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Chapter 579 I am the master and establish a sect

Xu Ying noticed the terrifying aura erupting from the collision of supernatural powers behind him. He paused slightly and without stopping, he held up the green rock and left with a group of servants and bones.

In the darkness of the human world, even if beings like the Immortal Emperor and Saint Luo clashed, their magical powers would hardly have the same influence as in the earthly immortal world.

The aftermath of their magical powers cannot be transmitted very far before they are disintegrated by the ubiquitous darkness and cries, and become powerless.

Cuiyan's heresy has a great impact on the human world.

This place is filled with exotic heavenly ways, which are strange but powerful. Even the ancestral gods dare not make mistakes.

There is no peace in the dark human world. After Xu Ying took Cuiyan away, several more battles broke out in the darkness. The Taoist Master of Jiugong encountered a powerful enemy and fought for hundreds of rounds with a figure in the darkness. In the end, both sides were injured.

The dark figure retreated, and Daojun Jiugong also coughed up blood. There were branch-like textures growing in the blood he coughed out.

The Dao Lord of Jiugong was horrified and immediately withdrew from the darkness and entered the realm of Heavenly Dao to hide himself.

That dark figure should be the chief engineer of Tiangong who was expelled from the Immortal Court, and Taoist Yuji who was known as the magic hand of the heaven.

Jiugong Daojun said silently in his heart, When Tianhai Ferry first came out of the water, the Ministry of Heavenly Works reported that someone used many gold ship materials to piece together a complete gold ship. It was probably Taoist Yuji who did it. But at that time, he just expelled He left the Immortal Court and was not exiled. How could he end up in this dark realm of the universe?

Taoist Yuji is also a capable person who follows Qingxuan. He is an expert in forging magical weapons. Many supreme magic weapons are made by him. He forges and designs them, and then gives them to their masters for refining.

Taoist Yuji failed to cultivate to the Supreme Level because he had already cultivated to the Great Luo Jinxian in ancient times and missed the new realm of the Supreme Level.

Fairy Qiongtai, didn't you kill him?

Taoist Lord Jiugong was surprised and whispered, Did they really have an affair? But Qiongtai should also have been eliminated...

He obtained the fragments of the ancient soul and his cultivation strength greatly increased. However, this time he was unable to win in the dark confrontation with Taoist Yuji. Instead, both sides suffered losses, which made him quite frustrated.

He was originally traveling with Taiyuan Taoist Master Luo Shengren, but they were separated inexplicably in the darkness, and it is unknown where the two people went. Now that I think about it, it was probably Taoist Yuji who had tampered with their path forward.

With Taoist Yuji's heavenly craftsmanship, a few magic weapons can change the celestial phenomena and geography, making them unable to touch the southeast, northwest, and northwest.

Taoist Yuji relied on Youdao to cry to suppress me, so he was able to draw a tie with me.

Jiugong Taoist looked for a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, set up layers of bans, and rested peacefully. He said in his heart, If there is no such a favorable location as Dark Dao Cry, he will be far inferior to me. He tried his best to keep my Wonderful Realm magic weapon and Luotian Dojo. Da Luotian, if I carry him with me, it will not be difficult to get rid of him. However, for safety reasons, after I recover from my injuries, I still have to find Taiyuan and Luo Sheng as soon as possible. Only by joining forces with them can I save my own life.

The purpose of their trip was to find the fish that had slipped through the net during the Great Purge, but they didn't expect that the human world was much more dangerous than he imagined!

They haven't found the Supreme One who may be hiding here, but they almost lost their lives when they met Taoist Yuji, the chief engineer in charge of the Tiangong Department.

On the other side, Xu Ying stayed away from the Ancestral God, holding the Cuiyan high, and walked for about half a month. He felt that the influence of the Cuiyan on the Ancestral God should no longer be so strong, so he looked for a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters and put the Cuiyan down.

Cuiyan should be the sacred object of Huan and the Bone Skull. They could not easily touch Cuiyan. When Xu Ying put Cuiyan down, they singed and danced around the sacred object.

Their singing was like crying, and their dancing was also weird. Xu Ying sang and danced with them. It was not until the ceremony was over that he felt something was not right.

Oops, my thinking is becoming more and more consistent with that of Huan!

He couldn't help but feel horrified, but then he felt that singing and dancing was no big deal. Although he behaved in the same way as the servants, he still retained human thinking.

He then lived on the green rock and practiced with peace of mind.

Since what Cuiyan records is also a higher-level avenue, then by thoroughly studying Cuiyan's theory and figuring out this avenue, we should be able to get rid of the influence of Cuiyan and transform into a human being.

Moreover, he still has a little extravagant hope, that is, if he masters the avenue of the dark world where Cuiyan is located, can he survive the tribulation in the dark world?

If he is going through a tribulation in a dark world, can the light and darkness be unified and allow him to survive this tribulation in the four realms?

——The human world is divided into the dark heavenly world, the light heavenly world, plus the earthly immortal world and the heavenly immortal world, isn’t it the four realms?

These days, neither the monks nor the skeletons left, but more and more slaves and skeletons gathered. They seemed to respect Xu Ying very much and respected him as King Shu. Sometimes Xu Ying would kowtow to him when he was sitting on the green rock.

Although Xu Ying was not used to it, over time, he got used to it.

He even felt that some of the female servants had beautiful features, and some of them had skeletons with rather skinny figures.

I am doomed!

Xu Ying was extremely frightened and tried to ask for help from the goddess and others in the Taiyi Cave Abyss, but the sound he made was a cry.

He did not dare to enter Taiyi Cave Abyss for fear of killing the goddess and others.

However, the goddesses and others in Taiyi Cave Abyss also saw his situation and knew that Xu Ying's condition was not good.

The Immortal Master used his index finger to lift a female servant's chin today and stared at her for two breaths. It was extremely dangerous.

Yuan Tiangang took out his notebook, recorded it, and said, He also slapped another female servant's butt today. Yesterday, he also tried to hug the waist of a female slave!

He turned his head and thought for a moment, then asked Gu She: Does the spine count as the waist?

Shen Po, Gu She, Yan Yu and others are worried. Xu Ying's thinking has changed obviously. If things go on like this, their immortal master may completely change his way of thinking, and his words and deeds will not be any different from his.

At this time, Xu Ying was sitting cross-legged on the green rock, with a solemn expression on his face, and bursts of tears from his mouth. However, the servants below actually sat down one by one, quietly, as if they were listening to Xu Ying's lectures, and no one made a sound.

Xu Ying was unhurried and his cries changed a lot. The servants were mesmerized when they heard it.

After a long time, after he finished speaking, he stood up and began to meditate and practice on his own. The other servants stopped pestering him and thought hard about what Xu Ying said.

The goddess suddenly realized: The Immortal Master is teaching the Dharma! He is teaching these monks how to practice! He has become a monk master!

What did he teach?

Hua Cuoying asked, Is it the way of the human world?

The goddess shook her head and said: The way of the human world cannot be expressed by crying.

Everyone was awestruck. What Xu Ying taught these slaves was the Taoism recorded on the green rock, teaching them how to understand the way of heaven in the dark world!

Some of the monks gathered together in small groups, some were frowning and meditating hard, and some had already begun to practice. As for the female servants, they also started practicing and had no time to hang around in front of Xu Ying.

Strangely enough, Xu Ying preached and taught the Dharma every now and then, but his spirituality gradually declined. Probably because he had too little contact with those female slaves, his transformation process gradually stopped or even began to reverse.

A few days later, the goddess and others discovered that Xu Ying was becoming more and more human-like.

However, his attainments on Cuiyan Avenue are getting higher and higher, and his cultivation level is also increasing day by day. Of course it is the cultivation of the dark world.

After more than ten days, Xu Ying activated the Taiyi Immortal Sutra, and the principles behind him became brighter and brighter, and he was able to form Taoist magical powers.

Yuan Tiangang has been observing Xu Ying these days, and when he saw this, he couldn't help but sigh: Women will only affect my cultivation.

Fairy Gushe glared at him fiercely, and Yuan Tiangang did not dare to say anything more.

He continued to record Xu Ying's changes. More than ten days later, when Xu Ying activated the exercises, the principles condensed and formed a dark space.

At this time, I heard a voice coming from far away, saying: I heard that a Taoist friend is teaching the Dharma here, and old people come to visit me.

Yuan Tiangang became energetic, grabbed his pen and said to the immortals: Here comes a person who speaks human language!

All the immortals came to the entrance of Taiyi Cave Abyss one after another, and tried their best to look out. They saw an old man walking towards him. The eight-level Tao realm around him was mysterious and extraordinary.

This man from the old days is really extraordinary. He is a being at the eighth level of the Tao Realm, a supreme powerhouse!

The immortals couldn't help but be horrified. Apart from the old man who died in the hands of the Immortal Emperor, they didn't expect that there was an eighth-level Taoist man in the darkness!

This old man still maintains his human form and has not transformed. It is obvious that his cultivation strength was so profound and terrifying back then!

The crouching tigers, hidden dragons in the human world are really amazing! the goddess murmured.

Xu Ying stood up, smiled, and burst into tears, as if asking for greetings.

The old man seemed to understand the meaning of Dao Weeping and said: Millions of years ago, the old Taoist was named Jingming. But now that he has been dead for a long time, I don't know if he can still use this name. I heard that Shiquan Taoist was not subject to Cuiyan Because of his influence, he opened a forum to preach here, so he took the liberty to come here.

Xu Ying happily invited him, but the old man was not polite to him and went directly to Cuiyan.

Two slaves were sitting on the ground. Although the old man Jingming maintained his human form, he was still a slave at heart and let out a short cry. Xu Ying thought for a moment, then cried in reply. When he finished answering, he also burst into tears.

The old man Jingming pondered for a moment and then cried in reply.

Under the green rock, the slaves were sitting upright, with solemn faces, listening to the questions and answers of the two slaves.

What are they doing? Fairy Gushe asked as she approached the edge of Taiyi Cave.

Preaching, arguing.

The goddess looked solemn and said, The Immortal Master and the old man at the eighth level of the Dao Realm are confirming each other to see whose understanding on the Cuiyan Avenue is more authentic!

Master Fire Dragon suddenly understood: He's here to cause trouble!

All the immortals wake up.

This old servant from Jingming heard that Xu Ying was preaching here and teaching him how to practice, so he came to exchange. It was an exchange in name, but in fact he came to see Xu Ying's Taoism.

If Xu Ying was not good enough and could not answer his questions, then Xu Ying would not be able to gain a foothold here, and all the servants under him might go to Jingming.

The debate between Xu Ying and Jing Ming has reached a critical stage, and it often takes a long time for the other party to answer their questions.

Although this old man named Jing Ming has never learned Taiyi Enlightenment, he has been sinking in the dark world for thousands of years and has done a lot of research on the principles recorded in Cuiyan. It can be said that he is a match for Xu Ying.

If Xu Ying had not learned Taiyi Enlightenment and obtained the rubbings of the green rock carvings, he would have been rendered speechless by him in the first round!

In Taiyi Cave Abyss, Shenpo, Yuan Tiangang and others were extremely nervous, knowing that the winner was about to be decided between them. Xu Ying was seen stumbling, and after answering old man Jing Ming's question with a cry, he let out a brief cry again.

The old man Jingming was stunned, thinking hard. After a while, the old man stood up and walked around. He was obviously very sad and could not answer Xu Ying's question for a while.

After a long time, the old man Jing Ming was dejected and bowed: I can't answer. I would like to worship you as my teacher.

Xu Ying stood up quickly, waved his hands, and cried.

The old man Jingming shook his head and said: Since ancient times, masters have been regarded as teachers. Although my Tao practice was higher than yours in the past, but now the Tao is very different. I have cultivated on this Tao for thousands of years and I am not as good as you. How can I have the face to compete with you? Do you call each other Taoist friends?

Before Xu Ying could refuse, old man Jing Ming suddenly used the Eighth Level Dao Realm to calm him down, making him stand frozen on the spot. Then he bowed his head, bang bang bang, and kowtowed several times in a ceremony of apprenticeship.

After he paid homage to his master, Xu Ying could move, stamp his feet a few times, and utter a few words that Yuan Tiangang and others didn't understand, thus accepting Jing Ming as his disciple.

He understood the Cuiyan Avenue faster than Old Man Jingming. After a few days, Old Man Jingming found that Xu Ying's Taoism had improved a lot.

If he were to argue with Xu Ying today, he would probably be speechless and defeated on the spot after just a few words!

Teacher's progress is so fast! It has only taken a few days to reach this level. In half a year at most, the teacher will be able to understand the way of heaven in the dark world and transcend tribulations and ascend!

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly heard a voice, saying loudly: I heard that a little Taoist friend from outside has occupied the sacred green rock stone and is preaching here. I am the grandson of the Demon Clan, Prince Ming, coming to visit.

The old servant Jing Ming showed a surprised look and looked towards the place where the sound came from. He saw a great servant with the head of a bird and the body of a bird coming forward gracefully. He had a noble air and was surrounded by many servants.

The grandson of the Ming Prince of the Sky Demon Clan, the old guy who fought against me in the human world back then, is he here too?

Old man Jing Ming secretly rejoiced in his heart, This fellow had never dealt with me before he was alive, and complained about me to Longting many times. I can't be my disciple in vain, so you should come and accompany me!

When Prince Ming and Sun Ming saw Jing Ming, they were shocked: Why is he here?

Xu Ying stretched out his hand to invite him.

Wangsun Dashun Ming was a little hesitant and thought to himself: Did that old guy Jing Ming fail to argue with him and become his disciple? I can't afford to lose this face...

He retreated, and the old man Jing Ming laughed and said: I advance but don't advance, retreat but don't retreat. Ming Wangsun, you are still in such a miserable state after your death. You are not as good as me.

When Ming Wangsun heard this, he thought to himself: I have died once, so what should I be afraid of?

He climbed onto the green rock and sat on the ground opposite Xu Ying.

Xu Ying opened his mouth and cried out questions. Prince Ming and his grandson were dumbfounded and speechless for a long time. When the many servants who had just come around him saw this, they immediately changed their tune, changed their flags, and sat down under the green rock to seek refuge with Xu Ying.

Old Jing Ming was very proud and said to himself: Ming Wangsun came late. He became the teacher's disciple, and he can only be ranked second. He calls me senior brother! But having said that, the teacher's attainments are getting more and more advanced. Maybe he can use In less than half a year, the teacher will transcend the tribulation and ascend. At that time, I will be the Taoist ancestor of the Shiquan Tao Sect! After all, I am the senior brother!

He was extremely happy. At that time, even if Ming Wangsun was reluctant, he would still have to call him Dao Ancestor!

After a while, Ming Wangsun admitted defeat with tears in his eyes, knelt down and became Xu Juanying's second disciple.

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