologize to fellow Taoist!

Xu Ying felt awe-struck: Sure enough, there is a back door!

The Supreme Creation stood up, bowed his head to Xu Ying, and said: Back then, I was far away in the dark world, unable to control the situation. I realized that my fellow Taoist had extraordinary qualifications and understanding, far better than the King of the East, so I thought of cultivating my fellow Taoist. I was worried that you would lose control, so I left a backdoor. Fortunately, I didn’t make a big mistake. Please forgive me, fellow Taoist!

Xu Ying's expression softened slightly, he stood up and said, Brother Dao, there is no need for this. Please get up quickly.

The Supreme Creation stood up and the two sat down again. The Supreme Creation sighed: Although I saw that Taoist friends were definitely not things in the pool, even if I had a keen eye to know people, how could I have predicted it today? Back then, I tried to influence the lives of Taoist friends, but today I seek help from Taoism. Friend, you are really ashamed to kill me.

His words were earnest and sincere.

But Xu Ying could just listen and forget it.

The Supreme Creation is an existence in the Supreme Realm. Such existences are rare, and their strength is far beyond what I can match. He only said a few beautiful words to ask for his own benefit. It would be foolish for him to feel elated because of the other person's praise.

Xu Ying wondered: Brother Dao is a supreme being, why does he appear in the dark world?

Seeing that he did not mention the topic just now, the Supreme Creation had to stop and said: After the death of Taoist Brother Qingxuan, the Immortal Court was still fighting and fighting for power and profit. We can share hardships together, but we cannot share wealth and wealth, which will lead to quarrels.

Xu Ying said with a smile: I heard that you had ideals and ambitions when you revolted. You wanted to overthrow the emperor and benefit the people. You were not seeking wealth. Why did you fight to death for wealth? Isn't it ridiculous?

The Supreme Creation said sternly: What Taoist friend said makes sense. I can't stand it either, so I was ostracized by others. My Taoist friend who was originally focused on one thing suddenly became a stranger and actually started killing us. . I had no choice but to fake my death and escape, and lost my magic weapon, the Jade Plate of Returning to the Path.

He sighed: I just hope to stay away from the disputes and find a pure place, but although the world is so big, there is no place for me. I thought for a long time before I decided to take the initiative to exile myself, so I went to the dark world.

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

Behind him, Ming Wangsun couldn't help but laugh: Teacher, what he means is that he fought for power with his former Taoist friend, but he failed to win and had to fake his death. But after he faked his death, he found that his opponent was determined to Take this opportunity to really send him to death. He has nowhere to hide, so he escapes to the dark world.

The face of the Supreme Creation changed slightly.

Xu Ying coughed and said, Shut up. Don't be offended, brother Taoist Taoist. This is a scoundrel. He speaks his mind too quickly.

The Supreme Creation's expression recovered and he smiled and said, Although Gaozu's guesses are not all correct, they are 80% to 90% correct.

Xu Ying laughed and said, Brother Dao is a cheerful person and I like him very much. Dare I ask, brother, how did Qingxuan die back then?

The Supreme Creation's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: You are from the Qingxuan lineage and want to avenge him?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I am not from the Qingxuan lineage, but from the Yuxu lineage. I am just curious about his death. Don't get me wrong.

The Supreme Creation pondered for a moment and said: Brother Qingxuan is a very charming person. He is one of the leaders of the rebel army. Because of this, many people followed him. In addition to him, there are other rebel leaders, and I am one of them. Everyone calls him a Taoist friend.

He talked about that period of history.

After Cui Yan flew away, Tao Weeping erupted from the cave abyss, sweeping the impact, causing the destruction of the heaven and earth avenue in the ancient era of the Earthly Immortal World. Years of natural disasters and man-made disasters, the people were in dire straits, the fields were starved to death, and corpses were everywhere.

Even the underworld is filled with ghosts, but the ten palaces of Yama in the underworld are also affected by Dao Cry, and they have no time to take care of themselves. How can they be in the mood to manage the underworld? So much so that the Yang world is also filled with lonely souls and wild ghosts, and the Yin and Yang realms merge and become one, resulting in chaos.

All the great gates and ancestral courts began to shrink under the influence of Dao Wei, and they swept away the snow in front of their doors and ignored the affairs of the world.

The person in charge of the Immortal Court was Emperor Haocang, later the later master and Emperor Ai. In order to stabilize his ruling position, Emperor Haocang took the opportunity to clean up the court and purge out those who had the ability to threaten him. The fairy court is decaying, and power is being strangled, over and over again.

As for people's livelihood, the immortal officials in the Immortal Court have too much time to take care of themselves, how can they see the world?

Taoist Qingxuan came out to try to save the world and awaken more practitioners to help the world. But he simply couldn't let the ancient Taoist sect and the ancestral court give up his own interests, let alone the fairy court give up the benefits it had already obtained.

It is more uncomfortable to let people who have already benefited cede part of their benefits to take care of the world than to kill them.

The Supreme Creation recalled the past, shook his head, and said, Qingxuan realized that now it is not only the Immortal Court that is decaying, but also the Daomen and the Ancestral Court. It is impossible not to rebel. It was under this situation that he betrayed The Shangqing Ancestral Court. Among the people who rebelled together at that time, I was among them. He was born in the Shangqing Dao Sect, and I was born in Yujing, Xuandu, and studied under Xuhuang Daojun.

This group of passionate young people gathered together to overthrow corruption and fight for a way for the people to survive.

Qingxuan is so ideal.

The Supreme Creation said, He cares about the world. He doesn't have much selfishness, but not everyone is as selfish as him. When we became successful, everyone publicly elected him as the new Immortal Emperor. He does have this qualification, after all, he He was the most desperate when overthrowing the old dynasty, and he made the most meritorious deeds. He also created the Supreme Realm. Only by learning from it can we become Supreme. He is also the most powerful and has the most followers. Although we also have considerable power, we are not as good as him. . He is also the strongest among us. If he becomes the Immortal Emperor, everyone will accept him.

Xu Ying's throat was a little dry, so he coughed and moistened his throat.

The Supreme Creation continued: But, he is too ideal.

He shook his head and said: After Qingxuan became the Immortal Emperor, he asked Dongyuan to return to the Duke, and asked everyone to hand over the Supreme Dongyuan and Tianjun Dongyuan that we fought so hard to grab. His idea is good. He wants Dongyuan to return to the Duke. , he can use these caves and abyss to create more strong men. After the newcomers break through to the supreme realm, they can then take back the caves and abyss. He even wants to gather the power of these caves and abyss to explore whether there is a realm after the supreme. He also wants to gather More powerful people in the Supreme Realm should explore the truth behind Dong Yuan and solve the problem of Dao Crying to destroy the world.

Having said this, he was silent for a moment.

If this can really be done, in tens of thousands of years, he can gather a large number of supreme beings to explore the black realm of the universe and restore the human world and the immortal world. However, Qingxuan is too ideal.

The Supreme Creation paused and said, He can be selfless, but not everyone is as selfless as him. Everyone works hard with him, goes through life and death together, and works hard for so long, isn't it just to enjoy happiness when he climbs up in the future? You still have to We have to fight, we have to fight, we have to risk our lives, it’s so hard.”

He shook his head and said: You still ask us to hand over Dongyuan, how is that possible? After handing it over, those young boys in the future can use our Dongyuan to climb up! Those young boys will become supreme, equal to us, and equal to us Who can bear to call us brothers and sisters? I worked so hard back then, fought bloody battles with the Immortal Court of the Queen Master, and fought against the senior brothers and elders of our sect, just to make these little guys equal to us? How ridiculous!

Jing Ming's old man looked dimly and said: He is too ideal. In the past, Dongyuan was in the hands of Daomen, Zuting and Xianting. You followed him to rebel and overthrew them to control Dongyuan. Now he wants to take away Dongyuan in your hands. So you became the Taoist sect, the ancestral court and the immortal court, and he became the enemy.

After all, he has a long history and a lot of experience, and he can tell the truth with one word.

The Supreme Creation glanced at him and sighed: Qingxuan is our Taoist brother, but he has to die.

Jing Ming, an old man who has experienced many struggles for power, nodded and said: He must die. But have you ever thought that when Qingxuan was alive, his achievements, strength and power could suppress all of you. After his death, you will be leaderless and you will surely There will be chaos.”

The Supreme Creation was silent for a moment and said: I didn't think about it at the time, but I knew it later.

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