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Chapter 544 The Five Gentlemen of Yuan Shou

The auspicious clouds in the middle palace were floating in the sky above the dragon abyss. Above the clouds in the middle palace, all the girls heard the screams of Yankong City and felt pity in their hearts: This young master died so tragically.

Zhou Tianzi's heart moved slightly and he said to Liu Ruyi: The one who screamed was Emei Zhangjiao Yankongcheng. Although this person's cultivation level is not high and he is not an immortal, but even if 99% of the immortals here are dead, he will not He will die. It must be safe in Longyuan, we can go in.

Liu Rujian couldn't help but be shocked when he saw that groups of immortals had died in the Dragon Abyss just now, and that half of the immortal masters who came here had died in a short period of time.

Senior brother, if there is still danger here... She couldn't help but hesitate.

Zhou Tianzi said calmly: In order to unify Yuanshou, I have conducted research on all the people in Yuanshou world who are qualified to threaten me, and come up with countermeasures against them. My guess is absolutely correct.

Liu Ruyi had no choice but to activate the fairy clouds and drive Zhonggong into one of the dragon abyss, which was the abyss crack that Yankong City entered just now.

Emperor Zhou stood in front of the middle palace and looked around. He saw dragon-shaped monsters of blood and bones crawling and climbing on the two walls of the dragon abyss. They were extremely fast and elusive. They should be where the immortals who entered the dragon abyss just died. change.

These dragon-shaped monsters have human heads, and their blood bones are composed of human vertebrae, without skin and internal organs.

They were struck by the evil energy leaking out of the Dragon Court. The evil energy contained the vitality of the Dragon Clan, also called Dragon Yuan, as well as the resentment and evil thoughts of the Dragon Clan. So much so that the slightest contact would dissipate the consciousness of these people and turn them into flesh and blood.

These blood-bone monster dragons are very powerful and extremely vicious, but the girls around Emperor Zhou are so strong that the blood-bone monster dragon is no match for them.

There are also thick blood vessels crawling on both sides of the dragon's abyss, winding and climbing, splitting into smaller blood vessels. In some places, there are huge dragon scales, two or three people tall, dripping with blood, and it is unknown where the blood comes from.

The ominous atmosphere here is still very strong, and the space is filled with a soul-stirring breath of death, decay, and apoptosis.

Yankong City was also not far away. When he saw them, he was shocked and whispered: Old and cunning.

I don't know if I'm talking about Emperor Zhou, or the fairies with thin clothes. Their shoulders are really slippery and they can't hang their clothes.

Chen Chaosheng's eyes fell on Liu Ruyi and he raised his eyebrows: Jiugong Dao Lord is also here to join in the fun.

When Liu Rujian saw that Yan Kongcheng and Chen Chaosheng were safe and sound, he couldn't help but admire Emperor Zhou and thought to himself: This senior brother Ji is not without merit.

Her eyes fell on Chen Chaosheng, and her heart suddenly thought: Senior Brother Chen, who is a disciple of Saint Luo, is also here. But the person he chose is not good, he is just a Qi Refiner.

Suddenly, another person entered Longyuan. Emperor Zhou looked at the person and his heart moved: Xianyang Dufu!

The person who came was none other than Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng, and beside him was a burly man with bulging muscles, as strong as a knife or an axe, looking extremely majestic.

The ferocious aura of that burly man was actually heavier than the ominous aura in the Dragon Abyss. He even actively absorbed the dragon aura in the air and refined it into his body!

Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng also noticed Zhou Emperor Ji Man, his eyes showed surprise, but he did not come closer and whispered: Haojing Zombie!

The two are old enemies, both are single men, and they both wanted to get rid of the other to dominate Yuan Shou. The emperor of Zhou overcame the tribulation first, and the ancestral dragon went through the tribulation later. However, the emperor of Zhou stayed in Yuanshou, while the ancestral dragon went to heaven alone, and they parted ways.

Chen Chaosheng asked Wei Xu: Fellow Daoist Wei, is there still a possibility of cooperation?

Wei Xu bowed to him and said, Thank you for the rescue.

Chen Chaosheng frowned slightly, Wei Xu was a fierce god, when had he ever been so polite? He and others saved his life, and he ate whatever he wanted after he got out of trouble. The so-called kindness had nothing to do with him.

The teacher said that the person who rescued him was the Immortal Emperor Supreme. Now it seems that he is right.

Chen Chaosheng thought to himself, He became polite, which means he told me that he can't help himself now and has to go against his nature. He has been controlled by the Supreme Immortal Emperor.

He sighed secretly, Saint Luo worked hard to rescue Wei Xu, but in the end he took advantage of the Immortal Emperor. I have to say that the methods of the Immortal Emperor Supreme are still more clever.

Suddenly, another person walked into Longyuan, but he was a giant. He was much taller than Wei Xu, but he was well-dressed, as if he was a scholar.

Master Niwan Palace! Zulong and Zhou Tianzi were both shocked.

The master of Niwan Palace harvested the world and captured all the fishermen and leeks accumulated in the Yuanshou world for more than 40,000 years. He became the biggest winner. He rose through the tribulations and sneaked into the fairy world. He was the most unparalleled murderer in the Yuanshou world. More brutal than any of them!

The master of Niwan Palace also noticed them, and his heart moved slightly, without making a sound, he nodded slightly to them.

At this time, Xu Ying's voice came from above and said with a smile: Why is it such a coincidence that I can meet you at the same time today?

The four of them were shocked when they saw Xu Ying coming to Longyuan alone. Emperor Zhou, Zulong and the master of Niwan Palace were silent and said nothing.

However, Yan Kongcheng was inexplicably excited and waved to him: Brother Xu! This way!

Chen Chaosheng hurriedly hid behind Yankong City, crying secretly in his heart: This guy saw me, and he still doesn't know how to arrange me!

Xu Ying glanced around and landed on everyone, his eyes flashed, and he was a little surprised. The gathering of these people together was something he never expected.

Wei Xu glanced at Xu Ying, his eyes gleaming fiercely, but he didn't make a move.

Xu Ying nodded to him gently, but surprisingly did not provoke him. He thought to himself: When Wei Xu first came out of the Immortal Tomb, his cultivation strength only recovered about 10%. Now he should have recovered to 40% or 50%, right?

When Wei Xu's cultivation level is restored to 20%, he can break his flawless golden body. The flawless golden body will never be able to neutralize his violent power.

Wei Xu recovered 30% of his cultivation level, and everyone present moved the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler at the same time. I'm afraid none of them could hurt him at all!

He recovered 40%. If he wanted to kill someone, no one among the people present would be able to escape!

If he returns to his peak state, I am afraid that only the Emperor and Tianzun who have taken Ginseng Dao Fruit will be able to match him. Dong Wang may be slightly inferior. As for Yuan Jun, Xu Ying judged that even if Yuan Jun took Ginseng Dao Fruit, he would definitely not be a match for Wei Xu. .

It's rare for us, the Five Gentlemen of Mogasuri, to meet here.

Xu Ying said politely, Four comrades, would you like to find an opportunity to get together?

That's exactly what I meant. Xing Daoyuan, the owner of Niwan Palace, said softly with his eyes flashing.

Yan Kongcheng smiled and said: The five gentlemen of Yuanshou haven't gotten together for a long time. We really should take the time to communicate.

Take time.

Zhou Tianzi looked indifferent and said rather coldly, But I'm not free right now.

Zulong Zhao Zheng was even colder and said: I can't get away now.

Xu Ying smiled slightly, didn't take it seriously, and said, Then we'll meet again when we have time.

They looked at each other and walked towards Longting, not too far or too close.

Yan Kongcheng tried his best to get closer to Xu Ying. Chen Chaosheng hurriedly grabbed him and shouted in a low voice: You don't want your life? The man named Xu has a dark heart and dirty hands. He kills without calculation. He is the number one person on the most wanted list in the immortal world, and his name is almost immortal. Come on! If you get close to him, be careful he will beat you to death! He kills without blinking an eye!

Yan Kongcheng said: We are the five gentlemen of Yuanshou, Brother Xu will not harm me.

Chen Chaosheng said: He has countless enemies. Anyone who can be named in the immortal world has a grudge against him. If you are seen getting close to him, it will be difficult for these people to kill him, but it will be easy to kill you. .”

Only then did Yankong City give up.

They passed through the extremely deep Dragon Abyss and finally arrived at the Dragon Court. There was a huge mountain in front of them, blocking their view.

Everyone flew upwards. This mountain was extremely high, and there were many shadows in the mountains. Within the shadows were valleys, where extremely strong ferocious aura and dragon energy precipitated. They hurriedly stayed away to avoid being hurt by these ferocious dragon auras.

The ferocious energy in these valleys is a hundred times more ferocious than when the Great Rift Valley appeared just now. Anyone who comes even slightly close may encounter something unexpected.

The immortals who entered other dragon abyss did not appear nearby. It seems that different dragon abyss entered the dragon court at different locations.

After a while, everyone came to the top of the mountain and saw two tall and graceful peaks rising from the ground, thousands of feet high.

The mountain peak took on a cylindrical shape, but when it reached the top, it began to bifurcate, like a dragon's horns.

When Xu Ying, Zhou Tianzi and others saw this, their hearts suddenly thought: The shape of this mountain...

They flew higher and higher in unison, and when they looked down, the veins of the mountain appeared in front of them. I saw that behind the top of this mountain was a series of mountains, undulating and uncertain in height. There are also branches of the mountain, and at the end it divides into five mountains that hold onto the ground.

Some parts of this mountain range collapsed due to the collision between the Longxing and Yuanshou realms, revealing the white internal structure, which looked like the bones of a divine dragon!

Everyone looked into the distance and saw similar mountains all over the vast world!

This is a dragon master who fled in a panic when faced with a catastrophe. He died of exhaustion when he fled here!

Wei Xu had a fierce look on his face, and suddenly the Great Soul appeared behind him. He reached down to grab it and shouted, This peerless fierce energy is also a precious energy, and it can be used by me!

Just hearing the rumbling explosions, Wei Xu Yuanshen grabbed the dragon's head and lifted the mountain that was thousands of miles long!

He shook hard, and saw the mountains collapse one after another, and countless boulders shattered and fell from the sky with a sound that was earth-shattering. When the rocks completely disintegrated, an extremely huge dragon skeleton was revealed, covered with silver light, and it looked divine at first sight.

This is not a dragon vein, but a real divine dragon skeleton.

Wei Xu's brute strength was unparalleled, and he actually planned to suck up the remaining power in the dragon's bones!

This was the first time for everyone to see such a fierce existence, and they couldn't help but feel shocked.

The dragon skeleton suddenly moved and changed, swish, swish, wrapped around the arm of Wei Xu Yuan Shen, opened its mouth of blood and swallowed Wei Xu Yuan Shen, trying to bite him back!

At the moment when one person and one skeleton were fighting, suddenly there were mountains in the distance that were disturbed by the people who entered the Dragon Court. The mountains rose from the ground, shook off the rocks on their bodies, and killed the people who entered the Dragon Court!

Wei Xu's guess is wrong.

The voice from Yankong City came, saying, This dragon is not trying to escape from the Dragon Court, but is responsible for guarding the Dragon Court. They should be the soldiers who were ordered to guard the gate of the Dragon Court before the Dragon Court was destroyed!

As he spoke, more dragon veins and mountains were seen exploding, and the skeletons of thousands of miles of divine dragons were killing the intruders, causing many casualties.

Wei Xu fought with the divine dragon skeleton and gained the upper hand in a few moves. At this moment, another mountain range exploded, and another divine dragon skeleton flew out from it and rushed towards Wei Xu!

Wei Xu's strength was extremely high. He could still gain the upper hand against two dragon skeletons alone, but it was difficult to refine the two skeletons in a short period of time.

Suddenly, a third divine dragon skeleton flew over. Liu Ruyi's face changed slightly, and she immediately led the girls in the middle palace to fly up and said: Senior Brother Zhou, wait a moment! I'll come when the sisters go! The ones under Luo Sheng's sect Senior Brother Chen, why don’t you come over and help?”

Her strength is extremely good, and the many fairies under her are also extremely powerful, but they cannot deal with the dragon skeleton. However, if Chen Chaosheng is added to her, it will be much easier.

Chen Chaosheng immediately rushed towards the dragon skeleton and said in a deep voice: Headmaster Yan, please be patient. I will help the senior sister under Daojun Jiugong's sect first!

Upon seeing this, Yan Kongcheng immediately flew away towards Xu Ying.

At the same time, Emperor Zhou flew up from the middle palace and landed next to Xu Ying. Zulong Zhao Zheng also walked quickly towards this side. The master of Niwan Palace had already arrived in front of Xu Ying. Seeing that everyone was about to speak, he raised his finger to his lips and made a gesture of silence.

No one said a word.

The master of Niwan Palace took out a branch from the dojo, bowed and said: Master, if this disciple is in danger, please help me! Sacrifice——

With a roar, he saw the branches of the Dao tree flying, becoming more and more powerful, and met the dragon skeleton that was fighting with Chen Chaosheng, Liu Ruyi and others.

Zulong looked as usual and said: There needs to be a dojo and a treasure to suppress, otherwise there will be no place to talk.

I have.

Xu Ying came out of the Daluo Dojo, sealed the surrounding time and space, and then sacrificed the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler in the dojo, saying, Four friends, those who have magic weapons given by the masters on their bodies should be placed in the dojo and cannot be brought in!

Upon hearing this, Yan Kongcheng quickly took out all the protective magic weapons that he had extorted and threw them into Xu Ying's dojo.

Xu Ying urged the mountain and water ruler to reach the sky, but he saw a rectangular light in the pool shining on everyone and sucking them into the ruler!

When they landed, they saw that they had reached the mountains and rivers in the pool, and a Taiyi Golden Bridge spanned the mountains. Everyone landed on the golden bridge, and Xu Ying said: This golden bridge has magical powers. It has these three layers of protection to protect our words from being known to outsiders.

Everyone looked at each other, each horrified.

The master of Niwan Palace was the first to speak, saying: Everyone, I might have been tricked not long after I sneaked into the immortal world. I mistakenly entered an immortal cave and obtained a skill called the Tao Zhuan Heart Sutra. Not long ago, I The master found me and called himself Taiyuan Taoist, and he wanted to be my master.

Xu Ying glanced at him and sneered: This is exactly how you harvest Zhou Qiyun.

The master of Niwan Palace said: Now if someone wants to use this method to harvest me, I will naturally see through it at a glance.

Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zhengdao: My experience is similar to that of fellow Taoist Xing. I ascended to the Immortal Realm from the Heavenly Road. After arriving in the Immortal Realm, I was taken to the Immortal Court and accepted as a disciple by His Majesty the Immortal Emperor.

Zhou Tianzi said: Just two days ago, the Taoist Lord of the Nine Palaces sent these fairies who are as beautiful as flowers and jade, and they are all kinds of temptations. I guess I am also in the game.

Yankong Cheng said: Me too. The poor live in the busy city and no one cares about it. The rich have distant relatives in the mountains. Emei is a poor relative, but today he was found by Luo Shengren, who is above the nine heavens, and sent people to establish relations. But I don't think Chen Chaosheng is too good at it. bad.

After the four of them finished speaking, they all looked at Xu Ying.

Xu Ying sighed and said: The time when I became a leek may have been earlier than the four of you. Six hundred thousand years ago, someone had already calculated to this day and was preparing to harvest me.

————Happy New Year’s Eve! ! ! It’s New Year’s Eve, bid farewell to the bad luck of the past year, brothers, don’t forget to set off some fireworks! ! !

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