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Chapter 580 The Taoist protector sweeps across the world

Old man Jingming and Wangsun Ming became Xu Ying's disciples one after another, and the Shiquan Taoist sect became stronger and stronger in the dark world. In addition to their two disciples, there are thousands of slaves as disciples, and there are countless bones and skeletons.

Ming Wangsun listened to Xu Ying's lectures here for several days, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It is not unfair to become a disciple.

Over the past ten million years, he has gradually realized that this strange way of heaven may also exist in the dark world. This kind of movement of heaven allows mortals to survive, vegetation to grow, and slaves like them to survive.

Only qigong masters, immortals, Taoists, and enlightened ones cannot survive in this way of heaven.

When he tried to understand and interpret this way of heaven, he found it difficult and incomprehensible. Even if he mutates into a human being, he can only figure out the subtleties of using principles, but it is not systematic.

His intuition told him that Cuiyan Avenue may be a way that is superior to other avenues. It forms the basis of the avenue and is extremely unpredictable.

He has been working hard to decipher it over the years, and although he has gained a lot, it is almost impossible to summarize its rules and find a method of cultivation.

But Xu Ying seemed to have found a way to decipher the Cuiyan Avenue. He understood Cuiyan while teaching it to them. It turned out to be clear and logical, and he understood it more profoundly than he did!

Teacher, is there God's help? Ming Wang Sun asked in his heart.

It's not that Xu Ying had help from heaven, but that Emperor Haotian gave him too much help. If Emperor Haotian hadn't deciphered part of the content of the green rock carvings and obtained the enlightenment of Taiyi, he would have wanted to understand the way of heaven in the dark world from this green rock. Idiot's dream!

Who is the teacher? Ming Wangsun asked Jing Ming.

Old man Jing Ming shook his head and said: I heard that someone was able to lift a green rock and move it millions of miles to preach here, so I came to see what happened.

Ming Wangsun looked at Cuiyan and said solemnly: I heard this rumor and came here in a hurry.

Move the green rock and walk a million miles. Even they can't do it!

Cuiyan contains a strange way, and those who do not understand the Cuiyan Avenue cannot possibly shake Cuiyan at all. Only those who understand Cuiyan can shake Cuiyan.

For example, Ming Wangsun and Jingming Laojun once tried to lift Cuiyan and throw away this bane that destroyed the human world. But even their existence can only lift Cuiyan up a corner.

They couldn't even take a step forward!

Xu Ying was asked to lift Cuiyan and walk a million miles, which was definitely an achievement that they could not even hope to achieve!

This is also the reason why those servants saw Xu Ying holding the green rock in his hands and walking like flying, and followed him.

Cuiyan, you can only move it if you are proficient in it. It seems that the teacher is indeed the chosen one!

Ming Wangsun just said this, his heart moved slightly, he stood up suddenly, looked towards the northwest corner with a serious look, and said: Senior Brother Jingming, have you noticed it?

The branch-like texture on Old Man Jingming's body moved slightly, and he said calmly: I noticed it. The person coming is very strong.

Ming Wang Sun stood proudly and said: Six hundred thousand years ago, a strong man came from outside. After a confrontation with us, the two sides reconciled. Since then, no master has entered the human world. Unexpectedly, recently, he actually came So many masters.”

Spying on the teacher is unforgivable. Old man Jing Ming said calmly.

Ming Wangsun said: Senior brother Jingming, in the past few days, I have learned some good things from my teacher, and I have consciously understood the magical powers that belong to the dark world.

The old man Jing Ming stood beside him and said: It's a coincidence that I also gained some superficial magical powers from the teacher's sermons. However, I became a disciple of the teacher earlier than you, so my superficial magical powers must be stronger than yours.

Ming Wangsun smiled and said: You were defeated earlier than me, which shows that your qualifications and strength are not as good as mine.

The two men suddenly flashed and disappeared without a trace!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor stood in the distance, looking at Cuiyan from a distance. Some time ago, he fought with Saint Luo and severely injured Saint Luo. Saint Luo fought to the death, but he was unwilling to risk his serious injuries to kill Saint Luo, so he had to let Saint Luo escape.

On the Cuiyan, Xu Ying's behavior became more and more like a human being. The Immortal Emperor breathed a sigh of relief and laughed softly: It's not in vain that I suppressed the murderous intention. If I had done it at that time, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life. He could actually understand Cuiyan The mystery of it is a little weird...

The green rock gave off a faint light, and even though it was so far away, it still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

How did he understand the great path of Cuiyan?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was confused. Xu Ying should have arrived in the human world not long ago. Even if it was earlier than them, it would not be more than a few months earlier. So how did Xu Ying understand the mystery of Cuiyan?

Moreover, Xu Ying's practice on Cuiyan Avenue is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is improving rapidly!

The technique he activated...should be derived from the Taiyi Innate Technique!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed, Taiyi Innate Skill was passed on to the ancestors of the Xu family!

This technique is simple and extraordinary, and is inherited from the lineage of Emperor Haotian. Since Qingxuan betrayed the Shangqing Taoist sect, he has been running for the world and accidentally received the inheritance of Emperor Haotian.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor is a disciple of Qingxuan and has also received this inheritance.

However, Qingxuan later broke away from the shackles of the ancient martial arts and created a new way, abandoning Emperor Haotian's martial arts. However, the Immortal Emperor retained the Taiyi Innate Skill, and based on this skill, he planned to seize the throne and calculate the future 600,000 years later.

This is also the reason why Wei Xu said that it was not the right path for him to achieve the Supreme Realm.

He practiced the skills of Emperor Haotian and used the skills of the old way to practice the new way. Therefore, he could only cultivate six of the ten great ways, and the other four could not be understood even with a lifetime of wisdom!

Why can he understand the mystery of the Cuiyan Avenue by practicing the Taiyi Innate Skill next to Cuiyan?

The eyes of the Supreme Immortal Emperor flashed. In the dark world, he could not use divine calculations, and his calculations were not accurate. But he can deduce the secret!

Master Qingxuan once said that the Taiyi Innate Technique comes from the jade rock in the earthly immortal world. It was Emperor Haotian who understood some secrets from the texture of that jade rock, so he created this technique to directly realize Da Luo.

He whispered, The secret that Emperor Haotian realized is called Taiyi Enlightenment. Once, Emperor Haotian had no choice but to pass on Taiyi Enlightenment. Later, Emperor Taihao collected the scattered Taiyi Enlightenment, People were forbidden to summon Dongyuan, and the spread of it slowly stopped after Taiyi became enlightened.

By Emperor Ai's generation, only the major sects still had the complete version of Taiyi Enlightenment.

However, at the end of Emperor Ai's reign, Qingxuan attacked various sects and cut off the followers of Emperor Ai, and Taiyi Enlightenment was lost. Very few people in the world know this book.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor looked at Cuiyan with eager eyes: Xu Ying definitely has the complete Taiyi Enlightenment in him, otherwise he would not be able to understand Cuiyan Avenue!

He couldn't hide his excitement, causing his breath to fluctuate weakly: What is recorded in the Cuiyan in the Earthly Immortal Realm is actually the deciphering method of the Cuiyan Avenue in the human world!

Just when he thought of this, he was suddenly startled. Without thinking, he activated the Six Avenues Scenery and raised his hand to shoot into the darkness!

At the same time, a big hand reached out from the darkness, and the principles around the palm were intertwined. Along with the evil wind blowing in the face, an astonishing cry burst out!

A sinister voice sounded: Do you have the capital to oppose our Shiquan Dao Sect?


The Supreme Immortal Emperor received this palm, and the power of their palms distorted the space and expanded outwards. However, before they got very far, they were transformed by the strange heavenly way in the dark world, and their power was not shown.

Shiquan Dao Sect?

The Immortal Emperor was shocked, What is that? It sounds like a Taoist sect, the Taoist ancestor cannot be...

He raised his other palm to meet the attack from the other side. What was cut out from the darkness was a hollow magic sword composed of branch-like textures. It seemed unable to kill, but its power was truly astonishing!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor took the blow, grunted, and felt a sweetness in his throat. He was forced to retreat by Jing Ming, the old man, and Ming Wangsun, who came out of the darkness.

The magical powers of these two people are obviously very superficial, and they are not even as good as the Qi Refiners who have just cultivated Dao Xiang in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Qi Refiners who have just cultivated Dao Xiang can completely repair their magical powers.

But it happened that such a simple magical power was so powerful that it even injured him!

The two slaves moved forward, one on the left and the other on the right, and attacked him crazily.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor mobilized the Six Dao Scenes in an attempt to suppress the two disciples, but each of them had an eighth level of Dao Realm. If they were suppressed together, even the Six Dao Sceneries would not function smoothly!

In an instant, the two sides collided for hundreds of times. Suddenly, there was a hissing sound behind the Immortal Emperor Supreme, and bloody branch-like textures burst out of the body, forming branches, trunks, crowns, roots, and leaves, like Carrying a big tree on his back.

I'm going to turn into a monster like them!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was frightened in his heart. His body was invaded by the palm power of the two men. Unable to suppress his injuries, he spurted out a mouthful of blood and fled in a hurry.

Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun did not pursue him. Jing Ming, an old man, stroked his twig-like beard and said: He was seriously injured. If he cannot escape to the realm of heaven in time, he will become our fellow Taoist in a short time.

Ming Wangsun smiled and said: At that time, he will be our third junior brother. The teacher is about to give a lecture, let's go quickly!

They hurried over and finally did not miss Xu Ying's lecture.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor ran all the way, not daring to stop for a moment.

He could feel Tao Weeping wreaking havoc in his body, and his physical functions had been damaged. Tao Weeping also appeared in the Six Great Dao Scenes to disrupt his practice. The demonic sound of his soul filled his brain. Although there was no serious problem for the time being, it would continue for a long time. It will definitely cause serious injuries that are difficult to heal!

More importantly, the two slaves injured him.

The top Taoist Immortal from ancient times, his attack was no small matter. He was seriously injured. If he didn't get treatment, he would probably die soon!

But you must not stop healing in the dark world. The heaven here is strange and there are cries everywhere.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was galloping like lightning, and finally broke out of the dark world and arrived at the realm of heaven before his injuries completely broke out.

Although the Ancestral God is an opponent, his vast heavenly path supports this territory, which is enough to protect the severely injured Immortal Emperor Supreme.

The Immortal Emperor's injuries were too serious and it was difficult to contain the momentum of the impact. His feet became unsteady, and he rolled over and fell all the way down, finally stopping by a large river.

He staggered to his feet. Since he ascended the throne, has he ever been so embarrassed?

As soon as the Immortal Emperor stood up, he coughed up blood again and almost fell.

When he was coughing up blood, he could only hear bursts of crying coming from his mouth, which made his hair stand on end.

We must refine the Tao crying in our body!

He was looking for a safe place to hide when he suddenly saw a fat old man with a big belly walking out of the valley. Wasn't it the Saint Luo who was severely injured by him?

He is also healing here?

The face of the Supreme Immortal Emperor suddenly changed. Luo Shengren's injuries had improved a bit. As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they see him. Seeing him in such a mess, they immediately came to kill him.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor turned around and ran away without thinking, while Saint Luo chased after him, shouting: My dear nephew, come and have a good argument with Uncle Luo!

The two of them flew away through the sky one after another. When the Immortal Emperor flew to a magnificent and extraordinary holy mountain, he saw the misty glow on the holy mountain. The ancestor god was sitting among the clouds and clouds. His body was huge, standing tall on the sky and the earth, holding up the sky.

The Ancestral God is maintaining the territory of heaven, so as not to be overwhelmed by the darkness and have no time to deal with us!

When the Supreme Immortal Emperor thought of this, he accidentally saw the gate of the holy mountain and was shocked: Shiquan Dao Sect! There really is a Shiquan Dao Sect!

The two of them fled quickly, one after the other, and in the Shiquan Dao Gate, a large bell with a dragon head had two eyes, which were rotating slowly, staring at the two of them intently.

Master Long, Master Long!

Da Zhong shouted, Are that fat man and that tall old man the ones who plotted against you? They seem to be injured!

Dalong immediately became energetic and took one of his eyes to observe. He was surprised and delighted: He is indeed injured!

Dazhong suggested: Why don't we go over and see if we can get a bargain?

They hit it off immediately and immediately roared out, heading straight for the Immortal Emperor Supreme and Saint Luo.

Next to the green rock, Xu Ying finished his sermon again.

The old man Jing Ming glanced at Ming Wangsun, Ming Wangsun understood, and the two of them disappeared in a flash.

Taoist Taiyuan's groan could be heard in the distance. Within a few moves, Taoist Taiyuan was severely injured and fled in a hurry, rushing towards the territory of Heaven.

Taoist Taiyuan rushed into the realm of Heavenly Dao and saw a scene that shocked him extremely.

I saw that the Dragon Bell of the Ancestral God was killing everyone, chasing the Supreme Immortal Emperor, Saint Luo and the Taoist Master of the Nine Palaces. ——Jiugong Daojun and Yuji were both injured. They hid in the realm of heaven to heal their wounds, but were accidentally blasted out by Long Zhong.

Master Long, is this old boy the one who plotted against you? Dazhong asked when he found Taoist Taiyuan.

The bell vibrated and the dragon roared, dragging Taoist Taiyuan in.

On the green rock, Xu Ying stood silently. The branch-like texture behind him formed a dark space, shaped like a large black circle. It was extremely deep, hiding the secrets and secrets of the green rock.

The black circle happens to cover Taiyi Cave Abyss, as if it is one body. The goddesses and others in the Taiyi Cave Abyss did not feel strange, and they were no different from usual.

He refined these branch-like textures into this dark space, and transformed from the form of a monk into a human form, restoring his original appearance.

But those slaves and skeletons still respected him. After his teachings, some slaves had their minds opened and became smarter and smarter. Even the most cultivated person is transforming into a human form.

Unknowingly, he had been in the human world for eight months. Thinking back to when he was sent by the ancestral gods, just to survive the tribulation of the three realms, he never imagined that so many things had happened.

These days, he has been stimulating the Taiyi Immortal Sutra and comprehending the Cuiyan Avenue, and has gained a lot. The Taiyi Immortal Sutra was originally his technique. Using this technique to comprehend Cuiyan, his cultivation level naturally improved by leaps and bounds.

This cultivation level is the cultivation level of the dark world, which is extraordinary.

He can be said to be the first person in the dark world who is close to ascending!

If you want to understand the way of heaven in the dark world faster, there is a shortcut, which is to transcend the tribulation and ascend. Take advantage of the opportunity of overcoming the tribulation and ascending to understand the way of heaven.

Xu Ying looked up at the sky and said silently in his heart, When I pass through the tribulation of the three realms, the place where I ascend will be either the earthly immortal world or the heavenly realm. However, if I pass through the catastrophe of the dark human world, where will I ascend to?

He felt vaguely uneasy.

The voice of Ming Wangsun came: Teacher, there is a visitor who says he is an old friend of the teacher.

Xu Ying was slightly startled and said in surprise: Old friend? Who could it be? Is it the Ancestral God or Master Zhong?

Suddenly, a voice came to Xu Ying's ears, and said leisurely: Do you, fellow Taoist Xu, still remember the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao?

Xu Ying was shocked and looked towards the source of the sound.

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