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Chapter 578 Survive like Shuan

The Immortal Emperor's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately abandoned Saint Luo and chased Xu Juanying.

Luo Shengren ignored the entanglement and also went deep into the darkness to search for Xu Juanying's whereabouts.

For the Immortal Emperor Supreme, the supreme-level Dongyuan has a fatal attraction and can help him escape from the fate of being manipulated, but the same is true for Saint Luo.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor is a puppet who is supported, a Ming Zun, but Saint Luo is also not the Supreme, he is the Great Luo Wonderland.

There is someone else who is the real supreme being in the immortal world.

This was also the reason why he did not hesitate to fall out with the Immortal Emperor Supreme for Taiyi Dongyuan. If you don't get a supreme-level Dongyuan, you will never be able to get on the stage and become a real person in power.

The two chased into the darkness and searched everywhere. However, the vastness of the human world was unimaginable. They mobilized their spiritual consciousness, which expanded in all directions. Then their expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly took back their spiritual consciousness.

In just this short moment, most of their consciousness had been dissolved by the darkness of the human world.

We must find the monster that Xu Ying transformed into!

The two of them flew up one by one, looking around with lightning-like eyes.

Suddenly, Saint Luo thought of something, and immediately stopped, turned back, and thought to himself: This kid is very clever. Even if he turns into a monster, he is probably more thoughtful than others. He is probably looking for the ancestor god! Wait a minute, he Carrying Cuiyan to see the ancestor god...

Saint Luo was stunned: Isn't this a farewell to the ancestor god?

Xu Juanying held up Cuiyan with both hands and strode as fast as he could, with a gloomy expression on his face, if he still had any expression at all.

The two people just now, one is the sixth brother, the Immortal Emperor, probably saw my Taiyi Dongyuan and was waiting to cut my leeks. The other fat man with a big belly should be the sixth brother, and he was probably waiting to cut my leeks. . However, how can I let you get what you want?

He thought in his mind, The bright light of Cuiyan just now should be caused by the skyrocketing of heaven in the human world. Could it be that the ancestor god came to rescue me? The ancestor god is indeed very loyal, and he is worthy of being half of my teacher! With him here, he will definitely You can deal with Lao Liu and Fatty. I will go see him right away and give him a big gift. He will be extremely happy when he sees Cuiyan.

He has been honing his flawless golden body during this period. Even if he doesn't have much cultivation at the moment, his physical body still has the power to move mountains and fill seas, and he can pick up stars with his hands. But this piece of green rock was surprisingly heavy. He gradually felt that it was too much for him to carry the green rock over the mountains and ridges.

Can this thing be stored in the cave?

Thinking of this, he tried to stuff Cuiyan into the Yingzhou Cave Abyss.

Unexpectedly, as soon as a corner of Cuiyan entered the Yingzhou Cave Abyss, an extremely fierce cry came from the Yingzhou Cave Abyss, everything withered, and gray snow fell from the sky!

At this moment, even the avenue was turned into ashes!

Xu Juanying was startled and quickly pulled back to avoid destroying Yingzhou.

He thought about it and realized that it would not be safe to put it in the Taiyi Cave Abyss. Before he could stuff it in, he was afraid that the Goddess and the others would be wiped out in ashes.

Although Cuiyan is good, it is too evil to be placed anywhere.

In the Taiyi Cave Abyss, the Goddess and others were relieved when they saw that he did not put Cuiyan in.

Teacher, look! What is the Immortal Master planning to do? Yuan Tiangang said in surprise.

The goddess looked over hurriedly and saw Xu Juanying holding Cuiyan up with both hands and opening his mouth. The bones near the mouth made a clicking sound, making the mouth bigger.

After he transformed into a man, his body was several times bigger than before, like a little giant. Now his mouth is fully open, and he can probably eat several people in one bite.

The goddess's eyes widened and almost popped out.

I saw Xu Juanying stuffing Cuiyan into his mouth. The goddess and others were horrified to see it. After a while, Xu Juanying lifted Cuiyan again. He probably felt that it couldn't be stuffed into his stomach, so he had to give up.

The Immortal Master was influenced by Dao Cry, and has some of the thoughts of Shu.

The goddess guessed, So he acted according to Shuan's thinking pattern and thought it would be troublesome to bring Cuiyan with him, so he tried to eat Cuiyan.

The immortals were worried, and Han Zekang smiled heartlessly: If the Immortal Master thinks it is troublesome to take us, what will he do? He won't eat us, right? Hahahaha!

Master Fire Dragon smiled and said: If he had used the Heavenly Elephant Earth Magic, he should have been able to eat Cuiyan. Unfortunately, the Immortal Master turned into a slave and couldn't even use the Heavenly Elephant Earth Magic! Hahahaha!

Except for the master and apprentice, no one thought their joke was funny.

Because there’s a good chance they weren’t joking!

Xian Master Xu acts according to Shuan's thinking, so is he still the same Immortal Master Xu?

Fairy Gushe asked worriedly, Does he still retain his humanity?

At this time, a unique force surged out of the seemingly useless branch-like textures behind Xu Juanying, pouring into his body, doubling his strength.

Xu Juan held Cuiyan in his hand and felt his steps getting lighter and lighter, and his speed getting faster and faster.

Hey, the principles I learned from the green rock can actually be used!

Xu Juan was surprised. All kinds of information suddenly came to his mind, including the content contained in the old man's sermon, and the content he gained from his own understanding of Cuiyan. Many things suddenly became self-evident.

The branch-like texture is a kind of Dao structure that is different from Dao patterns and runes, which is called Li.

The so-called principles are rules.

The branch-like texture is the process of evolving the Tao through the use of theoretical structures, thereby achieving the Tao, becoming enlightened, and transcending.

The management structure is more sophisticated and advanced than the structure from Taoism to runes.

Those slaves wandering in the darkness also have branch-like textures on their bodies, which is the principle of green rock that they have comprehended over a long period of time.

It's just that their intelligence is not high enough and they are not smart enough to understand more.

What's more important is to use a theoretical framework to analyze the Tao. It requires the skills recorded on the green rock in the immortal world. All the monks in the human world have never seen that green rock in their lifetime and cannot learn it.

However, Xu Juanying possesses Taiyi Enlightenment, integrates with Taiyi Innate Kung Fu, activates the Kung Fu at all times, and understands the great road recorded in Cuiyan.

Suddenly, he noticed something was wrong and turned around suddenly, only to see a slave boy following him.

Xu Juan hurriedly speeded up, and the Juan also speeded up and followed closely.

Go away! Xu Juanying turned around and shouted.

The sound coming out of his mouth was not a human voice, but the sound of crying.

The slave stopped and followed after a moment.

Xu Juanying looked back and saw two more Juans behind him, as well as more than a dozen white skeletons. They also stepped out with their fleshless legs and feet, clattering to follow him.

Xu Juanying felt awe-struck in his heart, he held the green rock in both hands and ran wildly. The Juanmen and the skeletons also ran wildly in pursuit.

On the way, more and more slaves were alerted by them, and one by one they joined the large army chasing Xu Juanying. Even those slaves who owned their own territories were abandoning their territories at this moment.

The number of Juan and white skeletons behind Xu Juanying gradually increased to tens of thousands. The bodies of Huan and White Bone Skull were already much taller than ordinary people, and at this moment, they were even more chaotic and spectacular.

The Dragon Court Era is indeed a great era that far surpasses the Demon Court Era and the Ancient Era. It can be seen from the Juan and the Bone Skeleton following Xu Juanying that even the human world is full of masters!

Today, there are only a few dozen people in the realm of Tianjun in Xianting, and most of the Juan and the skeletons following Xu Juanying are Tianjun, just like herding animals!

Xu Juan was furious as he was being chased, and thought to himself: When I get to the Ancestral God later, I want you to look good! With one move from the Ancestral God, you will all be wiped out!

At this time, the Ancestral God was sitting in the Shiquan Dao Sect, maintaining the movement of Heavenly Dao, and using the power of Heavenly Dao in the human world to repair recurring old wounds, and said to Long Zhong: Old Long, I have reached a balance with that existence in the darkness of the human world, and we do not invade each other. Although Only one-third of the Heavenly realm of the human world will be restored, but it is much larger than the Earthly Immortal Realm. In the future, people from the Earthly Immortal Realm can immigrate here and open up new homes.

The big dragon said yes, showing hope, and said: When the human world was destroyed, our dragon clan was also destroyed. Now that the human world is revived, our dragon clan should also be revived.

Dazhong worriedly said: But you have forgotten A Ying! Where is A Ying now? Why hasn't he come back yet? Ancestor God, did you find A Ying just now?

Dalong was also worried and said: Nothing can happen to him! The last Ten Thousand Dragon Banners of our Dragon Clan are still on him!

The Ancestral God hesitated for a moment and said: There is no trace of him within the territory of my Heavenly Dao. But you don't have to worry. I will contact the existence in the darkness to see if I can find out the whereabouts of Xu Ying.

After saying that, he sat upright, mobilized the sense of heaven, and tried to sense Cuiyan.

Suddenly, his expression changed: That existence is approaching me quickly! It wants to fight me to the death!

The ancestor god's face was grim and murderous: You won't even spare one-third of my human world. You are bullying me too much! I want to see how much stronger you can be than me?

He stirred up all his cultivation, suddenly expanded the realm of heaven, and collided with the darkness!

This blow exploded, and Cuiyan immediately counterattacked. The ancestor god groaned, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the Dao injury that had just been suppressed recurred on its own.

Da Zhong and Da Long were extremely nervous, staring at the Ancestral God, fearing that something would happen to Him.

The Ancestral God reached out and grabbed the fishing line hanging from the sky, and said to Long Zhong: The enemy is very formidable. Let's preserve our useful bodies and avoid the sharp edge and return to the ancestral court before we make plans... Wait a minute, that existence Stop it!

The Ancestral God was greatly refreshed. He let go of the fishing line and said with a smile: Don't leave in a hurry. I guess this being is also aware of my strength and doesn't dare to fight me to the death.

Da Zhong and Da Long were relieved.

Ancestor God said: I will contact this existence. I hope he is an intelligent life and can understand my words.

Da Zhong said: It's about Ah Ying's life. Please lower your attitude and say something nice.

The Ancestral God shook his head and said: I am the face of the three realms, how can I be so humble? What's more, that existence in the darkness should be the culprit of the disaster in the human world! I can only argue with reason to make him give in, and it is absolutely impossible to make a gesture. Speak down and say nice things!”

Hearing this, Dazhong sighed: I'm just afraid it's over.

Xu Juan raised his head, Cuiyan suddenly erupted, burst into tears, and the truth on Cuiyan's surface soared to the sky, so bright that he was so shocked that all the Juan and the skeletons behind him kowtowed.

Xu Juanying was also surprised, put down the green rock, jumped on the green rock and looked at the textures carefully.

Suddenly, the consciousness of the ancestor god came and connected with him and Cuiyan. He spoke in a very polite tone, using the way of heaven as his language, and said: This Taoist brother has great supernatural powers. I admire you and would like to respect you as my brother. I have a disciple who is very naughty. , I accidentally stumbled into a treasure place, and I hope you can tell me your whereabouts. I would be very grateful and tearful.

Xu Juanying was stunned: In order to find me, the ancestor god came to Cuiyan in such a low voice...

He was inexplicably moved and opened his mouth to say: Ancestral God, it's me! I'm still alive!

But the sound coming out of his mouth was just a harsh cry. When the servants kneeling under the green rock saw him crying, they also opened their mouths and cried. For a while, the demonic sound penetrated their ears, making it extremely noisy.

Xu Juanying was stunned, with a sad expression, and sat down on the green rock, thinking: If I can never change back, then I will never go back...

Several chickens bravely climbed under the green rock, carefully stretched out their hands, and touched his feet, as if to comfort him.

Xu Juanying cheered up, stood up, and looked in the direction of the Ancestral God. After a moment, he jumped off the green rock, lifted the stone hull, and headed away from the realm of heaven.

He paused, looked back at the slaves and the skeletons, and let out a short cry.

Many servants were overjoyed and burst into short cries, leading a group of white skeletons to follow his footsteps and disappear into the darkness.

Not long after they left, Saint Luo also came here with his sleeves fluttering.

As expected, I've been here before!

Saint Luo chuckled and said, It seems that Taiyi Dongyuan is indeed destined for me!

He quickly chased in the direction Xu Juanying left, and was about to catch up with Xu Juanying and Juan's large army. Suddenly, he felt awe-inspiring and hurriedly stopped. He saw a figure standing in the darkness in front of him, it was the Supreme Immortal Emperor.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor turned his back to him and looked in the direction Xu Juanying was going, but did not pursue him. Instead, he allowed Xu Juanying to leave with Cuiyan and Taiyi Dongyuan.

Saint Luo chuckled and said, My nephew arrived earlier than me, why did you give up Taiyi Cave Abyss?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor did not turn around or look back. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he said leisurely: Uncle Luo, you don't understand how happy I feel at the moment.

Saint Luo was puzzled and said with a smile: Since my nephew has given up Taiyi Cave Abyss, I will go get it. My nephew won't stop me, right?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor put his hands behind his back and said leisurely: Uncle Luo, Xu Ying is my thunder pool, you'd better not cross even half a step.

Saint Luo is murderous.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor felt calm and happy in his heart. He arrived here before Saint Luo, and saw that Xu Ying still retained Xu Ying's humanity, and knew that Xu Ying did not die, but survived in the form of Juan.

The fruits that I have worked hard to cultivate for 600,000 years are still there, but they are still green and not yet mature.

He tried his best to suppress the great joy in his heart, so as not to affect his rational judgment, thinking, Before this, anyone who wants to pick my fruit is my enemy! Whoever touches my fruit will die!

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