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Chapter 545 The King of Leeks (Happy New Year! Happy New Year to everyone!)

In the Ruyi Daluo Dojo, among the protective magic weapons that Yankong City just dropped, suddenly a fish-shaped magic weapon flew up quietly, like a fish demon, growing sharp claws, shaking its head and tail, and flew silently towards the mountains and rivers.

Just when this treasure made some moves, a big flower burst out in the dojo, opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the magic weapon whole!

The big flower ate the magic weapon, stood up from the ground, tiptoed, and sneakily came to the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler. As if it had ears, it quietly stuck to the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler.

The other magical weapons dropped by Yankong City suddenly flew up, ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong, and started fighting around the strange flower.

The strange flower is not afraid at all, its branches are flying, and sometimes its head is as big as a mountain, swallowing those magic weapons, it is really scary!

Outside the dojo, from the middle palace where Emperor Zhou was riding, a group of fairy insects suddenly flew out and entered the Daluo dojo one after another.

These fairy insects were actually quite powerful, flying into the dojo one by one and withstanding the crushing force of Ruyi Daluo Dojo as promised.

However, Daluo Dojo is not only a dojo, but also has ten sights of Luotian.

The fairy insect rushed forward quickly, but was crushed to pieces in the next moment. But the strange thing is that when those fairy insects are broken, they continue to divide themselves, form new fairy insects, and continue to rush towards the mountains and rivers.

Soon, the fairy insects came to the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler. One by one, the fairy insects were lying on the Zhangtian Ruler, seeming to be listening to what was going on inside.

Upon seeing this, the Tianhe Strange Flower and the magic weapons stopped immediately, seeming to have reached some kind of agreement. They each came to the Zhangtian Ruler, lying on the ruler one after another, listening to the sounds inside.

It's just that Xu Ying activated the Taiyi Shenqiao in the Zhangtian Ruler. Everyone stood on the bridge. Not to mention that the Tianhe Monster Flower was attached to the ruler and couldn't hear. Even if they entered the ruler, they couldn't hear the voices of Xu Ying and others.

That day, the river monster flower, a group of magic weapons and fairy insects realized that they could not hear the movement inside, and each gave up, but the magic weapons still returned to their original places.

Those fairy insects suddenly burrowed into the buds of the Tianhe strange flower, gnawing at it quickly, trying to take over the strange flower and turn it into their own eyes.

The Tianhe strange flower immediately resisted, its buds opened and turned into a big mouth, and tentacle-like stamens flew out from the mouth, hunting fairy insects everywhere.

There are also many vines growing wildly on its body, which is terrifying.

The fairy insects continue to divide and multiply, and their numbers are increasing. These fairy insects are not ordinary fairy insects, but like the mother insects of Xu Ying's family, they are also immortal creatures constructed from immortal runes.

Its essence is a unique self-reproducing rune structure.

After taking a few bites of the Tianhe Monster Flower, he realized that he couldn't finish it. He couldn't help but get angry, and suddenly activated a strange magical power. The space where those fairy insects were suddenly annihilated, and all the fairy insects disappeared!

Tianhe Monster Huahun didn't care, and retracted the tentacle stamens flying all over the sky. The Daluo Dojo that was destroyed by it just now was restored to its original state in the blink of an eye.

But this scene was clearly seen by the big clock hidden in the flames of the void in the ninth scene.

These days, the Tianhe Strange Flower is getting more and more lazy to pretend, and now even Luo Tian's Annihilation Dafa is too lazy to hide it. Does he think that he can defeat A Ying by relying on this flower as a flesh body? Dazhong thought to himself.

It did not dare to leave the Flame of the Void. If it did, this strange flower of the Milky Way would kill Zhong Zhong and eat him together.

In the Zhangtian Ruler, on the Golden Bridge, Xu Ying roughly told the story of how he was plotted by the Immortal Emperor, but he hid a lot of important information.

After all, he cannot fully trust Xing Daoyuan, Zu Long, Zhou Tianzi and others. If he tells everything he knows, if he is betrayed by them, he will die without a burial place.

After everyone heard this, they also understood their respective situations.

Previously, they were not sure whether they were leeks, but after hearing Xu Ying's experience, they were sure that they were also leeks that were growing vigorously.

Brother Xu, from what you said, it seems that you are about to be harvested.

Yan Kongcheng analyzed, Master Nuo will be a Nuo Immortal after he has cultivated to the ninth level of heaven. Your cave abyss should have reached the ninth level of heaven soon, right? When you break through the ninth level of heaven, I'm afraid it's time to harvest you.

Xu Ying's eyes twitched wildly.

Yankong City refers to the cultivation realm of Nuo masters, which corresponds to the cultivation realm of Qi Refiners. Nuo masters practice cave heaven and have nine realms of cave heaven. These nine realms correspond to the nine realms of Qi practitioners from gathering Qi to ascension.

Xu Ying's practice of Taiyi Cave Abyss is essentially an extension of the Cave Heaven. Xu Ying's cultivation to the ascension stage means that his Taiyi Cave Abyss has also reached the ninth level and is bound to be extremely close to the real world!

When Xu Ying cultivates into an immortal and breaks through the ninth level of the cave, he may be able to completely summon the Taiyi Cave Abyss!

Yan Kongcheng used an analogy to compare Dongtian with Dongtian, but he could still deduce the truth, but he didn't know who the person who reaped the promise was, nor did he know that it was Taiyi Dongyuan that Xuying summoned.

During this period of time, Xu Ying was either being beaten or beaten, or was on the road to being beaten and beaten. He was so diligent in his cultivation that he could overcome the tribulation and ascend at any time. As long as he transcends the tribulation and ascends, Taiyi Cave Abyss can be summoned to the present world by him!

He used Yingzhou Cave Abyss to cover up Tai Yi Cave Abyss, but in recent times, his cultivation has improved, Tai Yi Cave Abyss is getting closer and closer to the present world, and Yingzhou can hardly cover up the aura of Tai Yi Cave Abyss!

If Taiyi Dongyuan is summoned, Yingzhou will also be burst!

——The Supreme Level Cave Abyss is not the same as the Immortal Lord Tianjun Level Cave Abyss!

The owner of Niwan Palace is also a great expert in Nuo method. He nodded and said: The Immortal Immortal will be harvested before us. Being harvested is not worth worrying about. What is worrying is how to save one's life by being harvested.

The five people looked solemn and nodded one after another.

With their current strength, they have no ability to resist the Reapers. Since they are unable to resist, saving lives has become the first priority.

Xu Ying was filled with emotions. No one had called him the Immortal Immortal for a long time. Now that he heard this title, he felt as if he had returned to the world of Yuanshou.

If the Immortal Immortal can survive this harvest, then we may also survive.

Emperor Zhou said, If he doesn't survive, we will never survive.

Everyone nodded silently.

Xu Ying's current strength is worthy of being the first among the five gentlemen of Yuanshou. Moreover, Xu Ying has many treasures and many means of self-protection.

If he doesn't survive, others will have little hope when facing the harvest.

Xu Ying hesitated and said: The person who harvested me is Zulong's master, the current Supreme Immortal Emperor.

As soon as he said this, everyone fell silent.

The Immortal Emperor Supreme is the only being in the Supreme Realm on the surface of the Immortal World. No one else can achieve the Supreme Realm. They have to go to the Daluo Golden Immortal and Daluo Wonderful Realm in ancient times. He is the only one to achieve this unique state.

His combat power is the best in the immortal world!

It's better to disperse.

Yan Kongcheng patted Xu Ying on the shoulder, From now on, you should eat and drink, and don't wrong yourself. After all, time is running out.

He sighed, fearing that his time would be spent on his fingers.

Xu Ying said: There should be another Great Luo Jinxian who is plotting against me, which is the Tianhe Immortal in my dojo. He was an Evil Gold Immortal from the ancient times during his lifetime. Besides him, there may be another Supreme Being who is secretly plotting against me. This person is probably the owner of the Jade Plate of Guidao.

He hesitated for a moment and said pitifully: The master of the supreme magic weapon that we are in now may not be dead. It seems that I was able to obtain this treasure because of someone else's scheme...

As soon as these words came out, Zulong, Emperor Zhou and the master of Niwan Palace all looked strange.

Brother Xu, this land of yours is ownerless land, right?

Yan Kongcheng couldn't help but said, Everyone wants to grow some leeks, and everyone wants to cut you.

Xu Ying was a little embarrassed: Maybe it's because I'm too good.

Everyone actually felt jealous and unhappy. They were reaped by one such being, and Xu Ying was harvested by four such beings. This shows that these people value Xu Ying more.

Xing Daoyuan, the owner of Niwan Palace, sighed and said: You will be harvested several times...wait a minute, the life force is here!

The giant's eyes were bright, and he laughed loudly while stroking his palms: The vitality of the Immortal Immortal lies in the fact that he can only be harvested once! After the Immortal Emperor harvested him, he was cut to death, and the other two Supreme Beings and a Daluo could not be harvested.

Zu Long said: So, those two Supremes and the Great Luo will definitely not allow the Immortal Emperor to successfully harvest, and will definitely obstruct it!

Zhou Tianzi said: If other supreme beings harvest, the Immortal Emperor and others will not just sit idly by and ignore it, they will definitely reach out to help!

Yan Kongcheng said: So the time has come for Brother Xu to rise.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up, he stood on the bridge, bowed to the four people and thanked them, saying: Thank you all fellow Taoists for your guidance! Otherwise, I would still be in a maze and not know how to survive.

The four people quickly returned the gift and said: If you have a chance of survival, then we also have a chance of survival. In the future, we will still need the immortal immortal (Brother Xu) to rescue us.

Zu Long said: Our plan now is to seize this opportunity to rise to prominence and improve ourselves as much as possible.

Zhou Tianzi grasped the railing of the Golden Bridge and looked into the distance with a deep gaze, saying: The trap left by the Great Luo Immortal above the nine heavens will be so deep that we cannot detect it. How do we know the skills we practice? The elixir he swallowed and the beauty around him are not traps for them, they are a problem.”

The master of Niwan Palace crossed his hands on his chest, stood upright, and said calmly: This is going to test our wisdom. I think my wisdom is not inferior to anyone else.

Zulong said calmly: Me too.

Emperor Zhou said with a half-smile, I may not be as smart as you, but my capable ministers and good generals are a hundred times better than you!

Yan Kongcheng thought for a while and said, I, Emei, am not weaker than others.

But after saying these words, I felt that my momentum was not that strong.

Xu Ying laughed loudly and said loudly: The old guys occupy high positions, control resources, and have the illusion of eternal change. They swallow up the talents, efforts, and even the body and soul of later generations. Then, we young people must have a chance to fight with them. , let’s see if they get stronger with age, or if we are still young and promising!”

Zu Long and Zhou Tianzi always felt that there was something in his words, as if he was scolding themselves.

By the way, there's one more thing.

Xu Ying looked at Zulong and said with a smile, Is the Abbot Immortal Mountain that Xu Fu gave you still there? I will exchange it for you with a magic weapon. How about a treasure of the Immortal King?

Zulong's eyes lit up: It turned out to be him who the Immortal Emperor said was taken advantage of!

Outside the Ruyi Daluo Dojo, Wei Xu was fierce and ferocious, with his fists and feet flying, he blasted the head of a divine dragon's skeleton open, and then roared, shattering the remaining will in the divine dragon's bones!

The others, Liu Ruyi, Chen Chaosheng and the fairies were so shocked by his roar that their eyes, ears, mouth and nose bleeded, and they fought desperately.

Fortunately, after Wei Xu shattered the will of the divine dragon skeleton with his roar, he rode on the back of another divine dragon and knocked the divine dragon skeleton from the sky to the ground and hammered it into the ground.

He lifted up the bones of the two dragons, activated his skills, and forcibly absorbed the remaining power from the bones of the two divine dragons. Later, the dragon's bones scattered and floated in the air, flying around him. The fierce and dragon energy poured out of the bones and fell into Wei Xu's body.

Suddenly, all the bones exploded and turned into powder, and all the energy contained in them was swallowed up by Wei Xu.

As expected of the most ferocious existence at the beginning of the establishment of the Immortal Realm! Chen Chaosheng and others were horrified to see it.

Wei Xu swallowed the remaining essence of the two dragon bones, suddenly flashed in front of them, reached out and grabbed the bones of the dragon that was fighting them, and pinched the neck bones.

The dragon skeleton's combat power was astonishing. Its sharp claws stretched out from its jointed body and clasped tightly at Wei Xu's muscles. The claws dug deeply into his flesh and blood and coiled around him for several weeks.

However, the resistance was in vain. Before long, Wei Xu absorbed all the essence of the dragon bone and completely shattered it.

Wei Xu clenched his palm heavily, and the dragon's neck bone in his palm exploded. His cultivation strength skyrocketed, and his aura became stronger and stronger. It was extremely terrifying. Standing in front of Chen Chaosheng and others, he looked like a vortex of wildly rotating dark clouds. !

Wei Xu swallowed the three dragons, his eyes gleaming fiercely, and his eyes fell on Liu Ruyi and other beautiful and graceful women.

There was no male or female desire in his eyes. Looking at these fairies was no different from looking at a pile of bones. He just wanted to devour them and use them to restore his cultivation.

Liu Ruyi was shocked and hurriedly protected the girls, saying: We are the disciples of Jiugong Taoist Lord, and we want to meet Wei Tianzun! Jiugong Taoist Lord admires Wei Tianzun very much. When he mentioned your Excellency, he also said that Wei Tian respects love and justice. , is a rare hero!

At that time, Wei Xu was responsible for the crusade against the remnants of the ancestral court, and was named Tianzun, ranking above Pingnan Tianjun.

When Wei Xu heard her mentioning the past, the fierceness in his eyes subsided slightly. At this moment, Xu Ying and others walked out of Daluo Dojo. The fierceness in Wei Xu's eyes dissipated and he said to Zulong: Master Nephew, let's go.

Zulong Zhao Zheng came to his side, looked back at Xu Ying and others, and left with him.

Xu Ying's face was as dark as water, and his expression was not good-looking. Just now, Zulongshizi opened his mouth and used a small abbot fairy mountain to blackmail many of his treasures.

All the treasures he had robbed after running around, robbing all the worlds, were all blackmailed by Zulong!

This stone the size of an abbot cost half of his wealth!

I need to work harder to earn back in Longting. But fortunately, Abbot Immortal Mountain is finally in hand! Yingzhou Dongyuan, which can cultivate the realm of Tianjun, can finally return to its original state!

————New Year Chapter 1 I wish everyone a Happy New Year, good luck in the Year of the Rabbit, good luck, make big money, and stay away from 2022! ! Zhai Zhu wishes everyone a happy New Year! ! !

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