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Chapter 543 Mature and Steady

When Emperor Zhou heard this, his heart skipped a beat. He followed the sound and saw that there was a battle going on outside. One of the two fighting parties was his old acquaintance Xu Ying, and the other was four powerful men from the immortal world. Their cultivation levels were unfathomable!

Those four people were besieging Xu Ying and fighting each other. The scene was extremely dangerous!

The immortal who died just now should be one of them, but the death of such a powerful being at the hands of Xu Ying made Emperor Zhou frightened: We haven't seen him for just a few years, but he has already become so tyrannical?

Liu Ruyi raised her head and looked up and said: They are the five elders of Taiming Palace. Although these five immortal monarchs are scattered people, their strength is very important. They used to teach the prince how to read, but later they lost power and were demoted.

Emperor Zhou raised his head to watch the battle, and saw that the four old men had extremely exquisite magical powers and ghostly movements. They even sacrificed the Tao tree, causing the sky to collapse, invading the sky and sea, and setting off waves of tsunamis.

However, Xu Ying was faster. He didn't dodge the magical powers of the four of them and even the Tao tree. He rushed over and knocked down three of the four elders in a few ups and downs!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining old immortal king immediately ran away from the light and disappeared.

Emperor Zhou was dazzled by what he saw and couldn't calm down for a long time. Everyone was from the Yuanshou world, but after not seeing each other for a few years, Xu Ying had already become so powerful. How could he be willing?

Liu Ruyi saw it in her eyes and said with a smile: Senior brother, don't worry. Dao Lord knows that senior brother's cultivation level is not high, so he ordered me to bring the Tianjun level cave abyss, called Yuanzhou. There is also Dao Lord's technique, Jiugong The Tongsheng Xuan Gong and a bottle of Nine Palaces Tongsheng Pill were refined by Taojun personally collecting elixirs, which can help our senior brother improve his cultivation.

She took out the Yuanzhou Cave Abyss and presented the Nine Palaces Tongsheng Xuan Gong and the Nine Palaces Tongsheng Xuan Gong. She smiled and said: Senior Brother has the Yuanzhou Cave Abyss, and the Jiugongs Tongsheng Xuan Gong, which is better than Xu Ying. I don't know how many times. .”

Emperor Zhou accepted these treasures and felt that he had spent this day extremely happily, but also in a hazy state, as if he was in a dream.

On the other side, Chen Chaosheng, a disciple of Saint Luo, came to Mount Emei in the Yuanshou world to see the headmaster of Emei, Yan Kongcheng, and said, The ancestor of Emei was once a disciple of Saint Luo and also my senior brother.

Yankong City hurriedly paid homage to the Patriarch.

Chen Chaosheng helped him stand up and said with a smile: No need to be polite. I am here today for Longting. Now Longting is about to be born, this place is extraordinary, and you need to have the corresponding luck to get the treasures of Longting. I am not Yuan The people in the hunting world have no chance to seize the treasure, so they come to look for you.

Yan Kongcheng said: Ancestor, is it dangerous? The danger will not go away.

Chen Chaosheng smiled and said: Of course it is a little dangerous...

Then don't go.

Chen Chaosheng was angry: There are countless treasures in the Dragon Court. If you get any one of them, you will be able to rise to great heights, and it will be easy to overcome the tribulation and ascend to the throne!

Yan Kongcheng said: What's the use of overcoming the tribulation and ascending? I can sneak into the immortal world now. I smuggled across some time ago and went to see the immortals who ascended before Emei. The ancestors of the past generations did not do well in the immortal world. Watch their words and deeds. With their low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, the status of a good immortal is not as good as that of a dog. I thought that what this immortal was doing was boring, and I would be happier as the headmaster of Emei in the mortal world than they were.

Chen Chaosheng was speechless, and said with a smile: They don't have status, but you do. You accompany me to get a few treasures, and I will help you introduce Sage Luo. If you become a disciple of the saint, are you afraid that you will not have status?

Yan Kongcheng was very moved when he heard the words and said: Grandmaster, do you have any golden amulets or life-saving magic weapons given by the saints? My cultivation level is low and it's useless for you to ask for them, so give them all to me.

Chen Chao was angry and angry, but Saint Luo was worried about his life and did give him a life-saving treasure.

Chen Chaosheng took out several magic weapons and gave them to him. Yankong City was relieved and said, Master, I will go with you, but you have to be in front of me.

Chen Chaosheng had no choice but to let him protect him in front of him, and the two of them flew towards the sky.

Whoever teaches Emei today is too cautious. He thought to himself.

Little did he know that there were fishermen and leeks cutters everywhere in Yuanshou. One of the ancestors who once guarded the roads of Yankong City was a fisherman who caused countless harm to people, but was extremely cautious.

Yankong City also gradually developed the same cautious habit.

Yankong City followed him to the Tianhai, and saw the rays of light surging like a tide, becoming more and more spectacular. It was the Longxing Great World approaching.

Although Longxing World merges many worlds into one big world, which is far larger than Yuanshou World, Longting is not in Longxing World, but is hidden in the sky and sea of ​​Yuanshou.

Chen Chaosheng whispered, The world of Yuanshou is extremely important. During the Yao Clan Immortal Court period, the Yao Clan attached great importance to this place. They set up a sun guard on the sun and sent the Imperial Clan to suppress this place. Only the natives of Yuanshou could collect dragons. People in the Longxing World do not have this luck for the treasures of the Court. Many powerful people in the Immortal World do not know the reason, so they go to the Longxing World to find people and cooperate with them to enter the Dragon Court. They cannot get any treasures. of.

Yan Kongcheng observed the surroundings vigilantly and said, Doesn't that mean that people in the Yuanshou world will be in danger at any time?

Chen Chaosheng was furious when he saw that he was like a frightened bird, ready to escape at any moment, and shouted: You are from the lineage of Saint Luo, how come you are so worthless? As long as I am here, who dares to touch you?

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a surprised voice coming from the glow of the sky: He is Xu Ying! Don't let Xu Ying go!

Then came another panicked cry: Old Demon Xu is powerful, everyone, be careful!

Before these words were finished, the surging glow surged, and an immortal fell out of the glow. Xu Ying came out of the glow, fierce and fierce, and fought with those powerful men from the immortal world on the sea!

Chen Chaosheng's expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly protected Yankong City in front of him, not daring to face Xu Ying.

Seeing this, Yan Kongcheng knew that he had been beaten by Xu Ying before, and said, Don't worry, Patriarch, Xu Ying won't dare to touch you even if I'm here.

Chen Chaosheng became angry and said, I'm not afraid of him, but I don't want to cause trouble.

As he spoke, Xu Ying killed the immortals and scattered them everywhere. Suddenly, a prison van roared toward him from the sky, emitting five colors of mysterious light. The door of the prison van opened wide, and the five colors of light shone down. Xu Ying turned around and appeared in the prison van.

Doube Xu Tianzun, no matter what, you still can't defeat me in the Five Heavenly Prisons!

One person laughed loudly and put away the prison cart. Chen Chaosheng looked up and saw that the man was dressed in luxurious clothes and had extraordinary equipment. There were five prison holes above his head, which were unfathomable and contained countless felons.

Behind him are forty-five prison guards, all of whom are in the Immortal King realm.

It turns out to be the Emperor of the Five Prisons.

Upon seeing this, Chen Chaosheng said to Yankong City, The Emperor of the Five Prisons is probably going to suffer a loss.

As soon as he finished speaking, the prison car suddenly exploded. Xu Ying shattered the prison car into pieces and killed the Emperor of the Five Prisons. The Emperor of the Five Prisons appeared and disappeared with chains all over his body, retreating while fighting.

Many wardens in Tianlao offered their magic weapons one after another, but they saw hooks and chains in the sky, intertwined with each other, prison carts, shackles, axes, knives and saws, drills, whips and sticks, those who gouged out eyes, cut off ears, cut off noses, and cut out tongues. Shavings, soul arresters, all kinds of torture instruments, hooks and ropes for capture, everything is available!

Many magic weapons fell on Xu Ying, and they beat Xu Ying desperately.

There are many masters in the sky and sea, all paying attention to this battle, and all of them look shocked.

During this period, Xu Laogou has disturbed the peace of the world. I heard that Xu Laogou took away the Tianyang Divine Pearl from the five elders of Taiming Palace in Tianyang World. I pity the five elders of Taiming Palace. In order to get that A divine bead, I don’t know how many disciples died before entering the Tianyang restricted area and took off the divine bead. Before it was warm, it was snatched away by Xu Laogou!

Xu Laogou also beat three of the five elders of Taiming Palace to death!

I heard that ancient ruins appeared in the world of Jingliu. At that time, the Three Saints of Beihai, the Six True Masters of Daohai, and the Twelve True Masters of Tiansheng Mountain all rushed there to seize the ancient scriptures. Who are the Three Saints, the Six True Masters, and the Twelve True Masters of Tiansheng Mountain? ? Heheqiqi wanted to study the ancient scriptures together, but Xu Laogou rushed out of nowhere and snatched it away.

I have also heard about this matter. I heard that Xu Laogou stood in front of the Three Saints and Six True Twelve True Masters and turned over the ancient scriptures. The Three Saints and Six True Twelve True Masters surrounded him and beat him for three days and three nights. He didn't hurt a single hair on his face. Before leaving, he even said thank you, which made eight of the twelve real people so angry that they vomited blood.

A real dog!

A real dog.

Chen Chaosheng and Yan Kongcheng were both surprised when they heard this. Chen Chaosheng asked in confusion: What on earth is Xu Ying doing? However, he was able to withstand the attacks of the Three Saints, Six True Twelve True Masters for three days and three nights without moving a muscle. It seems that his cultivation level has improved a lot!

Suddenly, an earth-shaking vibration came. It was a vibration of time and space, so violent that even the immortals hiding in time and space were shaken out.

In the sky, there was a flash of light for a moment, and a powerful person from the immortal world appeared.

That was the movement caused by the merger of Longxing World and Yuanshou World. It shook time and space to the point of shaking. Not only did it shake off the hidden immortals, but even the space where Longting, which had long been sunk in the depths of time and space, appeared. A series of cracks.

In just an instant, huge cracks appeared on the surface of the Tianhai. From the cracks, dragon energy rose into the sky, flying like dragons, exuding an earth-shattering aura!

Many people were weak in cultivation and were actually suppressed by the dragon clan's power. They all groaned and fell like rain into the sky and sea.

Yekong City, wait for me here!

Chen Chaosheng stood up, flew into the air, and caught up with one of the dragon auras. He held up a jade bottle. The jade bottle got bigger and bigger. He put the dragon energy into the jade bottle. Then he wanted to collect another dragon energy, but saw a big hand grabbing it and pinching the other dragon energy. Neck.

Chen Chaosheng's heart suddenly thought: Is it a fierce person like Wei Xu?

He followed the big hand and saw Xu Ying straightened his neck, opened his mouth, and was putting the dragon energy into his mouth.

Chen Chaosheng's eyes widened, and he saw Xu Ying swallowing the dragon's energy, his Adam's apple rolled, and he actually swallowed the dragon's energy.

Is Xu Ying taken away by Wei Xu?

Chen Chaosheng was afraid of being discovered by Xu Ying, so he quickly returned to Yankong City, handed the jade bottle to Yankong City, and said: You can sacrifice the dragon energy in the bottle and turn it into a protective dragon. Even the immortal kings and immortals will be unable to hurt you. .”

Yankongcheng quickly thanked him.

Thousands of strong men on the sea were eyeing the sudden appearance of the cracks. Some people could no longer bear it and rushed into them along the cracks.

Dragon Court is the most mysterious Dragon Clan Fairy Court. Even the Monster Clan has few records of this place. They can only take precautions to avoid the birth of a peerless powerful person among the Dragon Clan.

At this moment, Longting reappears in the world, which is definitely a big event!

Chen Chaosheng held the pearl of wisdom in his hand and said: Longting is a uniquely sinister place. All the masters of Longting are buried. It is extremely sinister. Anyone who goes in now will die and will not survive. Let's wait for a while before going in.

Yan Kongcheng asked: What does the Patriarch know?

Chen Chaosheng shook his head and said: I also heard from my master Luo Shengren that he once went to pay homage to the ancestral gods and saw the sky of the Ancestral Court of Heaven. There was a large dark area on the sky, with no stars, no world, and no light. He asked the ancestral gods. , the Ancestral God said that there are ruins of a world older than the demon clan, called the human world. Look, when the Dragon Court was born, were there many strange phenomena in the sky?

Yan Kongcheng looked up and saw the light shining in the big crack reflecting the sky and shining outside.

There is light in the depths of the universe, echoing the cracks in the Dragon Court!

That should be the former human world, the human world ruled by Longting!

Chen Chaosheng said, However, it has been completely destroyed.

The heart of Yankong City is palpitating. The Dragon Court era, which is older than the Demon Clan Immortal Court, has destroyed the human world. How much unknown history is buried in it?

Xu Ying is fighting with Emperor Xiao from Beiluo School! Someone suddenly shouted.

Xu Laomo was beaten by Emperor Xiao until he vomited blood! someone said happily.

Emperor Xiao is defeated! someone shouted again.

Finally, the fierceness in the Dragon Court was almost vented, and then people entered the big crack one after another. Chen Chaosheng was about to go in when Yan Kongcheng said, Wait a moment.

Chen Chaosheng had no choice but to wait.

Suddenly, a few screams were heard from the big crack, and then there was no sound.

Chen Chaosheng looked at Yankong City and said nothing.

Everyone continued to wait. I just heard an immortal shouting: Old dog Xu is teasing Mingxia Yuanjun!

Another immortal shouted angrily: Old dog Xu beat Mingxia Yuanjun violently!

Xu Laogou sacrificed the big bell and beat Mingxia Yuanjun violently!

They waited for a long time, and a big figure from the immortal world sent a few dead soldiers into the Dragon Abyss. After a long time, the dead soldiers returned and said: There is no serious problem.

Seeing this, everyone filed in.

Chen Chaosheng said: Let's go too!

Yan Kongcheng said: Ancestor, wait a moment.

Chen Chaosheng said angrily: How long do we have to wait? If we wait any longer, we will no longer have the treasure of Longting!

As soon as he said this, suddenly the body of the dead soldier sent by the big shot in the immortal world exploded with a loud bang, and his bloody spine turned into a blood dragon and flew away in the air!

There were screams one after another from those dragon abyss, and then there was no sound again.

Xu Ying threw stones at the Immortal Lord of Tianlu City!

Xu Ying was beaten by the Immortal Lord of Tianlu City!

The Immortal Lord of Tianlu City has been defeated!

Chen Chaosheng and Yan Kongcheng waited for a long time before someone entered Longyuan. After a long time, they came out and shouted: It's safe!

People entered one after another and reported: It's safe.

Yan Kongcheng said: Ancestor, let's go in.

Chen Chaosheng asked: Don't wait any longer?

Yan Kongcheng shook his head and flew towards Long Yuan first. Chen Chaosheng had no choice but to follow him. The two of them went deep into the dragon abyss, and suddenly Yankong City began to scream, the sound was shrill.

Chen Chaosheng was startled, but when he saw that Yankong City was in good condition, he immediately understood and started screaming.

When everyone outside heard the screams coming from inside, they couldn't help but feel horrified, and for a while they didn't dare to enter the Dragon Court.

Chen Chaosheng admired Yankong City very much and thought to himself: What on earth has this little guy gone through to be so mature and stable? Yuanshou, it is really a wonderful world.

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